Gran Turismo Sport - Master Track List

  • Thread starter Samus
Beside the lack of track number and real track or time developpement
GT is adressed to young and newbie driver too, remember when you start with GT, we don't go jump directly on Nurburgring or Technical track, but you can say ' But is esport, competition ' Yup if you want competition, let prepare their skill first but it s GT and when we look at GT, it s one of the game who have good school driving academy, so not so bad for new drivers. And don't forget, you guys have skill and used to sim games, you can be disappointed by that but we re not Alone, and GT is not only focus on ''good drivers'' or veteran
Second, the few tracks, for the first cycle, it better to concentrate people on the few tracks, let them used to and perfom better on skill, to have a good matchmaking and behaviour on Sport mode. Because it s good to have plenty of tracks, but if it dispatched players, and drivers are not good trained for the specific event track, it s not that good. While this cycle, new tracks will arrive and have an another rotation for event
Third, for fantasy track, it can be for having a fresh new original track, a reboot, some point about FIA, yeah but motorsport is universal, even it doesn't have tha approval from FIA, it doesn't make a track less track or less motorsport, so if it s Lemans, Laguna Seca, or an unknown circuit from your local, it s still the same, asphalt, pit line, corner etc..and it how it unite for the championship on GT Sport, and make an proper identity, not so bad after all
That s how i see it, on the positive side or the concept, some track miss me for the launch, but it s not like it s a closed game, new arrival are awaited :)
So a track is a track yet the only three you mentioned by name in your post are iconic, historically important tracks. Why do you think that is?
Speaking about real tracks, I think it's not correct to say that FIA doesn't give GT license's for their tracks : if you think about it , every racing game has a lot of tracks GT had in past ( Nurb, Monza, Silverstone, Laguna Seca, Red Bull Ring, Spa etc ).
I can understand that some tracks aren't in their real form ( like Montecarlo or Suzuka on Project Cars) but honestly I don't think FIA didn't give GT permission, considering partnership between them.
If they threw the real life rules out the window and gave PD track certification just because they have a partnership, then it's nothing more than a meaningless rubber stamp on the box isn't it?
Beside the lack of track number and real track or time developpement
GT is adressed to young and newbie driver too, remember when you start with GT, we don't go jump directly on Nurburgring or Technical track, but you can say ' But is esport, competition ' Yup if you want competition, let prepare their skill first but it s GT and when we look at GT, it s one of the game who have good school driving academy, so not so bad for new drivers. And don't forget, you guys have skill and used to sim games, you can be disappointed by that but we re not Alone, and GT is not only focus on ''good drivers'' or veteran
Second, the few tracks, for the first cycle, it better to concentrate people on the few tracks, let them used to and perfom better on skill, to have a good matchmaking and behaviour on Sport mode. Because it s good to have plenty of tracks, but if it dispatched players, and drivers are not good trained for the specific event track, it s not that good. While this cycle, new tracks will arrive and have an another rotation for event
Third, for fantasy track, it can be for having a fresh new original track, a reboot, some point about FIA, yeah but motorsport is universal, even it doesn't have tha approval from FIA, it doesn't make a track less track or less motorsport, so if it s Lemans, Laguna Seca, or an unknown circuit from your local, it s still the same, asphalt, pit line, corner etc..and it how it unite for the championship on GT Sport, and make an proper identity, not so bad after all
That s how i see it, on the positive side or the concept, some track miss me for the launch, but it s not like it s a closed game, new arrival are awaited :)

Oh, you were being serious. The lengths some of you will go to to defend PDi is simply astonishing.
So a track is a track yet the only three you mentioned by name in your post are iconic, historically important tracks. Why do you think that is?
You don't get the point, cause i named an unknow track with them on purpose, that is the same for me, even it s a iconic or not, you drive on the asphalt.
For the layout, if it s interesting, well made or not, it s another debate


Oh, you were being serious. The lengths some of you will go to to defend PDi is simply astonishing.

