Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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And for the ps4k, it's simple. A big no for me.

Agreed, me too. Apart from really rich types, pretty much every current PS4 owner will be super pissed off with this PS4K nonsense (if true, that is - Sony have literally said nothing at all so far).

These mobile phone/PC arguments are all well and good, but I buy consoles (and have done for decades) solely because they don't change specs mid-gen. That, really, is the only reason I don't own a PC.

For roughly €300 I'm set for 5 years at least. PC gaming is way more expensive than that.

If Sony end up doing this, they will immediately kill the only reason I bought a console in the first place.
This will cause a Sony console war.. Sonys servers are already junk and need upgrading unless there going to stop support for the ps3 and remove them off the servers
I miss the console era without internet where multiplayer was on the same screen. You know with your friends next to you :P I don't like online multiplayer in general. And for the ps4k, for me it's not money the big problem but the principle.
If the ps4k is a success then I don't believe anymore in people. But when I see that my games become F2P with paywalls, I won't be surprised.
Agreed, me too. Apart from really rich types, pretty much every current PS4 owner will be super pissed off with this PS4K nonsense (if true, that is - Sony have literally said nothing at all so far).

These mobile phone/PC arguments are all well and good, but I buy consoles (and have done for decades) solely because they don't change specs mid-gen. That, really, is the only reason I don't own a PC.

For roughly €300 I'm set for 5 years at least. PC gaming is way more expensive than that.

If Sony end up doing this, they will immediately kill the only reason I bought a console in the first place.

Except... You will still be set for 5 years at least.

PS4K will likely only provide graphical boosts to games that support it, so really it's no big deal. Graphics aren't the be-all and end-all, right?
And you know this.... how?

Because "PS4,5" aka "PS4K". It is on the news section now.
Of course I don't know it. It's all speculation at the moment. But I know current games hardly runs 1080 p/60fps. PSVR processor alone won't save the situation (speculation).
Because "PS4,5" aka "PS4K". It is on the news section now.
Of course I don't know it. It's all speculation at the moment. But I know current games hardly runs 1080 p/60fps. PSVR processor alone won't save the situation (speculation).
Right, so you're making uneducated guesses based on absolutely zero first-hand knowledge.
I'm happy we get more powerful consoles even PS4 launch isn't so far in past. Got PS4 on launch and in my opinion it's nice to have some more powerful consoles on market already. Ofcourse if GTSport or GT7 doesn't run on PS4 i understand your hate but i don't think they left millions of possibly customers without these games, they just delivery better visuals for those who decide to go with PS4K and what's wrong with that?
Gran Turismo Sport with VR is too heavy for PS4. I think that is a fact now.

Nope. The X1 is weaker hardware and it has a pretty nice looking racing game at 1080/60.

As always, it's about suiting the design to the hardware. The PS4 is perfectly capable. There's nothing stopping Polyphony from making a very nice looking game that runs smoothly at 1080/60 other than their own soaring ambition.
There's nothing stopping Polyphony from making a very nice looking game that runs smoothly at 1080/60 other than their own soaring ambition.

Is 'soaring ambition' a nice way of saying 'complete ineptitude'...? ;)
Well it's a way of saying they continue to fail at designing games for the piece of hardware they actually have in front of them, not what they want it to be. Remember rock solid 60fps in GT games? Pepper...PS2 remembers.

It's kinda weird that eh?

Considering, as a 1st party, they would also have the advantage of early devkit access for new consoles, it's a bit mental that they haven't managed anything for PS4 yet.
It's kinda weird that eh?

Considering, as a 1st party, they would also have the advantage of early devkit access for new consoles, it's a bit mental that they haven't managed anything for PS4 yet.

More than that, they would have some sort of say in specs...I think Sony said they liaised with developers to ask them what they wanted rather than the previous KK vision model.
Why? Like I said previously many, many people spend more than that each year on an upgrade to their phone or tablet. There will be plenty of people who are more than happy to spend that amount of money every 2-3 years on an upgraded console. People saying that they can't see many people buying this new console underestimate our ability as a race to consume these days. We are habitual consumers of anything and everything.

Edit: Good article here

That's just like me. I already have a 4K tv, been enjoying 4K content on it for a couple of years, I've preordered a PSVR. It's a no brainer for me to purchase it. Sell all my current PS4 gear now for a reasonable amount which will massively subsidise the cost of the PS4K.
Many many people do spend 500+ on a new phone every year. Of course out of billions of people, .001% is still a whole big mess of people, so "many" doesn't work here.

Sure, there are phone hounds. How many people are making monthly payments to Sony for a PS4?
Not many at all.

It won't be the people who bought a PS4 in 2013 that are the most upset, and it probably won't be many of the people that buy brand new ridiculous phones each year.
It will be the other 90%.

The stealth of all this is the biggest problem. People who bought and continue to buy the PS4 (and xbox) are doing so under the impression there isn't a new version coming out in a couple months.
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Looks like...



real eye for detail you got there, ever think about becoming a CSI for the FBI?
Gran Turismo Sport with VR is too heavy for PS4.

I think the biggest fear for many is that GT Sport will be sold in two editions: PS4 (screen ripping 20-60fps quality) and "PS4,5" (smooth high quality).

