Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
I'll give you the PCars thing, I didn't research that enough. But it doesn't change my point, which was that you jumped on the guy for stating his opinion on what he thought might be the case in an unreleased game, based on some decent evidence.

Your reaction was overkill, in my opinion (do I have to keep saying that?). You can deal with that or not. Up to you.
If that's what you think is "jumping down someone's throat" I'd hate to see your reaction when it actually happens.
But as a mod, in my opinion, you shouldn't jump on these members so hard.
Why? They're just as much a member here as anyone else. Why can't they interact with people and have opposing opinions, and discuss them? If you consider that hard, than I don't know what to tell you, but you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
Why can these guys not be enthusiastic without being jumped on by you?
Oh, you mean that guy that jumped on someone else? Or that other guy that was quoted, that jumped on someone else? Or do you mean you, the person trying to jump on a mod for having an opinion and discussing it thoroughly?

negative opinions of JonnyP, Imari, Imarobot, et al, are exactly the same, and just as acceptable.
Oh, now you're jumping on me. I post negative, and I post positives. You just choose to focus on one.
Fair enough man!
Haha, well let's just leave it there eh? :)
Are you planning on buying GTS btw?
I know you wrote that we are free to express an opinion either way. However, when the likes of GT6Mebe or Nixxxon have a pop at those with a negative opinion you don't write similar posts to them.

I have the collectors edition ordered with two different retailers. I don't want to miss out.
I know you wrote that we are free to express an opinion either way. However, when the likes of GT6Mebe or Nixxxon have a pop at those with a negative opinion you don't write similar posts to them.

I have the collectors edition ordered with two different retailers. I don't want to miss out.

Nice, look forward to racing you then.

My point is clearly that all is fair game, within the AUP. But mods shape a discussion and set a tone, and I disagree strongly with @SlipZtrEm 's management of it. See what I mean?
Nice, look forward to racing you then.

My point is clearly that all is fair game, within the AUP. But mods shape a discussion and set a tone, and I disagree strongly with @SlipZtrEm 's management of it. See what I mean?
No, I don't. I completely disagree with what you're saying. I believe they have every right to get into discussions, and just because it's a touchy subject, shouldn't mean that they should water down their post' because of it.
Today, if a game like overwatch, which does not have a single player roll, sells 35 million copies in just over a year or game as a GTA5 (one of the biggest single player games today, as well as the best-selling one) Are getting upgrades and expansions only for the online part, because the most played part of the game; Already carrying these 2 examples you understand well that people are much more predisposed to playing online than the other way around.
This has been addressed before. In fps games if you die, you respawn within 10 seconds and are back trying to get kills. In GTS if some muppet puts you into the barrier at the first corner and you damage your car then it's race over. You are going to be waiting for at least 10 mins before you have a chance to go for the win. You are comparing two very different gameplay styles.

And as I've said upthread both PC2 and FM7 are going to feature similar e-sports modes as well as fully featured career modes, one game with vastly more tracks and the other with vastly more cars. No reason that GTS should not be able to offer that.
Nice, look forward to racing you then.

My point is clearly that all is fair game, within the AUP. But mods shape a discussion and set a tone, and I disagree strongly with @SlipZtrEm 's management of it. See what I mean?
Yes it will great to race with everyone on here.

No I don't. Slip is a mod when he needs to be a mod. The rest of the time he is a forum member like us all.
But as a mod, in my opinion, you shouldn't jump on these members so hard. It's always the same type of comments you always jump on: the positive comments, from members who are obviously fans of the game and are hoping for the best and state their hopes and opinions. Sure, it might not be realistic - I don't agree with them most of the time - but this is GT Planet. Why can these guys not be enthusiastic without being jumped on by you? At the most basic level, the opposing extreme, the negative opinions of JonnyP, Imari, Imarobot, et al, are exactly the same, and just as acceptable.
Please quote for me where I post opinions as facts or where I routinely say one thing in one thread and the opposite in another. How about refusing to provide sources for claims I make? Unless you can find a slew of those types of posts on my behalf and on the part of @Imari and @ImaRobot, then your claim that my/our posts are the exact same but opposite is at best wishful thinking and at worst pure bollocks.