Lolz you don't understand what i wrote, before talking defending

So the excuse being given is that the small track list is there to entice the noobs and GT Sport isn't aimed at the experienced simcade or sim racer. Riiiight..:rolleyes:
If you know to read or understand, ok for you
Cause it s not what i m saying, hat off seriously
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You don't get the point, cause i named an unknow track with them on purpose, that is the same for me, even it s a iconic or not, you drive on the asphalt.
For the layout, if it s interesting, well made or not, it s another debate
I think it's you thats missing the point. All the popular sims are loaded with iconic, historically important tracks. There's a reason for that. Do you know what it is?
I think it's you thats missing the point. All the popular sims are loaded with iconic, historically important tracks. There's a reason for that. Do you know what it is?
You incrust on my comment and you say if i know ? Which point then ?
And why other sim ? No lets say, why not on the previous GT as they have more real track ? Drive on on the nurb make your game more real ? Make you a more driver ?
Not my entire argument, i wrote it on purpose at the beginning 'beside the time developpement' so other reason than that

I don't think they lock cause they try to cover the different kind of track, in compensation it lets less contain on each type

I don't try to defend them but i tried to understand why this choice, this initial design, and it suit it on the better and positive way for them than just saying their choice is 'crap' . And I don't like some track too, same but i m saying that I m not Alone to play the game. When you go online ( GT5/6), they re many type of race that people express their game, and it doesn't mean you like them all. So same here, maybe it s a bad choice to include these baby tracks, but it could be a good choice for others. We have all preference on style of driving, tracks etc
For the quantity, they set at 17 tracks on their planning at the beginning so, no words on that other than what i wrote for the Sport mode aspect

Sure, we cant disagree with the lack of track or their choice, that s why i wrote it in the first sentence of the first comment

Whatever we call it lol it s still a different kind of circuit, so it take slots.
Which is exactly why I also said "In all honesty however, your argument comes across as an attempt to defend what is a very small and poor track list for the amount of time they have been working on it."
Which is exactly why I also said "In all honesty however, your argument comes across as an attempt to defend what is a very small and poor track list for the amount of time they have been working on it."
That s why you act like @PzR Slim
Trying to understand something is not defending
When you have a killer kill for whatever reason, and you try to understand his act, doesn't mean you defend his act
That s why you act like @PzR Slim
I act like me, not like anyone else.

You may want to refrain from posting your opinion as if it was fact.

Trying to understand something is not defending
When you have a killer kill for whatever reason, and you try to understand his act, doesn't mean you defend his act
Which is why I said "comes across as" rather than saying that was what you were doing.

Ironically you've just done exactly what you accused me (incorrectly) of doing.

I have no idea however what you mean by "killer kill"?
If I'm not mistaken, the Red Bull Ring was a part of a DLC in GT5.

Spa in GT5 and Red Bull Ring, then there was Motegi and Midfield. Mix of DLC cost and free.

GT5 also had dlc tracks of Route X, Autumn Ring and Kart Space. Only problem was they arrived late into GT5's life, as frustrating as that was, along the ones mentioned by Nuvolari, they were tremendous fun and reasonably priced. BUT, GT5 also a large and interesting track list to begin with to keep me enticed for so long, before the dlc and major updates arrived, for all it's shortcomings.
Where there really that many? Honestly completely forgot it :boggled:
I'd also like to note that GT Sport is positioning itself as effectively a premier curated multiplayer online racing solution. As such it is attempting to compete to some extent with iRacing.

If you look at how iRacing works, it's clear that driver ratings in GTS were developed with the experiences of iRacing firmly in mind. iRacing, in addition to the driver rating system, absolutely limit car counts and try to encourage high participation in a small number of different racing series. But they have gone out and laser scanned almost every serious race track on the planet over the last ~10 years, and even at launch there was a pretty good track selection.

iRacing supports beginners by restricting them to a couple of race classes and a few simple tracks. You need to progress your safety rating to be allowed to move up to the more challenging classes with more tracks. That way you have both: Easy options for beginners, and enough content for experienced users.

So iRacing's viewpoint is:
1. Driver ratings (safety and iRating) to keep the competition fair and clean, and keep the beginners from the experienced guys
2. Try to funnel players into a limited set of race classes, with cars which are highly accurately modelled and take skill to tune and drive.
3. But offer a huge variety of tracks to keep players interested during the 12 week race seasons.
4. Charge a subscription fee to keep a high service level towards the customer base

I have no real issue with GT Sport aiming for a low car count with the goal of funneling players into race classes to keep grids high, but the lack of tracks "to support beginners" argument doesn't wash atall. It just smacks of budgetary restrictions to keep the cost of developing GTS relatively low, or perhaps to enable it to actually ship in the 2017 window despite a low track production rate compared to the competition.

