So basically, you also think that this game is GT7.
Not believing until I see it. I know this has been said and that has been said, but a lot of things have been said and not all have been 100% true. Call me skeptical, but I simply don't see anything that sets in stone that this IS GT7.
I still argue the person that thinks this is the "last game" (before its even out, which is silly considering sales determine that) due to missing features of past games is silly. Of course its not the same GT, "a New Direction" pretty much says it isn't but at the same time, "A new direction" doesn't automatically mean the end of the number series. I'm not buying that until the creator himself makes that clear, no more strangly suggested wording or really vague statements.
Like I said in the other post I am not sure how it could be made clearer but I'll try.
Question: What is the 7th full release title in the Gran Turismo series?
Answer: GTS
Question: Is GTS a Prologue?
Answer: No, not according to Kaz unless he is lying.
Question: Is Gran Turismo Sport a spin off?
Answer: No, not according to Kaz unless he is lying.
Question: If PD released a numbered title after GTS what position in the series would the next title be?
Answer: It would be the 8th full release title.
Question: Can a full release title be released as GT7 after GTS?
Answer: No, not logically. The next title will be the 8th full release title and if it is called GT7 that implies that either GTS is an in between title like a Prologue or that GTS is a spin off or a new branch running alongside the numbered series and we have been told that GTS is niether a spin off or a Prologue. More so if they released GT7 as a title that includes both the Sport part of the game and more in game features then that would confirm in peoples minds that GTS was actually a Prologue or an in between game and not a fully featured title as Kaz has claimed. So to call the next title GT7 would logically make what Kaz has already said a lie. Therefore if PD released a title called GT7 it would be very bad for the company now that they have said what they have said and logically if the next title was to return to a number it should only be called GT8 to avoid a negative market reaction.
Who says ps4 is downgraded from ps3 because it cant do triple screen at the moment?
If it is true that the PS4 does not support triple, me.
Do you actually know how GT on ps3 achieve the triple screen setup?
Of course otherwise I wouldn't have bothered mentioning it.
And i bet u PS4 can do the same for the triple screen.You can buy 3 set of PS4 + GTS with 3 TV to do triple screen.
You start off unsure but in your second sentence you state it so definitively. You will need to show me a source that says this is possible, I know people have used PC's and similar to display their PS4 on their PC triple display but I'm looking for a official source that says you can connect multi displays to a PS4. I can't find anything that says you can't anymore but I remember reading years ago that you couldn't and it was a main reason for me not wanting one at the time.
In which source do you read that PS4 neo can easily run triple screen?
Perhaps you misunderstood what I was saying. The NEO is over 4 Tflops which is more than enough to support triple monitors. At this spec there would be no need for more than one NEO to run triple monitors. Therefore if there is no need to own more than one NEO to support triples on NEO it would not make sense to support multi displays using 3 standard PS4's as no one would consider it due to the much larger price and it would require additional work to support.
Your comparison is very ignorant by the facts. GTS is having at hard time reaching a stable 60fps even in 1080p mode, whats makes u think you have the edge of pc racing by having a 144hz monitor for GTS? You can had 3 pcs of 144hz monitor for GTS but the facts is GTS is aimed for 60fps 1080p gaming. its makes no different at all. Even in PC if your pc hardware is not capable of running the game @ 144fps above, the facts that you used 144hz monitori is also useless.
No I'm not, you are. It may be having trouble reaching 60fps on a 1.84 Tflop PS4 but the 4.19 Tflop NEO will have no trouble running at 144fps. More so you don't seem to understand Adaptive Sync. Freesync only works below the displays refresh rate and actually only works within a defined range set by the manufacturer of the display so to use Freesync you must run at lower than 144 fps on a 144hz display, lower than 120fps on a 120hzs display and lower than 60 fps on a 60hz display. However most adaptive sync monitors report better input lag times running without adaptive sync at much higher frame rates but they actually can compete with input lag times of no adaptive sync gaming monitors running lower frame rates with adaptive sync on and many competitive gamers love being able to run with adaptive sync at around 120-140fps for that buttery smooth no tear gameplay combined with the benifit of ultra low input lag.
GTS is aimed at 60fps 1080p gaming on the PS4 and it must also support PSVR on the PS4 so you do not need the NEO for PSVR support. The NEO will support higher resolutions than 1080p and beyond that we don't really know much except that the hardware at 4.19 Tflops is more than capable of supporting 1440p resolution or triples or even a 144hz display. For comparison at 4.19 Tflops this places it halfway between a GTX970 and GTX980 in performance so yes more than capable of all the things I mentioned.
@freedom1104 has already described,
a PS3 does not support triple screen mode.
I never meant that it did, I know you need 3 PS3's and 3 copies of the game but you should read my reply to him above in this post.
Actually i watched the video this morning, i dont recalled any speech regarding achieving triple screen on a console (neo) confirmation by Kaz, i think he misinterpret what kaz told the isrtv personnel.
and Neo is borned solely by the needs of power for the PS VR/4k. not for triple screen. I doubt Neo will have 3 hdmi output.
I was obviously talking about the mention in the video so yes what Kaz said to John. And call it a misinterpretation if you want but I've detailed above why I believe that because any other way would be ridiculous considering the NEO has the performance potential to support triples on its own.