Having read some comments here, I would like to suggest PD to change in the future version, as a GT super fan.
I would say there is one fundamental problem on GTS, honestly I don't like it very much.
On the one hand, GTS promotes Racing Etiquette, on the other hand, the cars in GT League does not.
Played over 300 endurance races, I found this very annoying. Hate to see the blue flag and the car in front is just blocking my way. Even worse, the cars would slow down and give way only a small space, sometimes move to the left, sometimes move the right, other times stay in the middle of the track. In addition, they make the slow cars fight against you at the corner.
PD should introduce dirty lane (maybe needs a completely new system to control the slow cars), the slow car should move to the dirty lane until the faster car has finished the passing. I remembered in previous version, when I flash the light, they will move away (the least they should put back, there is no need to test my passing ability)
The blocking ruined a long race, every blocking costs 2-4 seconds (in order to avoid collision) that it ruins to make FL.
There is another problem about tire wearing. Every time the Walkhorst can make the fastest lap at 28/30 when the RH tire wore around 75%, and my RS started to wear out at the 5th lap out of 8 laps life and was going to be slower. Different cars have the same performance even the wearing out are different.