Besides, with modern drone-based laser scanning as used in pCARS 2, you can recreate modern real life tracks relatively quickly, perhaps even quicker than modelling a fantasy track.
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Spa in GT5 and Red Bull Ring, then there was Motegi and Midfield. Mix of DLC cost and free.

Where there really that many? Honestly completely forgot it :boggled:

Actually a few mistakes about the added tracks. Even by myself. GT6 as well as 5 had tracks added. GT5's tracks were all paid for dlc. GT6's were available for free within patches added to the game.

Here is the actual list of tracks available after launch


18th October 2011
Course Pack 1 ($4.99)
Kart Space I&II

18 Jan 2012
Speed Test Pack ($3.99)
Special Stage Route X normal and reverse variations

27th June 2012
Twin Ring Motegi ($5.00) East, West, Road and Speedway variations


18th June 2014
Patch 1.09
Red Bull Ring full and short version

26th February 2015
Patch 1.16
Midfield Raceway normal and reverse variations

I was wrong about autumn ring being added after. Don't know where I got that from as dlc.

All of these tracks were a great addition to the game. Problem for me was all the friends I played GT5 with online had moved on by the time the first dlc courses arrived along with the most significant patch update, as it was 11 months into the release date of the actual game. It meant I had a far better game now then on release but no friends to play with. That is my worry for GT Sport. The content is light out of the box (one of the few criticisms you couldn't level at GT5), but PD's unreliability as far as meeting dates, being regular with content, or being forthcoming about any new details still hasn't shown any sign of change.

I do not see why I should show blind faith again.
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Blind fate is sickness (imo), no one should support blind fate in anything, even small things like computer games, but especially huge things like god, faith, country...

Anyway, I played Beta and based on what is confirmed so far I can't wait to play this particular collection of pixels aka GTS on day one. I do not have blind faith in it, i do wish it had more content, sure.

I played many GT's on day one and never have I felt dissapointed or cheated.

I played pCARS on day one, to me it feel like they cheated me of money because I bought Fanatec GT3RS wheel they lied that game will support on PS4 - turned out it was never properly coded, it had huge problems never resolved, completely different from it's functionality on PC. Meaning that on PS4 it seems it was just emulating controller input not really wheel input. There is huge topic dedicated to that on this forum, I'm not only one in there (and on their official forum as well)... But they didn't want to admit it, never directly, only some indirect talk "we are looking into it" and such. Would have bought a DIFFERENT wheel had they came clean at least month before release and said "ok, some wheels are not properly coded on PS4 they are not even close to PC version and maybe will never be - but we respect you, and need your support and ask for understanding" - then I would still preorder that game, and a different wheel.

Assetto Corsa came out on console with huge amount of features missing compared to PC versio. And it came as big surprise to us all, and it took a lot lot lot of time to catch up. They could have, and should have asked for understanding - and show effort to make sure customers are aware of shortcomings before they bought the game. I Would Still Have Bought Assetto on day one!

It never happened (to me) that I bought a GT game and only after that to find out a disapointment that would come even close to those.

Maybe it just me. Fine, but it is what it is in my life.
Blind fate is sickness (imo), no one should support blind fate in anything, even small things like computer games, but especially huge things like god, faith, country...

Anyway, I played Beta and based on what is confirmed so far I can't wait to play this particular collection of pixels aka GTS on day one. I do not have blind faith in it, i do wish it had more content,

The thing is, my faith in PD during the early years was entirely earned and justified after falling in love with GT1, due to it's absolute quality delivery, thanks entirely on PD's part. I bought GT2, 3 and 4 on foreign import before any reviews. And was absolutely satisfied and in awe of PD and the GT series. And this, ironcally, was during a time that information about just about anything on the internet before it's release was rare or next to nothing. I bought my Japanese PS2 with GT3 because I couldn't wait for the protracted EU release, back when worldwide release dates weren't a thing. Because PD and GT was without any equals at that time in my eyes. I bought my PS3 with GT5 Prologue in anticipation of what the full GT5 would offer. And my blind faith was amply rewarded (with GT5 prologue not GT5). Why? Because Polyphony Digital were a hallmark of quality and a market leader and lived up to it, time after time. And I didn't have any reason to doubt them.

I played many GT's on day one and never have I felt dissapointed or cheated.

