Gran Turismo 7 Update Coming July 28

  • Thread starter Famine
Did it? Because I'm still seeing a lot of people who's hobby is typing out paragraph after paragraph, thread after thread, week in, week out, complaining about the game. They clearly do not think that whatever came in March fixed the game.
But the complaints back then got the ball rolling for PD to start fixing their game. I agree that the people who are still complaining about GT7 in literally every thread are bored and should probably find a new hobby, but 1.11 was certainly a start to get the game back on the right track.
Did it? Because I'm still seeing a lot of people who's hobby is typing out paragraph after paragraph, thread after thread, week in, week out, complaining about the game. They clearly do not think that whatever came in March fixed the game.
Debatable whether it did. Some responded positively, others not so much. Meanwhile, which favours are you doing yourself if you bought something to then find you aren’t quite happy with it, but at the same time refrain from voicing your dissatisfaction with the product? None, as far as I can see.

Also, the “hobby” you have noticed taking form as endless complaining obviously derives from Gran Turismo being a hobby in its own right. It’s very warranted considering how GT7 was described by Sony / PD in the months leading up to release.
Did it? Because I'm still seeing a lot of people who's hobby is typing out paragraph after paragraph, thread after thread, week in, week out, complaining about the game. They clearly do not think that whatever came in March fixed the game.
I'm not sure why they're complaining... I was mad back then they removed the ability to grind 50 000 credits in 8 min.... and now they gave us a race to make 700 000 credits in 25 minutes...
I'm not sure why they're complaining... I was mad back then they removed the ability to grind 50 000 credits in 8 min.... and now they gave us a race to make 700 000 credits in 25 minutes...
Because there are only four of them and people don't want to do the same four races over and over again to earn credits. Sure, they can do other races but when your only goal left is to earn credits to buy the remaining cars, why would you purposely do the lower paying races.

If there were 40 races that gave you 700,000 credits in 25 minutes, one at every location, people would be happier, even though the rate of earning credits would still be the same.

It's better than it was, but still can be even better. Pretty simple.
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Personally I think that ball was already rolling. But that's just me.
At the very least, if the ball was already rolling it did force PD to break their bow of silence and talk more generally about upcoming updates, as well as issuing a public apology. Of course, the official excuse will always be "We were going to increase the payouts but needed time to evaluate what impact it'd have on the game's balance", and I don't think it's quite a stretch to imagine they were actually going to do it eventually if they saw players dropping the game, but as quickly and as significantly? Hell no.

Everything is also framed differently under the concept of the game having microtransactions. If the game didn't feature them, it's much easier to believe the whole "We want players to appreciate the value of these cars" because there's no conflict of interest in making the game grindier. Once you do feature them though, then PD has an incentive for offering the lowest payouts they can get away with, which is why people were much more critical about it and why they probably shouldn't get the benefit of the doubt.
I'll say this, reducing the payouts was an unreasonable decision for every players. At least they increased them again after that.

Still though, more races are welcomed.
If all they wanted was to stop people from grinding Fisherman's over and over, fine. But they went and carpet bombed every single event that paid more than 5k credits.

What benefit of the doubt can we even afford PD anymore?
If all they wanted was to stop people from grinding Fisherman's over and over, fine. But they went and carpet bombed every single event that paid more than 5k credits.

What benefit of the doubt can we even afford PD anymore?
For those who need a reminder of the changes made in 1.07,
      World Touring Car 800:      24 Heures du Mans Racing Circuit:    5,000 Cr -> 70,000 Cr
      World Touring Car 800:      Monza Circuit:                       5,000 Cr -> 70,000 Cr
      World Rally Challenge:      Alsace Village:                     50,000 Cr -> 30,000 Cr
      Dirt Champions:             Fisherman's Ranch:                  65,000 Cr -> 30,000 Cr
      Dirt Champions:             Sardegna Windmills:                 65,000 Cr -> 40,000 Cr
      Dirt Champions:             Colorado Springs Lake:              65,000 Cr -> 40,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.4:                High Speed Ring:                    65,000 Cr -> 35,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.4:                Brands Hatch GP Circuit:            65,000 Cr -> 45,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.3:                Spa Francorchamps:                  75,000 Cr -> 50,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.3:                Suzuka Circuit:                     75,000 Cr -> 50,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.3:                Autodrome Lago Maggiore:            75,000 Cr -> 50,000 Cr
      Clubman Cup Plus:           High Speed Ring:                    35,000 Cr -> 25,000 Cr
      Clubman Cup Plus:           Tsukuba Circuit:                    35,000 Cr -> 25,000 Cr
      Clubman Cup Plus:           Goodwood:                           35,000 Cr -> 12,000 Cr
      American Clubman Cup 700:   Special Stage Route X:              30,000 Cr -> 15,000 Cr
      American FR Challenge 550:  Blue Moon Bay Speedway:             15,000 Cr -> 10,000 Cr
      American FR Challenge 550:  Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca:    15,000 Cr -> 10,000 Cr
      American FR Challenge 550:  Willow Springs Raceway:             15,000 Cr -> 10,000 Cr

The two WTC 800 events were the only to be increased, and that's only because they were obviously wrong from the beginning.

