GT Academy National Finals - Venues, Dates, Drivers & Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Sphinx
Thanks Steffen, wow both of them were Silverstone finalists from last year.

So far that's Erik, you, Giacomo, Luca, Arnaud who already had a shot at it. I hope the UK throws up some new finalists ;)

All the best
Whether it's been by accident or by design I'm shocked by the differences that've been seen in almost all aspects of the finals held so far.

It really is a case of preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. :nervous:

To be fair remember at the UK and Ireland finals last time we had 3 identical steering wheels and one ****** old one that felt like it worked on rubber bands. I also remember one country got ear phones last time and another I think got to use the racing line.

These events are run by marketing companys and not GT players or PD staff that actually care. In fact it looked like these people had received basic training in how to get it working and didn't in fact even own a PS3. Their sole job is to take 20 finalists and whittle it down to 1 (or 2 depending on country).

As the other lads have said there was no slipstream at the Irish event. Without it the game dynamic totally changed. I made a mistake in my heat on the first lap going from the front to the back of the field. I think I touched the break in a corner. I really hate the DFGT peddles. I recovered, continued on, past 4th who spun and trailed 3rd until the last corner of last lap where I past him but I always knew there was no hope unless the leaders made a mistake. That was unlikely as both 1st and 2nd knew all they had to do was finish to move to round 2.

It would of been nice if the guests waiting outside could watch on the tv's they had setup.

I'm actually more disapointed that we didn't get to drive the other tracks. I really wish we could of done the ring.

I hope Sony continues to run GT events like this.

Congratulations to Darkenergyforce and the other finalists. All the best at Silverstone.
Congratulation to the Winner,
I just need to say was pleasure to competition with all of you, and see how good we are, the races was very close head to head, even if on TT you are top driver on event like this doesn’t matter, 1 to 20 we all were very close, I meet great people there, hope to do some races online and next GT Academy :) with all of you.
Great Fun!!!, Make My Day.
Great to read about these events, thanks for the posts guys!

Heavy snow is forecast for London area on Tuesday! Should be interesting to see what happens to the Brands Hatch event!

Winners from Italy:
Giacomo Cunial and Luca Lorenzini đź‘Ť

I searched a lot on google, but couldn't find. What are the usernames for those two drivers?

I couldn't figure out looking at the Italian board.

I'm curious too see their positions on the top20 national board.
Hi, yes Ti-Tech (Arnaud Lacombe) won the French final and is going to SIlverstone again.

I'll ask again then. Lacombe was in GTAcademy last year as the winner from france. This year the Jordan something kid won, as shown in the video and interview, I think. Yet Lacombe went on still cause he won last year? Or can someone french translate the previous video/article.

or did Jordan win some other 2010 gran turismo comp?
I searched a lot on google, but couldn't find. What are the usernames for those two drivers?

I couldn't figure out looking at the Italian board.

I'm curious too see their positions on the top20 national board.

Luca Lorenzini -> Giagua
Giacomo Cunial -> gioboy
Congratulations Warren for great 2nd place!!

And big props for your attitude, it was nice to read about positive experience and none of that typical "I'm looking for an excuse me/my friend lost" or "the organization was so poor" BS this thread is filled with..

cheers mate , you did fantastic job!! :)
Congratulations Warren for great 2nd place!!

And big props for your attitude, it was nice to read about positive experience and none of that typical "I'm looking for an excuse me/my friend lost" or "the organization was so poor" BS this thread is filled with..

cheers mate , you did fantastic job!! :)


All the best
I had no other option and decided to do the final knowing that I wouldnt go to Silverstone but keeping that a secret... Together with my brother (he wanted me to go!) and my parents we decided that...

I think that's a real dick move :yuck: đź‘Ž someone else maybe would like to experience the finals. Someone who could go to Silverstone if they'd win.

But you decided that your personal vendetta with whoever is responsible for organizing the event date is more important. Why did you do that, it can't be to show that your the fastest driver? You'd already proved that in the 1st stage time trails. So there was no need for you to be apart of the finals anymore, you just couldn't continue to the next stage đź‘Ž

Besides my opinion it's in the official rules that you would have to be available during a certain period of time (don't have time to check them but I think it also said that you had to be in good physical health). You must have signed that agreement (to participate in the final) fully knowing that what you signed for wasn't true. So I can understand and agree that the organization were really pissed, I can't blame them.

