Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Well it's been cearly stated all games will continue to be developed playable on our regular PS4's. It's in Sony's best interest to make sure developers remain putting a good effort in in terms of optimization. These PS4K's aren't going to fly off the shelf like crazy and I think no developer will take sides when the vast majority of games will be bought and played on PS4.

The thing is that even if Sony wasn't going 4k right now for (2016)/2017, by 2018 Sony and Microsoft and would have 4K console likely near release just because the technology is there and very much mandentory. It was always going to come to one of those situations at E3 of 'who's coming first with the best next gen-console'. Sony is placing themselves square in the middle of the traditional 6-7 year console cycle because 4K TV's and monitors are actually selling very well and are already availble for 1080p panel prices. This way Sony is clearly doing something strategically right. Microsoft will have to go 4k themselves unless they feel like a 1080p unit will suffice going form 2018 to 2023.

Sony as whole has big bucks in 4k, there's also HDMI 2.0 and HDR, and further advances in surround sound, all which Sony could neatly package into the new system, totally the right thing to do. It could prove just as successful as Bluray was for PS3 with being many people's first and only Bluray player, even for non gamers. There's no way Sony is going to leave current PS4 and future owners stranded. It'd be suprised if in the first year PS4K sales are more than 20% of the total cause the prerequisite for anyone buying one would be having a 4K panel, which is not going to happen overnight. However I wonder if this console could output 120hz @ 1080p, making it a consideration for non VR or 4K owners.
So why is this forum thread being treated as gospel? Who is the person supposed to be and how would he be getting away with casually breaking NDAs?

Anyway if it is real, that part about "available at launch" is somewhat confusingly written but I took it to mean launch of the PS4K, not the PSVR, since he talks about taking advantage of the 4K. The PSVR games can't take advantage of it at launch of that if the date for the 4K is a "tenative Q1 2017", months later.

So no, either way I don't believe that confirms GTS as a PSVR launch title in October, just that it will be out by Q1 2017 or whenever PS4K launches.

I see this comparison a lot but how many people actually do that? People upgrade, but generally on a contract system, so they're not shelling out the full £500 in one go. Sure some are, but not the majority. My Dad for example has gone through maybe £2000 worth of phones in the last 5 years but he hasn't payed any lump sums out for them.

Verified on Gaf, he can get away with it since he is not using his real name. Agree with everything else.
This way Sony is clearly doing something strategically right
Oh c'mon now..
What? I had a Sega CD when I was little (which I still have now but don't use in favor of my X'Eye), and I've got literally dozens of magazines from that era when Sega was pimping the crap out it. I could probably swap some of your buzzwords around for some Nirvana-era ones and do an eerily close simulation of the exact same sales pitch Sega was using in 1992 (and CDs were a hell of a lot bigger deal at the time than slightly more high end versions of already high end A/V equipment), but at least in that case there were (occasionally) games that were leaps and bounds above anything a regular Genny could do and the games themselves actually cost less then regular Genny ones and the whole package slotted right on the console you already owned; as opposed to the exact same games that will look a little bit better because "twice as powerful as a PS4" still probably isn't enough to really "do" 4K gaming or third party releases which will play fine on the Super PS4 but play like crap on the regular one.

Sony can say all they want about how regular old PS4 games won't be any lesser when they aren't played on a Super PS4, but that flies in the face of pretty much every console generational gap... ever. Nintendo has done this "half generation" thing several times and it never hasn't led to games where the half-again-better system was clearly the development target.
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What? I had a Sega CD when I was little, and I've got literally dozens of magazines from that era when Sega was pimping the crap out it. I could probably swap some of your buzzwords around for some Nirvana-era ones and do an eerily close simulation of the exact same sales pitch Sega was using in 1992 (and CD's were a hell of a lot bigger deal at the time than slightly more high end versions of already high end A/V equipment). but at least in that case there were (occasionally) games that were leaps and bounds above anything a regular Genny could do and the games themselves actually cost less then regular Genny ones and the whole package slotted right on the console you already owned; as opposed to the exact same games that will look a little bit better because "twice as powerful as a PS4" still isn't enough to really "do" 4K gaming.

Lol, well I'm not sure Sega's only mistake was over hyping marketing their hardware, I think company management may have gotten a little unsmart, Sega could have stuck around. I owned the 3DO back in the day and it flopped also, most were sucked into the marketing and general thought that the fancy digital cd could hold all this data and make it sigificantly better or more fun than SNES or the Genisis. But we are way past those days and this would never be the issue today.

