Gran Turismo Sport Cross Over To A Real Simulator To Satisfy The Wheel Market

  • Thread starter Junkman55
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I would like to see one race added to the daily online racing program having choice of Controller, That’s it Nothing more.
The good news is that there's already 3 where you have a choice of controller.

The very first reply to this thread asked you why. There's basically been 14 pages of you avoiding that question. Any chance you can explain what the benefit is of splitting the player base? An actual benefit? Not just to allow "sim racers" to race other "sim racers".

I don't know what control input device my competitors are using and I don't care.

Also, I hate myself for keeping this going.
PD has did a good job in blending driving skills using the two controller in GTS. The problem is the reaction time in driving between the two controller. if you are better on DS4 over the simulator controller you get an advantage over the sim driver . Reading similar threads most say they win more on the DS4 over the sim wheel setup for what ever reason. I happen to think if you are moving just your fingers your reaction time is better then someone using most of their body parts to do the same thing.
I'd say the DS4 probably has a tendency to bring the car closer to the limit for the average given input which is why they are faster using it when compared to the slower inputs of a wheel. Because the ABS is so intrusive, it immediately penalises you when you try to slide the car as gently as possible. This can be overcome to some degree with open settings when you can set the car up closer to the limit (or its biting point) where the ABS starts to struggle with sliding.

Reaction time doesn't matter because you hardly ever have to make any corrections because of stock settings anyway.

With GTS, I'd say there's hardly any difference for 95% of people that use either a wheel or a DS4. If we had more refined car setups, then you would see big differences at the sharp end.

The wheel is not the problem the reaction time advantage it is in the DS4 braking

I know with the Thrustmasters, you can reduce the pedal travel to approximately half so you get max. braking more quickly, so I'd assume the other wheels are like that as well. But how many are aware though because you either have to use the aftermarket brake mod or make one yourself.
Again, I appreciate your comments on top 10 laps but it’s hard to argue what your saying without footage of what you mean.
I think this demonstrates clearly what I mean at 1:05

If cars were setup in a way you would prefer, would a world tour driver still beat you with the same setup? If so, the setup itself is irrelevant.
When I began GTS I hit the ground running using weak ABS, and back when the cars were more neutral. Many that had come over from other platforms slowly started figuring out all the tricks using default ABS that allowed you to be fast with a win at all costs approach, whilst I didn't bother because driving satisfaction is important through the feedback you get. If everything was setup to the way I prefer, I'd be motivated to subscribe to get my money's worth and I'd probably keep quite a few world tour drivers honest in some classes if I had the time, but would probably be in split 2 or 3 in the less preferable ones. I've never really cared for being a good all rounder.
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I'd say the DS4 probably has a tendency to bring the car closer to the limit for the average given input which is why they are faster using it when compared to the slower inputs of a wheel. Because the ABS is so intrusive, it immediately penalises you when you try to slide the car as gently as possible. This can be overcome to some degree with open settings when you can set the car up closer to the limit (or its biting point) where the ABS starts to struggle with sliding.

Reaction time doesn't matter because you hardly ever have to make any corrections because of stock settings anyway.

With GTS, I'd say there's hardly any difference for 95% of people that use either a wheel or a DS4. If we had more refined car setups, then you would see big differences at the sharp end.

I know with the Thrustmasters, you can reduce the pedal travel to approximately half so you get max. braking more quickly, so I'd assume the other wheels are like that as well. But how many are aware though because you either have to use the aftermarket brake mod or make one yourself.

I think this demonstrates clearly what I mean at 1:05

When I began GTS I hit the ground running using weak ABS, and back when the cars were more neutral. Many that had come over from other platforms slowly started figuring out all the tricks using default ABS that allowed you to be fast with a win at all costs approach, whilst I didn't bother because driving satisfaction is important through the feedback you get. If everything was setup to the way I prefer, I'd be motivated to subscribe to get my money's worth and I'd probably keep quite a few world tour drivers honest in some classes if I had the time, but would probably be in split 2 or 3 in the less preferable ones. I've never really cared for being a good all rounder.

As far as I’m aware the majority, has to be >95%, of top split drivers use a wheel and only a handful of pad players have ever made it to a world tour. So I think it’s fair to say wheel is faster than pad, even if it is very close.

The corner you picked from Interlagos doesn’t require that much trail braking, and even then Mistah still trail brakes in there and he’s also sliding the rear of the car to rotate it so he can get on the power as soon as possible, which you say you can’t do with how the cars are setup and how the abs works?