I'm the last to say that is was a good organized event (I've made some posts about it which you have undoubtedly read) But the fact that you're very fast, doesn't mean that the rules don't apply for you...

Get well soon, and I will see you on the track.

Who were you on the group picture? (Im the one with the white pants)

They guy on your right behind that guy, the one without the glasses ;)
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Hi guys,back from holiday in South Africa(great country!!)...

I whas really sad i had to miss the Dutch finals before i went on my holiday,but reading most of the posts in this thread(so many my eyes start to hurt...)i am somehow glad i did......:ill:

Anyway,i want to say goodluck to our members in the finals who are still to come and hope one of GTplanets members will win!!!!....:)

I think that's a real dick move :yuck: đź‘Ž someone else maybe would like to experience the finals. Someone who could go to Silverstone if they'd win.

Hey, I quote only a bit of your post but my reply means for the whole post:)
Im the last to say that it wasnt a 'dick move' but the Dutch organization was the LAST country to give the date of the finals while Belgium was already known and its even later than our final! I called Sony about my operation and said that there is a 'risk' that I cant be attending on 1 of the 2 events. They never said anything that I may not compete and they never checked again for it! So, its maybe a 'dick move' from me but also lazy from Sony... But tbh its kind of normal for Sony down here isnt it?

Its all a thing of frustration from my side and mix that with a bit of bad luck in my life and you have the answer why I competed owh and my brother pushing me to drive the final, while it had no purpose... Yes there was a purpose actually, I wanted to have a fun day trying out GT5 on the different tracks and have some fun racing against you guys because I can be fast but it doesnt mean that I would be good in racing... So there was a real challenge on my side there... In the end, the whole event was not worth it, for nobody! GT5 Prologue is what we already have at home and the event itself was boring as hell... So for the people who couldnt be there: BE HAPPY! Its still the worst event of the whole GT Academy!!

Owh and btw, I think you were there on the event right? Why was I the only one complaining about the rules and that they suddenly changed the format of the event... Didnt saw you complaining or someone else... But here you gonna complain about me winning and not going to Silverstone while my brother gets that deserved chance? There wouldnt be anything else if I wasnt there... My brother would win or Raffels87 or BosjesmanEB, they were the true finalists...
Hi all,

I'm finally back home from the long trip I had at Helsinki.. I can honestly say that I'm a little bit feeling out of this world right now. (might be the booze though)

Thanks for all the nice thoughts posted here, they really mean a lot to me. I can be very thankful to have so many friends behind me here. :cheers:

First of all, I really want to congratulate Marko for taking the win. You really deserve it.. I have been impressed by your performance through the qualification and it just continued on the final event. If it was not going to be Antti or me, then I'm really really happy that the win went to you. I know you will do great in the Silverstone. And it was really nice to get to know you little better in the afterparty. đź‘Ť Same goes to Chris Midmark & Jani, the evening was really fun, and yes, the back of my head still hurts a little.. :dopey:


The biggest win anyone can get from these competitions is new friends and in that regard I can say I'm a winner this time as well. Thanks Karri for being there too and for all the help me & Antti got from you.

The final event went really well, and basically everything went just as planned. I had some amazing and fair races that I really was able to enjoy. I was really nervous, but this time it wasn't keeping me from doing my best, and I can really be happy with that. What happened in the final really doesn't matter at this point. The most important thing is that we got a deserving winner and we all knew there would be 19 losers in the end.

Lastly I really want to thank Allan (GT Academy Coordinator) for all the hard work he has done. I know it isn't easy task to organize a such event sitting in another country. You did marvellous job, and I do know you had incredible people working with you in Helsinki. So I sadly don't know all the names but you know who you are. I have absolutely nothing bad to say about the organization. There was a nice fair comminication possible between us before the event and all the things I had hoped to be fixed from the 2008 Academy final was fixed. Some here might think this is just me being polite but it's not. I was really happy with the event and Allan you know that, as we spoke together for a moment afterwards. Too bad you coudn't give us any sneaky peaks for the final game ;)

If there is a next time I'll promise to drive faster, drive better & be wiser. And I promise I'll bring some screws too.. ;)

Finally, of all the great racers on this forum, Timppaq is certainly the one I'd most have loved to see go to Silverstone, and I'm pretty certain Nissan would consider themselves lucky to get a driver of his qualities.