IMO you should stick to playing the ball and not the man.
I know it's just a sketch but this Blue Moon Bay concept art from the IGN Japan shows reflective roads, so weather has been planned from the start?
View attachment 666420

It's not the track surface, it's an ornemental lake in the infield. You can tell by the light going through the foliage and the shadows on the ground it is rather sunny. The "best" clue we have on weather at this point is the presence of wet compound in the tire selection.

Do you think they will be buyable / winnable in the game I hope .. Or they will be just for those who buy the collector version of GT sport..
what do you think ???


I'm confident all cars will be available to win/buy for all players, regardless of what version or when they buy it.

Regarding the pace cars, I notice one had a Police livery on the videos released from the recent media day at PD's headquarters.
So it was certainly available there.
Also, on the EU PlayStation Store, the "Pace Car" pack comes as a pre-order bonus for any digital version.
Even with the cheapest Standard edition.


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I know you wrote that we are free to express an opinion either way. However, when the likes of GT6Mebe or Nixxxon have a pop at those with a negative opinion you don't write similar posts to them.
@jm79 You know PZR Slim is right here, when the likes of the "enthusiastic" members jump on the opinion of Johnypenso, Imari, Imarobot and PZR SLim (seemingly for their critique view of the game) there is no one that says that the "enthusiastic" members should stop.

Also the moderators here simply have all the right to voice their "critique" opinion aswell as any other member in here as long as they do not violate the AUP. I can imagine handling a big community is not easy especially in a discussion forum. I can also imagine if something is not going well in the forum (members violating the AUP) they will jump in to give warnings (and that in itself is also not easy).

This whole "passive sentimental" attitude (because X person said something that Y person does not like) has to stop really, cause in the end you are just hurting yourself. (take my word for advice if you like or not).

Feel free to voice your opinion but do not tell others what to do or say.
@jm79 You know PZR Slim is right here, when the likes of the "enthusiastic" members jump on the opinion of Johnypenso, Imari, Imarobot and PZR SLim (seemingly for their critique view of the game) there is no one that says that the "enthusiastic" members should stop.

Also the moderators here simply have all the right to voice their "critique" opinion aswell as any other member in here as long as they do not violate the AUP. I can imagine handling a big community is not easy especially in a discussion forum. I can also imagine if something is not going well in the forum (members violating the AUP) they will jump in to give warnings (and that in itself is also not easy).

This whole "passive sentimental" attitude (because X person said something that Y person does not like) has to stop really, cause in the end you are just hurting yourself. (take my word for advice if you like or not).

Feel free to voice your opinion but do not tell others what to do or say.

Another not reading too well. Weird how many times I have to say this.

Once again then:

I said everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether I agree with them or not, also I said I didn't agree with the positive guys a lot of the time too. Positive or negative, all the same. Anyway, for the members you personally find objectionable, there is always the ignore button.

For my issue, and I hope that issue is clear, there is sadly no ignore button. Hence the gentle suggestion to the mod concerned.

Understanding yet?
Another not reading too well. Weird how many times I have to say this.

Once again then:

I said everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether I agree with them or not, also I said I didn't agree with the positive guys a lot of the time too. Positive or negative, all the same. Anyway, for the members you personally find objectionable, there is always the ignore button.

For my issue, and I hope that issue is clear, there is sadly no ignore button. Hence the gentle suggestion to the mod concerned.

Understanding yet?
I understand perfectly well, and you are the one here not getting the concept of everyone is entitled to their opinion. For me its as if you jumped on one side only and mentioned the "negative" guys only and even suggested that @SlipZtrEm should change/ tone down the way he approaches other "positive/enthusiastic members".

Surely it is your opinion (not saying it is wrong or right to think so) but in that you inhibit the mods to also voice their opinion on behalf of other members opinion and contradict your statement of "everyone is entitled to their opinion". Next time try not to mention the more critique view members in here mainly for the reason there will be misunderstandings. Or simply do not fall into the discussion (because it can get heated)
Another not reading too well. Weird how many times I have to say this.
And now you're being a hypocrite and "jumping down people's throats." We're reading well, we're just not agreeing with you whatsoever.

