Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Are the hold back a big, new secret feature? Who knows? But they don't have to reveal any major secrets at this point, content would be enough. A cool livery or two made with the livery editor would send a large part of the fanbase into a tizzy. T10 does it, Kunos does it, others do it. It keeps the fanbase engaged and interested over long periods. They tell their friends, their friends might get excited too and think about purchasing the game. Hype, it works, that's why so many companies in so many industries do it. It's a missed opportunity IMO.
If anything GT titles are in the overhyped games pool.Even as we speak people talk about this game as the best sim racing game ever whem in reality it is a simcade.Maybe they have actually turned direction and produced a hardcore sim with GTS but I would not hold my breath.They already gave info about the main features of the game:e-sports and FIA licence.Thats their main focus.Posting a few photos of a fictional car in a real background will maybe make NFS type of gamers happy but it is not what PD is focusing in.With all these games in the market,they know that a cool photo mode or a livery editor is not enough to impress people.And if the only thing that is left to show is a livery editor then they'll show it close to release.If they have other features I expect them to slowly give info and after AC is in the market.
Please. I dont need super realistic physics to win me over. Its a good addition, but not so focused it'll betrayed others like car list and game support.

If I judge game based on physics, I be on rFactor turf since GT5 days.
Please. I dont need super realistic physics to win me over. Its a good addition, but not so focused it'll betrayed others like car list and game support.

If I judge game based on physics, I be on rFactor turf since GT5 days.
Physics is one of the most important parts in a racing game ( especially when we-they add the word sim in the mix).But either way what do you mean with "game support"?
Physics is one of the most important parts in a racing game ( especially when we-they add the word sim in the mix).But either way what do you mean with "game support"?
Game support means updates after release (GT6 did quite well but most of it is just VGTs. Only handful of them contains real cars), more stable online, etc. PD isnt actually bad at those. Its just slow.

Physics is indeed the important part. But PD should also factor the other aspects as well such as car selections, career mode, etc.

Im kinda into Forza 6 like development. It has a rather simcade physics but the support it has is amazing. Id expect PD to be atleast half that.
Physics is one of the most important parts in a racing game ( especially when we-they add the word sim in the mix).But either way what do you mean with "game support"?

Personally I'd consider physics and visuals to be the most important aspects of a racing game.

Everything else follows.

IMHO, of course.
Game support means updates after release (GT6 did quite well but most of it is just VGTs. Only handful of them contains real cars), more stable online, etc. PD isnt actually bad at those. Its just slow.

Physics is indeed the important part. But PD should also factor the other aspects as well such as car selections, career mode, etc.

Im kinda into Forza 6 like development. It has a rather simcade physics but the support it has is amazing. Id expect PD to be atleast half that.

The two do not directly relate. 3D modellers create the cars and that is their only job (along with tracks and any other 3D model assets). Software developers create the AI, updates, netcode etc. The rate the modellers create cars has nothing to do with how well the physics engine is developed, how they manage updates, only etc.

There is an indirect relation though, the more advanced and detailed your physics engine the more each car needs to be tweaked and honed to make sure it's as realistic as possible. So in that sense the more cars that are knocked out at a fast rate the more likely it is that the cars aren't individually tweaked in great detail as other sims do.

But still in simple terms a supreme physics engine doesn't affect the number of cars being created or the quality/speed of updates to the game or anything else you mention. They're different jobs for different people.
Ok.Well the better the game the lesser suport it needs.As far as upbates,if they are slow again then there is no need to hurry and buy the game.The logical thing is to wait for the price drop that will come at the time that the game is better polished .Car selection is important but in terms of quality and not numbers.If for example you are a fan of GT3 cars,by the time GTS is released there will already another game with way better GT3 car collection and better overall in terms of sim racing experience(imo).Yet the total number of cars will be in favour of GTS.Quality vs numbers.Career mode GTS wont have as far as we know but perhaps they'll add some sort of career (last minute call) because of many people moaning about off line mode (or the lack of it).I think that it is too late to add big features in the game.If you enjoy F6 I'd say keep having fun with it.GTS will not be in the same level in things that you care the most.
If anything GT titles are in the overhyped games pool.Even as we speak people talk about this game as the best sim racing game ever whem in reality it is a simcade.Maybe they have actually turned direction and produced a hardcore sim with GTS but I would not hold my breath.They already gave info about the main features of the game:e-sports and FIA licence.Thats their main focus.Posting a few photos of a fictional car in a real background will maybe make NFS type of gamers happy but it is not what PD is focusing in.With all these games in the market,they know that a cool photo mode or a livery editor is not enough to impress people.And if the only thing that is left to show is a livery editor then they'll show it close to release.If they have other features I expect them to slowly give info and after AC is in the market.
Oh cmon,gt is not at all a simcade, just try it with a steering wheel and you will notice.
I have played many sim on pc specially rfactor, but i dont feel all this big different,in fact in many things gt feels more natural, ok it doesn't have all setup options of a pc sim (they have to do this or they aren't going to sell if they made this to much complex), but as i said the physics are very very good.
If anything GT titles are in the overhyped games pool.Even as we speak people talk about this game as the best sim racing game ever whem in reality it is a simcade.Maybe they have actually turned direction and produced a hardcore sim with GTS but I would not hold my breath.They already gave info about the main features of the game:e-sports and FIA licence.Thats their main focus.Posting a few photos of a fictional car in a real background will maybe make NFS type of gamers happy but it is not what PD is focusing in.With all these games in the market,they know that a cool photo mode or a livery editor is not enough to impress people.And if the only thing that is left to show is a livery editor then they'll show it close to release.If they have other features I expect them to slowly give info and after AC is in the market.
How heavy are those goalposts you keep moving? First you said they have nothing to show, then you moved to the game is overhyped and doesn't need to show anything other than for the Need for Speed types.
Actually I have done that and imo there is a big difference.Even comparing Pcars with AC you can understand that mate. @J I said that maybe there is not anything for them to show,that there is this possible.Not that they actually dont have anything more.And yes GT or Forza series are ovehyped games when people compare them with hardcore sim racing games.And again imo livery mode is surely more attractive feature to NSF fans or casual gamers that are the base of Forza or GT games customers than people that enjoy Pcars,iRacing,AC ext.So what I say is clear as water and it is just my opinion.We may not agree but thats cool,no problem mate.
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Actually I have done that and imo there is a big difference.Even comparing Pcars with AC you can understand that mate. @J I said that maybe there is not anything for them to show,that there is this possible.Not that they actually dont have anything more.And yes GT or Forza series are ovehyped games when people compare them with hardcore sim racing games.And again imo livery mode is surely more attractive feature to NSF fans or casual gamers that are the base of Forza or GT games customers than people that enjoy Pcars,iRacing,AC ext.So what I say is clear as water and it is just my opinion.We may not agree but thats cool,no problem mate.
About forza i agree,it is to much overrated, about gt i think the oposite, it is much underrated by the mainstream gamesites for what it offers from graphics to physics.
Mate we were talking about hype and not if those games are overrated or not.Imo they both were (are?) the best simcade games in the market.Lots of features and fun to play.
What I cannot grasp is the fact that you need to shell out a full high end price for this. I'd expect lesser price for a game that's not on main series main series like GT5 Prologue and even have lesser content in comparison.

Looks like you haven't seen many spin off games then because they too haven't been part of the main series yet they have been sold for the same price. Also, $59.99 USD is hardly what you call "High End" price, that's more like average from all the looking around I've done.
After seeing the new F1 2016 career features Im left to wonder why PD never even bothered?

Codies have always delivered with top notch career progression.
PD have NEVER had a progression model like theirs, Maybe GT and GT2 were close, as 99% of the games content was a single-line progression through the racing series.
But since GT4 (I can;t comment on 3, never played it) it almost became an "open world" game, where you'd just pick a race out of any series at random.

It DID have the effect of allowing casual racers to progress as they had time.
i.e go and do a couple of single races if you've only got half an hour to play, rather than launching into a 5-race world series that won;t let you save between events.
Oh cmon,gt is not at all a simcade, just try it with a steering wheel and you will notice.
I have played many sim on pc specially rfactor, but i dont feel all this big different,in fact in many things gt feels more natural, ok it doesn't have all setup options of a pc sim (they have to do this or they aren't going to sell if they made this to much complex), but as i said the physics are very very good.

it is just not as hardcore as AC, rfactor2 and project cars although the physics are pretty good. the tyre and suspension and mechanical feeling of the engine just doesnt exist in the last GT i had played. in GT6 i had done 56xxxkm on a steering wheel. after i moved to AC i never even bother to fired up my ps3.