Hey mate, thanks for literally making me cry here. :cheers: Knowing you personally I have to say thank you. The words mean a lot to me.. And getting friends like you (amongst others) is far more than I ever would have imagined to get out of a funny little videogame.
Hey, I quote only a bit of your post but my reply means for the whole post:)
Im the last to say that it wasnt a 'dick move' but the Dutch organization was the LAST country to give the date of the finals while Belgium was already known and its even later than our final! I called Sony about my operation and said that there is a 'risk' that I cant be attending on 1 of the 2 events. They never said anything that I may not compete and they never checked again for it! So, its maybe a 'dick move' from me but also lazy from Sony... But tbh its kind of normal for Sony down here isnt it?

Its all a thing of frustration from my side and mix that with a bit of bad luck in my life and you have the answer why I competed owh and my brother pushing me to drive the final, while it had no purpose... Yes there was a purpose actually, I wanted to have a fun day trying out GT5 on the different tracks and have some fun racing against you guys because I can be fast but it doesnt mean that I would be good in racing... So there was a real challenge on my side there... In the end, the whole event was not worth it, for nobody! GT5 Prologue is what we already have at home and the event itself was boring as hell... So for the people who couldnt be there: BE HAPPY! Its still the worst event of the whole GT Academy!!

Owh and btw, I think you were there on the event right? Why was I the only one complaining about the rules and that they suddenly changed the format of the event... Didnt saw you complaining or someone else... But here you gonna complain about me winning and not going to Silverstone while my brother gets that deserved chance? There wouldnt be anything else if I wasnt there... My brother would win or Raffels87 or BosjesmanEB, they were the true finalists...

Was all your right to do so bro:tup:! You know my fellings:)! Hope your operation goes well and your brother gives a good challenge to all the others:cheers:!

To pixr: SolarSystem proved not only in the GT5 demo but in every Netherland TT competition thats his the fastest:sly:! Thats not the point! He wanted to have fun and he had all the right to do it, and SONY backed him up:)! Maybe you
re frustated that you handnt any luck at the final, but dont put the blame on others! Better luck next time!

EDIT: Timppaq well spoken and best of luck next GTA:)!
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Excellent post Timo, and above all, the deepest congratulations from all your friends to you for such a tremendous performance throughout the TT and the finals itself. To be renowned as the favourite by so many and even all the competitors in your section, across 4 separate countries, speaks volumes of your talent, ability and of course your attitude.

:cheers: đź‘Ť

All the best

I have a feeling, that had you made Silverstone, you'd have aced the simulated press conference portion of the program. :cheers:

Your sportsmanship, as usual, is without parallel.

We're all gutted that you didn't make it to Silverstone this year, but glad to have you as a prominent member of our community.
I wanted to have a fun day trying out GT5 on the different tracks and have some fun racing against you guys because I can be fast but it doesnt mean that I would be good in racing...
In the end, the whole event was not worth it, for nobody! GT5 Prologue is what we already have at home and the event itself was boring as hell... So for the people who couldnt be there: BE HAPPY! Its still the worst event of the whole GT Academy!!

The Dutch GT Academy final was one BIG joke. A HUGE fail from Sony's part. I complained also to one of the organisators, who infact hired by Sony. Sony hired "Gamekings" to organise the event on the day itself. When I talked to one of them, which I personally know, they told me that they had no influence on Sony to organize a better event. However, it was Gamekings who decided to do timetrials with GT5 prologue the evening before the event. They came with excuses that it was not possible, due to possible lag and bugs in GT5. How can you organize an event that is about GT5 and on the day say: "Hey guys we are gonna play prologue and only do time trials". My thoughts in one word: "outrageous".

All the hours of practice by every contestant with GT5 demo was for nothing. When I heared prologue I immediately knew I had no chance. I don't play prologue. Even the guys who played the game were disappointed. I am so jealous when I look at other countries playing GT5 and against each other on new tracks everybody has to adjust to. It is like Sony (Netherland) didn't care about this dutch competition in comparison to other countries.