After the mess of GT5, I read up fully before preordering GT6 Anniversary Edition. The details Kaz gave about track creator sealed the deal for me. Creating you own tracks using a GPS track sounded too good to be true. I even planned out a track I could have created using a local road and even with the knowledge that this probably wouldn't be available on day 1 of release, it was something worth the wait. What happened? We received a completely cut down version, that wasn't anything like the version Kaz had originally promised. On an app that I couldn't utilise due to the hardware it was available on. And it arrived so late, in a game that in some ways was worse than GT5 and that didn't even get the support it that it was promised to receive, that I didn't even care by that point, as I was completely bored of GT6. This wasn't down to my blind faith, but either lies, incompetence or some rumoured corporate or legal red tape on PD's part. Form and reputation is what builds or breaks ones faith in a company. I bought two consoles, all the most expensive retail edition GT games, specifically because of PD's quality at the time. I will now refuse to spend a penny because of PD's lack of content and truthfullness. And it generally is a disappointment, based on the history I have stated on this post of my relationship with the GT series. It is very sad in my eyes to see my number game series get left behind on the track, that I have spent alot of money on with hardly any regrets, going in this direction.
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I simphatize with your dissapointments.

But I am glad to beleive that there was not that many people on this planet who bought GT6 ONLY for that specific track creator - compared to the amount of people who bought Fanatec wheels beleiving lies from pCARS (not just one Fanatec model, but three models were not supported as it was presented!)

Also the price of those lies is not quite the same, is it not? But I still feel your true dissapointment never the less.

Or, imagine a game presented as the pinacle of simulation, released in 2016 that for months after release did not have indicator of tyre wear or heat, on any form of indicator for pedal input!!!! Ha ha ha? Or not funny?
Because sites like VVV that were praising the console version (they got before release from Kunos) and recommending it - never mentioned a word about that! Should i beleive they were not paid to lie to my face!

Same with wheels on pCARS...

Do you remember any example where it seems very, so very obvious (it seems) that PD paid to some game rewievers to lie to your face about their game after the gold phase and before release - like it seems it happened in those other cases?
I simphatize with your dissapointments.

But I am glad to beleive that there was not that many people on this planet who bought GT6 ONLY for that specific track creator - compared to the amount of people who bought Fanatec wheels beleiving lies from pCARS (not just one Fanatec model, but three models were not supported as it was presented!)

Also the price of those lies is not quite the same, is it not? But I still feel your true dissapointment never the less.

Or, imagine a game presented as the pinacle of simulation, released in 2016 that for months after release did not have indicator of tyre wear or heat, on any form of indicator for pedal input!!!! Ha ha ha? Or not funny?
Because sites like VVV that were praising the console version (they got before release from Kunos) and recommending it - never mentioned a word about that! Should i beleive they were not paid to lie to my face!

Same with wheels on pCARS...

Do you remember any example where it seems very, so very obvious (it seems) that PD paid to some game rewievers to lie to your face about their game after the gold phase and before release - like it seems it happened in those other cases?

I fully understand what you are saying and I have PCars 1and find it almost unplayable with a dualshock 4. I get what you are saying in terms of monetary value, buying a wheel to use on a said game that then isn't fully supported is quite a big deal. Especially in relation to what I have been saying.

A few things though.

First. This topic is about the small track list on GT Sport and in turn the change in direction the GT series has taken.

Second. PD have been producing GT games for 20 years and were at one point the market leader and have shown a gradual decline in quality. I won't excuse SMS's failures with PCars, but they have a short history, with a reputation to build on or ruin. Pcars 2 has shown a step in the right direction, but if it was to release with unfulfilled promises then I wouldn't buy another game by SMS. With PD's past proven quality (pre GT5), more experience, deeper financial pockets and longer development time, they should be doing better. No, they should be doing alot better. Which at the moment, if you put just the Pcars 2 and GT Sports cars list, track list, weather, time of day and damage, side by side, they are far behind.

The leader should be leading by example, their position shouldn't be without merit, otherwise the followers will look elsewhere. A companies reputation is built on their product. SMS still has a chance to make it, while PD is close to breaking it.
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Agreed and thinking back to what information Kaz has given about future DLC.
We won't have to wait like GT5, after release we should see a "steady stream" of content "at some point"
I would imagine Spa wouldn't be an unreasonable assumption, along with Tsukuba.
We have heard this dlc after release comment before. And it has never been lived up to. Look at the abismal track list and the car count. Plus how many of these cars are fictional and dont exist in real life. The team is too small. They need to suck it up, Put on the big boy pants and start out sourcing. Or they will forever be in the background. Quite sad for a franchise that once dominated the console genre.
So they have deliberately avoided lots of tracks to make its accessable for those new to the series.

