Gran Turismo Movie Thread

  • Thread starter ro_har_
Why make an "ultimate wish fulfilment" movie about someone playing Kaz's Gran Turismo video game instead of, you know, restarting GT Academy or making a new docu series focusing on the current GT world series drivers like F1's "Drive to Survive" or F2's "Chasing the Dream" or even Porsche's "Road to Le Mans" with Michael Fassbender?

There's plenty of human stories to tell there.

Say what you like about Uncharted, at least the movie wasn't about Tom Holland playing Uncharted.
Uncharted is a narrative based game same for Last of Us,so they got narrative based adaptations,GT getting a dramatization based on a real life event kinda makes sense when you think of other sports based movies like Rush(Lauda vs Hunt) and Ford v Ferrari,the movie could totally crash and burn Bloomkamp hasn't made a good movie since District 9 but the pitch for this one is not bad.
Gran Turismo Movie...?
Who cares!!!
Well, this thread has 180 posts in it, including yours, and our social media posts regarding this particular set of articles are among our most popular... ever. The response to one of the crappest things I've ever written (and also forgot to publish, so I was about 40hr later than I should have been) outstripped the response to the last GT7 update (although only ran about half of what the 1.20 content update generated).

That rather suggests a reasonable level of care.
I hope it does well but I think Kaz will hyperfocus on the wrong things as per usual and it will be a convoluted mess. I have ADHD and I'm pretty sure Kaz does too because that's how we operate.
Uncharted is a narrative based game same for Last of Us,so they got narrative based adaptations,GT getting a dramatization based on a real life event kinda makes sense when you think of other sports based movies like Rush(Lauda vs Hunt) and Ford v Ferrari,the movie could totally crash and burn Bloomkamp hasn't made a good movie since District 9 but the pitch for this one is not bad.
Hasn’t made a good movie since District 9? Elysium was very Good in my opinion, and Chappie was also cool.
Still find myself trying to grasp who asked for this. Who is even gonna watch this? Casual fans do not care THAT much about Gran Turismo and there is no way in hell you will convince the die-hards this is worth watching. And then there's the fact that unless its a Kids movie (CARS), a decent action flick (Day Of Thunder), some comedy (Talladega Nights) or a decently written story centered around something real (Le Mans, Grand Prix, Rush, Ferrari Vs Ford), no one in the casual movie going audience cares about racing movies. Annnnd on top of that, There isn't enough good productions to have completely gotten rid of that stink of bad video game movie adaptations.

And oh boy:

Yep, this is gonna bomb. I don't see anyway how this will work. This genuinely feels like a Sony exec just went for the nearest big name Playstation property and said "Make a Movie, Now". There is no way you're make a Gran Turismo Movie good no matter how big ANY of the big name talents are. You have to make up a dumb story where none exists and they didn't even do that, they just straight ripped Jann Mardenborough's Success and slapped an OC (Please don't steal).

As someone who's seen Super Mario Brothers and Double Dragon, Trust me: Bad Video Game movies are not exclusive to Netflix
Every movie can be made to sound dumb if you boil it down to few plot points. Top Gun 2 is the biggest movie for years and has a ridiculous plot. I’d bet someone right now is writing a script for Days of Thunder 2. No doubt with Tom Cruise as a team owner nurturing a young talent. Sounds pretty much how a Gran Turismo movie could play out!

Throw enough money at the screen and anything can be made entertaining. Especially an action flick. One of the movies you list is Le Mans. That’s basically a feature length documentary with a story tacked on. Lambasted at launch, now considered a classic. One things for sure, a Hollywood summer blockbuster (it doesn’t even have to be a major hit), will bring many more eyes and interest to the series.
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6'4 racing driver. Yeah.
Dan Gurney? We have an 6'2'' Shane van Gisbergen racing here currently, but it's still very rare and highly unlikely to come across drivers that tall.
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Still find myself trying to grasp who asked for this. Who is even gonna watch this? Casual fans do not care THAT much about Gran Turismo and there is no way in hell you will convince the die-hards this is worth watching. And then there's the fact that unless its a Kids movie (CARS), a decent action flick (Day Of Thunder), some comedy (Talladega Nights) or a decently written story centered around something real (Le Mans, Grand Prix, Rush, Ferrari Vs Ford), no one in the casual movie going audience cares about racing movies. Annnnd on top of that, There isn't enough good productions to have completely gotten rid of that stink of bad video game movie adaptations.

