Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
I tried the Stage6 event with the McLaren VGT and was so happy to see the LMP1-H cars there. I caught up to them, with the Toyota being pressured by the Porsche, when I hatched a plan.

I would pass the Porsche, slowing it slightly, which would allow the Toyota to pull a slight gap to it then I would overtake the TS050-HYBRID. Genius!

Unfortunately, my execution was less than perfect. I braked too late, went deep into the corner, clipped my beloved Toyota, we were both passed by the Porsche and I ended up finishing P4. Still haven't won the damn event.
@CLowndes888 - 'simulation game' is a fantastic description my friend. It feels right enough physics wise, but it's still a bloody enjoyable game too.
If anything, that term should replace the derogatory "SimCade" term.
Simcade is stupid, it's not even a genre for crying out loud. Heck, I think someone here coined the phrase, but anyway. GTS just isn't in the realm of arcade anymore, it really does feel challenging compared to GT6. That seems to the be consensus here - clearly this game more simulation than arcade.

Is it me, or do I find it strange that the AI doesn't use the Porsche 919 Hybrid?
No, because you can find it racing in the mission with the McLaren VGT.

Nothing more annoying that someone saying "Lazy Devs", makes anything else that person says a waste of my time.
Even thinking that the devs are lazy is an insult. Honestly, some people work their arses off to get a game on the market.

Surprised I am not seeing much complaints about this, but the snap oversteer with the DS4 that some cars exhibit is very bad.
Yes it happens but I'm not complaining about it. Makes the game more challenging; teaches you to be more careful with your throttle and steering.

Man I'm really surprised about the lack of lag here. I have pretty bad connection but the teleportation from the beta has improved greatly. Credit where it's due.

I see myself spending hours in Sports Mode in the final game now. My personal issues won't make be able to play this before next month, but I'm sold on it.
Same here. The lag in the GTS Demo is even less than that of Project Cars 2. Now that's saying something, because I had my doubts about whether the game would run smoothly at 60FPS with such realistic graphics. PD have made massive strides to ensure that online play is as smooth as possible.
The thing is you get caught up in their mess and get a lower score as a result... I was 3rd and someone ram us in the first corner and I spun and got a 10 sec penalty. My score is now down to C. I’ll stop racing at BB Raceway for today

The same exact thing happened to me as well on that track. I had a decent pole position and someone kept ramming into me, causing me to spun out and get a penalty. My sportsmanship rating somehow went down to a C from that. It was upsetting because my rating kept going down for reasons for someone ramming into me on that track.
From my experience with the demo, the controller steering settings could be tweaked since (to me) it feels a bit heavy. Rallying is actually a challenge since the cars seems to handle like they're on ice.

Is there an option to reassign buttons, or is the accelerator/brake already the right thumbstick? I really dislike this non feature in Asetto Corsa
i dont know if this is common knowledge. its a warning:
every time i delete i picture in my gallery and then after deleting... when i want to watch the picture right next to it, the game crashes to ps4 ui! happened 2 times... might give it another try tonight just to be sure! but its a demo... i can live with it for 4 days. ;)
I think the Daihatsu VGT has rear wheel steering... It was a really odd drive.

And in other news, papa bless:

Gran Turismo®SPORT β Version_20171011003659.jpg
So I did about 16 races yesterday in sport mode and got kicked from matchmaking 4 times, anyone have any ideas why is that happening? My mates got matched with no issues.

It can't be my conection:
500Mbps fiber optic, dmz host with ps4 fixed ip address (nat type open) and google dns..
Will the demo be extended until day one realase? Haven't had a lot of time to spend on it so far and I want to finish the licences lol.

Great feeling so far. Have to bring a bit more sensitivity in the DS4 paddle and it will be great. I especially love the weight of cars, this time you really have to use it properly or you'll go away in tricky corners. The DS4 makes changes of direction a bit difficult at the moment in places like the esses of Suzuka or the right turn in the BB Speedway , you really have to anticipate the change. Other than that it's great. The Copen race felt just right.
Will the demo be extended until day one realase? Haven't had a lot of time to spend on it so far and I want to finish the licences lol.

