Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
I don't know very much about Technical aspects of things so I do apologize, but it was stated that the GPU and CPU are both at least 2x better and faster..?? If online were available on crossplay for example, would that not cause the PS4 users to be far behind the PS4K users.

To reference the post again:
There are games that have crossplay with PC on PS4. I don't think it would be impossible for a PS4 and a PS4 4K unit to be online together.
I don't know very much about Technical aspects of things so I do apologize, but it was stated that the GPU and CPU are both at least 2x better and faster..?? If online were available on crossplay for example, would that not cause the PS4 users to be far behind the PS4K users.

To reference the post again:
Once again my uber PC playing Assetto Corsa might have a GPU and CPU that exceeds Joe Bloggs's min spec PC by more than that and I can play without issue. PC games have had to deal with vastly differing PC specs since the year dot. It won't be any different for consoles.
Wait! Launch.. PSVR's? Or PS4K's?
Does the Neogaf person really write it will be PSVR's launch game?
We were also given a list of games that will be available at launch that will directly take advantage of the PS4K where the differences are and I will quote him "Significant."

For the PSVR

Eve Valkyrie
GT Sport

So that means GTS will be available at launch of PSVR if this is all to be believed. So that means GTS will launch in October. That's seven months away. We don't even have news of the beta. Does this new revelation throw into doubt that the beta will even happen now?
Wait! Launch.. PSVR's? Or PS4K's?
Does the Neogaf person really write it will be PSVR's launch game?

I found that bit interesting as well and could make sense... Get the beta out in April or May (hopefully) and release the game alongside PSVR in October?
No, it says very specifically that the difference will be "significant".

If I had to guess, that makes it sound like PD overcooked the PS4 just like the PS3. So framerate issues and load waiting times will probably be a la PS3.
Just my thought.

I meant that GTSport will launch before PS4k will release.
Well, I hope GT Sport will be PSVR launch title. But the Neogaf post a might mean that GT Sport launches with the 'PS4,5'.
.. Or GT Sport will be playable with PS VR when 'PS4,5' will launch. Hmm..
Well, I hope GT Sport will be PSVR launch title. But the Neogaf post a might mean that GT Sport launches with the 'PS4,5'.
.. Or GT Sport will be playable with PS VR when 'PS4,5' will launch. Hmm..

Nope he said it's a PSVR launch title.
If this PS4K stuff is true then Sony can go 🤬 themselves. I sincerely hope they get absolutely destroyed by critics at E3 if they're going to shaft gamers like this.

One thing is certain is that I'm not going to buy a future Sony gaming product from them any more.

Where's that industry crash when you need it?
If this PS4K stuff is true then Sony can go 🤬 themselves. I sincerely hope they get absolutely destroyed by critics at E3 if they're going to shaft gamers like this.

One thing is certain is that I'm not going to buy a future Sony gaming product from them any more.

Where's that industry crash when you need it?
Very understood, pal.
As a Gran Turismo enthusiast I say: Sony wants to bring the future to us too quickly now: the new Gran Turismo is apparently too heavy for current PS4, goddamn.
(I never wanted to be a Gran Turismo pessimist but after GT6 one just have to be. )
...Is it too late to bring in some popcorn? This thread has really gained some momentum hasn't it?

It'll be an interesting E3, come June for sure. I can't wait to see how Sony PR guys spin this thing on us.

Also, how would Microsoft react? Fun times. :dopey:
...Is it too late to bring in some popcorn? This thread has really gained some momentum hasn't it?

It'll be an interesting E3, come June for sure. I can't wait to see how Sony PR guys spin this thing on us.

Also, how would Microsoft react? Fun times. :dopey:

An improved xbox one is also rumored. INB4 the yeah it's called a PC comments.
...Is it too late to bring in some popcorn? This thread has really gained some momentum hasn't it?

It'll be an interesting E3, come June for sure. I can't wait to see how Sony PR guys spin this thing on us.

Also, how would Microsoft react? Fun times. :dopey:
MS already talked about this happening for Xbone before rumours of the PS4K surfaced.

Seems to me that this is the future of console gaming. MS are already well on the path to releasing all future first party games on both Xbone and UWP and I'm sure they will be pushing other devs to do the same. Personally I think the console market has needed a good shake up for quite a while and I feel this is the start of it. We live in a world where many, many people are prepared to pay £500/$700 every year to upgrade to the newest phone or tablet. So why not their console?
So why is this forum thread being treated as gospel? Who is the person supposed to be and how would he be getting away with casually breaking NDAs?

