Nothing much new in this trailer, but a couple of observations:
1) Music much better. Thanks for saving my ears this time PD. Also good to see they haven't forgotten MOTC
2) We get more glimpse of roadcars at 1:20. There's a shot of them going through Tokyo tunnels. I can't really see any new models revealed, but it should calm the people who says GTS has too much emphasis on race cars.
3) Scapes filters are fantastic

Vibrant filter is practically real life

There seems to be less selection than in GT5/6, but most filters in those games look tacky anyway and I never use them so it's ok.
4) Trees at Nurb look fantastic. Also loving the billboards at Willow's Turn 2. PD's tracks have always been characterised as bland so it's good to see they are increasing the "festive" atmosphere.
5) Damage still looks non-existent and pinball physics during crashes 👎
6) Just noticed, when selecting car colours there aren't any colour names shown. Perhaps they've done away with the awful paint chips system altogether? Would make much more sense now that we have a livery editor 💡
7) Anyone can race, everyone can win. More like everyone can race, but only 1 can win
It's a pretty underwhelming trailer for E3 if this is all they've got. But with GTS being such a focused game with much less content this is probably all they've got to show. I'm just hoping the full car list, track list and scapes list will be revealed soon.
After my doubts, I think I might just enjoy GTS for what it is. GT5 Prologue, despite being much smaller in scope than GT5/6 ended up being my favourite GT experience on the PS3. I'll take quality > quantity any day.