Gran Turismo 7 Update Coming July 28

  • Thread starter Famine
He’s generalising, quite a common thing to do for users of the English language. He’s certainly speaking for me and, I’m sure many, many others, all of them ‘people’ I guess, unless somebody’s trained their dog to play.
Maybe German’s different, I wouldn’t know or care, but I do know one of the drawbacks of speaking the global language is you have to listen to a lot of bad takes from non-speakers trying to lecture us on how we’re doing it wrong (they think). Very often Germanic too. I wonder why? Pity for you that Austrian guy’s plans got thwarted back in the 40’s; we might all be speaking German by now. Then we could’ve been telling you how you’re speaking your own language wrongly...
As a native Engliah speaker, this made no sense to me. The pivot to Hitler was spectacular.

Looking forward to the update. The Maserati looks great!
On topic: I am happy about the Maserati and the GT-R, since I(!) like pre-2000 cars a lot more than everything that came after 2000...(since I don't know what all other people think about that, i don't take them hostage to proof my opinion)

But what I would enjoy a lot more more than adding new cars to the game would be the following:
.)adding more tracks
.) more high payout races, especially for tracks like Bathurst, Kyoto or the Nordschleife...more races in generall
and also some high payout races for PP600 and below...
.) higher payout for custom races, more tyre options for custom races, ability to savegrids for custom races and ability to change cars in those grids

Sorry everybody for getting too much off topic and let myself getting triggerd by Samus' postings-it will not happen again because I am not gonna read his rants again
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The other day I looked through my garage (c 400 cars now) and worked out that if freely allowed to sell I’d only have about 80-100 left. That’s how much clutter I’m being forced to keep.

I’ve still got a horrible feeling that when (if?) selling appears we’re going to be forced to keep one of every car we’ve got. Which will be the final straw for me.
They certainly wouldn't do that.

What they would do, and have done in the past GT games, is bullcrap things like not being able to sell gift cars, and or, not being able to sell cars that were worth 1 million or more.
In GT5 and GT6 you could not sell cars that were worth 1 million credits for whatever goddamn reason they came up with.
And in GT Sport, you could not sell gift cars (not even mileage points IIRC).

I don't mind selling them for 1/4 of the price, this was pretty much how early Gran Turismos (1 to 4) were. I just want to be able to get anything out of them instead of just discarding them for nothing. They have confirmed the ability will be implemented in the game, so you (I'm not refering to you personally obviously) really are stupid if you start to discard cars.

But yes, if they do restrict with either one of those two appaling restrictions (or worse, both), then I'll probably give up the game all together. Would just finish the 50 Sport races I need for the Plat and dust the game...

It's already bad enough that you don't have this feature that has been part of any main title, at launch, but to have to wait 4( or more) goddamn months for it to be implemented, and then have restrictions that render the feature next to useless? That would certainly be the last straw for me.

A few points on this, most of the latest machinery is not that fast, I assume you're referring specifically to hypercars and thier ilk, and yes some of those are ferociousely fast. But people were saying the same thing about the Vayron and supercars 10-15 year ago, which are not as fast as the supercars today are. It's just progress.

But also, including modern cars does not equal, include only modern hypercars. There's are loads of more every day cars and sportscars I'd love to see in the game along with supercars and hypercars modern and old.

Exactly. It's not just about the speed of the cars either. Its also about if PD adds enough cars to rival each other.

But now imagine adding something like a Koenisegg Jesko into the game and no other modern hypercar with over 1500hp. The car would be out of place against the current line-up of hypercars in the game.
But if they add the Jesko, alongside the Chiron, the Regera, the Tuatara, then it would have something to fight off against.

And yes, there are tons of new non-super fast cars to be added and update the current list of cars.

New BMW M3/M4
New Corvette C8
New Ferrari 296 GTB
Ferrari SF90 Stradale
Porsche Cayman GT4 RS
New Porsche 911 992 (either the Turbo S or the GT3 RS)
New Maseratti MC20
The Updated AMG A45...
The Updated Focus ST...
The Updated BMW M135i
Hyundai i30N

The huge amount of GT Race cars... 488, 720S, Continental GT, Vantage...

