Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Quick question to the chaps that played the game with a wheel yesterday; were you guys able to adjust FFB settings or was the wheel set to neutral? Meaning you didn't feel much.

Another thing, maybe the tracks could use a little more life. Like the wind swaying the trees, ambient sounds, Dust on the track and loud crowd cheers. Though I think that would hurt the framerate significantly.

@Terronium-12 I'll sponsor you a Nandos Quarter Chicken & Chips (Pick the heat level of your choice) with a packet of beef biltong for teasing us so much :D
You're using the word 'amazing' as if directly quoted from someone. Who specifically used the word "amazing?"

And we're not holding back anything. Content will be delivered as it's supposed to, according to the schedule.

Again, where was the word "amazing" used?

I assumed RandomCarGuy read the word in the previous pages as he claimed. My bad.

Anyway, thanks for being honest and confirming a schedule of info release.
GT Sport looks really good now, i see a huge progress from GT6, no boring elevator music in menus, Good Car List, better sounds, Livery Editor and Cleaner UI, but the only thing that's bugging me about this game is the Tire Squealing Noises and Dumb AI from previous game, i hope they fix that in final product.
(Sorry for commenting here too late. :rolleyes:)
GT Sport looks really good now, i see a huge progress from GT6, no boring elevator music in menus, Good Car List, better sounds, Livery Editor and Cleaner UI, but the only thing that's bugging me about this game is the Tire Squealing Noises and Dumb AI from previous game, i hope they fix that in final product.
(Sorry for commenting here too late. :rolleyes:)
The game is 50% completed, so yeah, hopefully that will change! :). Also, I hope as well the build they will bring at Nurburgring can be a bit better (like 51%-52% completed)
Yeah, I hear the same statement every time a GT game comes out before it goes on to sell 5 million+

Not the prologues, though.

Until now, every other main GT game has increased the number of cars - by about the amount GTS will have!

Every other (main) GT game has increased the number and variety of events quite a lot (apart from GT6, perhaps).

Sure, I could be wrong, but 1 to 3 million is my best guess at this time. My point is, I just don't see what gives it the mainstream appeal needed for many-milllion type sales... appeal that other GTs had.

Just by being a GT game it's going to outsell Driveclub. In fact, if it does end up launching on 11/15, and the general buzz around the game is possitive. It could very well outsell Driveclub in 2016.

Not in 2016, lol, it'll barely be patched and ready by the end of year... if it even releases on time.

Otherwise, quite likely. But almost as likely not, IMO, for the reason stated.

This isn't just me being a negative troll, I've really tried to put aside my personal opinion of GTS to think about this rationally. Hell, I've played all the main GTs since the beginning, been a fan all along (apart from being disappointed by GT6... but I still platinum'd it). GTS might come together into something I'll play, but that doesn't mean millions of other will.
Its actually common for builds to be updated at gaming shows for each day I hear however every 8 hours from PD seems excessive xD
I'm glad they were pushing out builds that quick, it gives me a lot of confidence in these next 5 months or so.

Next venue is E3 right? I really want a proper GTS trailer. One with some Daiko Kasho.
Nurburgring 24H, actually. We might see a new trailer, who knows.

And just to reply to this thread in general, how many times does it have to be said that the game is not 50% complete. I take Kaz's word before that Spanish guy's, and Kaz said that the build at Copper Box was 50% of the quality of which he hopes for the final game.
Its actually common for builds to be updated at gaming shows for each day I hear however every 8 hours from PD seems excessive xD

Next venue is E3 right? I really want a proper GTS trailer. One with some Daiko Kasho.
Is it confirmed for E3?
Not the prologues, though.

Until now, every other main GT game has increased the number of cars - by about the amount GTS will have!

Every other (main) GT game has increased the number and variety of events quite a lot (apart from GT6, perhaps).

Sure, I could be wrong, but 1 to 3 million is my best guess at this time. My point is, I just don't see what gives it the mainstream appeal needed for many-milllion type sales... that other GTs had.

Not in 2016, lol, it'll barely be patched and ready by the end of year... if it even releases on time.

Otherwise, quite likely. But almost as likely not, IMO, for the reason stated.

This isn't just me being a negative troll, I've really tried to put aside my personal opinion of GTS to think about this rationally. Hell, I've played all the main GTs since the beginning, been a fan all along (apart from being disappointed by GT6... but I still platinum'd it). GTS might come together into something I'll play, but that doesn't mean millions of other will.

GT5P sold 5.35 million.
GT's across generational gaps have always had a lower amount of cars and tracks due to remodelling. CHeck the number of cars GT3 had or number of premiums GT5P had for instance.

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