Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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What in particular did you find gorgeous? It's just a sea of grey concrete and grey buildings, just like the real location.






Not exactly what I'd call beautiful landscapes. The game adds some red and white arrow boards but other than that it's the same dullness.

I am looking forward to driving the track actually. It may not be the prettiest thing out there, but I do see how some (myself included) will see the charm it has.

I mean, it's a city track that in all likelihood is bumper to bumper most of the time for those that commune on it. Opening it up on that track might seem like a dream come true.

Plus, in my years of driving PDI's custom tracks, not once have I had a problem with them due to how I like the design and flow of the course(s). Based on what I have seen of this one, it will be no different.
Yeah, it's certainly an unusual pairing. Then again, a bit of schizophrenia seems to be baked into GT Sport. A focus on the competitive eSports side of things? Better include a track that enables wall-riding on a level not seen since SSR11!

There's still a good chunk of time for them to improve penalties though — to say nothing of what's possible post-release — so I'll reserve final judgement for now. From what I have seen though, it certainly doesn't stack up to other original PD creations, which is a shame: they're amongst the best at it when they want to be. I'd much rather see a redone GT trinity track (GV, TM, DF) than a follow-the-leader gray tunnel of a circuit.
+1000 These three tracks would look gorgeous with next gen graphics. They have the same build from 2005! And for Poly it would be a great deal : no license fee and no comparison video with other games like which one is the most accurate. To me, I prefer by far these three tracks to something like Red Bull Ring.
I personally really enjoy highway tracks, but I agree that it's not exactly appropriate for a game that's focused on motorsport. The time spent on this Tokyo track could have been focused on an actual track used in the FIA GT3 endurance events.

I'm no expert but I have a feeling that tracks like Tokyo Express take a lot less time and effort and involve a lot less negotiation for the Tokyo-based developer than a European FIA approved track. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, more pointing out that it's not an 'either or' situation.
What in particular did you find gorgeous? It's just a sea of grey concrete and grey buildings, just like the real location.


Not exactly what I'd call beautiful landscapes. The game adds some red and white arrow boards but other than that it's the same dullness.

Hey there's beauty in all things - I personally love this kind of landscape, I think it's bloody fascinating.
And as others have said, Tokyo at night is a very different prospect to Tokyo in the daytime.

I think perhaps they included it because it's a different driving challenge to the other tracks they have. All of the Formula E stuff is on these walled city tracks, so there is certainly a link to the FIA there.
I'm no expert but I have a feeling that tracks like Tokyo Express take a lot less time and effort and involve a lot less negotiation for the Tokyo-based developer than a European FIA approved track. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, more pointing out that it's not an 'either or' situation.
I don't think licensing is required at all so long as you don't use a real track name (Monaco vs. Cote d'Azur) or the names of real buildings and companies without permission.
I don't think licensing is required at all so long as you don't use a real track name (Monaco vs. Cote d'Azur) or the names of real buildings and companies without permission.
I don't know man, doesn't someone technically own the track? Or at least a company? I would have thought it would be like taking the 458, renaming it the "Frezza 854" and pasting it into the game.
I really think Polyphony should make two games, to satisfy everyone.

1. A traditional Gran Turismo game
2. The FIA E-Sport Gran Turismo

Although Gran Turismo Sport appears to be a decent racing game. It is lacking as Trump says, big league. It is missing tons of tracks, tons of cars, the career mode, tune shop etc.

Also, for those who argue it is like Windows 10 and will continually get new features. It is a FIA sanctioned game, and in my opinion might be inflexible as a result.

I hope Polyphony does come around and satisfy their die hard veteran Gran Turismo fans, with either a traditional game or DLC for GT Sport.
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You mean something similar to this :)

Not quite the same as this was in the wet, but I did do a bit of fighting mid corner, but yes this video gives you an idea.

If you have tried other simulators how does it feel in comparison

PCARS and AC but haven't driven a GTR in both, also keep in mind that when you play at home you tune the settings to your liking so can't really compare, but it's a significant step up from GT6, comments that it plays the same simply aren't true.

