Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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If memory is good, they released a special edition that include Move.

They did... but the point is the game shipped with the label, and it was simply untrue until that update happened. Move was useless in LBP2 at release.

It's entirely possible VR will be the same situation for GT Sport: another Track Creator, if you will. It might also be available from day one, especially depending on how long this delay ends up being. But I wouldn't say either situation is any more likely than the other so far; we haven't even seen a single true example of GT Sport using VR (I'm not really counting two seconds in an ad).
They did... but the point is the game shipped with the label, and it was simply untrue until that update happened. Move was useless in LBP2 at release.

It's entirely possible VR will be the same situation for GT Sport: another Track Creator, if you will. It might also be available from day one, especially depending on how long this delay ends up being. But I wouldn't say either situation is any more likely than the other so far; we haven't even seen a single true example of GT Sport using VR (I'm not really counting two seconds in an ad).
I think you may be mistaken, @SlipZtrEm. LBP2 shipped with 10 co-op PS Move levels and then extended functionality was patched in at a later date. More obviously stated on the EU copy:

They did... but the point is the game shipped with the label, and it was simply untrue until that update happened. Move was useless in LBP2 at release.

It's entirely possible VR will be the same situation for GT Sport: another Track Creator, if you will. It might also be available from day one, especially depending on how long this delay ends up being. But I wouldn't say either situation is any more likely than the other so far; we haven't even seen a single true example of GT Sport using VR (I'm not really counting two seconds in an ad).
Only the remote control by Ps Vita were patched
I think you may be mistaken, @SlipZtrEm. LBP2 shipped with 10 co-op PS Move levels and then extended functionality was patched in at a later date. More obviously stated on the EU copy:


Hmmm, Wikipedia is saying otherwise:

Support for PlayStation Move was added to the game through a software update in September 2011, allowing users to play the game using the PlayStation Move motion controller in conjunction with a Navigation Controller or gamepad.

On 7 September 2011, software update 1.06 was released. This patch added support for the PlayStation Move motion controller. A downloadable content pack released the following week includes new story levels and creation tools, enabling users to create their own Move-based games and levels.

Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves was a spin-off that did use the Move features, and it was included on-disc with LBP2, but the main game itself didn't receive Move support for 8 months.

The only reason I remember it is because my girlfriend at the time had planned on buying a Move set alongside a PS3 largely for this game, and realized it wouldn't be needed, at least not at first.
Hmmm, Wikipedia is saying otherwise:

Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves was a spin-off that did use the Move features, and it was included on-disc with LBP2, but the main game itself didn't receive Move support for 8 months.

The only reason I remember it is because my girlfriend at the time had planned on buying a Move set alongside a PS3 largely for this game, and realized it wouldn't be needed, at least not at first.
So technically it did come with some move support in those co-op levels as specified on the EU cover! :lol:
An thing odd about that image is that both Horizon Zero Dawn and The Last Guardian have PEGI rating and English "Only On Playstation" which's odd since games covers (for PS exclusive) over in Saudi Arabia are written in Multi languages. In fact GT Sport seems to be done right (In English, French, Portuguese and Arabic) and then also KSA have a different age system PEGI are not longer a thing over there...


The age rating system is missing on GT Sport but that's for obvious reasons. To be honest i only added that image because of the VR label thing to see your reaction

Stupid and useless question but since Dual Shock 4 no longer has "analog face buttons", will the accelerate and brake button be on R2 and L2 instead of X and Square (on default) for the first time?
I think if Sony put a "PS VR compatible" label on box, it means that the game will include VR feature at launch. In GT6, there was not the "3D" label because it came later via update.
Regardless of any sticker situation, I'm pretty sure they've said that PSVR was meant to be there on Day 1. Whether that still happens, I dont know, but I'm still expecting it until they say differently.