And these are just off the top of my head. Very recent 2020-2022 list of famous hot hatches and supercars. At least some of them should've been in a game that was released in 2022. Yet you got like 5 cars from 2020-2022. (EDIT after checking my list: 11 cars, of which 2 of them are duplicates (Supra and GR86/BRZ) and two race cars that were added as DLC (GR010 and BRZ GT300)). So basically, this game launched with 8 cars from 2020 to 2022... But lets focus on more pointless VGTs shall we? :banghead:

And for the record, I also like pre-2020 cars more, but a recently released game always needs to have some updated cars.
This is shaping up to be the best batch of cars so far, in my opinion. I generally disliked the car additions of May and June.

What I feel is crazy about this game, we got no fanfare about the 2023 Z. A model that many enthusiasts were wanting to sample. Not one word about the car until digging through the trailer.
It supports the suspicion I have had about PD in recent years. They seemingly don’t care how old cars are, and the commercial impact attached to newer models. In a way it’s admirable. The important thing to PD appears to be the overall appeal of cars regardless of their age. To a degree it also makes sense because many of the benefits of driving a new car in reality do not apply in a game. In the virtual realm it makes good sense to portray the breadth of performance cars through the ages, giving players the opportunity to enjoy many varied driving experiences. Games do not need to be a direct reflection of their time. Some mostly are, others generally aren’t, and both approaches are fine. One massive problem with GT7, however, is the fact it doesn’t present many opportunities to enjoy all its cars, but that’s a separate issue entirely.
Sure it’s fair criticize it, critic is very important, but to say these cars „shouldn’t exist in this game“ is just arrogant and to be honest a little bit fanatic.
You can think that if you want, but the Tomahawk and the Chapparal VGTs probably shouldn't exist in the game. The VGTs that obey the laws of physics are one thing, but I think it's absolutely fair to say that some of the VGTs simply shouldn't be in a game of this type at all.

Yes, that's me judging Kazunori's design of Gran Turismo and I'm fine with it. I've thought laser powered cars were dumb from the day they announced it.
Having some „out of the norm“ cars is even part of the franchise like the JayLeno Tank Car, the Moon Rover, the RedBull Cars, Benz Patentwagen, some fictional race Versions of real world Cars etc.. Some exist in real life, some not, so shouldn’t some of them exist in these games? Kaz just took it a step further with the VGT program, actually creating cars with the brands themselves, actually being part of the automotive history now. Maybe this was his dream for a long time and then he made it come true, the same as he did with his dream of a racing game like GT1. So is there any rule book that says which dreams he should make come true and which not? (It’s a rhetorical question)
Again, it's design decisions, but I think that there's a reasonable argument that the game is worse for having these entirely fictional cars in it. It becomes this weird halfway house between extreme realism and pure fantasy, not really committing to either and doing neither of them well.

That's before we get into the VGT program itself, which has no strong direction or definition about what the cars should be. It results in this wild spread of cars that mostly can't even reasonably race against each other, let alone other real cars. It's unclear what the VGT program is supposed to add to the game beyond marketing for the manufacturers - it lets them have "halo cars" in the game without the expense of actually making a halo car in the real world.

Having unusual cars is a good thing, it's arguably the reason GT1 took off in the first place. Street cars just didn't get much showing in video games, and so having everyday cars was unusual. VGTs aren't unusual, they're the sort of unstructured fantasy that ten year olds draw in the back of math books. When you're making a racing game based around competition, the bar probably needs to be a little higher than "wow, cool".

Let's make up an example of how a game like Gran Turismo could use fantasy cars well to show that there are better ways to do this stuff.

How about this - Gran Turismo wants to showcase what cars might look like in the future. So they design a road car for each decade of the 2000's, with varying design languages, powerplants, and whatever other odd variables they care to throw in. Because apparently it needs to be said, we're sticking to things that are actually technically feasible and would be viable mass production commercial products - no laser cars. They choose a performance specification (say, roughly the speed of a performance sportscar like a Porsche 911) and make sure that the cars are all roughly equivalent on track so that they can race together in a "Cars of the Future" series that they put together in-game.

