I actually think there is quite a nice balance between the positives and negatives at the moment. It certainly isn't the negative echo chamber what has been attempted (and will be attempted again) by a very few, yet strangely dedicated set of individuals, in every 'downtime' between news this sub forum has seen since, forever.
As for the bold part, that is not true. When I stop by, and things are swinging to one extreme, I always call people out on their hypocrisy, bias, stupidity, and their general ignorance. Funny thing is, if I came here and read countless posts by similar individuals trying to create an echo chamber by wrongly touting the games superiority over all other games in the genre, I would be exactly the same with those people.
The point being, I feel GT has many faults, I feel GT does many things well. Do I think GT:Sport will be the best game ever? Nope. Do I think GTS will be the best game this year? Nope. But I do still think I will enjoy it, if I didn't feel GT was going to offer me something different I certainly would not be here now, reading and writing about it.
Lastly, I don't think people with negative opinions are a problem. They have had negative experiences with the game or PD and feel the need to express it. Alright it is sometimes dragged on way to far and I don't know what they expect to achieve by stating it here every day, as this site is no way an official outlet for Sony or PD. But it is their opinion none the less.
The real problem here for me (and I am going to take a guess it probably is for you too) is people with double standards and/or have an agenda towards PD/GT/Sony/Fans on the opposite end of the spectrum to themselves and try to mask these feelings behind a thin veil.
The good news is it's easy to spot! I'm paraphrasing now but here are some telltale signs everybody in the middle ground needs to watch out for. (and yes, I have seen very similar posts, by the same people, of every one of these examples below)
"C'mon PD, would it kill you to give us more information?"
*PD releases new information
"Pft, I don't believe a word Kaz says!"
"Those screenshots are truly awful"
*PD releases updated screenshots
"...... Bullshots!"
"Why can't we have feature X? It's in game Y"
*PD announces feature X
"OMG, that's nothing new! It's been in game Y forever!"
"If PD don't have a beta, I anticipate an online **** show at launch"
*PD announces beta
"Wow, their net code must be in an awful state!"
And my personal favourite....
"This is unacceptable! I am done with this game!"
*User continues to post almost every day for the next few months
"This is unacceptable! I am done with this game!"
Spot any of this and you quickly realise that their comments are not worth the space upon your screen.
Also remember, there is the other (double standards/agenda towards other games/dev/fans) side to this coin.