This is getting embarrassing.
To this end it may be used for initial guidance by course designers and operators."
"The specific requirements made of a course by the FIA inspectors will be based on the study of the circuit drawings by the FIA
and the adaptation of the recommendations to each case individually"
considerations in this article are intended to be of assistance in the basic conception of circuit projects for submission to the FIA in view of future licensing"
These are not "regulations". There's no equation or measure or method. Nothing directly stated.
when circumstances permit it
may be appropriate to provide sufficient obstacle- and spectator-free spaces for the energy of a car leaving the track out of control to be completely expended, it is most frequently necessary or preferable to contain an accident in relative proximity to the trackside, by absorbing the car’s energy and/or providing conditions for the driver to regain control. In order to achieve this, various deceleration systems and energy-dissipating and stopping barriers
may be installed to constitute a first line of protection"
The type of installation to be considered is dependent on the available space and the likely impact angle."
"and where it is high energy dissipating devices and/or stopping barriers should be used, combined with a run-off area and deceleration system
if there is sufficient suitable ground available"
"Such areas will be principally situated on the exterior of the corners and
may typically have"
Again, they are not "regulations". That appendix is an overview of circuit approvals.
What we can know:
1) R1-R2 TECPRO (two layers) + ARMCO.
2) High grip asphalt area, longer in the most perpendicular path.
Corner is actually at a 90ºish degree angle.
What we don't know:
1) Speed Gr. 1 will approach corner.
2) Possible angles and impact force.
3) Considering all the above: If the solution present is enough.
If you
know it's not enough, then I suppose you could provide evidence.
But you can't.
Just like you can't prove this:
"If Monaco was submitted as a track for approval today it wouldn't stand a chance as a grade 1 (required for F1), it gets a pass on historic basis and because of the inclusion of run-off escape roads."
It gets a pass.