Let me reiterate how much I love this place, rough n tumble stuff aside. How awesome Jordan is for giving us this clubhouse to hang out in and share stuff with each other like this. How great the GT Planet staff are. How incredible SONY Computer Entertainment are for all things Playstation, and putting on this event, which likely cost a few pretty yen. For the family of Polyphony Digital being such an awesome bunch to slave away on a game that often causes some ridiculous reactions from the community of gamers. What a thankless job you guys have. I'm really sorry that more people don't appreciate what you do for us, and giving up so much of your lives to do it. For GT Sport. For that Livery Editor, THANK YOU GUYS!! And finally, for Kazunori-sensei for being Kaz, and giving us this strange, wonderful experience known as Gran Turismo. Yes, I'm an unashamed, total fanboy, so be it.
Anyhow... back to the real world of GTPlanet.
Wow! The tire-squeal is perfect here!
I like it, but I'm with Johnny here. It's too high pitched, and I'd prefer that it be more muted when the slippage is minor, but maybe it really is. Though to be honest, I'd turn it up in the sound element mixer.

Hey, it's the barometer to how well a car is taking a turn.
A few more things, maybe.
Guys, this is the time to lobby for requests. We have a good solid glimpse of hat GT Sport will be, and there may be time to ask for things. Besides the sound improvements, lord, I think that has been mentioned a bazillion times already, I think they got the memo. It's time to talk about a few other issues too. These are mine.
- I've only complained since the release of GT5 that the replay cameras are too low most of the time. Like below chest high. I'd prefer for there to be higher views added in, more panoramic shots. I like seeing the cars approach and drive away from a high viewpoint. I also appreciate the lack of so many flying cam shots this time around. What I'd like to see are physical camera positions, cranes and all, located around the track, and each view having a camera position modeled. This may be a problem with what I'd also like to see here: user camera editing. RaceRoom will soon give us a Director's Mode which will allow us to position replay cams wherever we want. I'd really like to see this in GT Sport, if possible.
- Edited driver views.
What we need is a way to adjust the camera, so everyone is happy. I keep making this suggestion because I'm hoping one of these days, it happens. Hopefully in GT Sport.
- Four camera locations: Bumper, Cockpit, Roof, Chase
- Adjust camera forward/back, left/right, up/down
- Adjust field of view
- Adjust sway amount, 0 is fixed
- Adjust shake amount
For a hood view, pick either Bumper or Cockpit. Say you want to see mostly the road, pick Bumper.
- Camera up 20
- Camera back 40
- Sway 0
- Shake 10
There you go, a hood view showing just enough of the hood to see it and be oriented. I thought about an aim parameter, but less clutter and confusion is better.
- I want to see an Event Maker, which lets us create a string of events all the way to a small racing season - or large - complete with championships, rules, car restrictions, league definitions and permitted cars, bots to flesh out fields with difficulty, sequence of tracks, weather and time of day for each event, etc. Both off- and online.
- Course Maker 2.5, one which includes the app and tools in GT Sport.
- Movie Maker, for editing and sharing replays. Even editing of replay cam positions as above.
I'm running out of steam, so this is all I got right now. I know that some of this won't happen till GT7, possibly, but if we don't ask, we won't receive. Remember that Livery Editor no one expected to see yet.