Edit: In the build I played the track can not in anyway be seen as gorgeous, the lighting is great in the game but the backgrounds in this track aren't good at all.
And how did those wheels not fly off more often on the wall collisions? (edit: apparently not 'simulation mode' damage)

This is why devs simply cannot win and really shouldn't interact with gamers. This guy wants wheels flying off when in real life they almost never do thanks to wheel tethers and it's in the technical regulations that the wheels must not come off in impacts.
I don't know man, doesn't someone technically own the track? Or at least a company? I would have thought it would be like taking the 458, renaming it the "Frezza 854" and pasting it into the game.
Not sure if it's the same with cars or not but Cote D'Azur is proof of concept. Other games have real tracks with fictional names. In Project Cars Monaco is known as Azure Circuit. The kart track from Spa is called Greenwood. I assume they didn't secure a license with Suzuka so they renamed the track Sakitto etc.
I have to say, Tokyo R246 Track is heck of a lot nicer looking than the new Tokyo track in Gran Turismo Sport!



Just seeing those shots you posted makes the Tokyo Expressway track look average (in appearance) to the previous Tokyo track IMO. The last one even looked more like a race track, and consisted trees which I like. However, if T.E. was set to night I'm sure it will look a lot more better because of the light surrounding the city, such as this.


Not sure if it's the same with cars or not but Cote D'Azur is proof of concept. Other games have real tracks with fictional names. In Project Cars Monaco is known as Azure Circuit. The kart track from Spa is called Greenwood. I assume they didn't secure a license with Suzuka so they renamed the track Sakitto etc.
Hmm, that's really weird to me. Well, if they are definitely not licensed then I guess its possible.
I think it's just a racing environment what's left to the expressway, remind initial d's touges with the racing evironment gives the feeling of rally racing


As someone said, the expressway should give Ridge Racer feelings, with a racing environment, it could :)
What i would like to see in a GT game is a proper tougue circuit... i mean, as a Initial D fan, it would be great to take a RX-7, AE86, S13 etc, and pretend that i'm Takumi for a while!!!:dunce::lol:

One thing that envy about Forza games is the perfect suited for drift circuits.
Tokyo Expressway should have been best left out until GT7. It looks so out of place to see GT3 cars racing in a location that is more associated with illegal street racing in a game that's supposed to be focused more towards motorsport.
I would like to take it as a photo location of the N-Class.

R246 is a popular track, but case of use in the PS4 will think that there is a problem.
(What are the people who know that in in this R246 there is beer ad ...)
Because the course of the peripheral object is to clear, it increases the rights issue.
Do you remember Monza of ad problem? I think that such things happen.
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This is why devs simply cannot win and really shouldn't interact with gamers.
That's great, then. PD is already one of the best in the genre at that.

This guy wants wheels flying off
Seems to me that he just wanted to know why they weren't. I'm sure that now that he's been given an answer why, he wouldn't want them to do so anyway.

Keep on preaching, though.
Seems to me that he just wanted to know why they weren't. I'm sure that now that he's been given an answer why, he wouldn't want them to do so anyway.

Thanks @Tornado and, to the other chap: actually, amazingly enough, I was aware of the concept of tethers, being an F1 fan.

Shame that a semantic slip can result in a sarcastic dick.

What i would like to see in a GT game is a proper tougue circuit... i mean, as a Initial D fan, it would be great to take a RX-7, AE86, S13 etc, and pretend that i'm Takumi for a while!!!:dunce::lol:

Never played Initial D, was it ever on consoles?
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City tracks do have a place in GT Sport IMO. Yes, I know they may not provide the best racing but variety is the spice of life, and having a range of tracks will offer more challenges. I'm not complaining about the Tokyo Expressway track, it looks very fast to me and the walls only add to the experience. However I may change my mind when I drive on it.
Just seeing those shots you posted makes the Tokyo Expressway track look average (in appearance) to the previous Tokyo track IMO. The last one even looked more like a race track, and consisted trees which I like. However, if T.E. was set to night I'm sure it will look a lot more better because of the light surrounding the city, such as this.


We already have that! it's called Special Stage Route 5...

But yeah, they should have both day and night time for that track.