Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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I chose digital version to avoid using the Blu-Ray player because it's a game that I will play a lot.
I chose physical because.. well.. #becauseGT. :) hehe. But I prefer digital games, I have only one physical game for the PS4(out of 150 or so games total)
Never been on the GT day 1 train before. I assume digital buyers get first go at the game because they don't have to wait for game shops to hand over hard copies. or can hardcopy psn+ holder get a start on downloading? as its going to take a while coming down the pipe of my 56.6k modem.

I buy physical copies because I don't trust playstation enough to enter a credit card number nor keep the account safe from being compromised.
I chose physical too. Lately I've been watching these collectors on YouTube, and it makes me look at all my games from PS1-PS4 and Xbox-Xbox One. Makes me want to grow a collection too. I've bought games digitally before, because of the ease of digital. Mainly because I'm lazy to get up to change games, sometimes, lol. I may rebuy them in the future, just to have a physical copy.

Also, now that I have Amazon Prime, depending on the game, it tends to be cheaper. Sometimes $10 cheaper, like when I bought Destiny 2. When I preordered the Limited Edition of GT Sport, it was at $60 on Amazon, plus a couple of dollars off for being a Prime member, it went down to $58, and that's with tax included.
I went physical for the limited edition steelbook and it was cheaper on Amazon because of prime.

I think I may just get a digital version off PSN since I have Tuesday off anyway.

Speaking of which, if I do get a digital version too, do I get two sets of pre order bonuses?
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I got physical copy because I'm just still paranoid about downloading online only game (I know, silly but that's just me). I deal with it when it comes to Free-to-play because those don't exist in disk form (yet), but not willing to risk it for a full complete retail game. That and I still have not so pleasant memories about losing my stuff on my PS3 with some games so not taking any chances.
I buy physical copies because I don't trust playstation enough to enter a credit card number nor keep the account safe from being compromised.

that is why I only buy from PSN using prepaid PSN balance cards, my PS3 had its bluray drive die, and if that happened to my PS4 I could still use it no problem given that pretty much all games I own are digital, plus it's so nice not to have to worry about switching discs all the time.
that is why I only buy from PSN using prepaid PSN balance cards, my PS3 had its bluray drive die, and if that happened to my PS4 I could still use it no problem given that pretty much all games I own are digital, plus it's so nice not to have to worry about switching discs all the time.
And having digital rather than physical games saves space in cabinets etc.
I have Tuesday off and pre-ordered on Amazon. Problem is I've gotten games on day 1 before and the mail guy doesn't deliver them until mid-afternoon. Now, on my day off I'd rather not waste half the day waiting, so I might go to Target at 8am when they open and buy a copy, and return it after work the next day using some kind of excuse...What's a good one? Will the Limited Edition even be sold in stores? Sigh...what to do...
Yamauchi took to Twitter to respond to a few questions from the fans, mostly focused on upcoming post-launch DLC.

First of all, Yamauchi-san was asked whether we can expect Super GT cars in the game, and he mentioned that the plan is for them to be added via DLC.

After that, he explained that downloadable content will also include commercial cars, vintage cars, and famous cars. Polyphony intends to keep adding content to the game, “because this is Gran Turismo.”

Lastly, Yamauchi-san was asked to add new tracks as well, and his response was a very positive “of course!”

So I wasn't sure where to post this, but this is from an article on dualshockers. Yamauchi-san hints a few DLC scontents which will be coming to GT sport
I have Tuesday off and pre-ordered on Amazon. Problem is I've gotten games on day 1 before and the mail guy doesn't deliver them until mid-afternoon. Now, on my day off I'd rather not waste half the day waiting, so I might go to Target at 8am when they open and buy a copy, and return it after work the next day using some kind of excuse...What's a good one? Will the Limited Edition even be sold in stores? Sigh...what to do...

I bought it digitally but the PS Store has screwed up the release date on my account and it says I can't access it before December 28th so I think I might have to get to the store early Tuesday too haha
I have Tuesday off and pre-ordered on Amazon. Problem is I've gotten games on day 1 before and the mail guy doesn't deliver them until mid-afternoon. Now, on my day off I'd rather not waste half the day waiting, so I might go to Target at 8am when they open and buy a copy, and return it after work the next day using some kind of excuse...What's a good one? Will the Limited Edition even be sold in stores? Sigh...what to do...

Be patient and wait for the delivery. It will be ok.

My Deluxe edition has finsihed downloading but have to wait 1 days 20 hours ish.
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Wonder if the game will ship early tomorrow instead of Tuesday if what I hear about gamestop's "Early Release" is true. They usually pretty good about getting games to me on time.
I have Tuesday off and pre-ordered on Amazon. Problem is I've gotten games on day 1 before and the mail guy doesn't deliver them until mid-afternoon. Now, on my day off I'd rather not waste half the day waiting, so I might go to Target at 8am when they open and buy a copy, and return it after work the next day using some kind of excuse...What's a good one? Will the Limited Edition even be sold in stores? Sigh...what to do...

Mid afternoon? Mine doesn’t deliver until at least 5pm. Usually later.
If there are new cars, will they be available only at launch? So the people that got early access can't see them in brand central?
Brand Central should be the same, nothing points to changes there.

2 days ago people were livestreaming and the Mileage Exchange had only the same two cars for sale.

It had all the Demo Mileage Exchange items there. So Mileage Exchange needs to be updated, maybe they'll do it when they activate all the servers before the launch.

I don't have the game until Wednesday though.
Yippee! GTS is in my PS4 !

Guys, don't worry, I also bought collector version :) I bought the digital version primarily for practice. I don't want to insert Blu-Ray into the drive player every time.

I'm looking forward for Wednesday! I hope the T-GT will arrive on Wednesday too! :)

I'm very excited !

not soon, the servers constantly fail to work...

The servers don't work because the game hasn't been released yet
I feel like PD are intermittently switching the servers on and off to both try and give reviewers as much time as possible as well as make finishing touches and things.

Gr. 2 (planned to be added as DLC?) cars may be like SuperGT cars.

We really need some Super GT in this game. I don't care if it comes as DLC - as long as we aren't kept waiting for ages to get them.
It's really similar to "Forme uniche della continuità nello spazio" (Unique Forms of Continuity in Space), a Futurist sculpture, made in 1913 by Umberto Boccioni.

It's exactly the same:lol: