Brings lots of liquids so you don't get dehydrated waiting in the long line

Looking forward to hearing your impressions. 👍
I have "ways" to get through lines

, did a bunch of laps with the GTR '17 on the new Tokyo track, spent most of the time coaching and catching up but here's my takeaways from the brief stint.
Physics have def. improved, the car was a blast to drive and it behaved close to the GTR I drove last year, can't say I noticed a difference in tyre model but between learning the track and the short period I won't notice anyway.
The track itself isn't easy nor hard but challenging to get a clean decent lap, would make for an enjoyable WRS week but I bet it will get old fast, it is as ugly in real life as in the videos, the background buildings aren't nice to look at all and it didn't feel like anything like DC's top tier track visuals.
there were some frame drops and some tears, I don't actually notice them but I looked for them when others were playing to report here and yes it's not perfect yet.
The Loading screen etc were beautiful though and the HUD I felt was fine and looked modern, it does need to be customizable though and hopefully we can resize it a bit.
But I really had fun with the GTR on this track, it felt lively and if I could I would lap this combo for days so that's the biggest takeaway, there was no damage and bumping/wall riding doesn't get punished enough.
But anyway will spend more time with it during the coming week but here are my initial impressions.
Feel free to ask anything.