Gran Turismo Sport delayed to 2017

  • Thread starter Pophead
Man, that last paragraph is nothing close to what we see GTS shaping up to be.

I can't call what this guy wants to do with the series...
In all fairness, the Horizon series is developed by another studio. Not that 3:1 is any better really, but fair is fair. I would love to see a spin-off GT series without Kaz. Two year dev cycles...TT2??

Yes that was originally pointed out but do not miss the point being raised when comparing the XB1 and PS4 as platforms that arrived around the same time.
When I heard GT Sport got delayed, i got shocked a bit but then said "meh" I just bought an Xbox one and going to start playing Forza.

While I didn't play Forza Motorsport 6 that much thanks to FH3, I would say FM6 is the Gran Turismo that i wished to be. FM6 is better at Gran Turismo-ing than GT Sport is (of course i'm talking about the good o' GT from PS1 and ps2). I was sad that I only now realised why Forza players who were GT players back then despite GT nowadays but happy that I finally got Forza for the first time in my life.

What would it take for you to go back to GT and PS4? Apart from the obvious things such as actually having a title out. ;)
What would it take for you to go back to GT and PS4? Apart from the obvious things such as actually having a title out. ;)
I already have a ps4 since over 2 years ago. I bought an xb1 simply because of Forza and it was an offer for only $315. PS4 is still my (and my brothers) main console for FIFA, WWE, GTA, COD, DBX, WD and other games.
I'm not saying I will leave GT forever but the whole direction GTSport is going for (ESport, Mostly Race cars...etc) isn't really my type of thing. I rather have the traditional way that GT and FM usually do.

Things that I would like GT to do? Better sounds, better online experience with much smoother gameplay and far less lag. Also allow us to mini games like infected and king mode. Livery editor (already confirmed). A huge variety of cars ranging from everyday cars to race cars. Better physics and better customization (ability to put wide body kits and convert them into race cars just like GT1, 2 and 5 did. Also things like engine swap and so on..etc) Better A.i that doesn't always feel the same. A mixture of real, fictional and city tracks with bringing old classic one's along with never seen before in GT.

Other people have explaind it a lot better than I do. As much as I love FM6 and FH3, I would love to try out GT Sport if the upcoming IGN convention that's going to happen at our local race track have sets of GT Sport demos.
pssst..... (Poll says otherwise)

After Copper Box, would you consider buying GTSport?
  • Yes! In fact, I'll pre-order it!...................... 261 vote(s) 45.6%
  • Yes. After launch....................................... 96 vote(s) 16.8%
  • Maybe. I'll wait on reviews or further news.. 117 vote(s) 20.5%
  • No, but I could change my mind.................. 65 vote(s) 11.4%
  • Heck no. Not going to bother at all............... 33 vote(s) 5.8%

    I rest my case m'lud.
I voted yes based upon the 2016 release date. Now with it delayed to 2017 and Forza having arrived on PC I would definitely change my vote to "maybe". And that maybe is only because I own a PS4 (which is barely getting used) and GTS is the sole remaining non-PC exclusive left.
The issue is that based of GT6's performance that 'old formula' wasn't hitting the spot as well as past iterations had either.

It didn't hit the spot due to the bad timing of the release. The old formula, but improved, is still what most people prefer.
The mix of both Forzas gives what GT offers/was supposed to offer, in a more modern way, and delivering what fans want. 90% of the content in their games is exactly what the GT fanbase asks for years. They probably pay more atention to the GT fans rather than Forza fans.

This new GT will most likely pull half of the numbers we are used to. Still the general idea is that it's still sort of a prologue, so people would rather be waiting for a "normal" GT, with all the improvements expected for a new iteration on a new console.
If they listened to half of the requests made in this forum, the game would perform really well in terms of sales. Getting rid of the standards and implementing the livery editor was a good start. But they messed up the rest, and lots of the content that we expected, is missing. Now let's hope that what we get, is in a very polished state, that makes a good base game for further improvements.

And no, this game won't offer something "ground breaking", simply there is nothing more in this genre to offer to make GT (or any other game) stand out over the rest. If there is something that would really be a game changer, feel free to point it out.
To me, the VR focus nowadays is still a bit nonsense. Just like 3D, after a while people will get tired of using it and just stick to the regular gameplay. After all, it will be an expensive extra for a few games and a limited use (I doubt someone will play a game for 2 hours with that head piece...).
A question for you all: If GTS were to offer "amazing" graphics, 150 modern relevant car models and a small but usable single player mode including limited collecting and tuning (GT5p level)... my thought is that this would sell at least a few million copies just as something to look good on the TV irrespective of the online mode.

What do you guys think?
Is it supremely difficult to offer a free GTS downloadable demo using the GT3 GT-R vs 19 other AI at Brands Hatch?
A question for you all: If GTS were to offer "amazing" graphics, 150 modern relevant car models and a small but usable single player mode including limited collecting and tuning (GT5p level)... my thought is that this would sell at least a few million copies just as something to look good on the TV irrespective of the online mode.

What do you guys think?
That would sell. Regardless of people's anger of no online play.
A question for you all: If GTS were to offer "amazing" graphics, 150 modern relevant car models and a small but usable single player mode including limited collecting and tuning (GT5p level)... my thought is that this would sell at least a few million copies just as something to look good on the TV irrespective of the online mode.

