Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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This part is definitely worrying me...

"...that they are making games that will directly target and take advantage of the higher specs of the PS4K. It was also stated that these games will in fact work for the PS4 but with considerable sacrifices made to performance."

And now we are seeing the biggest disadvantage of having superior variants of consoles - unoptimized visuals for the cheaper specification. I wouldn't be surprised if the graphics on the PS4.0 get nerfed to PS3/GT6 level. :indiff:
Yep, the whole PS4K is a terrible idea imo.
Indeed. I can only see two scenarios for this.
  1. Sony somehow pulls this whole bs though and manages to convince people to by their new fancy schmancy PS4K and get loads of $$$, or..
  2. ... Sony hits a complete faliure and won't make any noticeable profit at all and then realise that it just wasn't the right thing to do.
I think the second scenario is the most possible, anything else happening would almost be a miracle.
And now we are seeing the biggest disadvantage of having superior variants of consoles - unoptimized visuals for the cheaper specification. I wouldn't be surprised if the graphics on the PS4.0 get nerfed to PS3/GT6 level. :indiff:
Welp, I'm prepared. I trust Sony to do anything.
What are the odds of two different specs of GT 7 coming out? One with standards and premiums (PS4) and the other with fully optimized features (PS4K)?
MGS V PS3 vs PS4 was not really like that much of a difference except for native 1080p and 60fps, I doubt the PS4 vs PS4K will be like PS3 vs PS4, mostly will be 1080p vs 4k and fps with some details lowered. Both console will have games optimized for their specific power. I saw that upscale ability to 4K, looks like older games will get benefits of upscaling from 1080p to 4k.

I have 1080p tv ( a plasma I recently bought about 7 months ago ) so even if I'm buying PS4K, I would stick with 1080p output.
The post does say GTSport will launch this year, so it won't have any differences from the PS4 to PS4K probably.
...More powerful CPU and GPU? Nearly twice as powerful? Hmm.

Not sure if Sony turned a profit on PS4s so far, but even with 500 bucks price point they might take a financial hit with each one sold if that NeoGAF thing is proved to be kosher.

As for your future games looking worse than your neighbor's, I'm used to it - games on PC are "slidable" after all. Now it's on a console. Oh well.
And then three years later... "Will you buy a Super PS4K for GT:S Spec 2.0?" :P
Patrick Bateman with Axe 30032016224556.jpg
This part is definitely worrying me...

"...that they are making games that will directly target and take advantage of the higher specs of the PS4K. It was also stated that these games will in fact work for the PS4 but with considerable sacrifices made to performance."

If it'll be 100% real, then 🤬 off, Sony. I won't give you 500€ just to make my future owned games run smoother. 👎
Well, it takes more to run a game at 4K. They're going to need to make games that run on 4K, but any sacrifice wouldn't really be a sacrifice on a non 4K PS4 since they'd still be running at 1080p/whatever framerate. It's not going to be a difference of running smoother, it's going to be a difference of looking as "pretty" as the 4K version does.
The post does say GTSport will launch this year, so it won't have any differences from the PS4 to PS4K probably.
No, it says very specifically that the difference will be "significant".

If I had to guess, that makes it sound like PD overcooked the PS4 just like the PS3. So framerate issues and load waiting times will probably be a la PS3.
Just my thought.
I really, really hope that, if this upgraded PS4 rumour is true, it's not what Kaz & Co are waiting on. So many diehards pointed to the PS3 as "limiting the dream" or whatever, and truly believed the PS4 would solve all the problems GT's 5 and 6 have (even though a good chunk of their issues are game design problems, not necessarily console power ones). Kaz even played into that with the talk of the PS4 being a blank canvas, and how it was so much easier to develop.

Yet here we are, nearly 30 months into the PS4's lifecycle (longer than the time between PS3's launch and GT5P's release), with one scant trailer for the game. I wonder: how quickly do you think we'll start hearing "the PS4 is limiting our vision" from PD a la the PS3 generation... and how long will a similar refrain pop up amongst the fans?

You jinxed it, dammit! :gtpflag:

Seriously though, even if all that info is true, there is significant ambiguity in what "considerable sacrifices made to performance" could mean for GT Sport. It could mean it's an unoptimised pile of crap on PS4, but it could also easily mean that just the resolution is higher on PS4K, as @GTPorsche says. Or, being a PSVR title, it could mean just the VR parts of the game are downgraded on PS4 and need a PS4K to run to the standard of the rest of the game. It could mean a lot of things really.

Not that it matters though because I'm refusing to believe a PS4K exists until I see it - even if all the stories seem credible, I just can't comprehend why Sony would do something so bonkers.
I'm still not sold on 4k in General. Nothing I've seen so far tells me 4k is worth spending ridiculous amounts of money for.

I for one can tell you right now that I won't be making the change... Especially figuring that the PS5 will likely come out in a few years anyways.

I don't really see the point in the PS4K at all
What are the odds of two different specs of GT 7 coming out? One with standards and premiums (PS4) and the other with fully optimized features (PS4K)?

Standards won't be affected by a system's power: man-hours are the hurdle for getting the car list up to a fully Premium level.

Unless you're suggesting Polyphony intentionally saddle "regular" PS4 players with PS2 assets, in an effort to funnel people towards PS4K. Which I hope they wouldn't attempt.
Unless you're suggesting Polyphony intentionally saddle "regular" PS4 players with PS2 assets, in an effort to funnel people towards PS4K. Which I hope they wouldn't attempt.

That is exactly what I was suggesting actually... This scares me but I wouldn't put it past Sony or PD
I'll be very annoyed if the non-4K version has performance issues and the 4K version doesn't. I'm not going to accept a game that's poorly optimized at lower performance scales but runs nicely at 4K.

Me as well. Honestly, I'm very curious as to how online would work. I assume they would both need to have their own servers/rooms with no chance of crossplay between the two.
You jinxed it, dammit! :gtpflag:

Seriously though, even if all that info is true, there is significant ambiguity in what "considerable sacrifices made to performance" could mean for GT Sport. It could mean it's an unoptimised pile of crap on PS4, but it could also easily mean that just the resolution is higher on PS4K, as @GTPorsche says. Or, being a PSVR title, it could mean just the VR parts of the game are downgraded on PS4 and need a PS4K to run to the standard of the rest of the game. It could mean a lot of things really.

Not that it matters though because I'm refusing to believe a PS4K exists until I see it - even if all the stories seem credible, I just can't comprehend why Sony would do something so bonkers.
It's real. We need to get used to that idea.

we have independently established that it's real

This is not just rumour and cloak and dagger postings. This is legit news sites telling us it's real.
Why? I can play Assetto Corsa on my uber PC at max settings against Joe Bloggs with a min spec PC on min settings with no issues. Why would this affect MP?

We're talking about a difference in resolution, not a different platform.

I don't know very much about Technical aspects of things so I do apologize, but it was stated that the GPU and CPU are both at least 2x better and faster..?? If online were available on crossplay for example, would that not cause the PS4 users to be far behind the PS4K users.

To reference the post again:

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