GT Academy National Finals - Venues, Dates, Drivers & Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Sphinx
I just had 5 laps round Brands with Lucas in the GT4 350Z... awesome :D

Edit: and Lucas and Alex were racing at the Ring at lunch time... it looked spectacular... the graphics were immense... so detailed (no, the trees do not look like cardboard cutouts).
I just had 5 laps round Brands with Lucas in the GT4 350Z... awesome :D

Edit: and Lucas and Alex were racing at the Ring at lunch time... it looked spectacular... the graphics were immense... so detailed (no, the trees do not look like cardboard cutouts).

Nice one mate, did you get a go too? Sorry you didn't make it to the final but sounds like it's been a great experience.

When looking at the videos there are no penalties:
* Not for hitting walls
* Not for contact

Were there any penalties in the finals TT or Race?
I hope you do realise that the Dutch final was held in GT5 Prologue?

I did that post very late last night, and then went to sleep. For some reason, my first thought as I woke up was "...Oh yeah, they were just doing time trials!".

So there was no racing, and tbh the Time Trail proofs to bring out the best of the drivers...

Sorry, I'm not 100% sure what you mean - if it's " be honest, the time trials bring out the best of the drivers.", then I have to disagree. A time trial was used to get the top 20 for each country, and look at the nonsense going on in the Spanish final. The best racers in Spain? Absolutely not, at least not all of them. They are fast, without doubt. But a good racer is so much more than just lapping quickly on an empty track.

Actually at the beginning of the day I thought: Ah well a big chance that I will be punted anyway...

Sorry to have to contradict you again! If I was going to the top 20 finals, I would be thinking "This is the last place I would expect to get punted". As it turns out, there was some bad driving going on in some finals, such as the Spanish one as I've mentioned.
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Im absolutely with your opinion and what Im saying is not always my vision of things. Its just what I see and how I know that people act in certain situations... Of course racing should be the best thing to check if someone is a very good driver but, since its a game and a competition with a huge prize, people do whatever needs to be done to get through the next round. If punting will help then they punt, its not fair and its not good racing but honestly I cant blame them. I have been karting for a few years and the same things happened over and over again but it doenst mean people cant race good, they just need to be corrected sometimes and that needs to be done by the organization... If the organization CANT do that because of the lack of knowledge about the game, then I think a Time Trail is the most fair and easiest way to find the fastest driver.

And what you say about "This is the last place I would expect to get punted" I agree aswell but with the things I knew in what happened in other countries made me think otherwise... But youre so right, the final should be something without punting or at least not too much punting. But Im dissapointed that I havent experienced it myself on the final whatever may have happened it would have always better than what happened now. Now I need to wait another year before I can finally give a go on a GT5 race...
Hi Liz, I'm pleased to see you here, we are gathering some feedback and next week Gobobob will include it in his weekly report to SONY.
Can anyone post a picture of the silverstone track map that will be used for the GT ACADEMY? there is a few different variations of the track so which one will we be using?
Awesome videos from Spain ... and they're going to let these guys on a real track ... in a real car ? I bet the instructors will be wearing their brown trousers when that happens.

When I lived in Darwin in the late sixties I used to regularly go to the Smash Up Derby. There's something vaguely familiar about that video ... :-)
Hi Liz, I'm pleased to see you here, we are gathering some feedback and next week Gobobob will include it in his weekly report to SONY.

Hi Ramón

I was reading the spanish forum, I hope Sony solve all these irregularities, though I doubt it

I'm sorry for you, because you are one of the best drivers I know

I would ask if you drove real cars as in other countries, but seeing the organization it would be a stupid question, next time change your address to Switzerland, they seem more professionals.

See you on track
Awesome videos from Spain ... and they're going to let these guys on a real track ... in a real car ? I bet the instructors will be wearing their brown trousers when that happens.

When I lived in Darwin in the late sixties I used to regularly go to the Smash Up Derby. There's something vaguely familiar about that video ... :-)

👍 Was thinking of Destruction Derby (old game) myself :)
In that first video that Liz quoted from the Spain event (quotes are from Sphinx), what happens there at turn1, looks like the car scoops the other up from behind ??? Looks like NFS:Shift all over again... :lol:
Can anyone post a picture of the silverstone track map that will be used for the GT ACADEMY? there is a few different variations of the track so which one will we be using?

I'll be bold enough to speculate; I'd say it might be the 'Stowe' circuit!
I'll be bold enough to speculate; I'd say it might be the 'Stowe' circuit!

Yea it will be stowe, a lot of the rest of the track is closed at the moment due to the modifications for the F1/Moto GP. From the footage I saw from last year it looked like they were using the Silverstone infield (the small 5 turn one in the center) for the early training stuff.

Maybe your brother was more relaxed (less pressure) because he knew that even if he was in 2nd place (and you were off course in first) he would still go to Silverstone. And as the announcer was giving real time comment) It's something that would be possible, I did not say it did happen but just giving you my thoughts.

The bottom line is there were 3 drivers really competing in the final timetrail and 2 of those 3 had inside knowledge that the fastest guy there (you) wasn't going to Silverstone even if you'd win (what you did).