I said everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether I agree with them or not, also I said I didn't agree with the positive guys a lot of the time too. Positive or negative, all the same. Anyway, for the members you personally find objectionable, there is always the ignore button.
The problem is that you're arguing against it, and for it at the same time. You're contradicting yourself with the point you were making.
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I understand perfectly well, and you are the one here not getting the concept of everyone is entitled to their opinion. For me its as if you jumped on one side only and mentioned the "negative" guys only and even suggested that @SlipZtrEm should change/ tone down the way he approaches other "positive/enthusiastic members".

Surely it is your opinion (not saying it is wrong or right to think so) but in that you inhibit the mods to also voice their opinion on behalf of other members opinion and contradict your statement of "everyone is entitled to their opinion". Next time try not to mention the more critique view members in here mainly for the reason there will be misunderstandings. Or simply do not fall into the discussion (because it can get heated)

Oh bless, you're still not there are you?

I mentioned those members by name not to denigrate them, but quite the opposite, to use them as an example of what IS acceptable.

A mod has more power than a member, so they have, IN MY OPINION, more responsibility to be fair and balanced.

Ye gods!
Oh bless, you're still not there are you?
and you continue to be a hypocrite with your insults.

I mentioned those members by name not to denigrate them, but quite the opposite, to use them as an example of what IS acceptable.
Again, you're contradicting yourself. You're doing exactly that because our opinions are negative, and not positive, like you want them to be. You're essentially trying to hush negative criticism.

A mod has more power than a member, so they have, IN MY OPINION, more responsibility to be fair and balanced.
Where is it being unbalanced? The fact that it wasn't in agreence with you?
A mod has more power than a member, so they have, IN MY OPINION, more responsibility to be fair and balanced.

A moderator's job on a forum is to enforce the rules. That's it. Their position is completely irrelevant when it comes to discussions. They're allowed to have preferences just like the rest of us.
GT5 sold 10 million copies, a tiny fraction played online

Link for this or did you just make it up?

I don't think you know how this really works, people bought GT off the back of it's previous titles and franchise loyalty.

This is funny. No. I don't think you know how sales work, even more, I think you dislike the fact that GT remained a hugely successful franchise. People, fans, don't just randomly drop their money for GT for over 20 years. It may be hard for you to fathom, but GT remained relatively popular as it was well liked and enjoyed by fans. Your opinion is just that: an opinion that clearly does not reflect the objective reality of sales.

You can look at the numbers and say it was popular, but you can also look at the damage GT5 and then GT6 ( which didn't sell well on launch, PS4 is not the reason) did to PDI's reputation.

The numbers = objective reality
"The damage" = your perception

GT5 made me and many of my other friends become GT fans. Oh and yes PS4 definitely affected GT6 sales.
Have you actually listened to some of the bollocks that comes out of the man's mouth? After the last ten years, I think that it's completely reasonable if people want to have that attitude towards Kaz, just like Peter Molyneux and Sean Murray. He makes interesting games, but he also lets his mouth get way, way ahead of what he can actually achieve. More power to you if you want to treat him with respect, but I don't think you can be surprised if people don't any more.

At this point, we all know that we have to take anything that the head of the studio says with a big grain of salt regardless of your opinion of him as a person, and that's not a particularly good position. Basically anything that Kaz has said could either not make it into the game at all, only make it in later as DLC/updates or be changed drastically from what he's so far described. He is an entirely untrustworthy spokesman for his own game series, and there's a lot of historical evidence to back that up.

Hell, we're two months out from release and we still haven't seen weather. You can colour me totally unsurprised if that one happens not to make the day zero version of the game.
I'm not saying he delivers all his visions and sure he has had to apologize his unfulfilled promises failed to deliver of various reasons, but calling him delusional liar is too much, as @PzR Slim did. It feels like some random youtube answer culture here in GTPlanet's GTS general discussion forum.
The anti-PoDi level has suddenly raised to very high here. What if we had Kaz here as a guest answering questions, would you act that way?

p.s. Please don't clip quote my post that way. It is out of context now.