Yeah 2 x more power will not mean native 4k, but it will be natively upscaled.
Isn't this PS4.5, it's a 4K console, so isn't it basically going to be the same as the ps4, but be able to play in 4K? Or is it a completely different animal as far as developing games for?

If it's just going to a lot better better on the new console(which of course you'll need a 4K TV) compared to the ps4, I don't see the huge issue.

If it affects gameplay and it ends up running a lot better on ps4.5, then I can see the reason people are upset. I don't understand a lot about tech talk, if the ps4.5 is that much different for GT Sport, would PD have to redo some of the stuff they've been working on for the Ps4 version of GT Sport? Sorry for the Noob questions.
All this talk about PS4k, Super XBone, PSVR. Good lord... I think the PS4 and the XBone are my last consoles ever. Gaming has lost its charm after the early 2000's. Now it's all about getting the strongest console, ugh..... :indiff:

Also, 🤬 Sony if the PS4k is true, I swear what a way to screw people over man...
Isn't this PS4.5, it's a 4K console, so isn't it basically going to be the same as the ps4, but be able to play in 4K? Or is it a completely different animal as far as developing games for?

If it's just going to a lot better better on the new console(which of course you'll need a 4K TV) compared to the ps4, I don't see the huge issue.

If it affects gameplay and it ends up running a lot better on ps4.5, then I can see the reason people are upset. I don't understand a lot about tech talk, if the ps4.5 is that much different for GT Sport, would PD have to redo some of the stuff they've been working on for the Ps4 version of GT Sport? Sorry for the Noob questions.
It's rumoured to have twice the power of a PS4.
Its certainly enough power to leave titles working well on the new PS4k, and not well on a PS4.

Another potential happening, is GTS may work on regular PS4s, but that doesn't mean 2 or 3 years later GT7 will.
Isn't this PS4.5, it's a 4K console, so isn't it basically going to be the same as the ps4, but be able to play in 4K? Or is it a completely different animal as far as developing games for?

If it's just going to a lot better better on the new console(which of course you'll need a 4K TV) compared to the ps4, I don't see the huge issue.

If it affects gameplay and it ends up running a lot better on ps4.5, then I can see the reason people are upset. I don't understand a lot about tech talk, if the ps4.5 is that much different for GT Sport, would PD have to redo some of the stuff they've been working on for the Ps4 version of GT Sport? Sorry for the Noob questions.

It isn't quite as simple as that.

Should the PS4K enable games to do 4K – and it won't for the price point – it would require games to have larger texture mapping, larger memory pools and game engines that are able to convert a native 1080p image up to 4K, thus taking advantage of the additional power onboard. That, in and of itself is the problem.

Will the games change? In a matter of being objective, eventually. As already pointed out, it will naturally cause developers to turn their intent toward the premium model because it offers more without any real discernible compromise. GT Sport, or just Gran Turismo in general is a prime example of this as the game is known for capping the hardware to the point where its performance suffers. The PS4K would, at least potentially, resolve that issue.

It being "a lot better on the new console," again, is the issue as consoles are purposefully designed to be a stabilized platform without any gaps in performance between one model and the next. Even if in the event Sony does offer some type of trade-in program, there's still the issue of owning a 4K television, which is only projected to have 10% penetration in the US this year alone. That number drops significantly when you venture outside of the US.

@Tenacious D You asked what the problem was, well, here you go: the problem. Right before your eyes.
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But we are way past those days and this would never be the issue today.

It wouldn't? Sony over the next year is launching two separate things that will cost more than the PS4 by itself does, both of them with the intention of chasing what is currently a niche before the hardware they want to do it with is ready to fully take advantage of it anyway and one of which can easily be a threat to the regular PS4. How is that any different from the huge push for CD-based games when generally the only benefit taken advantage of until the PSX/Saturn came out was better music and cheaper costs? Sega certainly made some god awful business decisions starting around the time of (and directly related to) the Sega CD's development, but Sony haven't spent the last decade being Warren Buffet themselves.
It wouldn't? Sony over the next year is launching two separate things that will cost more than the PS4 by itself does, both of them with the intention of chasing what is currently a niche before the hardware they want to do it with is ready to fully take advantage of it anyway and one of which can easily be a threat to the regular PS4. How is that any different from the huge push for CD-based games when generally the only benefit taken advantage of until the PSX/Saturn came out was better music and cheaper costs? Sega certainly made some god awful business decisions starting around the time of (and directly related to) the Sega CD's development, but Sony haven't spent the last decade being Warren Buffet themselves.

