Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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I can't watch the replay at the moment. Did the following driver also receive a penalty?
Hard to tell. The end-race board didn't show any penalties for the following driver. However, that driver wasn't able to quickly recover from the collision and a lost a lot of positions, so the penalty might've been served on the track.
I'm not going to start a new thread cringing about how unfair this is because I understand racing isn’t always fair. However, I’m curious how the guy I’m racing against runs super late on the brakes, punts me off the track and I receive a 10 second penalty!! Who decided that running wide garnered that big of a penalty? I was already serving one for running it too late on the brakes into turn one lap one, my fault yes, still too much of a penalty but the 2nd one for 10 seconds was a bit excessive.

Totally agree, the time penalties seem random. Doesn't seem to matter how much time you lose by going off track - you could sit there fuming for 30 seconds for all it cares. I think if you rejoin the track with some speed it will drop a penalty on you.
You didn't slow down for either of the penalties you were given (which would have removed them) and effectively ran for almost the entire race with marshalls waving this...

Black%20and%20White%20Diagonally%20Divided.jpg you, and you ignoring them.

GTS is rather mild in just giving you 10 seconds at the end, stick all the flag rules on in iRacing or PC2 and you would have got either a drive through or a DQ out of it.

I have issues with GTS' penalty system, but this was down to the driving ignoring the warning and little else.

100x this.

The penalties in GTS are pretty chill and you can easily serve them by just lifting and coasting into corners which doesn't really loose you any time.
I know in the beta that when I would get knocked around, this was a really easy way to deal with penalties without it actually costing me any time or positions.
I can't watch the replay at the moment. Did the following driver also receive a penalty?
No I don't think he was.

You didn't slow down for either of the penalties you were given (which would have removed them) and effectively ran for almost the entire race with marshalls waving this...

Black%20and%20White%20Diagonally%20Divided.jpg you, and you ignoring them.

GTS is rather mild in just giving you 10 seconds at the end, stick all the flag rules on in iRacing or PC2 and you would have got either a drive through or a DQ out of it.

I have issues with GTS' penalty system, but this was down to the driving ignoring the warning and little else.

Scaff tell me how you really feel haha. The question at hand was not me ignoring the penalties, I'm well aware of what I was doing, but in my experience if I serve a 14 second penalty it'll put me back into the bad bumper car drivers. Some penalties I will slow down for but not 14 seconds, having a good fun race with the other guys and keeping my SR up is more important than serving a penality lol.

The question at hand was this: Is a 10 second/14 second penalty fair for running off track? Especially when no advantage was gained.
No I don't think he was.

Scaff tell me how you really feel haha. The question at hand was not me ignoring the penalties, I'm well aware of what I was doing, but in my experience if I serve a 14 second penalty it'll put me back into the bad bumper car drivers. Some penalties I will slow down for but not 14 seconds, having a good fun race with the other guys and keeping my SR up is more important than serving a penality lol.

The question at hand was this: Is a 10 second/14 second penalty fair for running off track? Especially when no advantage was gained.

Have you thought about what could have happened if you had served your 4sec penalty before that corner? Not only would you probably not get hit but you wouldn't for sure get a 10 sec penalty.

The system is not perfect but if you want to ignore the penalties until the finish line, what's the point of complaining about the penalties?
does anyone experienced about pre orders before? just want to know if when the countdown reach zero and the game unlocks. Do I need to wait for game files decryption like Steam or I can play it right from the get go? (I download the whole 50GB Completely , not just only the 14GB Playable State)
No I don't think he was.

Scaff tell me how you really feel haha. The question at hand was not me ignoring the penalties, I'm well aware of what I was doing, but in my experience if I serve a 14 second penalty it'll put me back into the bad bumper car drivers. Some penalties I will slow down for but not 14 seconds, having a good fun race with the other guys and keeping my SR up is more important than serving a penality lol.

The question at hand was this: Is a 10 second/14 second penalty fair for running off track? Especially when no advantage was gained.
Arguably not, but I don't find GTS' system to be that effective (aside from the fact that your initial penalty wasn't 14 seconds).

At the risk of opening a can of worms, a system by which you only get a slow down penalty for the time you gained, or you get a certain amount of time to return a place if you have gained one works much better (which still not being perfect), as at least one competitor to GTS does.