And oh boy:

Yep, this is gonna bomb. I don't see anyway how this will work. This genuinely feels like a Sony exec just went for the nearest big name Playstation property and said "Make a Movie, Now". There is no way you're make a Gran Turismo Movie good no matter how big ANY of the big name talents are. You have to make up a dumb story where none exists and they didn't even do that, they just straight ripped Jann Mardenborough's Success and slapped an OC (Please don't steal).

As someone who's seen Super Mario Brothers and Double Dragon, Trust me: Bad Video Game movies are not exclusive to Netflix
Thank you for saving me the time of having to type this all out myself.
I can totally see a documentary series covering PD / Gran Turismo being successful - but that's not what they're going with. Shame, would have loved an 'Inside Polyphony Digital' mini-series.

6'4 racing driver. Yeah.
Just saw in the article that this is written by American Sniper and King Richard writers both Academy Award nominated movies.
I'm not sure it will stick the landing but the cast gives me all the right signals.
‘The move is potentially career-changing as it gives the rising actor a top spot in a sizable studio movie that is a big IP play and a hoped-for franchise.’

Well, the article states Sony want to make this into a franchise. Not just a one-off movie. Of course that’s dependent on it’s success. But interesting nonetheless.
If its a movie and not a TV series then it will probably be a silly “zero to hero” story where they follow one GT Academy winner from childhood playing with toy cars until racing career ending up in GT or LMP racing. 🥱🥱🥱
Michael Waltrip (former NASCAR driver) is 6'5".
Another NASCAR driver Buddy Baker was taller at 6' 6'' :eek:

I'd love to see any of them in the cockpit of the Nissan NISMO GT-R LM. I'm 5'10 and I don't fit properly in the static show car...
They could always add a Gurney bubble. ;)

Edit: Shane van Gisbergen (6' 2'') has driven the GT3 Mercedes here in the Bathurst 6 Hour so I'd think with a few mods he'd fit in a Nissan GT3.

Edit 2: I was thinking of the wrong NISMO GT-R LM. I had it mixed up with the Road Version and the one in the previous articles picture, but I still think with some mods it may be possible. Dan Gurney did drive the GT-40 after all.
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Ahm didn’t you critized first that it isn’t based on something real (like Le Mans or Rush), and then say that it’s bad that it’s based on something real as the success of Mardenborough?
If you actually read more closely, I literally said they just took Jann Mardonborough's Success story and slapped a original character on top (something that was NOT done with Rush or Le Mans, Or Ford Vs Ferrari). Not even remotely the same thing.

And what does Kaz’s involvement as a executive producer das about the movie? I think you are overestimating the role of this position.

Like I said, its not the main problem but its another questionable choice on top of multiple questionable choices.
And at last, just because you don’t care doesn’t mean that the other hardcore gamers or casuals don’t care. What is also hard to have a opinion on it actually when there’s isn’t neither a trailer nor some script pieces or anything else known yet.
What we know is the director, who is kind of outstanding in my opinion on todays movie landscape, and an actor, who also isn’t that bad.

Except that isn't at all what I said:

Still find myself trying to grasp who asked for this. Who is even gonna watch this? Casual fans do not care THAT much about Gran Turismo and there is no way in hell you will convince the die-hards this is worth watching. And then there's the fact that unless its a Kids movie (CARS), a decent action flick (Day Of Thunder), some comedy (Talladega Nights) or a decently written story centered around something real (Le Mans, Grand Prix, Rush, Ferrari Vs Ford), no one in the casual movie going audience cares about racing movies. Annnnd on top of that, There isn't enough good productions to have completely gotten rid of that stink of bad video game movie adaptations.

Notice I didn't mention myself at all so why on earth am I even being mentioned here? Based purely on what I have observed at large, I have yet to see who out of the Hardcore GT audience, the Casual gaming audience or the casual Movie Audience asked for a Gran Turismo Movie. As for who they got, I can name you multiple movies that have had huge name directors and/or actors (Good ones too) and it still wasn't enough to save the movie.

Who cared for Fast & Furious before the movie was out, who cared for the underground hardcore tuning scene before the movie? In comparison to that, Gran Turismo has a lot more to build upon theoretically, so this isn’t a really an argument against it.
The thing is, it is just too early to say anything about the quality of the movie.
Not even remotely the same thing. You are comparing a franchise with a cast of characters put into a story scenario flexible enough to based in the real world and that just happened to double as a big exposure to a previously unknown automotive scene to a Video game movie (a format that while it does have success stories like the Original Mortal Kombat Movie and the Recent Sonic Movies, also has quite alot of stinky flops like the afformentioned Super Mario Bros Movie). Where the very first Fast and Furious wasn't taking a property into a new uncharted direction as it was an entirely new IP in itself, this one very much is and its a IP that frankly has no usable basis for a movie as its a driving game with no narrative story and no Characters.

There may not be alot known about it yet but based on what little we do know and what I have personally witnessed for years, I do not see "Gran Turismo" as the next great Video game-to-movie adaptation no matter what info comes next. If this was God Of War or Horizon, my biggest concern would be how much they would stick to the source material first (Both of which already have a narrative story and established characters, things Gran Turismo does NOT have) before the casting choices but otherwise I wouldn't see either as impossible.

I'd love to see any of them in the cockpit of the Nissan NISMO GT-R LM. I'm 5'10 and I don't fit properly in the static show car...
To be fair, Waltrip is the same guy that managed to fit in the Ferrari 458 GTE:


And lets not forget the time where this much Italian man:


Managed to squeeze himself in yet another Ferrari:

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Once again if we had a Gran Turismo movie they would have based it on supergt or a Japanese team doing endurance racing with a Non Japanese guy leading the charge make the character be based on Erik Comas.

GT would be perfect for it. This movie has flop all over it.
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How is adding the creator of the game series as a exec producer a "questionable choice" ?
Quite frankly, what is he contributing here? What can he contribute from a series that again has no Narrative story or Established characters (The two biggest problems I have with this entire project, apart from the fact that it reeks of yet another sleezy cash grab where profit takes priorty over anything common sensical). I get that I sound "Doom and Gloom" to people, but I don't see any way this is a good idea because there are way too many things that raise red flags to me and having the executive producer be the creator of said racing game be the executive producer of a movie trying to adapt a Racing game (that has neither of the things that I mentioned) into a movie makes no sense. It' be one thing if we were talking an IP like Ratchet And Clank (Or God Of War and Horizon as I previously mentioned), but it isn't.
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Quite frankly, what is he contributing here? What can he contribute from a series that again has no Narrative story or Established characters (The two biggest problems I have with this entire project, apart from the fact that it reeks of yet another sleezy cash grab where profit takes priorty over anything common sensical).
1. Usually in these kind of projects the creator takes a role of a consultant,providing the director/writer with expertise on a scene or subject in the movie.
Kaz created the GT Academy with Nissan and is a professional racing driver who raced with GT Academy winners.
2. Every big name IP adaptation can be qualified as a "sleezy cash grab",From Lord of the Rings to Gran Turismo.
Also,and that wasn't something you said but i saw in other comments,PD didn't start this,it's a Sony effort picking IPs to adapt,seeing comments like:
"they should focus on the game"
Doesn't make much sense.
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2. Every big name IP adaptation can be qualified as a "sleezy cash grab",From Lord of the Rings to Gran Turismo.
While a fair argument and far from the first time, the fact that Sony (The one that owns both their own Motion Picture studios AND the Playstation brand) so badly wants THIS of all their big IPs made into a Movie just absolutely reeks of it. At least the others could have that stink lessened by just sticking to the already established source material (same goes for Comic books or novels) and if both the script and casting is good, it feels less lazy and comes more off like there was actual care. Sure its still about profit, but it at least feels less like some exec just wants more money.
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Aren't Tander and Percat just as tall?
According to the picture below GT is 7' 1'' and that's 175cm. :confused:

I don't think I should trust this source :dopey:

I think they're both around the 5'10'' mark as they both seemed shorter than the 6' and a bit I was back when I could stand up near them. SVG was definitely taller than me though.
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I love how the thumbnail makes it seem like each actor is playing a car,he's playing Tom Castrol's Supra 😂
Would make for an infinitely more interesting movie than watching a teenager pretend to play Gran Turismo in a dank basement for 2 hours.