Gran Turismo Sport - Master Track List

  • Thread starter Samus
It's the key to GT Sport's success. It could add lots more content, which is good since the majority is underwhelmed by the quantity in GTS.

There's a big chance that most of the post launch tracks (if there will be any in the first place) will be FIA certified tracks like Spa, Monza, Red Bull Ring, Silverstone and many more. These tracks I just mentioned were tracks that were featured in GT5 and/or GT6. And there's no way that Grand Valley, Trial Mountain and Deep Forest won't be added post launch. Hell, even Midfield and Apricott should and could be added if (enough) tracks will be added.

And where's Laguna Seca?! It's the first bloody real world track to ever be featured in a GT game!

Yeah well and it isn't out til 10/17 so maybe even before then they may have some idea. Trying to please everybody with only only 16 locations just isn't going to work. I mean you have some stuff for NASCAR and some stuff for dirt track and some Tokyo thing or other & so forth there isn't much for- well, what would the words "Gran Turismo" suggest to you if there'd never been such a game? Beautiful elegant sports cars would about describe it for me. Branching out is fine but you don't want to lose your base.

I find it hard to believe the deal is going to go down the way they say it is, but then that's the way I've thought about a lot of grisly, uh, stuff that's gone down in the world lately.

All we can do is raise as much of a stink as possible about it and hope that some of it filters through those of you that have betas to the Powers That Be. Wouldn't hurt to think of mentioning something like "the big disappointment it looks like GT Sport is going to be" to anyone connected with gaming you happen to be in converse with- the clerk at Game Spot, a comment on a YouTube video, someone in tech support about something. We need to consider that there are a lot of people who just pre-ordered over a year ago and haven't been following developments.

I'm greatly enjoying reading every message in this thread and I can't remember a single thing anybody's asked for or been indignant about it's not being there that don't 100% agree with, but I'm also thinking it isn't doing much good for us all to be moaning about it to each other.

I'm mad.:banghead: I'm gonna switch to Assetto Corsa or PCars 2 or F1. I wanna nuke someone...

:embarrassed: See it doesn't work with me. Too mild-mannered. You guys who can really sound vicious should post and rant more.;)
I feel PD are only making new original tracks as a new chapter to the series.
Like I keep thinking I'm going to wake from a bad dream and they're going to announce, "Oh, of course we're going to have all the tracks from GT6 as well, we were just talking about some of the interesting new things were adding."

Which creates an idea. Is GTS going to have some design-your-own tracks feature? (I just posted that question on Amazon before I typed the word "feature". ) If so, some clever boots might come up with an app where you could somehow copy a track from GT6 and add it to your GTS.
I believe it has been discussed in an article somewhere that la sarthe, spa and another track which I forgot is currently being homologated (I hope I wrote it right) by the FIA and that we may be able to see them in the future.

However not so impressed by the track list myself but I can survive to this "change in direction" if I feel nostalgic I will go play GT6/GT5 for the older and famous fantasy tracks (tho I wish somehow they will be in GT Sport updated in beauty) but thats me.
Something I find especially odd:

The very first line of dialogue: "We first met along the straights of Grand Valley..." - they recognize the incredible relevance of the classic original tracks have had in the series since day one, but they don't include them? Especially with the game being so esports-heavy, you'd think these tracks would be in for all of the coverage and the very real history that's been built out of a digital world - but no. I've only been playing since GT5 but this logic baffles me.

There's all sorts of other stuff that's been rubbing me wrong with this trailer since it came out, much to do with it not seeming to follow any sorts of complaints I remember seeing people make about the series - but that doesn't really follow the topic of this thread.
Something I find especially odd:

The very first line of dialogue: "We first met along the straights of Grand Valley..." - they recognize the incredible relevance of the classic original tracks have had in the series since day one, but they don't include them? Especially with the game being so esports-heavy, you'd think these tracks would be in for all of the coverage and the very real history that's been built out of a digital world - but no. I've only been playing since GT5 but this logic baffles me.

There's all sorts of other stuff that's been rubbing me wrong with this trailer since it came out, much to do with it not seeming to follow any sorts of complaints I remember seeing people make about the series - but that doesn't really follow the topic of this thread.

They might include their classics as DLC. It would be stupid if none of their DLC tracks would be one of their classic, original tracks.
I wouldn't have cared much for the lack of amount of tracks if the list itself would have been at least good and acceptable right out the door.

In its current state it's pretty weak and laughable.
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My predictions for the last three layouts of the game are:

Suzuka Circuit:
1. West Circuit

1. Tokyo Expressway- Central Inner Loop (Unofficial, not yet announced)
2. Tokyo Expressway- East Inner Loop (Unofficial, not yet announced)
I love the track list even if I would have liked less oval circuits. La Sarthe or SPA Francorchamp instead of Nothern Isles Speedway, for example. But I think they will come via DLC so I don't worry.

What I really like is the novelty. I was afraid that PoDi would put Trial Mountain or Deep Forest again and again. So I'm glad they're creating new tracks. They have a lot of talent for that. Dragon Trails or Tokyo Expressway are already very sympathic ! :)
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My predictions for the last three layouts of the game are:

Suzuka Circuit:
1. West Circuit

1. Tokyo Expressway- Central Inner Loop (Unofficial, not yet announced)
2. Tokyo Expressway- East Inner Loop (Unofficial, not yet announced)
I'm very glad if Suzuka Circuit West Course comes back, but I think in reality it's Nurburgring GP/D or typeV layout.
Until today I didn't believe that they would actually release GTS with such a small track list, but now I'm a bit stunned.

Who made this decision to release a GT-game with essentially just 6 real world tracks? (I'm not counting the Mickey Mouse track variations where you can't even seriously host a Gr.3 race)

Is PD's team of track modellers so short staffed that they weren't able to upgrade the PS3-versions in time? They had one whole additional year to get more tracks done, and this is the result? :rolleyes:
I like the track list. Would I like more? Of course.

I actually like the fact that PD have created all new fantasy tracks. I think GTS would have felt awfully same-y if we would have gotten the same ol' HSR, DFR, TM, GV, etc. Of course, I enjoy them, but I am really looking forward to the new-car-smell with PD's PS4 debut.

My want before the the next GT - add 10 tracks:
- 4 to 5 classics
- 3 to 4 real-world
- 2 to 3 dirt/snow (really want at least 1 snow course)
I think GTS would have felt awfully same-y if we would have gotten the same ol' HSR, DFR, TM, GV, etc. Of course, I enjoy them, but I am really looking forward to the new-car-smell with PD's PS4 debut.

Why not both? I loved GT1 because it was some sportcars like the FTO on Grand Valley, Deep Forest... Now it's futuristic cars on dull tracks. To me GT is more about sports cars, everyday type of cars, rather than hypercars.
I love the track list even if I would have liked less oval circuits. La Sarthe or SPA Francorchamp instead of Nothern Isles Speedway, for example. But I think they will come via DLC so I don't worry.

What I really like is the novelty. I was afraid that PoDi would put Trial Mountain or Deep Forest again and again. So I'm glad they're creating new tracks. They have a lot of talent for that. Dragon Trails or Tokyo Expressway are already very sympathic ! :)

Why should PD get a pass on content light game on release and then us having to pay or wait for an unknown amount of time for dlc to get a reasonable amount of content? If it even appears? It isn't right when EA, Ubisoft or Capcom did it. Games like Star Wars: Battlefront, For Honor and Street Fighter V come to mind. It isnt right if PD do it as well.

It is one thing to get rid of classic tracks like Trial Mountain and Deep Forest. But to conjure up uninspiring tracks like Blue Moon Bay and Northern Isle, which are pretty generic in there layout, is a big disappointment. Especially with this being the smallest track list in a full GT title for 16 and a half years no less.
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This is the first Gran Turismo title on PS4. Looking back at the past, the first title GT3 in PS2 is 18 locations, the first title in PS1 is 8 locations in GT1.
What matters now is to make a basis for the new generation of Gran Turismo, the track/car lists can be added at a later time, and that will be the case indeed.
This is the first Gran Turismo title on PS4. Looking back at the past, the first title GT3 in PS2 is 18 locations, the first title in PS1 is 8 locations in GT1.
What matters now is to make a basis for the new generation of Gran Turismo, the track/car lists can be added at a later time, and that will be the case indeed.

Except the PS4 will be almost 4 years old by the time of GT Sports release date. The game has probably been in development for at least 5 years, and they have a small track list to show for it. How long will we have to wait for them to come up with a healthy number of more tracks? And how much longer is the PS4 platform going to be fully supported before the next more "easier to program on" and more powerful Sony platform seems like a more attractive proposition to PD?
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Except the PS4 will be almost 4 years old by the time of GT Sports release date. The game has probably been in development for at least 5 years, and they have a small track list to show for it. How long will we have to wait for them to come up with a healthy number of more tracks?

GT6 released Dec. 5th, 2013 - what makes you think they've been developing for at least 5 years? If anything the development time would be 3 years and 10 months (assuming they stick to this 2017 release date).