Yes GTS with VR might be too heavy for current PS4, but that doesn't mean they will release "screen ripping 20-60 fps quality"
20-60 fps? what would caue the game to drop from 60-20? Only the most unoptimised games do that(GTA4), and that's for PC not consoles
Yes GTS with VR might be too heavy for current PS4, but that doesn't mean they will release "screen ripping 20-60 fps quality"
20-60 fps? what would caue the game to drop from 60-20? Only the most unoptimised games do that(GTA4), and that's for PC not consoles
GT5 did exactly that in cockpit view with traffic and rain.
GT5 did exactly that in cockpit view with traffic and rain.

For reference:

However, unlike WipEout HD, the frame-rate remains unlocked, giving a somewhat uneven judder to the game. Frame-rate is variable. At its nadir, we see 18FPS on a car-logged Special Stage Route 7, and at best we can see around 50FPS in our Nurburgring test.

It was below 60fps more than it was at it.

GT6 has similar issues, again, depending on the scenario it could be 60fps or ~40fps.

Why can't they simply focus on PS4 and get that GTS out on PS4! Closing studios, launching a new console, delaying their biggest franchise...what the hell is wrong with you Sony!
I know smartphone market and console are not the same but things have changed since 2000's. Only a few people had a expensive phone, most of the people used Nokia 3310. Now, almost everybody has a smartphone more expensive than a computer or a console! People are ready to pay much more than in the past. Money is here and the part in family budgey dedicated to multimedia has significantly changed.
I'm not surprised, we have now some great innovations : DLC, microtransactions, pre order bonus, a charged online ps+ for indies...
Ps4k is the next step.
I know smartphone market and console are not the same but things have changed since 2000's. Only a few people had a expensive phone, most of the people used Nokia 3310. Now, almost everybody has a smartphone more expensive than a computer or a console! People are ready to pay much more than in the past. Money is here and the part in family budgey dedicated to multimedia has significantly changed.
I'm not surprised, we have now some great innovations : DLC, microtransactions, pre order bonus, a charged online ps+ for indies...
Ps4k is the next step.

Just because "some" people are willing to pay for it still doesn't make it an ok idea. It really hurts the reputation Sony has imo... not to mention we are sure to see a PS 5 in the next few years. This PS4K is attempting to fill a gap instead of allowing the PS4 to rightfully live out it's life cycle.
Agreed, me too. Apart from really rich types, pretty much every current PS4 owner will be super pissed off with this PS4K nonsense (if true, that is - Sony have literally said nothing at all so far).

These mobile phone/PC arguments are all well and good, but I buy consoles (and have done for decades) solely because they don't change specs mid-gen. That, really, is the only reason I don't own a PC.

For roughly €300 I'm set for 5 years at least. PC gaming is way more expensive than that.

If Sony end up doing this, they will immediately kill the only reason I bought a console in the first place.

Agreed, probably the biggest allure of consoles for me - you put in a game, it will work, end of story. And as others have said, even if you aren't getting the peak of gaming performance you do get all the benefits of a stable platform that come with it.

But I don't think the PC comparisons are quite valid - I think the PS4K could be worse than that. With a PC, I can upgrade the components as and when I need to - I don't necessarily have to replace the entire machine all in one go. But to "upgrade" a PS4 to PS4K, I would. And if Sony don't have any sort of replacement program in place, then a PS4K isn't a PC-style upgrade at all - it's pretty much just a brand new console, arriving much earlier than you thought it would.

So unless there's a sea change in how consoles are sold, now instead of paying £300 or so every 5 years, I could be paying the same amount every 3 years. With the benefits of a stable platform potentially being lost along the way. Not a fan.
Again, most people do not pay out lump sums for new phones. They subsidise the cost over 12-24 month contracts. Unless Sony are planning to offer something similar, it's not the same scenario.

Also with mobile phone comparison in general it still isn't particularly relative. Whilst they do get upgraded their core functions remain the same. A mobile phone of today is primarily for calling, texting and the internet. All of them do that, you don't get better call services or better texts with a new model. The only differences to core performance may come in games but I'm pretty sure nobody buys a smartphone solely to game.

With the PS4, if any of these rumours are true, we're talking about a major upgrade to the number one, primary feature of the device. Very different.
Better phones have better screen res ( IPS at 1080p or more for example ), better CPU ( Octa Core ), more RAM, quicker performance in games, better camera, water/shock resistant features ( extra features ), special charging features, and other unique stuff added on certain models ( like selfie phone :lol: ), try compare cheap Chinese/HK android phone in US $ 100-200 range to say, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge that have VR accessories capability.

Nowadays, people can use credit card for transaction at electronic stores ( which I think is the norm where I live now ), I got my Plasma in late 2015 at cheap price of about US $350 with 6 months or 12 months installment plan/no interest that I paid in full in 2 months anyway.

Sony offered more choices with the console, PS4 or PS4K, it's up to the consumer to pick what suits them best to their budgets or preferences. I can see that people with no 4K tv would have little use of PS4K, so keep the old PS4. I'm sure games would still be playable on both PS4 version.
So we'll have the poor man's PS4 and the elite one.... this all leaves a very bad taste in my mouth :yuck: Really want to see how Sony is going to take this because they could have "a certain storm from behind" incoming!