Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
What I wanted to say is just about TC 0. Scapes DLC data affects it (in this case my game data). So far I couldn't use TC 0 on Gr.1, 2, and 3, and the best choice is TC 2. The bad is when I raced with experienced player (at least same level as me) my car was definitely slower. I've been very sick about it. After downloading it, finally I can drive the cars (I have tested Gr. 3 and Gr. 2) as well as TC 2. The DLC may not affect other TC (1-5) but it affects TC 0. By the way, I am in asia region, so is my GTS BD.
Without TC it's still the same, really. Same story with my TC 2 settings, except that it's qualifying pace instead of race pace

I'm also predominantly on the Asia region
The update was only 105mb it was a error on Sony's end making everyone download every patch prior again. I swear no one bothers to read prior comments that have already stated the patch was only 105mb.
Thank you, Ryan! Sorry I missed that it was just another small one.
Without TC it's still the same, really. Same story with my TC 2 settings, except that it's qualifying pace instead of race pace

I'm also predominantly on the Asia region

I don't quite agree. The prove is Gr. 4 because I still could use TC 0 on it. So that's first I found TC is important. I also checked on players who were fasters on lobbies with BoP, almost all of them used TC 0. I don't know the effects using Counter Streering Assist because I never tried it. The best setting on GTS is all aids are off excepts ABS (keep it default), that's why TC is vital in the race. We also can see the settings of S S players, all of them (most, if not) use TC 0.
I don't quite agree. The prove is Gr. 4 because I still could use TC 0 on it. So that's first I found TC is important. I also checked on players who were fasters on lobbies with BoP, almost all of them used TC 0. I don't know the effects using Counter Streering Assist because I never tried it. The best setting on GTS is all aids are off excepts ABS (keep it default), that's why TC is vital in the race. We also can see the settings of S S players, all of them (most, if not) use TC 0.
Wait, sorry, I got lost. If I'm correct, you're saying that the Scapes DLC affected how the cars handle with TC 0, correct?

My answer to those is that I didn't feel a difference to the cars prior and after downloading the Scapes DLC, either with TC on (Level 2) or not (Level 0). I used to do TC 0 on qualifying because it's faster for me, but TC 2 on the races to get myself some consistency at the cost of outright speed.

So for me, I hadn't experienced what you experienced, but it is interesting that you were able to deduce something like this. I hope this clears things up :)
Virtually no one at the top of the leader boards uses TC - the only one I remember seeing use it is Calister (noticed he had it on while watching replays last week)... highly unusual for someone running a top time as it can really stifle acceleration out of tighter corners.

CSA is a much more effective traction control than traction control itself :lol:
Virtually no one at the top of the leader boards uses TC - the only one I remember seeing use it is Calister (noticed he had it on while watching replays last week)... highly unusual for someone running a top time as it can really stifle acceleration out of tighter corners.

CSA is a much more effective traction control than traction control itself :lol:
That's a fun experiment
Wish me luck ;)
That's a fun experiment
Wish me luck ;)

With the times I've seen you do recently, I would say you're plenty fast/skilled enough to not need traction control... but you know you're good enough to drive without it if you're not using it in qualifying 👍
With the times I've seen you do recently, I would say you're plenty fast/skilled enough to not need traction control... but you know you're good enough to drive without it if you're not using it in qualifying 👍
Haha, I mean to experiment if I can get to the Top 10 with TCS enabled :D
And as usual, you'll be one of my benchmarks again :lol:

I stopped using TC in races at some point when I got used to the physics :)
Wait, sorry, I got lost. If I'm correct, you're saying that the Scapes DLC affected how the cars handle with TC 0, correct?

Yes, correct.

I agree with using TC 2 gives more stability, easier to handle the car while TC 0 gives no mercy to mistake. I still use DS4, do you use wheel? Maybe using wheel doesn't suffer it. If I am the only one (of all GTS players) experienced it, really, it is very strange. :D
Yes, correct.

I agree with using TC 2 gives more stability, easier to handle the car while TC 0 gives no mercy to mistake. I still use DS4, do you use wheel? Maybe using wheel doesn't suffer it. If I am the only one (of all GTS players) experienced it, really, it is very strange. :D
Ahh I'm a wheel user, yes. Maybe that's why we have different experiences :)
Although I have to say, you're the first controller user I've seen that said this
Yes, correct.