Your final paragraph agrees with what I previously said in that you just don’t like the way the cars are setup. Not that the games assists force you to drive with poor technique. You don’t like the way the cars feel, so you don’t drive them.
Which is a shame because if you could run at world tour pace with a setup you like, imo you should be able to run at world tour pace with these setups.
As far as I’m aware the majority, has to be >95%, of top split drivers use a wheel and only a handful of pad players have ever made it to a world tour. So I think it’s fair to say wheel is faster than pad, even if it is very close.

The corner you picked from Interlagos doesn’t require that much trail braking, and even then Mistah still trail brakes in there and he’s also sliding the rear of the car to rotate it so he can get on the power as soon as possible, which you say you can’t do with how the cars are setup and how the abs works?

Your final paragraph agrees with what I previously said in that you just don’t like the way the cars are setup. Not that the games assists force you to drive with poor technique. You don’t like the way the cars feel, so you don’t drive them.
Which is a shame because if you could run at world tour pace with a setup you like, imo you should be able to run at world tour pace with these setups.
Yup, GT forces you to adjust to the car, not the other way around, and that hurts some people’s feelings. 👍
hen I began GTS I hit the ground running using weak ABS, and back when the cars were more neutral. Many that had come over from other platforms slowly started figuring out all the tricks using default ABS that allowed you to be fast with a win at all costs approach, whilst I didn't bother because driving satisfaction is important through the feedback you get. If everything was setup to the way I prefer, I'd be motivated to subscribe to get my money's worth and I'd probably keep quite a few world tour drivers honest in some classes if I had the time, but would probably be in split 2 or 3 in the less preferable ones. I've never really cared for being a good all rounder.
Woulda coulda shoulda, IF…
Imo inability to adapt to the character of the car vs someone adapting to it and being faster demonstrates the second driver has more overall skill.
A good driver can observe the cars behavior and provide inputs to be fast.
You are playing the “I’m superior in my own mind”
It’s in effect “if my cars were setup to be faster than everyone else’s I’d be on the world tour”
Imo you simply don’t know the game very well right now.
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As far as I’m aware the majority, has to be >95%, of top split drivers use a wheel and only a handful of pad players have ever made it to a world tour. So I think it’s fair to say wheel is faster than pad, even if it is very close.
This is going to be unpopular, but it's possible wheel users generally with their rigs n all are just more in to it than DS4 users, so we'll never really know how much of an advantage the wheel users really have. If I was going to take part in a sport and take it fairly seriously and to get a better experience, I'd spend a bit more money and take the extra trouble to ensure I wasn't at too much of a disadvantage.
The corner you picked from Interlagos doesn’t require that much trail braking, and even then Mistah still trail brakes in there and he’s also sliding the rear of the car to rotate it so he can get on the power as soon as possible, which you say you can’t do with how the cars are setup and how the abs works?
Well, he down shifts to 2nd mid-corner to get more rotation whilst releasing the brakes, but really the car should be able to make the whole turn in 3rd, because he immediately shifts back up to 3rd on exit. Although this is the faster way in GTS, you probably are slowing the car 2-3 mph more that what it is capable of. I also thought there is a bit of delay in getting back on the power. A good setup would allow you to get on the power immediately and well before the apex(I'm talking hundredths of a second here). But this technique is used almost exclusively in the top 10.
Your final paragraph agrees with what I previously said in that you just don’t like the way the cars are setup. Not that the games assists force you to drive with poor technique. You don’t like the way the cars feel, so you don’t drive them.
Which is a shame because if you could run at world tour pace with a setup you like, imo you should be able to run at world tour pace with these setups.
Well, I just couldn't be bothered and didn't want to change, and I didn't really see the point aiming that high anyway as it's really a sport for men younger and more enthusiastic than me. I just wanted to have competitive races online that's all.

I think the feel is actually good considering PD made a lot of assumptions with the tyre model. If they just reduced the strength of the ABS to less than weak similar to ACC and gave 2 or 3 car balance options with adjusted PP then this would be much better. I talk about the ABS strength and rotation a lot because it not only contributes massively to the feel, but it impacts lots of other things like the trajectory on exits and ensuing mistakes. A lot of the complaints you read about with oversteer on exit are a result of poor rotation as the car isn't lined up properly for the exit to put the power down hard.

