Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
I have to say I have been waiting for a long time for a glimpse at this title and yet now it has happened I can't help but feel disappointed...

The UI looks very slick and well presented and the car models in the showroom are shown in a tremendous amount of detail. As soon as you head on track however, the game looks very plain, with the production time they have had on this title you would think it would be ground breaking like Uncharted 4 was recently.

The game play is hard to judge from a video but I was disappointing to see a lack of damage modelling once again with the cars bouncing off each other in a childish like manner. I personally like to race in races >1 hour in length and enjoy the challenge of getting a car through the race, avoiding damage, trying to keep the tires in check and taking the battle to opponents when the opportunity presents. This game looks to play more like ridge racer.

I think sound is an important aspect in any serious racer as it can immerse the player in the action when the graphical limitations of the hardware begin to show. In this case the graphics do seem to be below the standard achieved by other racing series, even those that were crowd sourced and yet the sounds are woeful. Not the dire quality that we all ensured in GT6 and below, but not far off.

Hopefully, the game will be delayed by Sony in order to add the required polish as at this moment in time its not a day one purchase for me and GT games should be.
The game play is hard to judge from a video but I was disappointing to see a lack of damage modelling once again with the cars bouncing off each other in a childish like manner. I personally like to race in races >1 hour in length and enjoy the challenge of getting a car through the race, avoiding damage, trying to keep the tires in check and taking the battle to opponents when the opportunity presents. This game looks to play more like ridge racer.

I think sound is an important aspect in any serious racer as it can immerse the player in the action when the graphical limitations of the hardware begin to show. In this case the graphics do seem to be below the standard achieved by other racing series, even those that were crowd sourced and yet the sounds are woeful. Not the dire quality that we all ensured in GT6 and below, but not far off.
Damage is coming, this is a preview build. Kazunori stated more than once about how this was just a preview build (which it is). The graphics are excellent, slightly buggy but are actually excellent. Not disagreeing with you about the AI though, which is why I guess the focus is on e-sports and online play. Sound is better than every before, not a huge overhaul yet but much improved. I know this thread is huge at this point but look harder for info.
We should be seeing more of this new Thrustmaste GTS wheel at e3

Damn I forgot to submit a question about the heat waves. :ouch: Would be cool on Willow and Seattle. (if Seattle is truly coming back that is) :)

Did anyone asked about that ?
Damage is coming, this is a preview build. Kazunori stated more than once about how this was just a preview build (which it is). The graphics are excellent, slightly buggy but are actually excellent. Not disagreeing with you about the AI though, which is why I guess the focus is on e-sports and online play. Sound is better than every before, not a huge overhaul yet but much improved. I know this thread is huge at this point but look harder for info.
Do you have evidence supporting the fact that damage is an ongoing development for the game? Sorry, just curious, that's all.

Also, I don't really understand why people are complaining about the graphics. I personally think they are on point. Ok, there are a few inconsistencies, but that should be expected with an early build. I just hope that the game can be optimized a bit more before release, so that we get a steady 60fps.
After all, Forza games are released on yearly basis just like CoD, unlike GT, which is on irregular basis. ;)
you may be correct in the fact that a Forza title comes out every year, but you're completely wrong in the point you're trying to imply. Two games made by two different developers with two completely different settings. Each dev takes two years to make their game. Bi-annual releases is far from what you're implying.
Wonder if this is a track. Clearly not a photoscape with those npcs.

Looks more like a scape, except people. Also there would probably be some barrier between people and cars. Also it says Street - Los Angeles (and one more word) on bottom behind text, which looks like name for a scape. Either way looks nice.
It's a bit hilarious these comparisons between GTS and Driveclub. Meaning how disastrous and flamed the DC's first miles were. GTS has a fine start compared to DC's. But of course, DC's epilogue was brilliant. It's a great game, don't get me wrong. I still enjoy it.

GTS hasn't released yet. Driveclub's "disastrous first miles" came as a result of the online component being broken at launch, so I'm not sure what you mean.
Amar said it's a direct drive wheel, which means it will be very very expensive.
Top line wheel price then. It looks like it has a massive worm gear inside of it. The center hub is massive on the wheel because of it, and that GT logo is huge because of it, but that is an amazing looking wheel.

Even though I'd prefer that hub to be smaller... :lol:
Amar said it's a direct drive wheel, which means it will be very very expensive.
Curious decision on the part of PD considering that they went from the $100 DFGT to the $500-600 T500 to presumably a $700+ worm drive wheel. I understand wanting to associate this game in particular with good equipment, considering the tie-in with the FIA and all, but I'd like to see a lower end wheel with the GT badge on it as well. Along the lines of the T150.
No wonder Kaz was spotted dancing :dopey:. Was this a DJ set? Anyone know who was manning the turntables or which songs these are?
Probably Translator-san:lol:. I'd lay dollars to donuts he was poppin' and lockin' back in the day:sly:

Anyone know what a crass is? :lol:

Is this for real?:odd:
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Yep, straight from the GT website and this is the econd typo found so far (The word "November" was misspelt in a banner but is now fixed.) Seems like they were very eager to get the information on the site.
It's the "econd" typo? So "November" was the irst?:sly: Crass is an ironic misspelling:mischievous:
GTS hasn't released yet. Driveclub's "disastrous first miles" came as a result of the online component being broken at launch, so I'm not sure what you mean.
I didn't say "released". I said started (GTS). GTS worked in it's first time at London in public. Driveclub barely survived the first miles. The game and it's whole interface was server bound and buggy (still is server bound). When it launched, at it's first moment in public, it failed hard. It was practically unplayable, because of continuous server problems. Very bad first impressions leading to lousy review scores.