Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Hi, I think I have found some news for the release date of Gran Turismo Sport. On a french website, I found a shipping date of 178 days. In 178 days, we will be on Saturday, September 16.
The website is here :

We are slowly getting to a point where every day that is left in 2017 has been found to be the release date on different websites and people screaming "i knew it months ago" when we are getting an official date by PD. I've already seen at least two different dates today and it's not even evening.
Don't believe anything that is not official.
It is indeed, the 2016 car, the one that raced in the Nurburgring 24h (Mercedes Benz #29 AMG Team HTP Motorsport AMG GT3 '16). I always thought it had around 520-535hp though
There are a difference in hp/ps when they qualify, and to the race itself. For qualifying the have up to 600 hp/ps, and the race restrictions are 520-535 depends on the tracks:).

So it could be that the cars have more power allowed for qualifying.:)
Hey guys, first time poster! I'm a bit of a casual GT fan, but I am invested in the series, still trying to figure out if GTS is for me. I have it pre-ordered and will likely pick it up just to show off my 4K set I get this year, but I'm still hoping for an update on the content.

I usually skip the second iteration of GT every gen. So I played GT, GT3, GT5, and now eagerly awaiting GTS. However, my time is 80% dedicated to 1) Getting licenses to compete in races 2) competing in races to earn a ton of credits, 3) spending credits on cool cars 4) watching replays of said cool cars. I love to see my old Honda Civic or Subaru in my garage, tune it up with some turbo engine upgrades I can't understand and blaze through the dumb AI. Is this aspect completely gone now in GTS? I think that was a major draw for a lot of people. I'm ok with it not being as many cars in the beginning, I think it said something around 150, which is more than I ever collected in my garage, but I'm still hoping everything is not tailored to online and I can still get a sense of accomplishment out of it. Otherwise, my time with the game might be pretty limited to 15-20 hours ogling over the graphics and then being too intimidated to actually race against others. I usually invest 50-60 hours in my GT games.

So I guess what I'm asking from early beta guys is how is the "Poke'cars" aspect of the game? Still enough single player content available? Are you still earning credits? And is the old campaign now merged with the multi-player stuff? Like you earn credits/new cars for placing well in races and there's mini-leagues and all that other jazz? I would be fine racing online, especially since it encourages you to race the proper way if I didn't have to actually win first place to earn rewards.
Ah man, it sounds like this really is not gonna be the Gran Turismo for you, unfortunately.

Most all that credit+car collecting and upgrading aspect is gone. There's still replays and there will be license tests of a sort, but single player looks to consist more of a string of 'licence tests/tutorials' in order to prepare you for the online aspects. I'm not sure if they're going to lock cars behind a progression system, but it doesn't seem like that will be the case, certainly not with any currency system. There's also a lot less cars this time around.
Ah man, it sounds like this really is not gonna be the Gran Turismo for you, unfortunately.

Most all that credit+car collecting and upgrading aspect is gone. There's still replays and there will be license tests of a sort, but single player looks to consist more of a string of 'licence tests/tutorials' in order to prepare you for the online aspects. I'm not sure if they're going to lock cars behind a progression system, but it doesn't seem like that will be the case, certainly not with any currency system. There's also a lot less cars this time around.
aw well that's disappointing, I will still pre-order just for the visual spectacle, but I hope with the delay they add a little more for the casual audience, or at least give us a road-map.
Everything i'm seeing from this beta certainly has me interested. I was a huge fan of GT5 and can't wait to get my hands on GTSport. The graphics looks incredible, the sound has certainly improved, and the online focus is a welcome change in pace considering the best times i've had with GT games have been online. Turning laps on the Nordschleife in GT5 against skilled opponents in classic cars like the Merc 190E Evolution II.... are some of the best multiplayer experiences i've had.

Which brings me to my main concern... nothing has been shown of classic cars in any GTS screens/videos. I really hope this game is not solely focused on modern vehicles. I'm a bigger fan of old steel, like the incredible German touring cars of the late 80's/early 90s, as well as Japanese cars from the same era (my first vehicle was an FC RX-7). GT has always showcased a breath of vehicles from all eras, I hope GTSport is not a departure from the heritage, because honestly; the glitz and glam of modern drive by wire super/hyper cars with complex engine & traction management suites, interest me little.