They basically have a good sim, it's a pity they have stubbornly chosen to use it to 20% of what it's capable of.
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This is going to be unpopular, but it's possible wheel users generally with their rigs n all are just more in to it than DS4 users, so we'll never really know how much of an advantage the wheel users really have. If I was going to take part in a sport and take it fairly seriously and to get a better experience, I'd spend a bit more money and take the extra trouble to ensure I wasn't at too much of a disadvantage.

Well, he down shifts to 2nd mid-corner to get more rotation whilst releasing the brakes, but really the car should be able to make the whole turn in 3rd, because he immediately shifts back up to 3rd on exit. Although this is the faster way in GTS, you probably are slowing the car 2-3 mph more that what it is capable of. I also thought there is a bit of delay in getting back on the power. A good setup would allow you to get on the power immediately and well before the apex(I'm talking hundredths of a second here). But this technique is used almost exclusively in the top 10.

Well, I just couldn't be bothered and didn't want to change, and I didn't really see the point aiming that high anyway as it's really a sport for men younger and more enthusiastic than me. I just wanted to have competitive races online that's all.

I think the feel is actually good considering PD made a lot of assumptions with the tyre model. If they just reduced the strength of the ABS to less than weak similar to ACC and gave 2 or 3 car balance options with adjusted PP then this would be much better. I talk about the ABS strength and rotation a lot because it not only contributes massively to the feel, but it impacts lots of other things like the trajectory on exits and ensuing mistakes. A lot of the complaints you read about with oversteer on exit are a result of poor rotation as the car isn't lined up properly for the exit to put the power down hard.

They basically have a good sim, it's a pity they have stubbornly chosen to use it to 20% of what it's capable of.
He delays the downshift to second to help with rotation yes. Due to the fixed setups this is the most efficient way to do this. He doesn’t upshift though until he touches the exit curb and has clearly pulled out of the corner using 2nd. The delay on acceleration is where he is catching the car as it slides so as to keep the rotation going until the nose has pointed to the exit where it is then safe to accelerate without running wide.

That above is correct technique imo, players struggling with this are not rotating enough and then also accelerating out of corners while they are still turning which induces understeer, as it should.

I don’t agree nor disagree abs could be weakened, I think I also started on weak but switched to default once I learned it was easier to be more consistent with it, for little or no drawbacks. I would enjoy weak just as much if it was the only option.

Can’t blame you for not wanting to force the issue try harding if you don’t enjoy how the cars feel. But it’s not the games fault when people are clearly able to put the time to maximise the cars as they are.
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ABS default caused a ton of understeer when we had the Notdschleife races with the street 911 new vs old last time.
For my style weak was far superior and on default I couldn’t rotate.
I was talking to Deadpool about it too.
He also confirmed it. Default is best overall for ease of use in all conditions with a lot of cars tho.
They cannot and should not imo make braking more difficult since only a minority of the playerbase uses things like load cell brake.
I’m convinced I would fall much farther from my level if all my opponents were using a setup equivalent to mine.
Honestly in tire wear races now the advantage is so big I’m hurt most by the game forcing pit stops on me I do not need.
This is the biggest difference between wheel to ds4 imo.
ABS default does not allow full use of the games tire model.
Weak allows more use and off more but off is really bad in many cases.
Default shines under the varied conditions in race dirty air nerves etc.
I do detest the ability guys have to pop the downshift and mini lock slide on entry.
It shows at top level things going more arcade less sim and this is true across all titles imo.
You can find info across all titles pc etc of how the top level is more about taking advantage of the games design flaws than realism.
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This is going to be unpopular, but it's possible wheel users generally with their rigs n all are just more in to it than DS4 users, so we'll never really know how much of an advantage the wheel users really have.

This! You have the outliers on both ends, but generally I always felt those who where willing to invest in the wheels and such are more likely to spend more time using it, meaning they are likely on the quicker side of the driver spectrum.

This! You have the outliers on both ends, but generally I always felt those who where willing to invest in the wheels and such are more likely to spend more time using it, meaning they are likely on the quicker side of the driver spectrum.
True to extent but if pad was faster, The players who had time to find that out and also wanted to be the best would use the pad

It’s why wheel users upgrade pedals etc. It helps them get faster.