Peace brother :)

Anyway, I reckon GTS has improved rapidly this year. The livery editor alone has sold me (not pre-ordered yet). The graphics are sick, which matters to me, personally.

Also, night racing and rain were the two things I wanted to see the most after the livery editor. So all that's left then, is inclement weather. Can't wait to catch a glimpse of that... Maybe at Gamescom?
Link for this or did you just make it up?

This is funny. No. I don't think you know how sales work, even more, I think you dislike the fact that GT remained a hugely successful franchise. People, fans, don't just randomly drop their money for GT for over 20 years. It may be hard for you to fathom, but GT remained relatively popular as it was well liked and enjoyed by fans. Your opinion is just that: an opinion that clearly does not reflect the objective reality of sales.

The numbers = objective reality
"The damage" = your perception

GT5 made me and many of my other friends become GT fans. Oh and yes PS4 definitely affected GT6 sales.

Opinion. That's your perception.
Link for this or did you just make it up?
Don't know where his proof is, but games like COD sell millions(many more so than GT) yet total online has always been a very small percentage of that. It's a normal occurrence from what I've seen in multiplayer games.

I don't think you know how sales work
There's no mystery to that. Sales are people buying a product.

I think you dislike the fact that GT remained a hugely successful franchise.
How'd you get to this revelation? That sounds absolutely ridiculous.

People, fans, don't just randomly drop their money for GT for over 20 years.
Really? There have been people here that I saw admitted that even though there has been issues with the series, they'll still be a loyal GT fan and buy their games regardless. It happens, they want to support their favorite developer, through the thick and thin.

but GT remained relatively popular as it was well liked and enjoyed by fans.
A lot of games have fans, even if it's not that great of a game. That's not unheard of. GT has remained extremely popular, that doesn't mean it didn't have a negative reception.

Your opinion is just that: an opinion that clearly does not reflect the objective reality of sales.
Obvious statement is obvious.

Sales are just a number. Things can sell a lot and still have a negative view surrounding them. Exactly like the example I used for The Division, that you so conveniently ignored.

The numbers = objective reality
"The damage" = your perception
Perception, and the opinion that forms around it comes from reviews, comments, and issues with the game that formed from the community, and themselves. You're acting like there wasn't a single issue with these games when they came out, which would be false. GT last gen sold a lot, they also over-promised and under-delivered on things, creating that negative stigma that you're saying isn't there.

It feels like some random youtube answer culture here in GTPlanet's GTS general discussion forum.
You've certainly got that right. However, I don't see you being any different if that's the case.

The anti-PoDi level has suddenly raised to very high here
Anti-what? It's a bit ironic considering a good majority of the people that are actually criticizing the game, are actually going to be buying it.
Why can these guys not be enthusiastic without being jumped on by you? At the most basic level, the opposing extreme, the negative opinions of JonnyP, Imari, Imarobot, et al, are exactly the same, and just as acceptable.
You are clearly not understanding your own sentence written, if you are speaking of the postive ones why did you mention that the negative ones IS more acceptable assuming the mods are on the negative ones side. Or even to use them as an example of what IS acceptable meaning you mentioned them because you are assuming the mods jump only on the positive ones and accepting the negative ones.

This is about opinions, everyone is entitled to one. You are entitled to yours, i will never try to change it
And here is where you stated your contradiction "You are entitled to yours". Yet you inhibit the mods simply because they are voicing their opinion on others.

And it's more important for you. I'm just a random member with an opinion that isn't as extreme as you may assume. You're the Editor-in-Chief.
Being an editor in chief does not inhibit him voicing his opinions, it only gives him more responsability to deal with within the AUP.
You've certainly got that right. However, I don't see you being any different if that's the case.

Anti-what? It's a bit ironic considering a good majority of the people that are actually criticizing the game, are actually going to be buying it.
I meant the youtube comments' rudeness.
It is the general discussion forum of GTS. Criticism is of course ok but the pure negativeness may be better in the whining thread?