I agree with using TC 2 gives more stability, easier to handle the car while TC 0 gives no mercy to mistake. I still use DS4, do you use wheel? Maybe using wheel doesn't suffer it. If I am the only one (of all GTS players) experienced it, really, it is very strange. :D
I'm a ds4 user and I noticed no difference between having it installed and not installed
That's a fun experiment
Wish me luck ;)
I did it :D

Good for 4th on the leaderboards on the US of A :)
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I'm a ds4 user and I noticed no difference between having it installed and not installed

Because there wouldn't be has nothing to do with in game physics, the user "Calm-lity" has no idea what he's on about and claiming it's a must is false info and surprising he hasn't be told to stop claiming it as such.
I'm a ds4 user and I noticed no difference between having it installed and not installed

I always use old school buttons for the gas and brake (X and square), I ever tried with trigger ( R2 + L2 ) but it was the same my cars spinning around when turning while set to TC 0. Just like the car 100x overpowered while the tires can't withstand it.

Because there wouldn't be has nothing to do with in game physics, the user "Calm-lity" has no idea what he's on about and claiming it's a must is false info and surprising he hasn't be told to stop claiming it as such.

It may be false info because I was the only one experienced it. But I had observed it. If I didn't download the DLC yerterday, I still can't use TC 0 on top 3 categories until now. :)
It may be false info because I was the only one experienced it. But I had observed it. If I didn't download the DLC yerterday, I still can't use TC 0 on top 3 categories until now. :)

You have no way of verifying that, thus you can't claim it as such.
Yes, I can. Because it really happened to my game data.

No you've made a claim, you have nothing to verify it. It's like me claiming because I bought a pack of gum today that the sky was cloudy rather than clear. I can make said claim all I want but that doesn't make it reality.
No you've made a claim, you have nothing to verify it. It's like me claiming because I bought a pack of gum today that the sky was cloudy rather than clear. I can make said claim all I want but that doesn't make it reality.

I made a claim based on my experience, but I don't have a prove such as a video. And someone, and it is you don't believe it. My PS4 is CUH-1206A B01. My Gran Turismo Bluray Disc is Asia Region Day One. I should have downloaded everything available but the Scape DLC size is large for me. I remained silent for months though I couldn't use TC 0; keep racing with this reality, still I could manage myself being competitive. Things made me think to possibilities (is it the game must be played by wheel or the Scape DLC I still haven't downloaded to make TC 0 and 1 works fine?), and it is the result: Scape DLC is the core issue to TC 0 and 1 on my game data.
I made a claim based on my experience, but I don't have a prove such as a video. And someone, and it is you don't believe it. My PS4 is CUH-1206A B01. My Gran Turismo Bluray Disc is Asia Region Day One. I should have downloaded everything available but the Scape DLC size is large for me. I remained silent for months though I couldn't use TC 0; keep racing with this reality, still I could manage myself being competitive. Things made me think to possibilities (is it the game must be played by wheel or the Scape DLC I still haven't downloaded to make TC 0 and 1 works fine?), and it is the result: Scape DLC is the core issue to TC 0 and 1 on my game data.

Reread my posts. I have nothing else to add or say after this, you can think what you want, but your download wasn't the cause or help. It's called coincidence, go ahead and check it out, Webster and Oxford have a description of said word in their dictionaries.
Scapes had nothing to do with it.

Maybe if you used something other than X and Square as the buttons are on/off and not pressure sensitive.

No, I didn't change everything of the controller setting except gas and brake. Though I used default (R2 + L2) the issue was the same. As you know for racing aids, I turn all off except ABS.
Was just about to say, the use of X and square may explain the issues with cars spinning, since as pointed out they're no longer pressure sensitive, thus throttle usage can't be modulated as easily anymore. @Calmlity , as a fellow DS4 user it might be an idea to try R2 and L2 for throttle and brake respectively, you'll find it much easier to control throttle movements, especially if your driving without TC 👍.
Was just about to say, the use of X and square may explain the issues with cars spinning, since as pointed out they're no longer pressure sensitive, thus throttle usage can't be modulated as easily anymore. @Calmlity , as a fellow DS4 user it might be an idea to try R2 and L2 for throttle and brake respectively, you'll find it much easier to control throttle movements, especially if your driving without TC 👍.

Using default R2 + L2 the cars also keep spinning around when turning. Even no. 1 racer in the world can't handle the car.
If it was an issue, there'd be other users reporting it.

As it's only you who thinks there's an issue, I'm gonna go with it being user error and that there's nothing wrong with the game and no correlation to any optional Scape DLC.

It is asian version. Maybe a lot players don't care about TC 0 while they also don't download the Scape DLC. I saw in lobbies, many players used default TC and TC 2 for top 3 car categories. Bet, they couldn't use TC 0.