ABS default caused a ton of understeer when we had the Notdschleife races with the street 911 new vs old last time.
For my style weak was far superior and on default I couldn’t rotate.
I was talking to Deadpool about it too.
He also confirmed it. Default is best overall for ease of use in all conditions with a lot of cars tho.
They cannot and should not imo make braking more difficult since only a minority of the playerbase uses things like load cell brake.
I’m convinced I would fall much farther from my level if all my opponents were using a setup equivalent to mine.
Honestly in tire wear races now the advantage is so big I’m hurt most by the game forcing pit stops on me I do not need.
This is the biggest difference between wheel to ds4 imo.
ABS default does not allow full use of the games tire model.
Weak allows more use and off more but off is really bad in many cases.
Default shines under the varied conditions in race dirty air nerves etc.
I do detest the ability guys have to pop the downshift and mini lock slide on entry.
It shows at top level things going more arcade less sim and this is true across all titles imo.
You can find info across all titles pc etc of how the top level is more about taking advantage of the games design flaws than realism.
Adjusting abs is no different to adjusting traction control.

This! You have the outliers on both ends, but generally I always felt those who where willing to invest in the wheels and such are more likely to spend more time using it, meaning they are likely on the quicker side of the driver spectrum.
I see it similar to a golfer getting more serious when they buy clubs. Golf is still hard. :lol:
Adjusting abs is no different to adjusting traction control.
It’s true.
I think really, to be as honest as possible is that the greatest fun in any of these titles on any platform is immersion.
Just being very “into it”
The unhealthy part can be going too far too ocd and getting to a point where it’s no longer you as a player being a racecar driver it’s you playing a game realizing you are doing so and still continuing to do whatever it takes to win/beat others.
Imo in any racing title getting and staying at the top means prioritizing victory over immersion.
It means knowing the game physics inside and out and knowing exactly how to get best times even if that means doing things that would destroy a real car. This is Jmo, but I’ve had a let’s just say “light” version of this ocd mentality.
It ain’t right.
It ain’t right when you’re worried about rating using whether you can gain points as a criteria for entering a race.
I think abs works well in gts.
The weak setting is there for those who wanna try to do things the harder way…
I think it’s worth linking this guys video. It’s kinda long -8-9 minutes but I get where he’s coming from.

I have learned that I have the most fun racing in an immersed fashion, maybe being more conservative and being slower.
GTS gets pretty competitive to a point where you have to be so unrealistically aggressive in sport mode top rooms.
I always used to call it going in country and treated it like a military operation-SERIOUS.
All the fun evaporates that way imo.
The genre is great GTS is great iracing is great Wreckfest is great…
Any of these if taken too seriously or obsessively become negative imo.
I need to just mellow about this.
This guys take here…

I’ve always enjoyed trying to offer up ways for people to get faster and tried to learn as much as I can and tried to make good times etc etc etc.
What I now realize is that all that matters is immersion and level is irrelevant to me.
In fact over investing time causes my experience in game to get less immersive rather than more.
Last week at Bathurst I stopped from pole a few times and raced from the back instead-only overtaking on the straights never in corners.
I noticed I was having more fun in many cases as opposed to getting out front alone, OR being say 4th and running a time trial where 1-3 are top ten on the board gapping me and I’m gapping fifth…
I’ve been taking time away too.
The comments above from M-the criticisms of physics…Honestly to me when it gets to that I just can’t take it.
In all these games we sit in one place.
There’s no g forces. There’s no butt feeling the car.
It doesn’t mean there can’t be immersion tho.
Almost to a post to a letter of a post every time sim racers argue physics they aren’t really arguing physics they are really fighting ego vs ego.
Nobody ever wins the day.
I think it’s very weird this sim racing genre.
For me when it starts being more about trying to get ahead in a race than realizing the cars around me are human driven than it is ruined.
When I can just play-for the fun of it and get lost in it it’s great.

To me if a player is having fun-immersed enough to kind of “be the car” or the driver, that player is winning. They are a SIMULATOR DRIVER, irrespective if they have somehow hacked a ds4 to drive via voice commands or
whatever. They are the winner.
Good post

However, for me… I’m going to get my Euro Alt up to A by almost any clean way necessary, then I’ll have all 3 Accts in the A’s

After that, I’m going to step away for a bit and only do FIA and the occasional daily if I like it. Gonna be trying different sims. I already have PC2 and ACC loaded up ready to go.

If I like those more than GTS, it’ll be time to go the PC route.

….make no mistake, I’ll be getting GT7 and a PS5 whenever it comes out.