I've not found (in either the beta or demo) that the system in place in GTS is effective in terms of encouraging clean racing (and its not helped by the track design in some of the fantasy tracks). Races with half the field carrying a time penalty at the end, one of which was 49 seconds, kind of hints that not all is working as it should.

does anyone experienced about pre orders before? just want to know if when the countdown reach zero and the game unlocks. Do I need to wait for game files decryption like Steam or I can play it right from the get go? (I download the whole 50GB Completely , not just only the 14GB Playable State)
You just start the game and away you go, nothing to install as that's already done.
I'm not going to start a new thread cringing about how unfair this is because I understand racing isn’t always fair. However, I’m curious how the guy I’m racing against runs super late on the brakes, punts me off the track and I receive a 10 second penalty!! Who decided that running wide garnered that big of a penalty? I was already serving one for running it too late on the brakes into turn one lap one, my fault yes, still too much of a penalty but the 2nd one for 10 seconds was a bit excessive.

They should also implement something for those who return to the track not taking care of anybody else, yeap I am talking to you GENERALSAVANT, the way you return to track after being off is not proper one either...

Regarding those bumps, there is nothing we can do sadly, better stay a week off GT Sport mode until things settle down...
a system by which you only get a slow down penalty for the time you gained, or you get a certain amount of time to return a place if you have gained one works much better (which still not being perfect), as at least one competitor to GTS does.

I agree 100% with this. PC2's system is better, even though a bit harsh sometimes. A problem GTS has (or had in the demo) is that you can be racing against someone for a position who has a penalty to serve. This can hurt you because you'll be racing against someone who shouldn't be in front or you or right on you tail and maybe block you from getting to a better position further in the field.

30-60 sec without serving a penalty should at least give you a DT. In case the player would ignore that, immediate DNF. This would force cleaner racing. A system that lets you go to the finish line accumulating unserved penalties doesn't make much sense.
I agree 100% with this. PC2's system is better, even though a bit harsh sometimes. A problem GTS has (or had in the demo) is that you can be racing against someone for a position who has a penalty to serve. This can hurt you because you'll be racing against someone who shouldn't be in front or you or right on you tail and maybe block you from getting to a better position further in the field.

30-60 sec without serving a penalty should at least give you a DT. In case the player would ignore that, immediate DNF. This would force cleaner racing. A system that lets you go to the finish line accumulating unserved penalties doesn't make much sense.

...can't remember, but isn't it if you have penalty you should go drive through ASAP that lap, if not DNF?
...can't remember, but isn't it if you have penalty you should go drive through ASAP that lap, if not DNF?

In GTS? I haven't seen that. In PC2 if you don't sever your DT you'll be DNF (not sure if after 1 lap, but you will because I was while testing it in quick race).
I agree 100% with this. PC2's system is better, even though a bit harsh sometimes. A problem GTS has (or had in the demo) is that you can be racing against someone for a position who has a penalty to serve. This can hurt you because you'll be racing against someone who shouldn't be in front or you or right on you tail and maybe block you from getting to a better position further in the field.

Absolutely. Not sure about harsher penalites, but I would at least like some way of knowing who has penalites pending (even if it's me, so it says to the person right behind me at the end of a race "don't bother trying anything reckless").
The add-ons when you get your pre-order installs when the time's up? It still say "Waiting to install" on my end. Also....ONE HOUR TO GO
Arguably not, but I don't find GTS' system to be that effective (aside from the fact that your initial penalty wasn't 14 seconds).

At the risk of opening a can of worms, a system by which you only get a slow down penalty for the time you gained, or you get a certain amount of time to return a place if you have gained one works much better (which still not being perfect), as at least one competitor to GTS does.

I've not found (in either the beta or demo) that the system in place in GTS is effective in terms of encouraging clean racing (and its not helped by the track design in some of the fantasy tracks). Races with half the field carrying a time penalty at the end, one of which was 49 seconds, kind of hints that not all is working as it should.

You just start the game and away you go, nothing to install as that's already done.

I don't care for Pcars 2 (yes I own it) but their system is far better. It's more fluid and doesn't cause the collision inducing, bottle neck the GTS does.

Have you thought about what could have happened if you had served your 4sec penalty before that corner? Not only would you probably not get hit but you wouldn't for sure get a 10 sec penalty.

The system is not perfect but if you want to ignore the penalties until the finish line, what's the point of complaining about the penalties?

I serve out my penalties over the course of the race if I can, I coast early into corners working the time off gradually. It's an option GTS gives you, nothing says you have to slow down that instant on track and cause a back up that none of the drivers behind you should be effected by. And when the penalty is +10 seconds for running wide I can complain, however if the penalty was say .5 seconds (something more appropriate) then I wouldn't complain....Too much lol
I have a review copy so I can play the game now so i dont need change log, i need that update :D

oh , well seems bit weird for me. I mean ones who have Review Copy didnt got the 1.02 update popped on downloads while others who just preorder will see it?