Now these cars have a function as a showcase for potential future technologies and they could include text/movies as to the reasons why the car for each decade was designed the way it was, which could be educational and interesting (and Kaz would get to make little movies, which he likes). And they have a purpose built series in which they can race with a varied field of cars (which makes for good gameplay and means they get used). I think that's much better than random race cars. Then they have a purpose which expands the game in a direction that it didn't address before (the future of motoring), instead of just being a marketing ploy.

And that's just me, not a video game designer, in my free time at home. I would hope that a real game designer could do even better. These people are supposedly professionals.
In the context I wrote it, yes there is, it’s about the attitude.
Your problem is that you feel like people are being disrespectful to Kaz by saying how they think the game should be? He doesn't need you to white knight for him.

It's the internet. Part of the fun is that we get to back seat every design decision a developer makes. The exact same way any creative product is dissected and analysed. If you say something is wrong with a product, it's considered good form to at least make some effort to try and identify how it should have been instead. That's constructive criticism, and apparently you don't like when it's applied to Gran Turismo.

How interesting.
The other day I looked through my garage (c 400 cars now) and worked out that if freely allowed to sell I’d only have about 80-100 left. That’s how much clutter I’m being forced to keep.

I’ve still got a horrible feeling that when (if?) selling appears we’re going to be forced to keep one of every car we’ve got. Which will be the final straw for me.
I'm convinced it will be the same as GTS. You'll only be able to sell cars you have bought, not received as a gift.
Why do you always hide behind "people" when you are just speaking for yourself here...
"people want this", "people want that" bla bla bla...

In your first paragraph you even get it right for once(different people want different things!),but then in the next two you do the same as in so many of your postings:you hide your own agenda, you own views and wishes and your own opinions behind imaginary "people" who all seem to want the same thing YOU want to have...

Be a man about it and tell us what YOU want and don't missuse other "people" for your crusade(that is posting hundreds of posts about a game you don't even own or play...)
I'm not hiding behind anything. This is a forum where hundreds of people post their opinions, as they do on Reddit, discord and other public spaces online. I said "people" because I see these people all the time. They exist. They're not just me.

Hey look, it's "people":

Screenshot 2022-07-24 at 18-46-52 r_granturismo - Missing modern era cars.jpg

I also said people are constantly exposed to the latest car models in current media, is that not true? Are car sites not mostly reviewing the latest models? Are the latest models not usually featured in movies, do people not see all the latest models in advertising everywhere?
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He’s generalising, quite a common thing to do for users of the English language. He’s certainly speaking for me and, I’m sure many, many others, all of them ‘people’ I guess, unless somebody’s trained their dog to play.
Maybe German’s different, I wouldn’t know or care, but I do know one of the drawbacks of speaking the global language is you have to listen to a lot of bad takes from non-speakers trying to lecture us on how we’re doing it wrong (they think). Very often Germanic too. I wonder why? Pity for you that Austrian guy’s plans got thwarted back in the 40’s; we might all be speaking German by now. Then we could’ve been telling you how you’re speaking your own language wrongly...

You wanna try and police ‘attitude’ on a web forum? Admirable. Good luck with that. 😂
Im not trying to police anybody, I’m just pointing out that this attitude isn’t cool.
Unlike you I bought my copy of the game without any DLC included.
Oh really? So your version of the game isn't automatically updated like the rest of us? You haven't received Watkins Glen? No 32 Ford? No Escudo?

So, you believe that, since the release of the game on March 4th of this year, the folks at Sony have been able to:
- Enter into a negotiation to represent Watkins Glen in the game
- Come to an agreement with the ownership of Watkins Glen on this inclusion
- Laser map the circuit
- Take that laser imaging and flesh it out for use in game
- Bug test that circuit for any errors in collisions mesh or artwork
- Repair any issues that they have found
- Then package all that up for everyone (oh, except you)

No to mention the licensing and creation of the cars that have been released post launch.

So, all of that in 3.5 months (from March 4 to June 25th), and all of it was paid for out of pocket by Sony...None of that is paid for from the proceeds of the game that you bought.

