Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.52 Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter notarjy
Yes, exactly my point. I fixed the issue myself and VOILA! Now, go find my thread where I whined about the CSL for nearly two years that it had issue.

btw, go ask anyone in the daily race thread if they noticed your game breaking bug.
Assuming that the game's physics are working fine because "dAiLy rAcEs ArE FiNe!!!" is just dumb. One day you'll learn that the whole thing does NOT revolve entirely around sport mode.
Yes, exactly my point. I fixed the issue myself and VOILA! Now, go find my thread where I whined about the CSL for nearly two years that it had issue.

btw, go ask anyone in the daily race thread if they noticed your game breaking bug.
I'm not going to search for your thread. But I am curious what settings you use to address the issue. I want to try them myself and see what the result is. :)
I'm not going to search for your thread. But I am curious what settings you use to address the issue. I want to try them myself and see what the result is. :)
That was sarcasm, there is no thread, because I didn't whine about it.

Here's the vid for the 71 CSL and settings.

71 csl.jpg

And the 73

73 csl.jpg

I changed the livery, but it's the same car as the white one in the vid.

Assuming that the game's physics are working fine because "dAiLy rAcEs ArE FiNe!!!" is just dumb. One day you'll learn that the whole thing does NOT revolve entirely around sport mode.
Assuming that the physics are broken because two-three cars are not to your liking, yet the other 400+ are fine, is idiotic
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Assuming that the physics are broken because two-three cars are not to your liking, yet the other 400+ are fine, is idiotic
What’s your source for those numbers? You’ve just invented some random numbers to artificially support your unpopular stance.
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What’s your source for those numbers? You’ve just invented some random numbers to artificially support your unpopular stance.
There's been two cars quoted in this thread. Two

The Mondial was tested on every other tire except SS and it was fine. The Evo was also tested, and the issue was arguable (hence, why there's a debate).

Yet, all of Sport Mode somehow doesn't count? The Time Trials are working. Doesn't count? And you say I've invented a number?

Give me something "broken and undriveable" other than the Mondial on SS tires.
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btw, go ask anyone in the daily race thread if they noticed your game breaking bug.
t's just more apparent when you start stressing it out - more mechanical grip, sudden compression or extreme expansion on softly sprung/lightly damped stuff (which is why you can't spot it easily if you race Gr.4 & Gr.3 cars in Dailies) - and on some specific vehicles for... reasons.
Assuming that the physics are broken because two-three cars are not to your liking, yet the other 400+ are fine, is idiotic
Why do you assume that they are fine? That suggests that you think that the physics engine is different for different cars...

I'm sure that you know that the physics update in 1.49 introduced a bug wherein the vehicle suspension could be overwhelmed and cause cars to launch into the air. You know this because not only did I tell you, I linked you to the article where we showed all the videos of it happened.

I'm also sure that you know that you could get this to happen with a lot of cars, but that it was easier on some (those that people who made the videos preferred to use) than others. I counted at least 40 different vehicles being used, but people did love that Sambabus. You could, I'm sure, probably guess that this depended on vehicle tuning, with certain parameters (much power, very soft rear suspension) producing more dramatic outcomes. That ought to lead you to the conclusion that, if it just takes the inputting of certain values in vehicle setting to cause the car to glitch out, the physics is the same across the board. It would be bizarre for anything else to be the case; have you ever worked on a racing game where the underlying physics engine was different for some vehicles than others?

You must know that the physics update in 1.49 was the last major physics change. The leaderboards weren't wiped and the single-player time thresholds weren't changed since then, so 1.50 and 1.52 must be running the same physics as 1.49 - the one with the physics that made cars in certain conditions leap into the air - and we must therefore be fully cognizant of the fact that the cars-jump-into-the-air physics engine is the same one we have now, but the 1.50 patch introduced a maximum/minimum/safe-state suspension value to prevent the cars leaping into the air. Nothing else can have been changed because the leaderboards/time targets were not.

