1:39.939 after a quick go.
Also, you should check replays on this one. There's so much time to gain corner cutting round the back of the circuit, and running wide at graham hill bend.
I'm sorry, but I don't have time to go around checking everyone's replay unless the time seems really suspicious. In the final round, I will be a little more strict on the replays, but for now, I just have to rely on everyone's honesty.
RuddRacer Re-read the bolded part. Everyone is still free to compete in any round, but to be elidgable for the 6th and final round, you must compete and finish in the top 10 in
each event.
Hey guys, I have put some more thoughts into this series, and here is what I have come up with. Including this event, there will be 5 weekly time trials with a 6th and final, winner take all event...6 events total.
To be eligible to compete in the 6th event, you must participate and place 10th place or better in each of the first 5 events. The 6th event will be the final, winner take all event. Car and track has already been decided upon but I will not be releasing that information until that event starts. I will be awarding a prize to the winner of the final round which I will ship to wherever the winner lives. The prize will be a yet to be designed, custom made wall clock to commemorate the winners accomplishment in this series. It is for this reason that I will be asking for a replay from the winner of that final event. The replay will be closely analyzed as I have the ability to dissect the replay data and look for any and all signs of cheating, the same way I did in a few online Seasonals a while back where I was able to tell a few certain individuals were indeed cheating. I just wanted to put that out there so everyone can pretty much rest easy knowing that there will be absolutely no cheating tolerated in that final round. As for the first 5 events, I am going to continue to rely on the good members of this great community to continue to keep things honest here and not resort to cheating as I simply don't have the time to go through and check everyone's replay data against cheating. However, if I do see a time that does look suspicious, I will have no problem in asking for a replay from that person so that I can analyze it. If that person refuses to hand over a replay, they will be disqualified from participating any further. The same will hold true for the winner of the final event. If they refuse to submit a replay, they will be disqualified and the win will go to the second place person, barring they submit a clean replay. I'm just trying to keep interest up here with this and also include the winner with a little prize. If there are any questions/concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. I will be starting the design for the clock tomorrow and when its finished, I will include a photo of it in the OP.