Buuuuuut…… I just got a check for $1700 in the mail for money owed to me from Wells Fargo after I sold my old house 4 years ago. That money could probably make a good dent in a good gaming PC once the graphic cards and GPU’s get back in circulation again
Good post

However, for me… I’m going to get my Euro Alt up to A by almost any clean way necessary, then I’ll have all 3 Accts in the A’s

After that, I’m going to step away for a bit and only do FIA and the occasional daily if I like it. Gonna be trying different sims. I already have PC2 and ACC loaded up ready to go.

If I like those more than GTS, it’ll be time to go the PC route.

….make no mistake, I’ll be getting GT7 and a PS5 whenever it comes out.

Buuuuuut…… I just got a check for $1700 in the mail for money owed to me from Wells Fargo after I sold my old house 4 years ago. That money could probably make a good dent in a good gaming PC once the graphic cards and GPU’s get back in circulation again
You can definitely get a decent PC for that. I only bought a cheap used one and upgraded a few things, and it will still run triples at 1080 on minimum settings.

As for the games, it seems that which one you will like best will probably depend on what you want out of it. AC and BeamNG are cool Sandbox type games, lots of things to fart around with. ACC is really good if you only like GT racing, and have a community to race with or can find one. iRacing is kind of like the PC version of GT Sport, has a good player base, and depending on what you like to race there is normally a race ready to go online every hour or two. I haven’t tried RF/RF2 or Raceroom yet, I hear they are good to though.

But, and this is the big thing with PC. Be prepared to spend time farting around to get some things working. It’s not like a console where everything is just plug and play right out of the box. There are side apps and millions of settings to mess with, it can be super overwhelming at first. But the games are sweet, so it’s totally worth the hassle in the end. 👍
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You can definitely get a decent PC for that. I only bought a cheap used one and upgraded a few things, and it will still run triples at 1080 on minimum settings.

As for the games, it seems that which one you will like best will probably depend on what you want out of it. AC and BeamNG are cool Sandbox type games, lots of things to fart around with. ACC is really good if you only like GT racing, and have a community to race with or can find one. iRacing is kind of like the PC version of GT Sport, has a good player base, and depending on what you like to race there is normally a race ready to go online every hour or two. I haven’t tried RF/RF2 or Raceroom yet, I hear they are good to though.

But, and this is the big thing with PC. Be prepared to spend time farting around to get some things working. It’s not like a console where everything is just plug and play right out of the box. There are side apps and millions of settings to mess with, it can be super overwhelming at first. But the games are sweet, so it’s totally worth the hassle in the end. 👍
I just got a check for $1700 in the mail for money owed to me from Wells Fargo after I sold my old house 4 years ago. That money could probably make a good dent in a good gaming PC once the graphic cards and GPU’s get back in circulation again
Like @Pigems said-you gotta mess around with the pc in game settings and stuff it’s not like power it on and race.
But, it’s the way to go and I spent way less than that.
Way less.
Like today, I entered a race A after that post-A plus A sr99 lobby. I started last-never was aggressive at all-I was hit 4-5 times and also ran onto the grass on the last turn.
I though to myself well if I’m not going to be childish and knock others off what do I do now?
Answer turn off ps4, boot up pc :).
I can’t race if they just hit me every time and I’m sure many of us feel the same. The game won’t stop it by rules so you either ocd on qual, hope to stay ahead, or bash along with everyone else in sport mode, OR FIND A NICE GROUP USING THE LOBBIES or leave the game and move on to another platform.
The games on pc are awesome. I haven’t tried iracing but I have played AMS2 a lot and rfactor2 a lot and some ACC too but just GT cars gets old after a while…I play dirty rally2 a fair bit I think that one is insanely fun.
I was against pc until I got one and tried it.
I think if a person is really really into online racing sounds like iracing is the way to go for sure. :)
I’m finding I enjoy immersion-content so far on pc to mess about against the AI.
Steering yes, throttle and brake I’m not so sure. GTS’s ABS helps everyone equally in this game, it’s waaaaay overpowered regardless of input device. You can literally just floor the brakes in any car in the game, without ever even having to think about breaking traction from brake pressure.
Your wheel must be different than mine. If I am on ABS default my braking times increase if I step on the pedal as hard as I can, the best braking with my set up is about a 3/4 full brake meter. I feel my stopping distances are definitely shorter with a DS4.

I’m pretty sure it was said waaaaaayyyy back in this thread that all controls have assists, and I’m 99% sure that was from a GTP member called McLaren “smothering or other” who I believe may have been to a world tour or if not is at least a top split driver in EMEA. They said it’s why the handbrake round hairpins is op on time trail and the assists can be gamed if your good enough to understand how.