Therefore you ought to be entirely aware that 1.52 is the same physics engine, which affects all cars in the same way, as 1.49 and whatever the issue is can only affect all cars if their settings can be parked into the problematic ranges. If a car cannot have the settings entered in this manner, it won't experience the issue, and that certainly appears to be the case for the Gr.4 and Gr.3 racing cars used predominantly in Daily Races.

It appears that the issue is more emergent on road cars - those with softer possible suspension settings, longer-travel dampers, or with sufficiently floppy chassis that higher levels of mechanical grip can cause unusual behaviours - than it is on race cars where none of that is relevant because their settings can be parked into the problematic ranges. It ought to be no surprise that if you race Gr.3s all the time you won't see it. Why the issue affects Evos so overtly escapes me, but I wonder if there's some mimicry of AYC or something similar.

That it can be tuned out (by making suspension stiffer [spring and rear rebound particularly] or not overdoing the grip) is moot; it doesn't bear any relevance to the fact that the issue is there in the first place.

Again, the reluctance to acknowledge this is bewildering, as are the circular reasons for rejecting it.
There's been two cars quoted in this thread. Two

The Mondial was tested on every other tire except SS and it was fine. The Evo was also tested, and the issue was arguable (hence, why there's a debate).

Yet, all of Sport Mode somehow doesn't count? The Time Trials are working. Doesn't count? And you say I've invented a number?

Give me something "broken and undriveable" other than the Mondial on SS tires.
So you have arrived at the odd conclusion that the number of cars tested for this discussion equal the number of cars affected by the suspension bug? Again you’re making baseless claims originating in fantasy-land.
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Why do you assume that they are fine? That suggests that you think that the physics engine is different for different cars...
On the contrary, that's the point

A physics engine is not a trivial thing to replace. A physics engine underpins the entire game. Within that, there's various components, like the suspension. To say that "the engine" is broken, or that the "suspension model" is broken is visibly impossible. The game would, whole sale, not work in either of those cases. Not just "road cars", it would be ALL cars.
Therefore you ought to be entirely aware that 1.52 is the same physics engine, which affects all cars in the same way, as 1.49 and whatever the issue is can only affect all cars if their settings can be parked into the problematic ranges. If a car cannot have the settings entered in this manner, it won't experience the issue, and that certainly appears to be the case for the Gr.4 and Gr.3 racing cars used predominantly in Daily Races.
Even with 1.49. There was a huge issue, but the engine wasn't broken. Was the bug serious? oh yes, but did it break the game entirely no. And yet again, we aren't talking about 1.49, we're talking about 1.52. There have been obvious adjustments made because I have not seen, nor heard, of cars launching into space anymore. So, I don't want to conflate the two. I want to talk about 1.52
It appears that the issue is more emergent on road cars - those with softer possible suspension settings, longer-travel dampers, or with sufficiently floppy chassis that higher levels of mechanical grip can cause unusual behaviours - than it is on race cars where none of that is relevant because their settings can be parked into the problematic ranges. It ought to be no surprise that if you race Gr.3s all the time you won't see it. Why the issue affects Evos so overtly escapes me, but I wonder if there's some mimicry of AYC or something similar.
What's the issue? Based on the play and the statements in this thread. Probably the way the springs and dampers work now that the tires seem to have a little spring and damper in them as well. Since the race cars are using race tires, which would have less spring in them, the GR cars will have less noticeable issues (just a guess).

Why the EVO? Like that special sauce combination of being very front end heavy with soft springs. But, you've seen the test videos in this thread, one of them my own, and some never experienced an issue. If this thread didn't exist, I'd be one of them.
That it can be tuned out (by making suspension stiffer [spring and rear rebound particularly] or not overdoing the grip) is moot; it doesn't bear any relevance to the fact that the issue is there in the first place.

