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So, i was watching some GTS races in Tokyo Expressway and i have to say, i never cared that much about damage in GT games but, if PD really want to make it a eSport game, the damage got to be efficient enough to people not wanting to "bang" another races.
In the Tokyo race, the guys were running real close, sometimes 4 cars together and bumping each other. Some bumps could easly caused some damage in the cars, but they still running fine.
I played a serious championship in PCars, where i got the silver in LMP2 series and 4th in the overall, running LMP1 and LMP2, so i did a great job. But unfortunally my T300 broke only missing two races to the end, the last i even finished. The point is that sometimes, the racers touh each others, and the chanpionship organizators had to aplly some penaltys to then(star in the pit on the next race, loose seconds, fly-by, etc), and it was really hard to judge who was gulty or not.
I may seems obvious, but it's the true.
I don't expect to the wheel fall off the car in GTS, but i do hope that the cars at least behave like something bad happened after a big crash.
Yes realistic damage is a realistic behaviour control. But I doubt GTS will have realistic damage and it might not need it. PD have been blunt in saying they want this game to be accessible to anyone and even I have to admit that the more serious a sim gets the fewer people are interested in it. So realistic damage would make the game too unforgiving for those that just want to have some fun racing and what about those guys who enjoy the bumping when racing and think a bump and run is a fun or legitimate tactic? Well I sure don't want to race against them but what if PD can make a game that doesn't exclude anyone?
Enter sportmanship rating. If PD can actually achieve what they are claiming and create a system that matches drivers to their level of sportsmanship then they can actually build an online racer for everyone, wreckers would be paired with wreckers, cheats with cheats and clean with clean. No one is penalised, everyone gets to enjoy the game the way they want to play it.
I would be pleasantly amazed if they pull it off but I'm crossing my fingers real hard for this. I'm crossing my fingers real hard for a lot of things with this game but I'm already amazed that PD are even attempting a online racer so I'm really hopeful for them that they succeed with this and are able to do all they have said and unlike previous promises even though I understand the task they have set is no small task and actually revolutionary if they pull it off the way I hope I have a little bit of hope because I know the goal isn't unreasonable and I know if they work hard they can do it.
It's just history tells me that they will disappoint me.
I'm sure if it was possible someone would've done it already, PBR has existed for a while now, although mostly in CGI up until this generation. It's just a different approach entirely.
Sorry, but what??? Even an old Intel 2500k absolutely demolishes console CPUs, you're kidding yourself if you think they keep up with high end Intel CPUs, AMD processors in general suck compared to Intel and are at least 5 years behind in terms of performance. CPUs are mostly described as the weakest link in this gen consoles and a major bottleneck.
Read what I wrote again. This was in 2013 and the i7 in question is unknown. But I can understand your doubt because in gaming on PC Intel destroys AMD however even with AMD's currently very outdated CPU's AMD still puts up an impressive fight in productivity benchmarks that take advantage of all their cores. In single threaded applications Intel crushes AMD.
I have no doubt a 6700K will outperform a PS4's CPU's in pretty much any test. But in an optimised test that would max out all cores of your CPU's the very fact that the current consoles have 8 cores actually makes them very comparable in potential to a faster 4 core CPU. Of course you can also get Intel CPU's with more than 4 cores but they are not cheap.
And of course currently this means nothing as far as gaming goes because most developers do not optimise their games for multi core CPU's but if they did the current consoles are very capable machines. Like seriously capable, I haven't even mentioned 8GB of GDDR5 RAM yet, well I have now.
BTW I do not even own a PS4. I have been a PC gamer for some time even though I was aware of this information but now I have 2 PS4's in the house that I got for my kids and I have seen how good gaming is on them I'm really considering handing in my PC master race card.
Thanks for the source, but I still find it hard to believe that the PS4's CPU is able to outperform an i7.
Also, from what I've seen, AMD's current FX line of processors are able to be beaten by Skylake i3's in gaming, despite the extra cores available - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-intel-core-i3-6100-review
Yes as I said gaming doesn't use AMD to its full potential but even then the current AMD lineup is well past its used by date, things will change shortly when AMD releases its new CPU's. But again even the current chips do well in productivity when it is optimised for multicore.