And you would expect GT to stay this way and not compete with the hardcore sim because thats its market niche. GT are catered for roughly for everyone that are interested in cars and dont expect to find a steep learning curve for them to learn to play the game.
Interesting comments in this video regarding the Damage Model in F1 2016 and how that is affected by F1 and The sponsors.

How does that affect PD's programming of damage and their Livery Editor

I imagine it'll be a little to none since PD isn't dealing with the likes of FOM or anyone similar.
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Interesting comments in this video regarding the Damage Model in F1 2016 and how that is affected by F1 and The sponsors.

How does that affect PD's programming of damage and their Livery Editor

FOM? The organisation stuck in the past? Even worst than the FIFA.
Poly deals with the FIA and I'm not sure that Todt would like to see smashed car with his "Action for road safety" program.
Interesting comments in this video regarding the Damage Model in F1 2016 and how that is affected by F1 and The sponsors.

How does that affect PD's programming of damage and their Livery Editor

Wow, those collision sounds are awful. And how did those wheels not fly off more often on the wall collisions? (edit: apparently not 'simulation mode' damage)

Damage is so hard to well. We won't see genuine, physically realistic damage for many years, I fear...

I'd always assumed that there was no damage in GT because of the manafacturers. Not sure what the deal is there tbh. No car company is going to want their model smashed up, surely?
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Wow, those collision sounds are awful. And how did those wheels not fly off more often on the wall collisions? (edit: apparently not 'simulation mode' damage)

Damage is so hard to well. We won't see genuine, physically realistic damage for many years, I fear...

I'd always assumed that there was no damage in GT because of the manafacturers. Not sure what the deal is there tbh. No car company is going to want their model smashed up, surely?

That F1 damage model sure looks bad.But thats F1 guys.In real life or "racing" game.F1 is getting from bad to worse every year.(imo)
But in general,many times manufactures are blamed for many things.No damage model?The manufactures forced that.No deal with the "x" manufacturer?Well either "they ask way too much money" or "they dont want to give us the rights to use their brand for -whatever- reason" or " they already have an excluve argeement with the -y- game developer and we cant get a deal with them"
It is so easy to make excuses like that.Sometimes it may be true but other times are just excuses.
For example when you see the "x" manufacturer in the "x" racing game that has damage model and in another one that does not,well then it is the game and not the manufacturer to "blame" for it.
And usually the developers dont talk about things like that.They let their fanboyz do all the work.
Example:few months back was talking about car list in the Pcars board.My point was that "GTS and AC coming,they have better car list than Pcars and SMS has to do something about it"(We were talking mostly GT3).
Fanboyz:"The manufacturers are to blame.They ask way to much money.PD can afford that but SMS cant"
M:"But AC is even a smaller studio and got those deals done"
FB:"They got special relations with them so they get a huge cut price".
See what I talk about?
In F1 case,yes,it is all about what the FOM wants but in others racing games there is no excuse like that.Either you have damage model or you dont.Either is good or it is not.Thats a developer issue,not a manufacturer issue.
Brings lots of liquids so you don't get dehydrated waiting in the long line:lol: Looking forward to hearing your impressions. 👍

I have "ways" to get through lines :lol:, did a bunch of laps with the GTR '17 on the new Tokyo track, spent most of the time coaching and catching up but here's my takeaways from the brief stint.

Physics have def. improved, the car was a blast to drive and it behaved close to the GTR I drove last year, can't say I noticed a difference in tyre model but between learning the track and the short period I won't notice anyway.

The track itself isn't easy nor hard but challenging to get a clean decent lap, would make for an enjoyable WRS week but I bet it will get old fast, it is as ugly in real life as in the videos, the background buildings aren't nice to look at all and it didn't feel like anything like DC's top tier track visuals.

there were some frame drops and some tears, I don't actually notice them but I looked for them when others were playing to report here and yes it's not perfect yet.

The Loading screen etc were beautiful though and the HUD I felt was fine and looked modern, it does need to be customizable though and hopefully we can resize it a bit.

But I really had fun with the GTR on this track, it felt lively and if I could I would lap this combo for days so that's the biggest takeaway, there was no damage and bumping/wall riding doesn't get punished enough.

But anyway will spend more time with it during the coming week but here are my initial impressions.

Feel free to ask anything.