Again, the reluctance to acknowledge this is bewildering, as are the circular reasons for rejecting it.
This "issue" is being argued as a game breaker. Have any of the time trials been rendered unplayable? Not to my knowledge. Have any of the events been rendered unplayable? Not to my knowledge. So, it's not a game breaker. It's just an annoyance, again, to some. I'm not one of them. I don't care if the cars are bouncy. I just drive what they give me. Until that car cannot be used in the event that is intended for, then, to me, it's a non issue. I did the BMW time trial this morning. Nothing hindered me from doing it.

So, if we are not talking about game progress, or an event that requires the default setting, why torture oneself with the default settings? People go on like the suspension numbers are somehow decried by the almighty. They're just arbitrary values that some dude in a cubicle decided upon. That's all they are.

Here's the thing, and I'm just shooting this straight. Anyone who codes and fixes bug will back me up on this. It will be addressed based on the severity of the bug. Crash bugs will get an A rating, other glitches will get a B rating, etc., etc. A bouncy suspension that needs another tweak is way down the list. So, until they address it, IF they address it at all, just toss adjustable suspension on the car and be done with it.

Here, I did this while my wife was getting ready for bed, as an example.


Charger, Stock with adjustable suspension and all I did was crank the dampers to max. This is my test lap.

And that's where I'm coming from. All these people going on like it's the end of the world, and how they refuse to play until it's fixed. Just get on with it. It's an easy fix. Because, again, it might never get fixed because it has an existing, in game, work around that the 1.49 bug did not have.
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To say that "the engine" is broken, or that the "suspension model" is broken is visibly impossible. The game would, whole sale, not work in either of those cases. Not just "road cars", it would be ALL cars.
Again, you're wildly missing the point here. The issue is in the physics engine. It manifests when certain vehicle settings are within certain ranges. These are more feasible with lower-order road cars, and not at all feasible with cars whose settings cannot enter these ranges. You would not see it in cars that cannot be set into those ranges, but that doesn't mean that there is no underlying issue (or that these cars could be affected if their settings could enter the ranges) unless you think the physics engine works differently in these cars for some reason.
And yet again, we aren't talking about 1.49, we're talking about 1.52. There have been obvious adjustments made because I have not seen, nor heard, of cars launching into space anymore. So, I don't want to conflate the two. I want to talk about 1.52
Which is 1.49 with a "stop the cars launching" plaster on it. Again, physics changes come with leaderboard wipes and target time changes - we've seen it both times there has been an announced change to the game physics (and previously with Sport).

Has this happened with 1.50/1.52? No. The underlying physics engine is still 1.49.

This "issue" is being argued as a game breaker.
By whom?

I just searched the thread and there only two original instances of "game breaker" (and one quote of one of those), and three original instances of "game breaking" (and... a few quotes). All five posts are yours. One person even commented that then were very specifically not saying that the game was broken.

You're arguing against a phrase nobody but you has said...
Just get on with it. It's an easy fix. Because, again, it might never get fixed because it has an existing, in game, work around that the 1.49 bug did not have.
Your workaround is irrelevant in the grander scheme of things. PD will aim to fix any bug that contradicts their vision of providing a realistic driving simulation. All in all you are totally underestimating the importance of the physics needing to work as intended. Bugs do by definition interfere with intentions, hence they usually get fixed when their impact are as noticeable as it’s the case here.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I cannot believe how long this pathetic argument has dragged on for. Can we just move on? Yes, you can work around the issues with the physics but it doesn't mean that they don't exist. How you can ignore the evidence and simply put it down to things like bad driving is ridiculous. If you put a cat in a car that bounces around, it will complain and probably meow constantly. When you put the cat in a car that doesn't, it'd stay pretty quiet. The cat doesn't know why it's happening - all it can do is react. If the cat isn't happy, how can a human be? I mean, it could make you laugh but that laughter quickly turns to concern when you realise that the car isn't reacting as it should. There's no point arguing the case any further. It's a waste.