Sorry for bringing this up again, but I have to say that pixr makes a fair point here.

For example, and I stress it is just an example and is in no way implying otherwise, but if one finds oneself in 2nd place and at the same time having privileged knowledge that the current 1st place driver would not be going to Silverstone, then would one, A: push on and go for the win and risk all in the process (ie, normaly nothing else to lose), or B: play safe by sitting tight and defend ones current 2nd place position and proceed to the next stage?

Certainly an interesting scenario that I'm sure would even test the the morals of the best of them, but it would certainly come into the OLR rules category of “Anything that goes against the spirit of the game” if applied and proven here and elsewhere within the OLR community.

Im waiting for a Spanish finals video with the Benny Hill tune :P

Doing a 'Benny' is like doing a Hitler spoof. Been there, done it, spent it:

Lizz, hazme el favor de traducir esto, que mi ingles no llega a tanto ;)

La final española ha sido un desastre en cuanto a organizacion, entre otras cosas, se invito a la final a un jugador sin experiencia, gracias a un sorteo realizado por una emisora de radio.
Practicamente no hubo tiempo de calentamiento, para hacerse con el volante, la mayoria jugamos con g25 y los DFGT parecian muy cascados, practicamente no habia FF y ademas no se oian los coches, solo al comentarista. Debido a la falta de sensaciones, muchos parecia que jugabamos por primera vez al GT5, y cuando se empezaron a hacer barbaridades como las que se ven en los videos y no se tomo ninguna medida, por parte de los jueces, los animos se fueron caldeando y paso lo que paso.

No penseis que los finalistas no sabiamos conducir, simplemente, en las condiciones en las que jugamos no se podia hacer mucho mas, es una pena, pero esperamos que para la siguiente edicion se tomen medidas.


Sorry to post in Spanish,in english I cannot explain it well.
Sorry for bringing this up again, but I have to say that pixr makes a fair point here.

For example, and I stress it is just an example and is in no way implying otherwise, but if one finds oneself in 2nd place and at the same time having privileged knowledge that the current 1st place driver would not be going to Silverstone, then would one, A: push on and go for the win and risk all in the process (ie, normaly nothing else to lose), or B: play safe by sitting tight and defend ones current 2nd place position and proceed to the next stage?

This is absolutely something I believe. Anybody who witnessed GTP_Hyperspeed's drive in the UK national final will understand what a supremely skilled driver can do when he knows it's balls-to-the-wall winner takes all. Risks must be taken, kerbs must be molested and suggested gears must be ignored. This inevitably leads to errors and dramas and can have an overall detrimental effect.

I can't imagine how differently the UK final would have turned out if Davissi and Hyperspeed had known for example that PrudentBear and GTP_Ingram were not interested in going to Silverstone (which they are, don't worry), or even the semi finals...

Certainly an interesting scenario that I'm sure would even test the the morals of the best of them, but it would certainly come into the OLR rules category of “Anything that goes against the spirit of the game” if applied and proven here and elsewhere within the OLR community.

The organisers of the UK final did stress very often the spirit of GTAcademy had to be observed and all the kind of rules we take for granted in OLR were expected to be observed.

Doing a 'Benny' is like doing a Hitler spoof. Been there, done it, spent it:


I really didn't think I could laugh that hard seconds after crawling out of bed, absolutely brilliant :lol: :lol: :lol:

All the best
La final española ha sido un desastre en cuanto a organizacion, entre otras cosas, se invito a la final a un jugador sin experiencia, gracias a un sorteo realizado por una emisora de radio.
Practicamente no hubo tiempo de calentamiento, para hacerse con el volante, la mayoria jugamos con g25 y los DFGT parecian muy cascados, practicamente no habia FF y ademas no se oian los coches, solo al comentarista. Debido a la falta de sensaciones, muchos parecia que jugabamos por primera vez al GT5, y cuando se empezaron a hacer barbaridades como las que se ven en los videos y no se tomo ninguna medida, por parte de los jueces, los animos se fueron caldeando y paso lo que paso.
No penseis que los finalistas no sabiamos conducir, simplemente, en las condiciones en las que jugamos no se podia hacer mucho mas, es una pena, pero esperamos que para la siguiente edicion se tomen medidas.


The spanish final was a disaster in refers to the organization, moreover, organization invited to the final an inexperienced player, who was elected in a sortition by a radio station. Almost no warm-up time to feel comfortable driving, most of us play with G25 (at home) and there was DFGT, which also were disrepair, force feedback was turned off and we could not listen cars, only the commentator. Due to lack of feelings seemed that we were playing to GT5 for the first time, when people began making all things you can see in youtube videos and the judges did nothing people started to get angry and that was what happened.
You mustn't think that the finalists didn't know drive, simply under conditions in which we play couldn't do much more, it's a pity, but we hope for the next edition they take action.

Thanks Contra for going along way to explaining the farce at the SPanish final. The videos were hilarious to watch, especially the crowds reactions! nOT SO HILARious for the likes of Ramon and co. Ah well at least a talented driver in Rootbe has made it through, infact probably the most talented Spanish driver I have seen;)