What do you guys think?

I fully expect GT Sport to have the most sales of ANY racing game title on the current generation of consoles. I also believe that GT Sport could out do several of them combined.

Will the game be perfect? No, I don't think it will but I also don't believe the vast majority of players are going to care about some of the issues that are frequently discussed here.
At this point with zero communication from Poly, I think the project will greatly change. No new date, nothing to keep guys hyped like new screenshots/trailers/features. I'm happy if they make GT7 instead of GTSport. Maybe I'm simply wrong and Poly is late as usual...
At this point with zero communication from Poly, I think the project will greatly change. No new date, nothing to keep guys hyped like new screenshots/trailers/features. I'm happy if they make GT7 instead of GTSport. Maybe I'm simply wrong and Poly is late as usual...
Yeah it has become pretty much standard practice over there to suffer from looong delays, and to keep radio silence for months on end. That's when fans start speculating and hoping for an overhaul which ultimately never happens.
my thought is that this would sell at least a few million copies

As long as it has this, it'll sell a couple million copies. It might even sell enough - by virtue of its name alone, if need be - to allow Kaz and team to keep mucking about. Yay, I guess.


Sigh... Maybe someone's going to take a long, hard look at the franchise if an entry fails to sell a million copies. Someone who's like "yeah, maybe we need someone who can lead a project without missing every deadline ever" :lol:
GT Sport, if it releases in the same format as we know it, will be a huge acid test for the series IMO. Up to GT6 the franchise has had no direct competition on the Playstation platform, no other game offered several hundred cars, the ability to modify and customize them, fit a big turbo and brakes etc etc. We know a certain other game that does, but it's not a direct competitor for those who only own a Playstation platform, of which there are a lot.

If you wanted to play around with your parents little hatch and turn it into a racer GT was your game. With GTS, that is all currently gone. It no longer has that USP. It now directly competes with other titles on car numbers, it competes with others on gameplay features and structure in that it's a straight up racing titles with "preset" cars in classes. It has road cars, but far, far fewer than before and no modifying.

If enough people do their research into the title and what it offers in terms of content and gameplay approach then we could very well see a lot more people going with genuine, direct alternatives this time around. GTS is not like any other mainline GT game, we have to remember that.
Quick question, where has it been confirmed that GTS will not have tuning?

It will have tuning (Change gear ratio, ride height, suspension settings etc), it will not have customisation (Adding a turbo, CPU, Race Exhaust etc). This was confirmed by Kaz himself although I can't find the quote right now. It was along the lines of "No, you won't be creating a 1000hp Skyline in GT Sport" IIRC.
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It will have tuning (Change gear ratio, ride height, suspension etc), it will not have customisation (Adding a turbo, CPU, Exhaust etc). This was confirmed by Kaz himself although I can't find the quote right now. It was along the lines of "No, you won't be creating a 1000hp Skyline in GT Sport" IIRC.
Ah, OK. Thank you.
I have yet to find anything that states we won't have customization features. I found the 1000 HP Skyline quote but that is about it.
We only have that one piece of information to go on, but it's pretty telling don't you think? I don't think Kaz would say something along those lines if traditional types of Gran Turismo customization were in the game. With the heavy online focus and with it, likely, parity, it makes sense to limit customization that would only be usable in arcade mode, a mode they've paid very little attention to in past games.
Of course, now that the game is delayed to an indeterminate spot of 2017, it's entirely possible PD will shoehorn the more traditional upgrade system into GT Sport.
I certainly hope that feedback between Copper Box and the delay announcement got through to them and forced them to add it back in....

For me GT has always been about stunning visuals (particularly the lighting model which is top drawer), superb replays and photo mode, with car collecting, tuning and driving thrown in. Messing with the formula is fine but completely throwing it away has almost certainly resulted in vehement feedback at all of the events and shows.
We only have that one piece of information to go on, but it's pretty telling don't you think? I don't think Kaz would say something along those lines if traditional types of Gran Turismo customization were in the game. With the heavy online focus and with it, likely, parity, it makes sense to limit customization that would only be usable in arcade mode, a mode they've paid very little attention to in past games.

I don't believe that anyone should be stating that there isn't any vehicle customization in GT Sport, because we just don't know, definitively speaking.

Of course, now that the game is delayed to an indeterminate spot of 2017, it's entirely possible PD will shoehorn the more traditional upgrade system into GT Sport.

It is possible and I hope it is. I have no problem with GT Sport becoming more of an online game. That is, as long as they don't forget about the offline centered players out there.
I don't believe that anyone should be stating that there isn't any vehicle customization in GT Sport, because we just don't know, definitively speaking.

Pfft. We had Kaz saying clearly that GTS was GT7 by another name, but people still claim that GTS is a spin off.

At this point you can basically make up whatever you like about the game. Even with direct quotes from Polyphony people will believe whatever they want.
I think he qualified that statement (like all of his statements) with a 'could be'. Combined with the fact that many of his statements have been proven false, it's to be expected that people disregard them. I will just assume nothing, we only know what we've seen so far. Whatever PD/Kaz's vision is for GTS today and whether that's still the same as a few months ago remains to be seen.