So, i was watching some GTS races in Tokyo Expressway and i have to say, i never cared that much about damage in GT games but, if PD really want to make it a eSport game, the damage got to be efficient enough to people not wanting to "bang" another races.
In the Tokyo race, the guys were running real close, sometimes 4 cars together and bumping each other. Some bumps could easly caused some damage in the cars, but they still running fine.
I played a serious championship in PCars, where i got the silver in LMP2 series and 4th in the overall, running LMP1 and LMP2, so i did a great job. But unfortunally my T300 broke only missing two races to the end, the last i even finished. The point is that sometimes, the racers touh each others, and the chanpionship organizators had to aplly some penaltys to then(star in the pit on the next race, loose seconds, fly-by, etc), and it was really hard to judge who was gulty or not.
I may seems obvious, but it's the true.
I don't expect to the wheel fall off the car in GTS, but i do hope that the cars at least behave like something bad happened after a big crash.