A formula that has been in place for years. I am not sure how it can be done, but I believe it's a formula that needs to be overhauled and in a drastic sense.
The question is: How? Or, what needs to change? No one can change drastically a racing game, unless they add content totally unrelated to cars and racing. The games can improve, with better AI, better physics, better sounds, better graphics, etc. But it's pretty much impossible to totally revamp the formula. FH tries that, but it still isn't a best seller.
GT had the perfect formula, only ruined by the standards and sounds, which brought the overall quality of the game down (it has other flaws, but these are the most noticeable). GT offered options, different ways to play the game, and that made it sell a lot, because in one game you could do what was only doable in multiple games.
Not really. I just think the entire formula in place for racing games is reaching its end game. Sure, old school people like us will enjoy it but something more needs to be done to reach all those GTA and COD players out there.
I think everyone here knows why GT6 underperformed in the sales department. My entire reason of bringing up sales is that no matter what the perceived quality may or may not be of a certain title, it may eventually mean nothing.
Honest question here, but in 10 years how many people will still be interested in driving around the 'Ring? I am sorry but touting a 2026 Ford GT or Nissan GTR may not be enough.
No racing game will ever reach the same level of sales as those two series. COD sells a lot because of its simplicity, doesn't matter how bad the game is or if the same as the year before. Targets a very young player base and does not have a real competitor, since battlefield is still too complex for that player base. GTA is another game without any real competition. Even though it's rating says otherwise, targets a huge player base. It's the "cool game" to play, it's a mainstream game. Just like music, a song might be complete garbage, but if it gets a status of mainstream and "cool", everyone will listen to it.
Is this what you want from a racing game? Make the game "mainstream" for the sake of sales? Well, developers could add carnage and explosions... and strip clubs... and a lot of childish things, so it could sell really well. But that's not what a driving/racing should be.
GT6 sold "poorly" because of bad timing. Not the smartest idea selling the game in a time most players are already on a new gen or saving money for it.
Me, as a car guy, will still play this type of games, just for the sake of driving cars that I will never have access in real life. But this is me.