Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
It's kind of a long shot but it would be nice if this game has 21:9 support.
At least, we know that GT sport will be compatible with HDR TV in scape mode. One article says the whole game : and the other specifies in the scape mode :

(search for the word HDR in these articles)
The Tokyo track graphics have changed for the better. Google translation gives a good idea.
Gráficos bastante mejorados
Uno de los problemas que encontramos en la anterior toma de contacto con el título fue lo poco trabajados que se encontraban los gráficos en general, al menos para lo que esperábamos de un título como este. Es cierto que los coches lucían un aspecto formidable, pero desde luego no se podía decir lo mismo de los escenarios. Poco definidos, con ciertos problemas de texturización y no especialmente recargados de detalles, la verdad es que el estado demasiado prematuro del código que probamos en mayo nos dejó un tanto desalentados en ese aspecto.

¿Qué es lo que ha cambiado en esta ocasión? Pues básicamente todo lo relacionado con la apariencia de los citados fondos. Nuevamente hemos podido recorrer varios de los escenarios que finalmente acogerá el título (que como sabéis serán 19 localizaciones distintas y 27 trazados), entre ellos el de Tokio. Y si dicho recorrido nos pareció flojo antaño, en esta ocasión se ha convertido en uno de nuestros favoritos.

Es sorprendente la mejora que ha experimentado este recorrido en los meses adicionales de desarrollo, sobre todo en lo que respecta a la calidad de las texturas que sirven para conformar todo el entorno urbano en el que se ambienta dicho recorrido, el cual como ya os imaginaréis será uno de los más icónicos para los usuarios japoneses.

I'm not sure but there are some members here who don't know that the Tokyo track has another version. Still in Spanish.
La pista de Tokyo, denominada Tokyo Expressway, es un circuito urbano y ya es otro cantar. En la versión más corta que pude probar se notaban más las bondades de los distintos controles de 'Gran Turismo Sport' y ya vi cómo la simulación estaba más presente.
It's all gone rather quiet on the game front again. Are we going to have at least another month of silence or do we think PD will release any new details/news before Gamescom, which they also may not even show up to?
It's all gone rather quiet on the game front again. Are we going to have at least another month of silence or do we think PD will release any new details/news before Gamescom, which they also may not even show up to?
We know Sony aren't having a press conference, so at this point it would be surprising to get anything more than the usual demo (in regard to content) that's been shown off.
We know Sony aren't having a press conference, so at this point it would be surprising to get anything more than the usual demo (in regard to content) that's been shown off.

Would be pretty mad if they showed the same damn demo at gamescom...
Took me more than an hour to complete a lap at the Nordschleife in the Maserati 250F and I couldn't stop smiling the whole time:):). Figured it deserved a place of honour in my profile pic:sly:

Mildly off topic question, but what the hey!: is there a big difference in handling between the two variants on the 250?
Mildly off topic question, but what the hey!: is there a big difference in handling between the two variants on the 250?
Off topic answer:sly:, I don't know, I drove the 6 cyl all night. Looking at the lap times at Red Bull Ring it appears the 12 cylinder is about 4.5 seconds faster and I'm not sure how you could do that just by adding power since there's so little grip available. I suspect it's slightly grippier in the 12 cylinder but it's just a guess. I put my Nordschleife lap in my sig;)

First time I've noticed you don't use a girl as a profile pic?:lol:
You mean of the human variety?:cool:
We know Sony aren't having a press conference, so at this point it would be surprising to get anything more than the usual demo (in regard to content) that's been shown off.

True but they weren't in the E3 conference either so even if Sony were having one there is no gaurantee they'd even be in it. I think there is still a chance they could turn up with a stand and show off/talk about a few new things. Otherwise they're going a rather long time with no exposure.
The music thread has so many youtube videos it overloads my mobile browser. Going to post it here instead.

This song would fit well as a replay soundtrack. :)
New playable build coming shortly!

(Google translate)

Let's play the Gran Turismo SPORT! - Summer preview events schedule

Posted by Hiroshi Murata | July 15, 2016

July 17, 2017 (Sunday) from "PlayStation® Festival - everyone's play summer nationwide caravan! -" Will start. This event was started Turismo SPORT, possible to play the attention of the title at a time. From Hokkaido to Fukuoka, because the events surrounding Japan, it is worth checking the schedule of you live in the area and a summer vacation!

Development for the release is advanced, please by all means experience on this occasion the latest Gran Turismo SPORT has undergone a steady evolution.

Note For more information on events please visit PlayStation®.Blog

<Dates & Venue>

- July 17 (Sun), 18 days (month) 10:00 to 18:00
Aeon Mall KYOTO (Kyoto) Sakura Hall second floor atrium next to area

- July 30 (Saturday), 31 (Sunday) 9:00 to 18:00
Aeon Lake Town kaze (Saitama Prefecture) first floor wing of the Square

- August 6 (Saturday), 7 days (Sun) 10:00 to 18:00
Aeon Mall Tokoname (Aichi Prefecture) first floor Northcote

- August 13 (Saturday), 14 (Sun) 9:00 to 18:00
Aeon Mall Hiraoka Sapporo (Hokkaido) first floor center court

- August 20 (Saturday), 21 (Sunday) 9:00 to 18:00
Aeon Mall Chikushino (Fukuoka Prefecture) first floor East Court

Once again, I'm hoping to see Super GT cars show up.

oh gawd please no, not this type of teenager music...
The soundtracks are the identity of a GT games.
What I'm saying is some people like disco, pop, trance, etc.
they should have these and more for more variety.
Last time I checked they only had 6 genres. Out of at least 15 popular music genres.
The Indonesian motorsport association is currently working on permissions for the Digital License after their representative went to the Sport Conference back at Turin. Here's hoping...


And in another news, GT Academy is headed for Indonesia. Cannot wait to try the demos out :D
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Sweet, I think Ill go play this new build, compare it with the pre e3 one. Strange the PlayStation Experience is missing Tokyo though.

It is weird. TGS isn't that long after the last one, perhaps they're using that as their Tokyo stop.
No one posted USGAMER interview yet?
Nothing new except for the last part.

"The PS3 hardware at first glance looks like it was able to do a certain level of things, but in actuality it can't. In terms of development, it was really, really difficult. The balance of hardware wasn't very good, but the PS4 is so good. This quality that we're showing you today is about 70% or so, so at time of launch, we'll be showing you something even better than this."
This come from the mouth that said "GT6 will receive all VGT cars within 24 months" and after almost 36 months said "All remaining VGT are rolled into GTS"...
Never trust the liar Kaz...