They waited until after release, after people had bought the game, after reviews were out, to make money harder to earn.

This update also came with the 30+ hour downtime.
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For those who need a reminder of the changes made in 1.07,
      World Touring Car 800:      24 Heures du Mans Racing Circuit:    5,000 Cr -> 70,000 Cr
      World Touring Car 800:      Monza Circuit:                       5,000 Cr -> 70,000 Cr
      World Rally Challenge:      Alsace Village:                     50,000 Cr -> 30,000 Cr
      Dirt Champions:             Fisherman's Ranch:                  65,000 Cr -> 30,000 Cr
      Dirt Champions:             Sardegna Windmills:                 65,000 Cr -> 40,000 Cr
      Dirt Champions:             Colorado Springs Lake:              65,000 Cr -> 40,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.4:                High Speed Ring:                    65,000 Cr -> 35,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.4:                Brands Hatch GP Circuit:            65,000 Cr -> 45,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.3:                Spa Francorchamps:                  75,000 Cr -> 50,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.3:                Suzuka Circuit:                     75,000 Cr -> 50,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.3:                Autodrome Lago Maggiore:            75,000 Cr -> 50,000 Cr
      Clubman Cup Plus:           High Speed Ring:                    35,000 Cr -> 25,000 Cr
      Clubman Cup Plus:           Tsukuba Circuit:                    35,000 Cr -> 25,000 Cr
      Clubman Cup Plus:           Goodwood:                           35,000 Cr -> 12,000 Cr
      American Clubman Cup 700:   Special Stage Route X:              30,000 Cr -> 15,000 Cr
      American FR Challenge 550:  Blue Moon Bay Speedway:             15,000 Cr -> 10,000 Cr
      American FR Challenge 550:  Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca:    15,000 Cr -> 10,000 Cr
      American FR Challenge 550:  Willow Springs Raceway:             15,000 Cr -> 10,000 Cr

The two WTC 800 events were the only to be increased, and that's only because they were obviously wrong from the beginning.

They waited until after release, after people had bought the game, after reviews were out, to make money harder to earn.

This update also came with the 30+ hour downtime.
They even went as far as to lower the already peanut paying 15k events down to 10k ffs. And the two events that people were using a lot to grind, which was Fisherman's and the Mini at Goodwood, got nerfed by over half the payout they gave before.

They didn't even bother fixing the measly low payouts of the 24 minute race at Le Mans that's paying 5k. No, not the WTC 800 race, the actual 24 minute of Le Mans mission.

Their intentions were made clear at the start, especially with the adition of MTXs AFTER the reviews... and if not for the abnormal backlash they got from pretty much everyone (even in their own country in Japan lots of players were pissed), they would've never fixed or made these changes.

And even after these significant changes, you still take north of 12 hours to buy ONE of the most expensive cars. And if you truly want to experience every car and their setups you are looking at north of 600 million credits. About 350+ hours of grinding in a game that has less than 50 hours of content and most of the big prizes are only won once (Missions/Circuit Experiences) and are but a fraction of those total credits.

The lobbies are still a hot mess, the Sport Races still only feature 3 races instead of 5 (one for each category) and you can only do 3 of them per hour, instead of having a lot more dynamic times where you can go do a race right after finishing one instead of waiting almost 10 minutes... The strategies for the races are pretty much the same every time with no race so far even having Weather changes which was a sold for a lot of people and they don't even bother with it in Sport Mode. And the penalties are the horrid mess we all know...

They went with the attrocious ticket/roulette design to award players with special car parts and engine swaps that they marketed before the game's release, with odds so bad to get them (and the tickets are still literally the only way to get them) that you would have to play this game for CENTURIES to have all of those parts. They have massively improved this... Surprisingly, after the ticket glitch exploit, but the odds are still terribly unbalanced. They could've made events or a special rotational dealership that gives/sells these special parts, but no... They went with the stupid RNG solution that requires no gaming or skill whatsoever.