All user inputs are assisted - wheel, pad or chopsticks (if you prefer), it matters not the input. If it’s plugged into the PS4 and GTS, it’s assisted in some way by the game.

Honestly you wheel elitists would be better off just going to play a different game, or maybe just host your own private “elitist wheel only lobbies” but tbh I doubt many will want to play with you - sorry! - simulate with you.
You seriously think that a wheel gets as much assist as a DS4??
FWIW I wouldn't say I'm a wheel elitist, I just think if you drive a video game car you use a wheel, if you fly a plane you use a joystick or a yoke, if you play Mario Brothers you use a pad. The last I have seen for at least the last few years all of the Sony GTS competitions use a wheel, no DS4 allowed, maybe they changed the rules recently and I was not aware.
Like @Pigems said-you gotta mess around with the pc in game settings and stuff it’s not like power it on and race.
But, it’s the way to go and I spent way less than that.
Way less.
Like today, I entered a race A after that post-A plus A sr99 lobby. I started last-never was aggressive at all-I was hit 4-5 times and also ran onto the grass on the last turn.
I though to myself well if I’m not going to be childish and knock others off what do I do now?
Answer turn off ps4, boot up pc :).
I can’t race if they just hit me every time and I’m sure many of us feel the same. The game won’t stop it by rules so you either ocd on qual, hope to stay ahead, or bash along with everyone else in sport mode, OR FIND A NICE GROUP USING THE LOBBIES or leave the game and move on to another platform.
The games on pc are awesome. I haven’t tried iracing but I have played AMS2 a lot and rfactor2 a lot and some ACC too but just GT cars gets old after a while…I play dirty rally2 a fair bit I think that one is insanely fun.
I was against pc until I got one and tried it.
I think if a person is really really into online racing sounds like iracing is the way to go for sure. :)
I’m finding I enjoy immersion-content so far on pc to mess about against the AI.

I think the best thing I can do right now is just to put that check in an account and let it sit. I’m not ready to do it just yet anyways. Not to mention there’s no decent parts even available right now. I contemplated having a sim race company build one for me. I surmised they would know exactly what to put in there.

As far as price points, I’m a “buy once, cry once” kinda guy. If I’m gonna do it, I wanna go all-in…therefore I don’t have to worry about upgrading components for at least a couple years. I don’t necessarily need the Binford 5000 of PCs. But the 4000 model should be good lol. I’m a tad older than your normal gamer. Me and the lovely lady are established and we don’t have kids (the last one is the biggie).

One of the guys I work with is a big gamer off duty. Streams and stuff. War games I think….
Anyways, he’s having one built by a company right now. He’s at 2800 with his. Problem is there’s no GPU’s available. Or they’re price-gouged.

I could be talked into building one myself. I hear it’s not that tough. Would leave some dough left over to upgrade my pedals. We’ll see.

If I do the PC thaaang…. I think I’ll go VR tho. More immersive and cheaper to boot I think. I figure by the end of the year, I’ll have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen with Pc parts and GT7. Plus, I still gotta spend the summer test driving these sim titles on my PS4 to see if I’ll even like the whole experience

There’s a good chance I might be a dandy with my games, and stick to Gran Turismo 😂
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I think the best thing I can do right now is just to put that check in an account and let it sit. I’m not ready to do it just yet anyways. Not to mention there’s no decent parts even available right now. I contemplated having a sim race company build one for me. I surmised they would know exactly what to put in there.

As far as price points, I’m a “buy once, cry once” kinda guy. If I’m gonna do it, I wanna go all in…therefore I don’t have to worry about upgrading components for at least a couple years. I don’t necessarily need the Binford 5000 of PCs. But the 4000 model should be good lol. I’m a tad older than your normal gamer. Me and the lovely lady are established and we don’t have kids (the last one is the biggie).

One of the guys I work with is a big gamer off duty. Streams and stuff. War games I think….
Anyways, he’s having one built by a company right now. He’s at 2800 with his. Problem is there’s no GPU’s available. Or they’re price-gouged.

I could be talked into building one myself. I hear it’s not that tough. Would leave some dough left over to upgrade my pedals. We’ll see.