If that's the case they have done it in the most cackhanded way possible.

Silverstone, Bathurst, Willow Springs and the 'ring don't meet that criteria at all, yet with the smaller track count they are a higher percentage of the track list now.

Limits on the complexity of tracks for new comers can be managed much better than by simply not including them!

Limiting the use of more complex tracks to licence levels would for example be a much better way about it.

Cackhanded and just a lame excuse anyway. As I recall in 5 or 6 or both career mode you had to get to a certain point before many tracks were "unlocked". In any event, how can it possibly be a "problem" if there tracks that newbies don't have to race on.

There are all kinds of extra features that 5 and 6 had on the main screen that I never clicked on once, but I appreciated the generousness of the game because there were some of those features I enjoyed very much.

But tracks are not some extra feature and, again, cannot be fixed with a few DLCs. This game just appears stingy and cheap. They could have had a hundred more tracks in it if they wanted, no sweat. I would suggest an update that would make it possible to import tracks from GT6 to GTS, or a way to design your own track which, as I said in a previous message, some cool dude would make an app to take it from there.

And I don't understand all these fanboy sounding posts about "everything will no doubt turn out fine in the end". Great if it does, but why encourage PD to stand pat rather than consider the possible loss of it's long term customer base and do as much as possible before release. Because for this one the information we've been given has made me consider many things that a month ago I never would have dreamed of, starting with cancelling my preorder- giving PCars in it's new PCars 2 incarnation yet another chance, Assetto Corsa, which has given me a lot of enjoyment during the long wait, or even coughing up for the best newest gaming PC I can manage and investigating all the possibilities there. If they can stop in it's tracks (pun intended) the steady progress of the GTs 3, 4, 5, & 6 that I've played, then the steady patronage I've given, that they take for granted, can also be ended in a heartbeat.

One thing is for sure. A release of GT Sport as currently advertised is going to leave a big hole in the console racing market and somebody (more likely a number of somebodies) a lot less self-satisfied than PD is going to fill it much faster than they think they can placate people with a few DLCs.

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My only argument is how could Sony allow it to release with limited content.
I know PD tends to do what they wish, but you would think the executives at Sony would say you intend to do what? We need more.
Unless we're now so late into the PS4 lifespan that Sony said enough, release then DLC. We need money coming in now.
I don't know.
My only argument is how could Sony allow it to release with limited content.
I know PD tends to do what they wish, but you would think the executives at Sony would say you intend to do what? We need more.
Unless we're now so late into the PS4 lifespan that Sony said enough, release then DLC. We need money coming in now.
I don't know.

Sony doesn't care what you do, as long as you make them their money at the end of the day. This is also one of their most trusted and longest running first party studios they have, being there pretty much since the beginning. If anything, they have the longest leash out of all the first party studios Sony has, more so then Naughty Dog.

However, after two mediocre games in a row, and a possible third on the way, that leash has to tighten up significantly in due time. Not only that, but there is the possibility that PD could be going the way of the dodo if GTS bombs. Sony certainly has killed developers for less, Evolution can attest this.

Remember, gaming development is a dog eat dog world. Hundreds of developers have gone extinct over the years. Those that last the longest, are the ones that were smart enough to survive, and either got big enough, or cozied up to someone big enough to shield them. But anything can happen, and if you don't bring in the results, either the running out of the reserves, or your parent company's hand coming down to smite you will spell the end.
Sony doesn't care what you do, as long as you make them their money at the end of the day. This is also one of their most trusted and longest running first party studios they have, being there pretty much since the beginning. If anything, they have the longest leash out of all the first party studios Sony has, more so then Naughty Dog.

However, after two mediocre games in a row, and a possible third on the way, that leash has to tighten up significantly in due time. Not only that, but there is the possibility that PD could be going the way of the dodo if GTS bombs. Sony certainly has killed developers for less, Evolution can attest this.