It just isn't a similar comparison at all (because technology differences of eras). The potential downfalls or losses to this venture would be different in nature. Two of the hugest mistakes are likely going to be avoided.. which are online community being split up, and exclusive games to VR and/or 4K.

Now if PS4K gets bad press off the start like 'not worth investing in, too insignificant of an upgrade save your money people', it could end up feeling like a long year for them. The low potential price of $399 is a bit concerning and I'm not sure how many more gflops can be cooked up for an additional $100, it might be best it's future proof and have a price around $599. Going with the right hardware is more important than price point, PS4 is still there to save the day for 'bargain hunters'. Heck I remember going out to buy a PS1 bundle shortly after release for $599. Anyway, even though I sound excited for this, I'm not really.. (all I need is 1080p and a GT Sport & 7 which don't have framerate issues), BUT I can see that in 2 years I'll buy one of the good 4K HDR sets and hook a PS4K up to it, as I think many will over the coming years.
I think we should prepare ourselves for this. PD always loves technology. from 60fps in GT3 to 1080i in GT4. from 3D and PS Eye in GT5 to >900p resolution in GT6. {and other things like 3840*2160/240fps in technical demos}
Now they have a new and more powerful hardware and they want to make the most technical racing ever. they'll make the ultimate version for PS4K and then a port for poor PS4 users. you have problems with PS4 version and don't like its framerate or other things? go buy the PS4K version. :ill:
Why are we talking ports? It'll be the same exact disc, just that it'll have 4K compatibility. The disc that goes in a normal PS4 will be the same exact printed copy that goes in one that has 4K capability.
Should the PS4K enable games to do 4K – and it won't for the price point – it would require games to have larger texture mapping, larger memory pools and game engines that are able to convert a native 1080p image up to 4K, thus taking advantage of the additional power onboard. That, in and of itself is the problem.
Resolution change is not the same as upscaling. PS4 is based on x86 platform, so changing resolution would be similar to PC, like running Pcars in 1080p then change to 4K ( Pcars don't have 4K assets right ?, just res increase ) and upscaling 1080p to 4K in similar ways it has been done in PS3 720p titles upscaling to 1080p.

The advantage of upscale to 4K from 1080p games maybe in less aliasing.
Even if they intentionally target 4K, the only thing 1080p would need is downscaling. So, instead of the game running at it's maximum, it'll be like running a PC game on medium because it doesn't meet the top requirements.
I can't imagine almost anyone that bought a PS4 being happy about this kind of upgrade.

I took the quote as calling it a PS4k release.
Why? Like I said previously many, many people spend more than that each year on an upgrade to their phone or tablet. There will be plenty of people who are more than happy to spend that amount of money every 2-3 years on an upgraded console. People saying that they can't see many people buying this new console underestimate our ability as a race to consume these days. We are habitual consumers of anything and everything.

Edit: Good article here

That's just like me. I already have a 4K tv, been enjoying 4K content on it for a couple of years, I've preordered a PSVR. It's a no brainer for me to purchase it. Sell all my current PS4 gear now for a reasonable amount which will massively subsidise the cost of the PS4K.
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Why are we talking ports? It'll be the same exact disc, just that it'll have 4K compatibility. The disc that goes in a normal PS4 will be the same exact printed copy that goes in one that has 4K capability.
Exactly! Do people not realise that modern consoles are very similar to PC's these days and devs have been making games, on the same disc no less, for a much broader spectrum of PC specs for years. This will be no different, in fact it'll be easier they will just make a game that caters for two different specs, which will will switch graphical quality automatically.
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So you think GTS is on PS4K because PD's lack of info, also because "Sony wants to bring the future to us too quickly now" (whatever that means) and because GT6 is a bad game for you...
That is ridicolous...
How do you know that "the new Gran Turismo is apparently too heavy for current PS4"?
And wouldn't it be stupid for PD to release GTS only for new ps4's, when they already have big amount of current PS4's sold.

I don't follow your first paragraph. But Sony is rushing to conquer the VR market in consoles (and may offer PSVR to PC community at some stage).

Gran Turismo Sport with VR is too heavy for PS4. I think that is a fact now.
Would they release GT Sport before "PS4,5" without PS VR? One can only hope so and hope that Polyphony Digital will properly optimize GT Sport for current PS4.

I think the biggest fear for many is that GT Sport will be sold in two editions: PS4 (screen ripping 20-60fps quality) and "PS4,5" (smooth high quality).