They, for the first time ever on a GT main game, on top of the already ridiculously expensive cars/low event payouts, even have the NERVE to not implement the ability to sell cars. Imagine, a GT career mode where you can buy everything with credits... BUT CAN'T ***** SELL!!! And somehow, they have delayed this for 4 months already. With what reason?!!!? :banghead:

All of these added together and you get, arguably the worst design choices in gaming history that frustrate the player/consumer so much to the point that they consider using MTXs to just not get annoyed by the insane grind and slap in the face by the tickets every time.

Not even EA and Activision were this bad with their loot-boxes system in CoD and Star Wars Battlefront. That's how bad PD/Sony has gone with GT7.

And it doesn't even end here...

The MTXs themselves are ridiculously overpriced in the first place. :lol:
You could buy in GT Sport any car (even 20 million credit ones) for at most 5.99€ IIRC (it was something along these lines). And this was in GT Sport where you literally had the chance to get all cars for free and you didn't need to waste credits on tuning as well.

So while it is to be expected that these should be more expensive for GT7, where economy matters, it should never be to these extremes.
The most valued pack of GT7's MTXs is the 2 million credit card for 20€... Yes, I need to pay 1/4th of what I already payed for the entire game (80€) to get a measly 2 million credits.
If I want to buy a 20 million credit car I have to literally dish out 200€ (over twice the price of the entire game) or grind the same race over and over for 12 hours (yeah, such fun...)... And on top of that hope that the car doesn't get away by the time I can gather those 20 million credits because otherwise I have to wait an entire month for the car to appear again since you know, the vast majority of players won't be grinding 12 hours the same race in a single day, but over several days.

So you went from paying 6€ for a 20 million credit car, to 200€, over 30x more expensive. :lol:

This game got bomb reviewed by thousands of players despite the massive hype it got from across the entire playerbase. Youtubers who review the game, and LOVE THIS FRANCHISE, are roasting this game to hell.

And yet, with all of this, and with pitiful low content updates, some that even broke the game (FFB for wheels and the creation of glitches like the wrong tyres for dirt/rally events) or even had the game completely shut off for 30 hours because of the ridiculous always-online feature (this is another stupid design decision), there's still people trying to defend PD/Sony!!

This is what astonishes me the most. How in the bloody hell can you defend PD/Sony? Just how!? Are you this blind? Are they paying you?
I have most of these on ignore but I'll temporarily remove them just so I can get some goddamn good points on why this game should NOT get the hate its getting. I'll be waiting (not that I expect much).
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I hope they bring in the ability to sell cars soon, I need 20m for the remaining 2 legendary cars
I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. If selling cars works like GTS, you won't be able to sell gift cars and only get 30% back of the price of the car. Which means you will have to sell $60m worth of cars to buy those 2 legendary cars. But I do hope they release the selling option with this update so I don't have to see 50 posts like this every update thread. I have a feeling there will be a lot of GrB NSX's deleted once it drops. :lol:
For those who need a reminder of the changes made in 1.07,
      World Touring Car 800:      24 Heures du Mans Racing Circuit:    5,000 Cr -> 70,000 Cr
      World Touring Car 800:      Monza Circuit:                       5,000 Cr -> 70,000 Cr
      World Rally Challenge:      Alsace Village:                     50,000 Cr -> 30,000 Cr
      Dirt Champions:             Fisherman's Ranch:                  65,000 Cr -> 30,000 Cr
      Dirt Champions:             Sardegna Windmills:                 65,000 Cr -> 40,000 Cr
      Dirt Champions:             Colorado Springs Lake:              65,000 Cr -> 40,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.4:                High Speed Ring:                    65,000 Cr -> 35,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.4:                Brands Hatch GP Circuit:            65,000 Cr -> 45,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.3:                Spa Francorchamps:                  75,000 Cr -> 50,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.3:                Suzuka Circuit:                     75,000 Cr -> 50,000 Cr
      GT Cup Gr.3:                Autodrome Lago Maggiore:            75,000 Cr -> 50,000 Cr
      Clubman Cup Plus:           High Speed Ring:                    35,000 Cr -> 25,000 Cr
      Clubman Cup Plus:           Tsukuba Circuit:                    35,000 Cr -> 25,000 Cr
      Clubman Cup Plus:           Goodwood:                           35,000 Cr -> 12,000 Cr
      American Clubman Cup 700:   Special Stage Route X:              30,000 Cr -> 15,000 Cr
      American FR Challenge 550:  Blue Moon Bay Speedway:             15,000 Cr -> 10,000 Cr
      American FR Challenge 550:  Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca:    15,000 Cr -> 10,000 Cr
      American FR Challenge 550:  Willow Springs Raceway:             15,000 Cr -> 10,000 Cr

The two WTC 800 events were the only to be increased, and that's only because they were obviously wrong from the beginning.