Great feeling so far. Have to bring a bit more sensitivity in the DS4 paddle and it will be great. I especially love the weight of cars, this time you really have to use it properly or you'll go away in tricky corners. The DS4 makes changes of direction a bit difficult at the moment in places like the esses of Suzuka or the right turn in the BB Speedway , you really have to anticipate the change. Other than that it's great. The Copen race felt just right.

no, demo is a limited release after it ends it will be gone forever unless PD decides to put it up again for those who do not own the game
In which ways do you find it more challenging?
There is some weirdness with the AI for the record. The first race I did with them I was in P1 on turn two, then I did a race later in the GR4s and I couldn't climb higher than P11 in a 5 lap race. I think there is a setting somewhere that makes the AI waaay more competitive than they used to be, but I don't actually know what it is.

For example there is this video:

The AI here is pretty damn competitive. They struggle in a couple of corners, but can you imagine having this much of a race against GT6's AI?
Anyone getting Digital download version of full game? I'm currently on pre-order for the collectors edition but swaying towards doing all digital downloads (will take the console to a friends to download big stuff) on my new PS4 Pro.

Anyone know when digital download starts? assuming it'll let you download it in advance of the release day!?
Here is my garage so far with 1 more day to go on the demo

I completed all available campaign events and the daily 50mile rewards and still don't have enough cars like you. Is there any other way to get gift cars? Nice collection btw.
Monday and tuesday I got 2 for 50miles, Driving school 1 car, for Mission stages 1 and 6 I got 2 cars. If I get 2 cars for 50 mile reward for today and tomorrow that makes 7. I heard somewhere you can collect up to 8. Am I missing something?
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I completed all available campaign events and the daily 50mile rewards and still don't have enough cars like you. Is there any other way to get gift cars? Nice collection btw.
Monday and tuesday I got 2 for 50miles, Driving school 1 car, for Mission stages 1 and 6 I got 2 cars. If I get 2 cars for 50 mile reward for today and tomorrow that makes 7. I heard somewhere you can collect up to 8. Am I missing something?

you should have gotten a car for just getting the demo, unless that was for the pre-download for the demo in which case that might be missing from your collection
I've done a couple of arcade races vs the highest level AI and while, they are disappointingly slow (was kind of hoping they would have fixed this given how few tracks there are..) they did seem to weave and defend positions.

More often than not they would move off the racing line to the inside to prevent me from going up the inside. That's a pretty huge leap from what I remember of GT6!
depends on how many stops you want to do, i did 2 stops as i set my fuel map to 6 at the start and just rode it out until i got close to my 2nd stop then put it on fuel map 1, i stayed on the hard tires until my 2nd stop then switched to the softs

Just keep an eye on how much fuel is left
Just downloaded the beta now and i noticed that there seems to be white noise on certain screens of the game, Mainly the blacks. I also experienced this in the beta home screen but that seems fixed in the demo. if you want to check it out for yourself, go to brands central for the dodge challenger hellcat and select dynamic scenes and in some of the scenes check if you also have noise in the dark scenes.


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Just downloaded the beta now and i noticed that there seems to be white noise on certain screens of the game, Mainly the blacks. I also experienced this in the beta home screen but that seems fixed in the demo. if you want to check it out for yourself, go to brands central for the dodge challenger hellcat and select dynamic scenes and in some of the scenes check if you also have noise in the dark scenes.
Huh weird, almost looks like the kind of noise you get from low sample raytracing.
Is there an option to reassign buttons, or is the accelerator/brake already the right thumbstick? I really dislike this non feature in Asetto Corsa
Yep, the game will ask you when you start it for the first time if you want the use X Square, R2 L2, or R3 for gas and braking. You're able to change these settings anytime in the options menu.