If I do the PC thaaang…. I think I’ll go VR tho. More immersive and cheaper to boot I think. I figure by the end of the year, I’ll have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen with Pc parts and GT7. Plus, I still gotta spend the summer test driving these sim titles on my PS4 to see if I’ll even like the whole experience

There’s a good chance I might be a dandy with my games, and stick to Gran Turismo 😂
It’s all about each individual, and what they prioritize. I just brought it up since I was deadset on never going pc at one point-but the lack of rules on GTS pushed me into it, and I am really glad that I did.
For me-this is entertainment-I’m never going to stream etc, and let’s face it I’m not going triple 65 4K 400hz screens, sucking enough power that my neighborhoods lights dim when I’m in a drift…
Personally VR messes me up. I’ll run pancake or maybe triples but no vr.
I just wanted to encourage anyone who wants a quality experience that pc is not a devil.
I just ran a 2 lap at Nordschleife in the R8 gt3 and it’s another seperate universe from anything on PS4…A whole new ball game. It’s one of those things you can spend as much as you want.
But, you gotta ask how much performance do I really need?
Anyways games are awesome I love em. PC isn’t the devil.
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It’s all about each individual, and what they prioritize. I just brought it up since I was deadset on never going pc at one point-but the lack of rules on GTS pushed me into it, and I am really glad that I did.
For me-this is entertainment-I’m never going to stream etc, and let’s face it I’m not going triple 65 4K 400hz screens, sucking enough power that my neighborhoods lights dim when I’m in a drift…
Personally VR messes me up. I’ll run pancake or maybe triples but no vr.
I just wanted to encourage anyone who wants a quality experience that pc is not a devil.
I just ran a 2 lap at Nordschleife in the R8 gt3 and it’s another seperate universe from anything on PS4…A whole new ball game. It’s one of those things you can spend as much as you want.
But, you gotta ask how much performance do I really need?
Anyways games are awesome I love em. PC isn’t the devil.

Yea.... I won't be going full boosted' on it either!!

My quandary is wether I want to go triple 32's or VR. I have a VR set for GTS. It sucks. Waaaaaaay blurry. But I absolutely love the genuine immersion and see the potential!!! You have no clue how steep some of the hills are on these tracks until you experience it in VR!!! I have literally felt my stomach go up into my chest from the immersion VR offers!!

As far as power...ya, I don't need a crazy powerful computer. I'll never stream. And if I one would watch anyways. I'm not that interesting of a person. The only reason I will consider going all-in off the get-go is mainly to avoid upgrading components for a few years hopefully. Plus I'll have the horsepower in reserve to handle more detailed monitors/VR sets as they inevitably become available.

At the risk of sounding like a huge douche, the price jump from $1700 to $2700 isn't a big deal to me. However, the performance jump seems palatable and worth it for the detail, frame rate and graphics.

Idk... I'm not computer savvy though. Good chance I'm wrong in my thinking. I'm just a blue collar guy who got his first smart phone 8 months ago when my Tacoma with 400K on the odo blew out a wheel bearing in BFE again. I had to walk a couple miles to get reception on my flip phone..... call the lady to have her get me help.....then walk back to my truck.

This has happened before...

Absolutely fed up with my stubbornness, I arrived home 8 hours later (and $1600 lighter in the wallet) to be greeted by the lovely lady with her old iPhone in hand and a direct order from the boss (HER) get a new truck that weekend.

I negotiated into ordering a van that we could use for camping, Moto, surfing ect. This was in November of last year. Because of the microchip shortage, I'm finally getting my 55K tin box delivered to me from the Ford plant next week. Its killing me to have a car payment again after 12 years without one, but its time. The last new vehicle I had was my same 07' Tacoma that I bought in 06'. That truck owes me nothing. It'll be regulated to dump runs from here on out....until I retire in 17 years...

I promised myself the day I bought that truck, that I would drive it to my retirement party. For context, I bought it at the end of my rookie FF year when I had just turned 23. I turn 38 next month and I'll retire with 34ish years of service when I decide to walk away (god willing). Not a bad lifespan for a truck!

