Graphics vs. Physics vs. Sound

  • Thread starter Zenitchik

What aspect of the GT is most important for you?

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  • Poll closed .
Which aspect of the GT is the most important important for you?

for me it's physics. I really enjoy the challenge of mastering a new car.
Graphics and sound are great, but it is not what keeps me going back to playing this game.

what about you, please vote and tell your story!

It's supposed to be a driving sim, if it looked and sounded like GT1, but had physics so good that people could fully design a car based on in game testing without the need to do extensive real life testing, it would be a better game.
Physics are the most important IMO but I wouldn't want to play GT5 with wii graphics.:crazy: Together they bring an awesome experience. 👍 PD needs to work on the sound departement which in my opinion lacks a bit.
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I don't think many people are going to value sound over physics.

A better poll might be where would you rather PD focused the next few months of development?

I'd say general importance to me is physics > sound > range of cars > range of tracks > graphics

I wouldn't be hugely bothered if it still looked like GT3 or 4 to be honest, if they'd made the sort of improvements they've made to the graphics to the sound and physics, I think it would be a better game (for me anyway, obviously it wouldn't sell too well in the console market...)

To this end, I've voted for sound, because it's important :)
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Tough question, I think Physics has to edge it because great graphics and sound cant make up for poor physics. Whereas worse graphics and sound can be forgiven if the physics feel good.

Normally I would say that graphics aren't that important, however I think the addition of full cockpit view @60fps adds a LOT of immersion. The graphics on the cars in GT5:P are almost rivaling what I'm used to seeing when I play Crysis Warhead on maximum settings which is very impressive for a console. It's only the lower quality environment around the cars that give the game away as not being a photo on casual inspection.

Many people think that the sound in GT is poor in comparison to the competition and until recently so did I, however it actually improves dramatically if the volume is cranked right up. If anyone has any tips for further improving the sound I'm all ears (pun intended).

So, Physics - Graphics - Sound

Which is odd considering my favorite games actually have dated graphics (CS:S, HL2) and I'm somewhat of an Audiophile :/
Physics of GT is very good as are the Graphics. Where it lacks for me and goes againts PD's constant claims of perfection is the sound of the engines/exhausts. I belive there is allot of room for improvement in that area.
Physics, but other are really important! A great sim needs a good representation of the real life. Great graphics and great sounds are very important to get this representation.
Physics, sound, then graphics.

I love a beautifully-stunning racing game that makes me go "How the fork is this a video game?", but it's not a deal breaker for me with a racing game, or any game for that matter.

The first two are what really get me into the game, if the vehicle in question sounds nothing like it's true to life counterpart it lessens the experience, likewise for physics.
Cant Pick one, but the main one should be physics, but at the time, GT5P physics are really great for me, i love them. on the sound department, some cars sound great, while other sound like crap, Eg: GT Concept 350z sounds awesome, Ford GT LM sounds like a tuned V6 :/.

And in Graphics, they are perfect for me, tracks should have darker road and enviroinments, except the skies.
For me the physics are the top,but all are important. Sound is very big with me as well,hope GT5 is much better than GT5P in that area. Some cars are ok, but others sound like a bread truck. The sounds of the engine on race cars should be much louder.
Another stupid poll IMO. I mean, if you take away one of them you don't have a game. It's all three together that makes it good.
Physics first with graphics to support the experience and sound last.
Tough question, I think Physics has to edge it because great graphics and sound cant make up for poor physics. Whereas worse graphics and sound can be forgiven if the physics feel good.

Normally I would say that graphics aren't that important, however I think the addition of full cockpit view @60fps adds a LOT of immersion. The graphics on the cars in GT5:P are almost rivaling what I'm used to seeing when I play Crysis Warhead on maximum settings which is very impressive for a console. It's only the lower quality environment around the cars that give the game away as not being a photo on casual inspection.

Many people think that the sound in GT is poor in comparison to the competition and until recently so did I, however it actually improves dramatically if the volume is cranked right up. If anyone has any tips for further improving the sound I'm all ears (pun intended).

