Gran Turismo 7 Update Coming July 28

  • Thread starter Famine
Can someone explain the point of selling cars. Obviously you won’t be able to sell gifted cars so why did you buy them if you want to sell them?
Maybe you get a gift car that you already bought, or you want to sell a car you bought just for an event with special restrictions.
I wonder if tuned cars will bring more money, if the feature ever comes of course.
I have 10 Toyota Aquas sitting in my garage collecting dust, waiting to be sold.
Thats when you turn them all into racecars for custom races. 😉 I bought 20 of these...

Maybe you get a gift car that you already bought, or you want to sell a car you bought just for an event with special restrictions.
Yes, exactly.

I have been gifted cars after purchasing a car and I there are very few cars that I want multiples of.
I wonder if tuned cars will bring more money, if the feature ever comes of course.
This was the case in the past. It would be nice to get some of that value back.
Am I or am I not on the wrong console? I’ve never used an XBox but always a PlayStation. I think GT7 is pretty amazing but I do see the pictures of the cars in Forza, and they look pretty good to me. Do they have better updates? Better races online and offline? And one mega important point no VGT. I don’t know if Forza players complain about their game like I see some people do about GT7. I am looking forward to this update as it features an historic car. But although I know very little about Forza I do know they won’t be receiving a VGT car in their update.
I don't understand the complaints about the VGT cars. I don't like many of them but I do not see a problem with them being in the game. You have the choice to use them or not. Being in the game does not affect the gameplay.
I don't understand the complaints about the VGT cars. I don't like many of them but I do not see a problem with them being in the game. You have the choice to use them or not. Being in the game does not affect the gameplay.
Well, except for Menu Book 41, where you do have to use a VGT for 3 races.
I don't understand the complaints about the VGT cars. I don't like many of them but I do not see a problem with them being in the game. You have the choice to use them or not. Being in the game does not affect the gameplay.
I'm with you there. I like them actually, it's a insight into real world automotive designers. Yes some are over the top, but I'm a fan of the VGT project for sure. It also is a bit rich complaining about VGT cars in GT when Forza has for example Hot Wheels and Lego cars :D

For the record I like both, played FH4 and FH5 loads and loved them.
I don't understand the complaints about the VGT cars. I don't like many of them but I do not see a problem with them being in the game. You have the choice to use them or not. Being in the game does not affect the gameplay.
I think it's not necessarily that they're in the game, it's that they're being released instead of the cars that people actually want. For example, we get a Suzuki VGT and VGT Gr.3 which no one had expected, wanted or asked for. However, we're all still sitting here waiting for the almighty Dacia Sandero in road car, Gr.4, Gr.3, and Gr.B formats.
Can someone explain the point of selling cars. Obviously you won’t be able to sell gifted cars so why did you buy them if you want to sell them?
This guys here thinks

I asked somewhat the same question around here once and the person said to me he wanted to remove the car from it’s garage
I said wait : can’t you already remove undesired/unwanted cars from your garage?

It baffles me that people who even ask this exist but I'll try to be as concise as possible.

Since the very first Gran Turismo, from 1 to 6, the career mode has had an economy system. Where you can win cars as prizes and grind a bit to buy the desirable cars that you want, and to make this an actual propper economy, have the ability to sell them as well. Period.

So in short. This should've already been in the game at launch but it was held back because of the greed to push players towards MTXs.

Second point. They, after receiving tremendous amounts of backlash, have confirmed that in the future we will have the ability to sell cars. There... That's all the reason you need to literally NOT GET RID of the cars you don't want in your garage, so that you can eventually get at least some money from selling them. Getting rid of cars right now while knowing that you will eventually be able to sell them is being a fool. Pure and simple.

Like in all the other main game titles, prize cars could be sold. So... Why shouldn't they be sold in GT7? Because you couldn't in GT Sport? Last I remember, GT Sport was not a main GT title and, more importantly it didn't have its focus on career mode and an economy wasn't needed as literally every single car could be won in the roulette and you had no tuning with ingame credits.
Yes, the possibility exists that we won't be able to sell cars that we were gifted, but likewise, there's also the possibility that we will be. If there's a possible option to sell gift cars, again, why would you remove them from your garage now before you even see the update with the selling car ability getting added? Again, another act that only a fool would do.

And, finally, even if we can't sell gift cars, the selling ability at least allows you to get some money back from the cars you bought that A) you didn't like or find any purpose to use them, and B) you only bought in the first place to just increase the collector level and raise your car collector count towards that 100% to have all cars collected but not needing most of them. Or even option C) you got a gift car from a ticket that you had already bought, now you have a duplicate, so just keep the gift car that you can't sell and sell the one that you bought to get some money wasted back and help in the actual economy of the game.

Anything else?

EDIT: Also, in case you didn't notice, there was quite a big exploit that earned you tons of credits and cars, the ticket exploit. There's a ton of people right now with over 1000 cars ready to sell them. ;) Myself included, I have 1600+, which is basically between 900-1000 to "get rid of" aka "sell".
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I'll always have love for the VGT....the tomahawk alone has helped me get all the desirable cars whether it was directly or indirectly
Seriously, what is it with people wanting patch notes from a teaser instead of waiting for the actual update comes out with said patch notes? This has been a thing since GT Sport (Hell, its been a thing since GT6) so I don't get why anyone expects any different.