Toyota Baby!!!
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My first Toyota was straight 1986 extra cab sr5 4wd 22re.
I’ve also had 88 2wd non efi.
83 4wd straight axle and
89 4Runner 22re.
Current ride is 01 4Runner 3.4 sr5 4wd automatic. It’s fancy to me what with an automatic trans and shift on the fly 4wd lmao. Everything else I had was stick.
I don’t like what I see too much in modern stuff but it is what it is.
I think Toyota built its rep up and has been resting on it’s laurels too long.
No GR Yaris stateside.
Supra’s a beemer. Looks like there’s a chance of a GR Corolla.
The days of old with overbuilt trucks are over though.
Toyota has a fascinating history-that original guy working with looms and coming up with a way to stop a loom when there was a thread jam…Genius…
I think that so much growth has diluted the brand now plus stateside we don’t get the durable stuff.
I’d love certain land cruisers but they are too much bank and the used up ones aren’t worth the hassle…
4Runner is a solid bet still though.
I like those but too much money imo.
Vehicle choice is made tougher these days by all the govt regs and restrictions ruining everything…
I’d go used Jeep if the right one came along-lots of competition though they get snatched quick…
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My two dream cars:

  • 68-70' 240z
  • 78-83' (preferably an 81' with a 22RE and 5 speed already swapped) Toyota PU 4x4 long bed. Actually had a shot at one for my first ever car but it wasn't cool enough for me 😑. Same for the 66' bronco that I passed on too:ouch:. Ended up with a Jeep Wrangler. Sold it in a year because it nickel and dime'd my 16 year old arse to death.

I still kick myself over the cars I could've bought!!

Luckily my dream cars are obtainable, but rapidly getting waaaaaaaaaaay expensive.

I agree with you on Toyota. Even if I had decided to buy a new truck instead of a van. I would not have gotten a Toyota. They haven't done anything since 2005 when they changed the chassis. They're guaranteed to be future classics tho... Same for the 4runners. Even the late 80's early 90's Toyota PU's and 4 runners are getting expensive.

Little known fact unless you're a Toyota aficionado. The precursor to the 4runner was the Treker that was built on the 81-83' Hilux chassis by Winnebago

Where I live in San Diego, I see brand new diesel 4x4 Toyota Hilux's with hatch tailgates and Baja Mexico plates all the time!! I'm so jealous!!!!
Now you think people can move their finger faster than their foot?
I think the implication is that you can move the steering quicker on a DS4 than with a wheel. You can, but at the cost of a great loss of precision and massively increased tyre wear (if tyre wear is turned on). I went back to wheel last year after three or four years on pad (old wheel broke, couldn't afford a new one) and initially found that correcting slides on a wheel was more difficult than a pad due to slower steering inputs. Once I got used to the cues being sent by FFB again, the reverse is now true and there is now way I would ever match the consistent lines possible with a wheel while using a controller.

It's also true that there is always some filtering applied to the steering axis on controller in GTS. You can turn it up or down, but not completely off. Double edged sword that, it smooths steering input but slows responses and makes precise inputs difficult.
You seriously think that a wheel gets as much assist as a DS4??
FWIW I wouldn't say I'm a wheel elitist, I just think if you drive a video game car you use a wheel, if you fly a plane you use a joystick or a yoke, if you play Mario Brothers you use a pad. The last I have seen for at least the last few years all of the Sony GTS competitions use a wheel, no DS4 allowed, maybe they changed the rules recently and I was not aware.

FWIW I wouldn't say I'm a wheel elitist, I just think if you drive a video game car you use a wheel
There could be a million reasons why people doesn't buy a wheel. Cost, space, priorities, convenience etc etc
I agree with you on Toyota. Even if I had decided to buy a new truck instead of a van. I would not have gotten a Toyota. They haven't done anything since 2005 when they changed the chassis. They're guaranteed to be future classics tho.
Imo no. In 2015 or 16 they updated and ended up with the Atkinson cycle 3.5 which was a Camry motor.
The older 4.0 v6 was far better IMO for a small pickup.
I actually went and looked at an 85 extra cab pickup about two years ago you get solid axle plus 22re but getting in and driving it-it’s not the same as when I was younger. Although the design philosophy was different and imo more durable it remains what it is .
It’s not like those ever had any balls to begin with and the cabs so tiny. Plus you’re talking about a 35 year old vehicle. I drove the newest TRD PRO Tacoma while my 4Runner was getting its timing belt water pump and valves adjusted a year and a half ago-personally, for what I like, I wasn’t impressed by its powertrain, in fact I disliked it. The seating too, and the styling. The previous gen with 4.0 v6 I liked.
I guess from what I’ve seen currently the most interesting is the Ineos.
I’m sure it won’t be affordable here, if we can get it here at all.
I made a few trips in the 90’s from NorCal to Baja Mexico Sur in Toyotas and they never let me down back in the day.
So funny to be cruising through desert and the scenery is a large rock painted “Tecate”
It’s been a long time since then though.
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