So, Physics - Graphics - Sound

Which is odd considering my favorite games actually have dated graphics (CS:S, HL2) and I'm somewhat of an Audiophile :/

I use a Bose stereo sometimes. It's 5-10 years old but it really does make it sound better than your monitor or tv speakers.
So from all the post looks like it's physics thats most important, all else can folllow. If Forza had superior physics over GT I can definitely say I would be a playing Forza instead even if the graphics wasn't up to par with GT. GT just has the tuning part of the car pretty spot on. You can really feel the cars handling change as you play with the settings and the force feedback even as they say is weak is really good you can feel the gradual feedback when the car is pushing, stepping out from the back loosing grip on what ever tire that comes loose. I just don't get that feeling when I'm driving other driving games.

It's just that simple people want to drive in a game that feels like the real deal and so far it's only GT in a PS3. Now if it the PC was as convienient as a game console to play then maybe I would be racing in Rfactor or something but no, so I say like mostly everyone so far is physics is king.
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We already have the physics if you ask me, the next step is sound. I love the feeling you get from playing a game with great sound. I remember back in the ps2 when Rainbow Six 3 came out, and the footsteps seemed so great, i just loved playing at night with the lights off when its quite to here the awesomeness. I think sound goes a really long way for me, more then graphics.
Hmm from all the car modelling complaints in the Forza 3 thread I thought the majority would be graphics first here :).

For me it´s physics... thing is you can translate physics into gameplay and most would say gameplay matter more then graphics for other genres too right :). Graphics you get used to even butt ugly graphics. If the feel is right you can fill in the blanks with your imagination. Sound is also more important for me then graphics. But then I am more of an audiophile then videophile though I can be a bit of both for sure. I have nothing against superb graphics but I would want the focus be on physics first. If there is any CPU power left surely waste it on some superb lightning and such :)
It's good to see Physics as the clear winner. I feared it would be graphics, as I know so much more importance is placed on that these days by the console kiddes.
You need balance, and you can only sacrifice so much of one before the benefit of improving the other becomes useless imo. For example, having the best physics but god awful graphics for me would be a ruined experience. Sound and graphics while secondary to physics for many are still a big factor in immersion. Great physics arn't much good if the game isn't immersive, immersion is brought to life partly through physics but also great sounds, graphics and details which draw you in even more. Generally games today all have pretty decent graphics even if they arn't noted for it or other games look better, so in that sense I'd say a focus on the sounds and physics would be more important as it stands on the current generation of consoles but all three are important.

A balance is needed, you need the realism but also visual and audo immersion is very important.
Another stupid poll IMO. I mean, if you take away one of them you don't have a game. It's all three together that makes it good.

I agree.

I just shake my head everytime.

A classic example of sitting there, dreaming up the most random topic that hasn't been covered, and one that can be answered without the need for a new thread. Bet the OP doesn't even care about the answers. It's all about getting a thread on the board. Yawn.
this question is .......... or ...... has no answer. .. now let me tell you something .. you have a game which has great great graphics but lame physics/sounds... im sure u wont play it ... and if you had a game with great physics but 8-bit graphics/sounds u wont play it .. and even if you had another game with realistic sound without the other factor ... still u wont play it .. ...... its like 3 linked factors
These "made because I am bored" threads are absolutely useless. Asking what is more important in a game is just like asking what is the most important component on a car... At the end of the day, a game is the sum of its parts, and everything is important.

People here seem to be voting for physics being the most important. That said, it can be assumed then, that those same people do not care about graphics or sound. "Oh, but they are important too, just not AS important" I hear you all shout.


If you were to ask what aspect of GT needs the most improvement, that's different. Sound is the games weakest area.
balance is perhaps 70 % physics 20 % sound and 10 % graphics. It´s like with audio. Speakers, amplification and source are not equally important :)

I don´t know what the point is saying that a game has to have sound or have some sort of graphics or some sort of physics to work. That is common sense :)
I vote for sound as it [out of those 3] has never been great throughout all of the gran turismo series whereas graphics have been a level above everything else and physics above average.
Graphics, Sound, or Physics?
Silly Physics come in first, then Graphics then sound.

GT5Prologue, so far good mid to high speed Physics, Awesome graphics, they still need to improve on sound, and low speed physics.