Anyway if it is real, that part about "available at launch" is somewhat confusingly written but I took it to mean launch of the PS4K, not the PSVR, since he talks about taking advantage of the 4K. The PSVR games can't take advantage of it at launch of that if the date for the 4K is a "tenative Q1 2017", months later.

So no, either way I don't believe that confirms GTS as a PSVR launch title in October, just that it will be out by Q1 2017 or whenever PS4K launches.

We live in a world where many, many people are prepared to pay £500/$700 every year to upgrade to the newest phone or tablet. So why not their console?

I see this comparison a lot but how many people actually do that? People upgrade, but generally on a contract system, so they're not shelling out the full £500 in one go. Sure some are, but not the majority. My Dad for example has gone through maybe £2000 worth of phones in the last 5 years but he hasn't payed any lump sums out for them.
many people are prepared to pay £500/$700 every year to upgrade to the newest phone or tablet. So why not their console?

...Difference being that those phones are subsidized by the carriers. No such luck with our consoles, I'm afraid.

Everything depends on two factors here - games playable on both versions of PS4 without "too much" sacrifice, and the pricing. If Sony offers some type of a trade-in deal, I'll bet you there will be a lot of takers of this idea.

Edit: Oh shoot. Forgot to bring some popcorn. I got it now.

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...Difference being that those phones are subsidized by the carriers. No such luck with our consoles, I'm afraid.

Everything depends on two factors here - games playable on both versions of PS4 without "too much" sacrifice, and the pricing. If Sony offers some type of a trade-in deal, I'll bet you there will be a lot of takers of this idea.
Buy direct, take the carrier out of it. You pay the same amount at the end of the day and are tied into a contract with carrier deals.

Consoles are just mini PC's these days and with the advent of Steam Machines, etc. the line between PC's and consoles is getting more blurry year on year. It can't stay the same forever and I think this is the start of the change that I feel is needed. Truly exciting times in gaming at the moment!
Very understood, pal.
As a Gran Turismo enthusiast I say: Sony wants to bring the future to us too quickly now: the new Gran Turismo is apparently too heavy for current PS4, goddamn.
(I never wanted to be a Gran Turismo pessimist but after GT6 one just have to be. )

So you think GTS is on PS4K because PD's lack of info, also because "Sony wants to bring the future to us too quickly now" (whatever that means) and because GT6 is a bad game for you...
That is ridicolous...
How do you know that "the new Gran Turismo is apparently too heavy for current PS4"?
And wouldn't it be stupid for PD to release GTS only for new ps4's, when they already have big amount of current PS4's sold.
Buy direct, take the carrier out of it. You pay the same amount at the end of the day and are tied into a contract with carrier deals.

Consoles are just mini PC's these days and with the advent of Steam Machines, etc. the line between PC's and consoles is getting more blurry year on year. It can't stay the same forever and I think this is the start of the change that I feel is needed. Truly exciting times in gaming at the moment!

The problem as I see it though is that when buying a PC you have the choice for the different 'models' day one, or rather whichever day you buy a PC. With consoles we're looking at the low/mid-range on day one and the high end x amount of years down the line. Day one adopters have no option to start out with better machine and are going to be feeling shafted. That isn't the case when you go out and buy a low/mid-range PC knowing other people have gone out and bought high range.

Except for the die-hards how do you get people on board to buy the initial model any more? If they do start selling two models day one with the PS5 generation, how do you positively promote the low-end, cheaper model? Consumers are going to know that the high-end is going to be the lead dev machine and the lower one fed scraps.

I just can't see how most consumers are going to be on board with a system like this for consoles.

EDIT: It would also eliminate that huge advantage console devs had over others, developing and optimising for one piece of hardware. Now they'll have two, so expect either even longer development cycle or probably more likely, one version optimised and one half-assed.
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The switch to Xbox feels better the further we get into this generation.

Sad as it is, Phil Spencer/MS already entertained moving forward with the same idea publically, it goes hand in hand with their universal platform focus. All their studios will have their future games on PC as well.

I think investing on smaller but more frequent steps is a mistake, I'm just not sure if the majority of consumers will agree with me.

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