Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Quiz Thread

  • Thread starter Acidman
It's next to the Cherry Poppers back gate (for Assassination mission "Loose Ends").
Right... :D Evil question'o'clock...

"Get out of it's way, before it's too late" - get out of what's way?

(it's on a sign, before anyone says "Huh?")
How come I've played this came for more than 400 hours and I can't answer any of these questions? Maybe it's because I'm kinda dumb.

I'm gonna take a shot in the wind and say it's on the the XPLODER ad in Little Havana (i think thats where it is).
Originally posted by Acidman
Try this one on for size - Where is the El Nuevo Big O Supermarket located?

Oh, almost forgot...


Aren't there 3 of those? The one Famine mentioned, one next to the Pay N' Spray in Little Haiti and another across the street from the entrance to Phil's Place. I'd consider that a trick question, unless the latter 2 don't have "El Nuevo" written on the title, can't quite remember now if they do...
Originally posted by KieranMurphy
How come I've played this came for more than 400 hours and I can't answer any of these questions? Maybe it's because I'm kinda dumb.


Because you are driving past those signs so quick..
Originally posted by Sleek Stratos
Aren't there 3 of those? The one Famine mentioned, one next to the Pay N' Spray in Little Haiti and another across the street from the entrance to Phil's Place. I'd consider that a trick question, unless the latter 2 don't have "El Nuevo" written on the title, can't quite remember now if they do...

Meh. Could very well be. I just saw the one that Famine mentioned as I was driving passed.
Originally posted by RancidMilk
Golly gee wilikers that's a tough one. Let's see, is it a boat?


Originally posted by Integra Type R
I'm gonna take a shot in the wind and say it's on the the XPLODER ad in Little Havana (i think thats where it is).


This is a truly evil question - but still only ranked #2 on my evil-o-meter.

Clue: It's in the northern half of Vice City.
I'll take a HUGE guess and say, is it on the sign above the Infernus that you can win inside North Point Mall?
Yyyyyyyy-no. :D

Getting warmer though (but it's not at Northpoint Mall).
"The Hairy Beast From Hell". Kudos, Famine. That was a tough find.

My turn, where can you find the phrase 'Hostes Ad Fulverem Ferire'? And... what does it mean? :confused: (if anything at all)
The latter question is straight out of curiousity so it's not really related to the game.
You got it!

Anyone who wants to know - it's a poster for a B-movie, displayed on the outside of Inter Global Films.
Are you sure that's right? I'd go and look myself, but I'm too lazy and can't remember where it is...

The translation makes little sense to me...
Yep, I checked, it's written on that old building with roman type columns out front that I would have called the city hall on the edge of downtown.
I'll even post a picture of the minimap because I can't explain where it is very well.
You explained it well enough. I keep driving into those columns...

Edit: Yes it is. And the inscription IS right. I think it translates to "My enemies have a yellow streak" - but I wouldn't swear to it.
When you do "Trail by Dirt", How many gangsters ride after you, what gang do they belong to, and what weapons do they carry?
The Haitians. Three of them. They carry Machete's.

The also drive special edition Black Sanchez's I might add. Question to come later tonight...
"The Hairy Beast From Hell".

Damn you Famine, I drove past that sign twice and I never noticed it. I have 2 semi-evil questions next time I get a chance.
You guys are only Semi-Evil, Quasi-Evil, the Diet Coke of Evil.

Where can you find a stove, all by itself, not part of any other appliances?

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