That's what you believe, correct?

OR, is it possible, that this was all planned far in advance of the game's release and part of the game budget.
Oh really? So your version of the game isn't automatically updated like the rest of us? You haven't received Watkins Glen? No 32 Ford? No Escudo?

So, you believe that, since the release of the game on March 4th of this year, the folks at Sony have been able to:
- Enter into a negotiation to represent Watkins Glen in the game
- Come to an agreement with the ownership of Watkins Glen on this inclusion
- Laser map the circuit
- Take that laser imaging and flesh it out for use in game
- Bug test that circuit for any errors in collisions mesh or artwork
- Repair any issues that they have found
- Then package all that up for everyone (oh, except you)

No to mention the licensing and creation of the cars that have been released post launch.

So, all of that in 3.5 months (from March 4 to June 25th), and all of it was paid for out of pocket by Sony...None of that is paid for from the proceeds of the game that you bought.

That's what you believe, correct?

OR, is it possible, that this was all planned far in advance of the game's release and part of the game budget.

I don't suppose it's a combination of both your concepts? Some agreements already in place (pending sales income) and partially developed tracks (pending final tuning) and already developed cars being held back from initial launch, for release in threes to generate/maintain interest and enthusiasm among fans, as it clearly has achieved judging by the posts in this thread.
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As usual, either Monday Night/Tuesday Morning or Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning. This time around, I'm possibly leaning towards the former given Salzberg is this week.
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Ok, fair enough. Usually it takes about 2-3 days after the Silhouettes for the actual update.

I'm just preparing myself to reviewbomb GT7 if we don't get the ability to sell cars/we get it but it has stupid restrictions. And at the same time to get rid of about 900 cars from my garage if we get the ability as it should be.
You can think that if you want, but the Tomahawk and the Chapparal VGTs probably shouldn't exist in the game. The VGTs that obey the laws of physics are one thing, but I think it's absolutely fair to say that some of the VGTs simply shouldn't be in a game of this type at all.

Yes, that's me judging Kazunori's design of Gran Turismo and I'm fine with it. I've thought laser powered cars were dumb from the day they announced it.

Again, it's design decisions, but I think that there's a reasonable argument that the game is worse for having these entirely fictional cars in it. It becomes this weird halfway house between extreme realism and pure fantasy, not really committing to either and doing neither of them well.

That's before we get into the VGT program itself, which has no strong direction or definition about what the cars should be. It results in this wild spread of cars that mostly can't even reasonably race against each other, let alone other real cars. It's unclear what the VGT program is supposed to add to the game beyond marketing for the manufacturers - it lets them have "halo cars" in the game without the expense of actually making a halo car in the real world.

Having unusual cars is a good thing, it's arguably the reason GT1 took off in the first place. Street cars just didn't get much showing in video games, and so having everyday cars was unusual. VGTs aren't unusual, they're the sort of unstructured fantasy that ten year olds draw in the back of math books. When you're making a racing game based around competition, the bar probably needs to be a little higher than "wow, cool".

Let's make up an example of how a game like Gran Turismo could use fantasy cars well to show that there are better ways to do this stuff.

How about this - Gran Turismo wants to showcase what cars might look like in the future. So they design a road car for each decade of the 2000's, with varying design languages, powerplants, and whatever other odd variables they care to throw in. Because apparently it needs to be said, we're sticking to things that are actually technically feasible and would be viable mass production commercial products - no laser cars. They choose a performance specification (say, roughly the speed of a performance sportscar like a Porsche 911) and make sure that the cars are all roughly equivalent on track so that they can race together in a "Cars of the Future" series that they put together in-game.

Now these cars have a function as a showcase for potential future technologies and they could include text/movies as to the reasons why the car for each decade was designed the way it was, which could be educational and interesting (and Kaz would get to make little movies, which he likes). And they have a purpose built series in which they can race with a varied field of cars (which makes for good gameplay and means they get used). I think that's much better than random race cars. Then they have a purpose which expands the game in a direction that it didn't address before (the future of motoring), instead of just being a marketing ploy.

