Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
I think licensing cost would be much lesser than making the cars in game ( which requires many manhours, audio, physics, interior/exterior/damage modelling, testing etc )
That's the thing, everyone's just guessing. However, licensing is a thing that varies. I could have sworn that the reason why T10 had a problem with Porsche was because of the cost, unless I'm mistaken. Although, that company could just be an anomaly.
You're right that adding in content that was available and produced last gen would definitely minimize production costs, but removing them also minimizes licensing costs. The thing is, we don't know what the trade off is as not all vehicles are likely licensed at the same price.

Staffing an extra 60 people to create new assets instead of flipping what you already have sure sounds like a company on the downscale. :lol:

It's hard to take some of you guys seriously sometimes. I question whether some people actually believe what they say to be true, or just hope it to be true. I personally think it's just blind ignorance. You do not take on people whilst at the same time take creative risks if the future of your company is in question. Especially when the format you have is a guaranteed seller. Nothing here points to a downscale of any kind. Nothing.

I think licensing cost would be much lesser than making the cars in game ( which requires many manhours, audio, physics, interior/exterior/damage modelling, testing etc )

Well, six months of one mans wages plus the license of the car for a new asset versus a couple of days of wages plus the license for an old asset. It's obvious isn't it :lol:

But that won't stop the doom and gloomers.
Staffing an extra 60 people to create new assets instead of flipping what you already have sure sounds like a company on the downscale. :lol:
You're right, and I didn't disagree with you on that point.

It's hard to take some of you guys seriously sometimes. I question whether some people actually believe what they say to be true, or just hope it to be true. I personally think it's just blind ignorance. You do not take on people whilst at the same time take creative risks if the future of your company is in question. Especially when the format you have is a guaranteed seller. Nothing here points to a downscale of any kind. Nothing.
Surely you don't need to be so confrontational all the time? I was just pointing out that licensing costs from cutting literally hundreds of Premiums as well as Standards(which double the amount of premiums. but do they license those out the same way as well? I'm unsure) could be an a considerable amount of money saved. How much and what the offset is compared to the hiring of additional staff is unknown to everyone at this point though, so any single guess is just as wrong as the next.
I'd imagine licensing is generally cheaper these days than it was a decade or more ago – Porsche excepted, of course. It's just a guess, but surely car companies realize it's a fairly cheap form of advertising for them. If anything, they benefit more than the game developers do.

Especially when the format you have is a guaranteed seller.


I agree that there's no evidence of a company downsizing. That said, I do wonder if the massively different approach of GT Sport is a sign of a leaner budget compared to the massive one during GT5's development. The new game's comparatively tiny amount of content undoubtedly saves PD a lot of time and money versus the usual mega amounts. Plus, a great deal of the car list is fantasy cars, either of the VGT or LM variety: they don't have to spend the money sending teams around the globe and/or locating a suitable car to model, they can simply build it off existing models.

Could it be in response to the general downturn of sales for the genre as a whole? Or a response to GT6's (relatively) soft impact? Maybe it's not related at all, and GT Sport really just is the new direction Kaz wanted to take, unfettered by any outside influences.

But you raise the most interesting point: the team has expanded pretty significantly (over 40%). It's why, personally, I doubt this idea that there won't be a more typical GT game following GT Sport. They've brought on a huge amount of new talent: surely this game isn't all they've got to show us after over three years of work, right?
Surely you don't need to be so confrontational all the time?

I'm sorry but a lot of people (not squarely aimed at you btw so don't take it so personal) ignore the facts on offer here. The only facts on offer and like to wildly speculate to suit their own agendas.

I agree that there's no evidence of a company downsizing.

All of the evidence actually points in the opposite direction. Anybody is free to speculate, I just like to use the facts as a base.

The new game's comparatively tiny amount of content undoubtedly saves PD a lot of time and money versus the usual mega amounts.

You are confusing the scope of this game with the scope of the company. Time is money, you have to pay your staff regardless of output so if you are hiring more people, that's more money. Which brings us full circle to the question of a company downscale. All the evidence says that's most definitely not the case.

Could it be in response to the general downturn of sales for the genre as a whole?

I doubt it personally, another Prologue type situation to buy them time and add to the development slush fund? Maybe. A side project that the team have wanted to do for a long time? Possibly. The future of the GT series? Highly doubtful no matter what is being said right now.

Either way it is a creative risk going from a format that is a guaranteed seller (yes I said it again because that's what it is, even if the market for this genre has been on the downturn, that's not purely PD's fault and anybody would be more than happy with those numbers from an already outdated system) to going into to the unknown. You think that Sony would be willing to walk away from a format where 5 million units are sold just because the market no longer exists for 10 million sold? Come on now.

That is something you simply would not do unless...

A. You are afforded to (Sony)
B. See below

But you raise the most interesting point: the team has expanded pretty significantly (over 40%). It's why, personally, I doubt this idea that there won't be a more typical GT game following GT Sport. They've brought on a huge amount of new talent: surely this game isn't all they've got to show us after over three years of work, right?