They waited until after release, after people had bought the game, after reviews were out, to make money harder to earn.

This update also came with the 30+ hour downtime.
How some can still defend this game even after just this is beyond me. Not to mention everything else that is wrong.

Shady mother*******
Been driving the R30 in PC2. It's spec'd higher than what we may be getting.
View attachment 1176460
A handfull to drive everywhere. I'm loving it at The Glen, Bathurst and Oulton Park.
Should be fun in GT7 at the N24, Autopolis and DTG. Can't wait.
PD at the very least should eventually add one of the 935 specs preferably 935/78 since they have a good relationship with Porsche as the Silhouette will be the only car of it's type afaik. Still looking forward to the car though but I just wish some cars had more than 1-2 in their classes.
Oh 935 would be very nice. I am hoping that car too.
PD at the very least should eventually add one of the 935 specs preferably 935/78 since they have a good relationship with Porsche as the Silhouette will be the only car of it's type afaik. Still looking forward to the car though but I just wish some cars had more than 1-2 in their classes.
Funny that @Imari can make a detailed, fleshed out post with clear, valid explanations for his criticisms and now all two people can manage in response is personal attacks.

@Boxster why is he being a "jerk"? Do you have a response to his actual points? He was in no way disrespectful of Kaz, far from it.
Even that I’m agreeing that my post got deleted because of the insult I wrote in it, it wasn’t a personal attack because I just wanted to personally attack him, it was just a fact that I realized. He‘s not acting very intelligent, but unfortunately has a very strong opinion and to add to that, doesn’t really mind to read what the other one wrote. Not a good foundation for keeping this conversation going as I see it.
Is negative feedback an effective technique for changing future actions?... I'll have to bear that in mind.
Someone already responded to you on this... Look back at the events of March.
They clearly do not think that whatever came in March fixed the game.
Because it didn't? They just aliviated a bit more of the issues, but not nearly enough. But they did act regradless.

I'm still wondering here, even despite a lot of other people also stating the same... What's your (and many other like-minded people) problem with people "complaining"?
And more importantly... Why do you even go as far as highlight it in the first place? It literally contributes to nothing and makes you look somewhat detestable.

I could comprehend being annoyed at unfounded criticism, which you just only need to point that out. But when it comes to this, what's your reason really? Are you somewhat affected by what we say about the game? Despite it OBJECTIVELY deserving all the hate it is getting and some more?

I'm not sure why they're complaining... I was mad back then they removed the ability to grind 50 000 credits in 8 min.... and now they gave us a race to make 700 000 credits in 25 minutes...
On a 1 to 100 scale of how "decent" the payouts were, they raised from a 1 to a 5... To 100, that's still a long way to be "decent", let alone actually good payouts.
Plus, it wasn't 50k in 8 minutes, it was 105k in 3 minutes, which, actually, would pay as much or more as the highest payouts currently in the game.

As I pointed out in a post above, it still takes roughly 12 hours of grinding to get just one of the 20 million credit cars. 12 hours... Of grinding the same race over and over again. You should never be required to take anywhere near double digit hours on PURE grinding just to get one car. If you at least had dozens of events to not get bored and grind, but as it stands, you only have 2 that pay decently well.

And this is just one car, if we talk about all of them and the amount of different setups you would want to try with them (which means needing duplicates and of course, tuning which also isn't cheap) you are looking at about 600 million credits or more.
Because for some reason widebody kits cannot be removed no matter what you do, and widebody kits are restricted in some events which means you would need a car without it. So basically, having a stock and a fully tuned model. Take for example the McLaren F1, which is the most expensive road car in the game that can be fully tuned, and, of course, also one of the fan favourite cars. You are looking at 40+ million here... 60+ if you want a version for a top speed run.

And even if they did allow for us to remove the widebody kit with the "New Chassis" in the tuning shop, where it basically describes it restores the chassis to factory level (yet somehow it can't remove bodykits lol), you actually have to pay more for that than to buy the actual car itself.

... Who came up with this decision? I don't know... But it certainly wasn't someone who understands anything about gaming... But rather about business.
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Why do you think PD make such stupid decisions concerning various aspects of this game? They're receiving such negative criticism yet they don't seem to give a hoot. I can only assume they have made enough profit from the initial release and just don't care any longer (Sony more than PD, I think)
Why do you think PD make such stupid decisions concerning various aspects of this game? They're receiving such negative criticism yet they don't seem to give a hoot. I can only assume they have made enough profit from the initial release and just don't care any longer (Sony more than PD, I think)
Good and bad the games one man's "vision" 🚷