And that's just me, not a video game designer, in my free time at home. I would hope that a real game designer could do even better. These people are supposedly professionals.

Your problem is that you feel like people are being disrespectful to Kaz by saying how they think the game should be? He doesn't need you to white knight for him.

It's the internet. Part of the fun is that we get to back seat every design decision a developer makes. The exact same way any creative product is dissected and analysed. If you say something is wrong with a product, it's considered good form to at least make some effort to try and identify how it should have been instead. That's constructive criticism, and apparently you don't like when it's applied to Gran Turismo.

How interesting.
I hate how people hide a ****** attitude behind 'that's the internet'.
No. The internet you seem to find 'fun', I find rude, noisy and shallow. There is no justification to be a jerk just because it's 'the internet' and there are more jerks poisoning the atmosphere.
What you post here is a choice. Your choice. I am not policing the internet, just calling bs when I read it.

Edit: as was quite rightly pointed out below, this post was in no way a justified response.
Apologies to @Imari.
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Ok, fair enough. Usually it takes about 2-3 days after the Silhouettes for the actual update.

I'm just preparing myself to reviewbomb GT7 if we don't get the ability to sell cars/we get it but it has stupid restrictions. And at the same time to get rid of about 900 cars from my garage if we get the ability as it should be.

Please let's see a half decent sell function. Like yourself, have a generous amount of clutter to clear, making half decent money in the process would be great.

Sadly I don't think we'll see a sell feature until at least q4 this year.
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I don't suppose it's a combination of both your concepts? Some agreements already in place (pending sales income) and partially developed tracks (pending final tuning) and already developed cars being held back from initial launch, for release in threes to generate/maintain interest and enthusiasm among fans, as it clearly has achieved judging by the posts in this thread.
The question is free or not free.

The amount of post launch content we get will be determined by the sales. There will be a set schedule in place with the contingency that if the game tanked, they would not fulfill that schedule. What we get is unknown, and may or may not change over time.

The RS Camaro is a great example. It was announced in 2014, but only debuted now. Is that "free" or was it paid for from the profits of GT6? Or was in paid from the profits of GT Sport?

Was there ever a point in time that you DID NOT expect DLC? Things that are "free" are updates like when the C7 or M4 debuted. Those were paid promotions from the manufacturers. You might consider the VGT's to be "free" because they are promotional items. Or like the GR Supra, or even the GR events, or the Porsche event that's coming. Those are created from a different budget pool. This is just how the business works.
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Funny that @Imari can make a detailed, fleshed out post with clear, valid explanations for his criticisms and now all two people can manage in response is personal attacks.

@Boxster why is he being a "jerk"? Do you have a response to his actual points? He was in no way disrespectful of Kaz, far from it.
Indeed, who is being a jerk, the person who makes a well reasoned argument albeit still rooted in personal preference, or the person who calls them a jerk for simply having a different opinion to the one they have?

People need to stop taking differences of opinion personally. It's healthy to debate points in a well reasoned manner, it's how democracies are run (or are supposed to at least). Once again, attack the point not the person people.
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I hate how people hide a ****** attitude behind 'that's the internet'.
No. The internet you seem to find 'fun', I find rude, noisy and shallow. There is no justification to be a jerk just because it's 'the internet' and there are more jerks poisoning the atmosphere.
What you post here is a choice. Your choice. I am not policing the internet, just calling bs when I read it.

What's the part you hate? That they hide it, or that it's ******?

You have directly abused a forum member because he stated his opinion. Pretty sure that's "poisoning the atmosphere" around here. Please clarify who's the jerk?
Funny that @Imari can make a detailed, fleshed out post with clear, valid explanations for his criticisms and now all two people can manage in response is personal attacks.

@Boxster why is he being a "jerk"? Do you have a response to his actual points? He was in no way disrespectful of Kaz, far from it.
Hmm, reading back, you are quite right. My bad. I was reading through a couple of posts that annoyed me, and responded to Imari who was last in the line.
@Imari, apologies, your post did in no way justify my response. @Samus, thanks for calling my BS.