Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
For those who have done practice runs in race conditions, how are you finding your lap times compared to free practice? I've managed to start setting mid-high 1:31s more consistently in free practice (including a 1:31.2, no idea where that one came from) but in actual race conditions I can't get below a mid 1:32. That gap is a bit higher than I'd have anticipated.

I'm wondering whether the extra weight from the fuel impacts the Renault heavily since it seems like it needs to be revved very aggressively to get any straight line speed, or if it's like this for everyone. (Or alternatively, if I'm just not hitting my marks as smoothly!)

I've done two runs now which have ended up with very similar times. The first one I did yesterday went 31:28 going 10M/10H. Today's one went 31:27 going 12M/8H as I've switched to BB+5 for more rotation after finding it helped my lap times. It helped my front tyres last longer, but I reckon I should have switched off to Hards sooner.
Did some more testing and got into the 32s even though that lap was not really good and i nearly went to space on the first sausage curb on this tracks death chicane.. and I suck so bad at the quadruple left hander 😂

Still very exited for the race though

For those who have done practice runs in race conditions, how are you finding your lap times compared to free practice?
I'm probably too slow for it to be relevant to you, but I'm seeing a similar difference between Free Practice and Custom Races. My best lap on RMs in a Custom Race is 1:34.640, compared to 1:33.770 in Free Practice. My best opt time in Custom Races is a little closer -- 1:34.179 -- but still a way off from Free Practice.

I feel like the fuel weight does have significant impact here. I definitely feel a difference at the hairpin. I expect it also impacts the speed I'm able to take the long compound corner and the final high-speed one.
Not a very original choice round here, but anyway I'm pleased to announce my signing to Team GTP Lavazza-Renault.

Had a few tests with some top manufacturers, the Renault felt planted and predictable and decent lap-times came quite easily. Plus they offered me the most amount of cash.


As part of this very lucrative deal I am contractually obliged to drink twelve cups of Lavazza, The World's Finest Coffee™ during each race.
For this cup, I did a test lobby race and didnt fair too well in Dragon Trails Garden Reverse, have signed with my trusty Asotn martin this time roudn so lets see how tomorrow goes. Hopefully it not a clusterfudge of divebombers on Turn 1 lol.

I dont think the combo is very good, RM at a reverse ocurse that doesnt really work backwards. Odd choice by PD imo.
GT2 - Mid B - EMEA - Door #5 - 115pts for the victory

Love the 10 min quali. No hitting and pushing. Everybody left enough space to the cars ahead. Qualified on P2 with a huge gap to P1. The rest was relativly close.

5-10-24 Quali.jpg

Race started really good. The driver in P1 struggled a bit and I passed them in the hairpin. Could build a gap of about 4s and had a feeling that they started on the hards.

Starting in lap 8 I felt the tires going downhill and in Lap 11 it was enough and I wanted to pit. Sadly I was a bit too fast in the last corner and would have crossed the white pit entry line so I stayed out for another lap. This move cost me about 2.5s and i went in the pit at the end of lap 12 with a gap of .8s to P2. Indeed the other Lambo started on hards so my hope for a win was mostly gone.

Came out in P3 with 2 cars ahead that didn't pit yet. At the hairpin the other Lambo tapped me a bit but waited until I was going again, and apologized after the race, but had a bit damage for a couple of seconds. Then I missed my breaking point at the end of the back straight and lost P3.

After the 2 in front made their stop I was back in P2 and finished there for 110 points and a clean race bonus (even though I had a penalty for leaving the track)

Overall I'm very happy with the result. Very good and clean race. I hope the next rounds will be just like it.

5-10-24 Finish.jpg

5-10-24 Clean Race.jpg

5-10-24 Points.jpg
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Just signed up for team BMW for a change. Will miss round 2 as we're away next weekend but I know I can make at least this one and my favourite Road Atlanta!

Managed a 1.32.143 in free practice, I'm in the GT1 class now for the first time ever so I'm gonna get absolutely destroyed based on my lap times 😂😂 but had some good runs on the mediums and hards in free practice so I'm confident I can keep it consistent and stay on the road. I think I can get my optimal down between now and then as the quadruple left kills me, just need to practice that section more.


Good luck all!!!!
I’ve taken the coward’s option and signed with Toyota for the first time ever.

I’ve formed a weird bond with the Gr3 Supra over the last month. I’m really enjoying the way it drives.

However, DTG is my least favourite track in the game, so I will be questioning all my life choices by around lap 5 of round 1.
Managed a 1.32.143 in free practice, I'm in the GT1 class now for the first time ever so I'm gonna get absolutely destroyed based on my lap times 😂
I think you're selling yourself short there. If this is your first GT1 season, I'm assuming you're at the start of DR A? I'm expecting to see the majority of quali times around 1:31.5-1:32.0 at low A+ so a mid-1:32 sounds like it should be about right for your DR.

Just be aware that tyre wear is turned ON in GT1 qualifying, so the car will feel a little different than it does in free practice and in the race itself, and you might want to cancel out for fresh tyres at some point with the 10 minute session.

And of course, welcome to heavy damage. ;)
I engaged hard mode by coming down with Man Flu. Would it affect my racing?

So firstly my Manu choice. I was excited as all three in the last round of my randomisation process were new Manus. In the end Subaru came out winners.

In Practice this morning I got within a tenth of @MCL1974 which is the closest for a while. So there was a confidence there. At least on the mediums. I kept spinning out on the exit of the chicane on the hards thanks to the stupid bump.

In qualy I could not match my time mostly thanks to not getting Istanbul right. Qualified P12. Not to disappointed as it allowed me to run the alt strat.
On the grid walkthrough I was 11th as someone had left the room. I'll take a free place.

Nothing much happened at the start. I gained time on those behind but stayed with those ahead.
That was the way it stayed until lap 3. An Alfa hit a 911 into T1. I got past the Porsche and the Alfa had a 4 second pen. However the Alfa and Lexus ahead were still battling which allowed me a sniff into the chicane but I rightly pulled out.

The Porsche had since gained back thanks to this fighting and whilst I gained from the Alfa's pen the 911 retook that position into T1. I was fine with that. I was playing the long game. I stayed 10th with no further issues until my stop on lap 5 for mediums. I came out in 14th with plenty of clean air. Lap 8 and I had caught those ahead. A French Lexus let me through into T1 lap 9.
End of lap 10 and those ahead start to pit and I gratefully take their places. Interestingly the Lexus who had been ahead was also on the hards meaning he might pose a threat in the later stages of the race. Lap 12 and my saviour comes. A Lambo spins after going wide out of the chicane and I just make it past them. Well after they tried to outbrake me with dirty tyres into T1 that is. A nice switcheroo moment for me. I then build up a 2 second gap to them through Istanbul and that is roughly where it stays the next few laps meaning the Lambo is holding up the Lexus. The last few stops happen and I am 6th. I slowly gain on those ahead, but not enough to be meaningful.
Lap 18 and I go a bit wide in the 3rd part of Istanbul and have to control a slide coming out of the corner. This allows the Lambo to close up but I am still ahead. I don't see them again after the hairpin (I call it The Snout) as they seemed to be all over the place and contact with the Lexus put them into a spin. I was now 2 seconds ahead of them with 2 to go and they were closing. I shouldn't have worried. On the last lap they spun it out of the hairpin and that allowed me to finish P6! Or so I thought. A swiss driver ahead fell foul of the tyre regs and landed themselves 2 minutes worth of pens! Ouch when did that double? So 5th for round 1 and 63 points.
I much prefer running my own race and allowing my pace to come out than fighting with others. Worked very well here.