Stupid and useless question but since Dual Shock 4 no longer has "analog face buttons", will the accelerate and brake button be on R2 and L2 instead of X and Square (on default) for the first time?
Hopefully. They should have been doing this for GT5 and 6 as well, even with the DS3's crappy triggers. No excuses anymore.
Got tree'd for the first time here. But what the hell lol

GT sport confirmed for PGW!! ^--^

My dear Spanish speakers, could you summarize his impressions please?
They look not so bad.

He said it like some kind of a Telenovela story (know about them since I'm latino) :lol:

For summarize...
Since the disaster of last year's french presentation, Barcelona's one became a game changer for him. He went with a friend and waited for their turns. He compared the physics to Assetto Corsa's by driving a R35 GTR, obviously he said they weren't close enough, but they were enjoyable enough, he couldn't believe how much the physics changed since the PS3 era!!

His friend beated his time and both were smiling all the time, and both were agreed the game's sensation felt better than project CARS :D.

His friend stayed playing the game since there was a time trial championship while he went to try Horizon Zero Dawn and waiting the call for the finals. His friend won, obviously, and he mentioned his brother was the one who won the free copy, and a 1 year PSplus suscription.

He ends saying with GTS, PD woke up and wants the crown back

And, we have some vídeos from España, practiquen su español, muchachos :cheers:

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Well the mention of GT is not by Sony, only the author of the article, so there is nothing to suggest it would even happen.
Am I missing some significance in it being playable at PGW? It's been playable at several game shows the past few months including TGS.

There is no significance per se, just room for speculation. PD announced GT Sport last year at PGW, so it lends itself as a logical opportunity to reveal more details of the game - May see a new build, may show new cars/tracks (Seattle anyone?), may announce a release window, may show PS VR/PS4 Pro footage, or maybe nothing new at all. :cheers:
Anybody seen this yet?

Man oh man the lighting on the gravel surface looks tip I must say.
One weird thing though, the steering wheel for that Gr.B WRX looks like something you'd see on a DTM racer or something fierce. With all the wheelplay that happens in rally, it would make better sense to have a full round steering wheel rather.
There is no significance per se, just room for speculation. PD announced GT Sport last year at PGW, so it lends itself as a logical opportunity to reveal more details of the game - May see a new build, may show new cars/tracks (Seattle anyone?), may announce a release window, may show PS VR/PS4 Pro footage, or maybe nothing new at all. :cheers:

Unless PD are announced as actually being there I wouldn't hold you breath for anything but the same old demo on the floor.
GT Mobile...?

I don't even want to know how long it would take for this to be developed.

I mean, look at how long it took GT PSP to come out...
GTS App. GTS minigames. GTS online race viewing and Account/B-Spec management?
Like I said, only the author of that article mentioned GT. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest they actually are working on anything for mobile.
Unless PD are announced as actually being there I wouldn't hold you breath for anything but the same old demo on the floor.
Yeah, I tend to agree. I read somewhere Sony is not even holding a press conference. I don't expect more news until PSX in Dec.
Unless this is a very old build, no way gtsport will be ready for January. Good lighting and maybe good feeling with a wheel but that's all. Even as a GT fan, it doesn't look nice for a next gen GT.
I'm sorry if I'm beating a dead horse in a 800 page thread, but all I want to know if GTS is finally going to be the death of premium vs standard? Or, in I guess in GT6 terms, cockpits: have's and the have nots?
I'm sorry if I'm beating a dead horse in a 800 page thread, but all I want to know if GTS is finally going to be the death of premium vs standard? Or, in I guess in GT6 terms, cockpits: have's and the have nots?

I guess it's safe to say that there will be no standard cars in GTS and future Gran turismo games. PD may be update some of those standard as fully modeled cars. Sony is pushing for VR compatibility, it would be awkward driving in a VR with no cockpit at all, lol.

Very Old picture, doesn't means that GT is on their plans, but possible yet ?

Well yes of course it's possible, I was just pointing out to people getting a little ahead of themselves about what GT on a phone might be that only the author of the article mentioned GT, not Sony.

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