Remember, gaming development is a dog eat dog world. Hundreds of developers have gone extinct over the years. Those that last the longest, are the ones that were smart enough to survive, and either got big enough, or cozied up to someone big enough to shield them. But anything can happen, and if you don't bring in the results, either the running out of the reserves, or your parent company's hand coming down to smite you will spell the end.

I fully understand it's all about money these days, it always has been for Sony.

But, I don't believe it always has been for Kaz.

There was a time when GT was his dream, his creation and perhaps more effort was put into it years ago.

Perhaps there's other forces at work here limiting his abilities today, I would assume he's very happy with the quality of GT Sport, not with the quantity.

Maybe now that he's 50 with a net worth of over 100 million, he's been made a rich man, sucked up by the corporation with not as much decision making power.

I don't know.

I do know that magic came out of Polyphony Digital in 2004 with 700 cars and 51 tracks.

I want this back.

I do know that magic came out of Polyphony Digital in 2004 with 700 cars and 51 tracks.

I want this back.

Strictly from a factual point of view: Poly should be the number one in every aspect. Experience, money, time, skill... they have everything in order to deliver the best experience. Apart from the best ffb/sim factor, if a game has better graphics, sounds, career mode, etc than Poly, IMO it's a failure. Even if GT is my favorite franchise, I agree with many here that the track list is awful for a first party dev with that much money.
I found the article that talks about the cost of quality within GT Sport.
A decent, quick read.

Its a good article. There's something about GT that makes it very unique compared to every other sim. It has an identity, a style, something where you know straightaway, whether its listening to the music, seeing the menus or watching the replays, that this is GT.
My only argument is how could Sony allow it to release with limited content.
I know PD tends to do what they wish, but you would think the executives at Sony would say you intend to do what? We need more.
Unless we're now so late into the PS4 lifespan that Sony said enough, release then DLC. We need money coming in now.
I don't know.

Sony stated that they wanted to go to town with “Monetisation" with GT6, those plans were clearly put on hold until now - that's why they're happily releasing this GT Sport crap with meagre offerings, they've seen the other publishers making bank with their DLCs and want a piece. No doubt they've stock piled their planned DLC over the years to drop a continuous bombardment over the coming months for suckers to lap up. It's all about the green and not splitting profits with retail scabs.

I wouldn't be surprised to see something like this:

Tracks - $4.99 each
Cars - $2.49 each
Scapes - $1.99 location pack
Decal store - $0.99 per pack
Livery Creator image importer - $0.49 per image

I agree there will be some form of paid dlc, but I don't think it will be $5 a track.
Where did Sony say they wanted to go to town with paid dlc in GT6?
I agree there will be some form of paid dlc, but I don't think it will be $5 a track.
Where did Sony say they wanted to go to town with paid dlc in GT6?
Did you miss the new track every month assertion? Did you imagine that would all be free?
Sony stated that they wanted to go to town with “Monetisation" with GT6, those plans were clearly put on hold until now - that's why they're happily releasing this GT Sport crap with meagre offerings, they've seen the other publishers making bank with their DLCs and want a piece. No doubt they've stock piled their planned DLC over the years to drop a continuous bombardment over the coming months for suckers to lap up. It's all about the green and not splitting profits with retail scabs.

I wouldn't be surprised to see something like this:

Tracks - $4.99 each
Cars - $2.49 each
Scapes - $1.99 location pack
Decal store - $0.99 per pack
Livery Creator image importer - $0.49 per image


If PoDi do that they kill themselves... Only ~140 cars, only ~20 locations, games postponed many times, for the moment nothing about the track editor... Imagnie if you have to paid 40 or 50 more $/€ for 50 additionals cars and 10 tracks... It will be the end of Gran Turismo !

I hope Kazunori will not make this mistake !
I fully understand it's all about money these days, it always has been for Sony.

But, I don't believe it always has been for Kaz.

There was a time when GT was his dream, his creation and perhaps more effort was put into it years ago.

Perhaps there's other forces at work here limiting his abilities today, I would assume he's very happy with the quality of GT Sport, not with the quantity.

Maybe now that he's 50 with a net worth of over 100 million, he's been made a rich man, sucked up by the corporation with not as much decision making power.

I don't know.

I do know that magic came out of Polyphony Digital in 2004 with 700 cars and 51 tracks.

I want this back.

I share your opinion, that's why I bought a secondhand Xbox One so I could play Forza 6. It's not as good as my favourite, GT4, but it comes closer than GT5 and GT6 combined.