Why not both? I loved GT1 because it was some sportcars like the FTO on Grand Valley, Deep Forest.

Of course both would be nice 👍. But if I had to choose between 8 new tracks or 8 tracks that we saw in all previous GTs, I'm taking the new hotness. I know the old tracks like the back of my hand, so it wouldn't be very exciting to go through the motions again.

PD have tough decisions to make regarding DLC though - do they cater to the real world track enthusiasts or the fantasy track faithfuls? I'm hoping for a healthy mix of both.
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The list is weak by market standards.

Everything, short of Mario Kart has a better track list.

What is it with some of you and the 'it's okay, they'll have DLC in the years to come.'?

Was GT6 that long ago that you forget? It sucked. It was topped off by the track creator by only using a tablet weak!

Why have standards dropped to the point of accepting poo and calling it sirloin with GT?

Is it just GT, PD & Kaz, or is it like that with everything in some peoples lives? it just low standards or expectations?
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GT6 released Dec. 5th, 2013 - what makes you think they've been developing for at least 5 years? If anything the development time would be 3 years and 10 months (assuming they stick to this 2017 release date).

Got my years mixed up. But 3 years 10 months as you put it, is still a substantial amount of time to come up with more tracks, in my opinion. Fact that smaller teams, on smaller budgets and timescale produce more make it more difficult and puzzling to comprehend.
GT6 released Dec. 5th, 2013 - what makes you think they've been developing for at least 5 years? If anything the development time would be 3 years and 10 months (assuming they stick to this 2017 release date).
Because they start development of the next title as soon as the previous one is released.

In all that time. THIS is all they can come up with? Then what? You can pay extra for the stuff that should have been in this game at release? Good luck with that given PD's previous track record. This franchise is dead in the water.
The list is weak by market standards.

Everything, short of Mario Kart has a better track list.

What is it with some of you and the 'it's okay, they'll have DLC in the years to come.'?

Was GT6 that long ago that you forget? It sucked. It was topped off by the track creator by only using a tablet weak!

Why have standards dropped to the point of accepting poo and calling it sirloin with GT?

Is it just GT, PD & Kaz, or is it like that with everything in some peoples lives? it just low standards or expectations?

I think there is a such thing as being disappointed in the quantity of tracks, while at the same time being excited about the tracks that are present.

Because they start development of the next title as soon as the previous one is released.

In all that time. THIS is all they can come up with? Then what? You can pay extra for the stuff that should have been in this game at release? Good luck with that given PD's previous track record. This franchise is dead in the water.

Yeah, but he said 5 years. As it stands, GT Sport will release at 3 years, 10 months from GT6.
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I think there is a such thing as being disappointed in the quantity of tracks, while at the same time being excited about the tracks that are present (without being referred to as a fan-girl).

Yeah, but he said 5 years. As it stands, GT Sport will release at 3 years, 10 months from GT6.

I said the game has probably been in development for 5 years. But you could knock a few months off there as I was being open and accepting of your statement to be feasible.

All bets are off now though!:D
It looks like Blue Moon Bay will have a road course - there is an alternate route right before turn one:

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With no legacy tracks, it looks like GT6 won't be retired like GT5 was. I'm not ready to turn my back on iconic tracks like my favourite, Trial Mountain. Too much history there. I was really looking forward to seeing it rendered with the extra horse power of the PS4 as well.:guilty:

Fingers crossed on them coming with DLC's.
The list is weak by market standards.

Everything, short of Mario Kart has a better track list.

What is it with some of you and the 'it's okay, they'll have DLC in the years to come.'?

Was GT6 that long ago that you forget? It sucked. It was topped off by the track creator by only using a tablet weak!

Why have standards dropped to the point of accepting poo and calling it sirloin with GT?

Is it just GT, PD & Kaz, or is it like that with everything in some peoples lives? it just low standards or expectations?

I'll be happy to just have a GT product for my PS4 at this point.

It may not be releasing in great condition but content will be added, you just have to take it for what it is now.

You said GT5 & GT6 "sucked" I remember because of your post in this thread

Yet you still bought a PS4 for the next GT. I guess they couldn't of been that bad...

I liked your post back in July as I'm looking into the PC world myself, perhaps getting into iracing etc.

I'll try to find it, but there was a video from an Australian game website that visited PD offices for a week.
PD had one (1) employee in which her sole job was to add bolts to a ferris wheel to fine tune. You can't even see them unless zoomed way in.

It's this kind of detail while I appreciate it, hinders development drastically elsewhere.

But, it's the Kaz way love it or hate it.