Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Quiz Thread

  • Thread starter Acidman
The recipe is written down somewhere in VC? 'Cause I sure can't remember what J. Torrent said it was made out of. Except that it included 'petrol' and 'fizz bombs', I do remember those two.
Only on subtitles. But you have two of the four ingredients right... What proportions though... :D
Eeesh, proportions too? :indiff: I'll never get this one then.
Like Driver 2, I think GTA should have a 'replay mission' option for cases like these. :D
I'll give it for the four ingridients. The proportions are:

2 parts Boomshine, 1 part __________, 5 Fizz Bombs and a litre of petrol.

So we're nearly there :D
Aha! My chance to pounce.
That place there is in Ocean Beach, moreover, across the street (sorta) from the Pole Position club. My cd player question was near there so I should know.

Now, what is the Vice City Fire Department's slogan? (Yes, they have a slogan)

Best of luck to ya's. :D
Don't Burn in Silence,Dial 911 or something like that.
Can someone else post a new qustion,i can't come up with one right now,thanks.
Can I ask this one? I'll assume so and ask, how many buildings can you go into in Prawn Island, Starfish island, and the beach (east island) but NOT including the mainland (west island) or leaf links?

NOTE: This does not include buildings you can enter wityh cheats.
Prawn Island - seven
Starfish Island - one (the mansion), unless you include garages.
East Island - twelve (including the car park at the marina, the multistorey car park for Cone Crazy and the Washington Beach mall).
Originally posted by GTChamp2003
Don't Burn in Silence,Dial 911 or something like that.
Can someone else post a new qustion,i can't come up with one right now,thanks.

*stammers* How'd...? You....? Alright, I didn't want to do this but if I get the next one Famine puts up (granted he's right) I'm taking the gloves off. :irked:
Me too... :D

I think I missed one in Ocean Beach and one on Starfish Island. But I'm not recounting, so stuff it. :D
I counter all the shops in the North Point Mall as different buildings so I'm not sure of your number. But you can have it.
I've got some evil ones stored up... :D

What is a Kruton 9000, and where can you find one?
Yes,indeed you can see it with a sniper.And if i remember correctly it also said Kruton 9000 on Joey's computer in GTA3 .

On KCHAT while Amy is interviewing Claude a man calls up and asks Claude a question.What is this man's name?
Originally posted by RancidMilk
Ooooooo I know this one. It's the computer in the sunshine autos garage where you deliver the cars from the list.

Nice catch. That'll teach me to pick the easy ones off my list... :D
I've got two which should be absolute buggers to get :D And I just spotted one today which would make for a good question.
Ok this is the only one I could think of right now.
How many different airlines are there that take off from Escobar International Airport; and name them all.
  • Vice City Air
  • Easy Sky Airlines
  • Aviación Cubana
  • Haitian Air
  • Taylair

Right then, who was Vice City's 'man of the year' according to "Crime" magazine?
On the coffee table of your hotel room at The Ocean View Hotel. :D

Man, answered that one in two minute from your post. Gotta be a record. :D

I'll fire up Vice City right now and find a nice juicy question for all of you. :D

Apparently, I now end every paragraph with a ":D" smiley....