So contestants from other countries consider yourself to be lucky that you weren't born in the Netherlands. Never thought I would say this!
Ahhhhh Timo........... ever the humble, non-confrontational one to the end! Your good sportsmanship is to be revered IMHO.
The Dutch GT Academy final was one BIG joke. A HUGE fail from Sony's part. I complained also to one of the organisators, who infact hired by Sony. Sony hired "Gamekings" to organise the event on the day itself. When I talked to one of them, which I personally know, they told me that they had no influence on Sony to organize a better event. However, it was Gamekings who decided to do timetrials with GT5 prologue the evening before the event. They came with excuses that it was not possible, due to possible lag and bugs in GT5. How can you organize an event that is about GT5 and on the day say: "Hey guys we are gonna play prologue and only do time trials". My thoughts in one word: "outrageous".

All the hours of practice by every contestant with GT5 demo was for nothing. When I heared prologue I immediately knew I had no chance. I don't play prologue. Even the guys who played the game were disappointed. I am so jealous when I look at other countries playing GT5 and against each other on new tracks everybody has to adjust to. It is like Sony (Netherland) didn't care about this dutch competition in comparison to other countries.

So contestants from other countries consider yourself to be lucky that you weren't born in the Netherlands. Never thought I would say this!

Well spoken man đź‘Ť We had a good talk and of course more people complaint about it but you are probably the one together with me who was the most dissapointet lol "I hate GT5 Prologue" I remember you said:sly:, ah well those things at least made it a day to have a laugh about an amateur-like organization.

And yes, I walk around with that feeling aswell. Huge jealousy about the other countries and tbh the complaints from those others seem so less important compared to ours, but I guess the Netherlands arent that important anyway in these kind of competitions (I actually agree on this!).

I cant get over the fact that there was not even a decent sandwich to get in that bloody Nissan store... Horrible place... The final I drove with a hungry feeling you know, it was awfull:crazy:
So contestants from other countries consider yourself to be lucky that you weren't born in the Netherlands. Never thought I would say this!

In term of GranTurismo - consider yourself lucky to be born in a country that actually can compete :grumpy:
@Timo: you're so gentle on your post... :eek: what happened to you (in my point of view) was even worst than what happened to me... if i was in your position i would put the world upside down.. :mischievous: :lol: ...but you're nordic, thats all.. and an example to follow :cheers:

@solarsystem: they 🤬 the fans, you 🤬 them :lol: im sad you cant do it because beside my friend for a long time, you showed once again there's no competition for you... but life is unfair sometimes... :crazy:
But tbh its kind of normal for Sony down here isnt it?
I wouldn't know, I have no prior experience with them.

Owh and btw, I think you were there on the event right? Why was I the only one complaining about the rules and that they suddenly changed the format of the event... Didnt saw you complaining or someone else...

Yes I was there and I thought we we're talking about you're decision to compete in the final, not if I complained about the format or not. I already made a post about that a couple of pages ago.

But here you gonna complain about me winning and not going to Silverstone while my brother gets that deserved chance?

I just vented my discontent about you're decision to compete in the final. I'm not complaining about you winning or about you're brother going to Silverstone, So don't try and change what I wrote.

There wouldnt be anything else if I wasn't there... My brother would win or Raffels87 or BosjesmanEB, they were the true finalists...
Yeah and another/4th guy that would have been in the final race... oh sorry time trial.

All the hours of practice by every contestant with GT5 demo was for nothing. When I heared prologue I immediately knew I had no chance. I don't play prologue.

Maybe you
re frustated that you handnt any luck at the final, but dont put the blame on others! Better luck next time!
Oh that's it... :rolleyes: But seriously just read my post.

Well we will see if they are gonna do another edition, I thought that it coincided with the launch of a new model (GTR/370Z). Besides that it will be really interesting to see if some of the guys which already went to Silverstone will preform better then the rest this edition.
Warren and Timo, in spite the specific differences between your experiences as finalists, the fact that you both come out of your finals (that you didn't win) without a sour word ... makes you winners in my book.

I feel proud to be a friend of both, (in Warren's case, a team member also)! đź‘Ť
For the Irish finalists, was there any difference in physics and feel in this new build?
Better Force feedback?