In GT5, the first car I saved up to purchase was my original FC RX-7. No traction control, no ABS, no power steering. I remember that car didn't even have a rev limiter, though there was an abrassive alarm that sounded when you took the wankle over 7500 RPM. God i loved that car. Don't let me down Kaz. Oh, and for good measure, add the E30 and E36 M3 to the lineup so that we can have proper touring car races on the Nordschleife.
Here we go all of my screenshots for now Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321173018.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321173116.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321173116_1.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321173559.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321174046.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321221644.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321221648.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321221659.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321221730.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321232241.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321232451.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321232455.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321232513.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321233539.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321233559.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321233642.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321233846.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321233958.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321234045.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321234232.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321234416.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321234423.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321234558.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321234946.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321234954.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235123.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235532.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235600.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235638.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235650.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235846.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235854.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235900.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235907.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235923.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170321235947.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170322000124.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170322000351.png Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170322000408.png
Everything i'm seeing from this beta certainly has me interested. I was a huge fan of GT5 and can't wait to get my hands on GTSport. The graphics looks incredible, the sound has certainly improved, and the online focus is a welcome change in pace considering the best times i've had with GT games have been online. Turning laps on the Nordschleife in GT5 against skilled opponents in classic cars like the Merc 190E Evolution II.... are some of the best multiplayer experiences i've had.

Which brings me to my main concern... nothing has been shown of classic cars in any GTS screens/videos. I really hope this game is not solely focused on modern vehicles. I'm a bigger fan of old steel, like the incredible German touring cars of the late 80's/early 90s, as well as Japanese cars from the same era (my first vehicle was an FC RX-7). GT has always showcased a breath of vehicles from all eras, I hope GTSport is not a departure from the heritage, because honestly; the glitz and glam of modern drive by wire super/hyper cars with complex engine & traction management suites, interest me little.

In GT5, the first car I saved up to purchase was my original FC RX-7. No traction control, no ABS, no power steering. I remember that car didn't even have a rev limiter, though there was an abrassive alarm that sounded when you took the wankle over 7500 RPM. God i loved that car. Don't let me down Kaz. Oh, and for good measure, add the E30 and E36 M3 to the lineup so that we can have proper touring car races on the Nordschleife.
Seconded, as a car collector, I want to see some old classics show up, but I'm not too worried about this as Kaz has stated cars will be added throughout the life of the game I believe. I just hope he implemented the spirit of SP campaigns in the MP aspect. Like BMW only races, classic only races etc...I'd still play online (i'm open to it) if there's a sense of progression. GT always had an RPG feeling IMO, and I hope that's not completely gone even with the focus on MP.
Everything i'm seeing from this beta certainly has me interested. I was a huge fan of GT5 and can't wait to get my hands on GTSport. The graphics looks incredible, the sound has certainly improved, and the online focus is a welcome change in pace considering the best times i've had with GT games have been online. Turning laps on the Nordschleife in GT5 against skilled opponents in classic cars like the Merc 190E Evolution II.... are some of the best multiplayer experiences i've had.

Which brings me to my main concern... nothing has been shown of classic cars in any GTS screens/videos. I really hope this game is not solely focused on modern vehicles. I'm a bigger fan of old steel, like the incredible German touring cars of the late 80's/early 90s, as well as Japanese cars from the same era (my first vehicle was an FC RX-7). GT has always showcased a breath of vehicles from all eras, I hope GTSport is not a departure from the heritage, because honestly; the glitz and glam of modern drive by wire super/hyper cars with complex engine & traction management suites, interest me little.

In GT5, the first car I saved up to purchase was my original FC RX-7. No traction control, no ABS, no power steering. I remember that car didn't even have a rev limiter, though there was an abrassive alarm that sounded when you took the wankle over 7500 RPM. God i loved that car. Don't let me down Kaz. Oh, and for good measure, add the E30 and E36 M3 to the lineup so that we can have proper touring car races on the Nordschleife.
To date GTS is looking like a total focus on modern machines.

As such I would suggest adding AC and/or Pcars to your library as that would meet your needs in that regard. After all you don't have to stick to just one title.

I'll look into it, if I can i will make one huge zip folder.
If you have an imgur account you can enable HQ uploads in the settings.
Flickr is another good website, but I believe it needs a yahoo email.

The one you uploaded, while png, are also 800x450 pixels in size. We could use some 1080p screens (especially taken during a race)

Are you on standard PS4 or Pro?
If you have an imgur account you can enable HQ uploads in the settings.
Flickr is another good website, but I believe it needs a yahoo email.

The one you uploaded, while png, are also 800x450 pixels in size. We could use some 1080p screens (especially taken during a race)

Are you on standard PS4 or Pro?
Standard ps4
Thank you @DaBomb330 , wonderful pics.
Can we see gameplay screenshots next? :D

Oh and check out the Display Area of the PS4 (Settings > Audio & Screen): you have a very thin black frame around the screen that shrinks the image a little. It may not look like much, but it doesn't give pixels perfect 1:1 scaling, ruining picture quality.