We won't know until after they stop talking up GT:Sport. But yeah, I'm of the same mindset.
Seeing news from Forza like dlc cars or expansion pack (NASCAR) and now Assetto Corsa dlc, the competition is so strong on consoles. It makes GT like a game among others. Even worse, from a casual point of view Forza is the new Gran Turismo and I can't understand why Forza is still not the huge seller game with such polish products.

In a recent interview, Poly considers GT sport as a service game. Thanks Poly, for the first time I won't buy GT day one. A couple of months and I'll play a "complete" game.
GT should listen to other games music: like forza, DiRT Showdown
(Upbeat and exciting to race to)
Along with what they already choose
They need more variety of music
It's basically just lounge, jazz, and rock
I see GTS more as a necessity than choice. With current staff they could make what we will get in November - which is simply a smaller GT game.

Branding it as e-sport platform helps in distracting from noticing the lack of career mode or small car count.
I think, that Sony and PD knew that GT6 may sell less than GT5 because it was launched almost together with the PS4, i only played it for two weeks(got it in day 1) because i had to sell my PS3 in order to buy a PS4, my aunt was comming from europe and i asked her to buy two for me, on for myself and another one to sell.
GT should listen to other games music: like forza, DiRT Showdown
(Upbeat and exciting to race to)
Along with what they already choose
They need more variety of music
It's basically just lounge, jazz, and rock
Lounge, Jazz and Rock isn't all bad though.

Imagine this song to a lengthy video showcasing the livery editor capabilities. :drool:
That's what I'll do anyway. ;)
GT should listen to other games music: like forza, DiRT Showdown
(Upbeat and exciting to race to)
Along with what they already choose
They need more variety of music
It's basically just lounge, jazz, and rock
Have you even listened to the race BGM? There's a handful of other genres there.
Have you not heard of projections and sales targets? Sony don't just budget games and then hopes it makes a profit, they have a projection of how many it will sell and already plan ahead where the profits will go. If those projections don't come to fruition that is a shortfall in their projections and a problem, even if it is a profit.

PD are not immune. We don't know how GT6 performed in comparison to projections from Sony but if they did fall below exceptions, and do so again with GTS, you can bet serious talks will be had regarding the studio's future.

Whatever way you look at it PD is rolling in cash. They haven't released anything that hasn't sold millions. Plus their team inst THAT big and also wages are quite low in Japan (and wages is the No1 expense for a studio).

GT games can miss sales targets all they like, as long as they are in profit (and how can they not be?) all will be fine. Sony are hardly going to chop off revenue streams because of targets.

But as always I fail to see what financial status of companies has to do with GTS?... This reminds of me all the talk before the PS4 was released. The PS4 according to the internet a few years back is total crap because Sony was not rolling in money. I guess I should sell mine and stop having fun in it, or is it ok now Sony are financially stable? I always forget to check the stock price of companies before deciding if I like their products...
Whatever way you look at it PD is rolling in cash. They haven't released anything that hasn't sold millions. Plus their team inst THAT big and also wages are quite low in Japan (and wages is the No1 expense for a studio).

GT games can miss sales targets all they like, as long as they are in profit (and how can they not be?) all will be fine. Sony are hardly going to chop off revenue streams because of targets. But as always I fail to see what financial status of companies has to do with GTS?... This reminds of me all the talk before the PS4 was released. The PS4 according to the internet a few years back is total crap because Sony was not rolling in money. I guess I should sell mine and stop having fun in it, or is it ok now Sony are financially stable? I always forget to check the stock price of companies before deciding if I like their products...

How much did GT6 cost to develop and how much total revenue did it bring to Sony? While you're at it can you tell us the budget for GTSport and the annual payroll figures for PD?
GT should listen to other games music: like forza, DiRT Showdown
(Upbeat and exciting to race to)
Along with what they already choose
They need more variety of music
It's basically just lounge, jazz, and rock

GT games have had good enough music selection, plus the fact you can listen to anything you want nowadays anyway.
they're should just be a greater variety
I'm with you on that, but remember...
you can listen to anything you want nowadays anyway.
Example, I don't expect to hear this AWESOME beat on GTS :(:(

but if you can customize your playlist again, I have no issues what so ever, I could even grab my favorite tunes from the soundtrack and combine the best of both worlds like I did with GT5-6 :D:D

Let's end this music posting by realizing most GTs had a half decent soundtrack, even supported custom playlists on PS3 and PS4 has Spotify anyway. Don't most of us rather listen to engines anyway?

I appreciate a good soundtrack every once in a while. ;)
All I want is some Monstercat music in GT Sport...
I'll have to dig up the songs which I personally think would fit the game. It would make the racing soo much more enjoyable for me.
Here's one

and another

That's all I've got for today...:P
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I prefer to race only listening to the engine but, when Driveclub come out, sometimes i listened to the album "Long gone before daylight" from The Cardigans.

I know, i know, this combo is kind of awkward. But playing DC listening to The Cardigans make me feel so relaxed!! And I still fast, most of time i was battling in the time trials for the first place in the leaderboards with some italian guy on Japan tracks.:gtpflag: