GT Academy UK National Finals

  • Thread starter Jack
This is all we had of the final final in terms of video, we were quite low in memory card space although I was so wrapped up in thinking about the event I forgot to tell Loz I had a HD video camera in my jacket pocket hanging on the back of my chair with 2 hours of 720p quality potential...whoops !

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This is all we had of the final final in terms of video, we were quite low in memory card space although I was so wrapped up in thinking about the event I forgot to tell Loz I had a HD video camera in my jacket pocket hanging on the back of my chair with 2 hours of 720p quality potential...whoops !

Couldn't see much racing but the commentry was good. And I guees it's up to Eddie Jordan and Johny Herbert at the end.
I almost forgot Jerry, we found a nice present for you, Sjaak and Kevin that may save you some work in the future...



How did you guys know? It's what we've always wanted. ;)

Actually, I think I need to have a word with the organisers regarding copyright infringement: ;)

By the way, stay tuned for the next IFTC. :sly:
Finally got a chance to sit down and write a bit about yesterday's event. I'll try not to repeat too much of what's already been said but there are a few things I'd like to highlight that have not been mentioned due to modesty.

I'll start by reiterating the fact that Jardine International did a fantastic job organising and running the final, we really couldn't have asked for better.

It takes more than smooth running to make a final though and what really made this one special for me was that this bunch of lads were not only the fastest but some of the cleanest, most sporting you could wish to race against. The sense of community, especially amongst the GTP boys and girls was huge and the support I received personally was humbling.

As for the races, I was definitely visited by lady luck in the first round which allowed me to continue and grow in confidence as the event went on.

The first race around Indy will be the one I remember best out of any, even the final, because it was a great head to head with Maz and an absolutely key moment in the day for me. I led from pole and after incidents very early in the race Maz had kept out of trouble to stay in touch over the first lap and a half. As you will see form the replay I had a couple of glances behind going down the back straight on lap 2 to see who was behind me. As soon as I knew it was Maz I relaxed a little knowing I would be in for a fair race. Pulling out of the slipstream down the start finish Maz passed me well before turn 1 and the chase was on for the final lap. I tried to put the pressure on to force a mistake, most notably at the end of the back straight where I showed my nose a bit but Maz held the tightest line he could giving me just enough room to get around cleanly but not enough to make a pass. I knew it would then come down to slipstream but almost lost the tow due to a pretty bad exit from the penultimate bend. The last turn was ok though and I caught the tow. I thought I'd done enough as I moved out to pass on the outside next to the wall but it felt like the car hit a puddle of treacle as the line approached at double speed. I couldn't believe it when I saw the race times were identical but I had been given the win.

I still feel Maz deserved the six points more than I did coming from where he did on the grid. If the decision had gone the other way Maz could easily have gone on to win and I only hope I would have shown half the sportsmanship he had. Thanks mate. Here's the video...

I stayed out of trouble in the second race at HSR after getting swamped at turn one and thinking there were likely to be incidents I stayed back and ended up coming second.

Lunchtime saw me take a fantastic 3 lap passenger ride with Alex in the 350Z GT4. The video below speaks for itself. Paddock hill bend is better than any roller coaster. Sorry, I didn't have much control of where the camera was pointing after it fell off in the compression!

Back to the racing and the semi finals. Again at Daytona I was given a lead after Ed and Dan were involved in an incident and banksy ran wide at turn two. I had a clear run to the finish and didn't need to take any risks cutting the bus stop or late braking at turn one.

I wish I could have seen all of Dan's performance in the Fuji race as it is already becoming legendary. I had to make do with seeing his last lap from a distant second as the pace through the final section was too much for me. To come back from what happened in the first race at Daytona to win and qualify for the final showed some real character and personified Dan's guts and glory approach to the day. I definitely celebrated that GTP 1-2 finish more vigourously than when I won in the final!

The Nurburgring was amazing and all I can recall is a blur of fast sweeping bends, the engine note and Tony Jardine's manic commentary ringing in my ears. I was really in the zone for lap one and while within my limit I remained free of any major errors and pulled out a good lead. The tension began to set in about halfway round lap two when Alex was being put under pressure by David and forcing the pace. My lead was cut from 12 to 7 to 6 to 5 to 3 seconds as my arms tightened but the finish line came and it was over. I would have probably struggled to hold out for another lap as Alex, David and Dan were clearly driving lke demons.

Video of the second lap in the final...

I had a chat with Alex Ingram afterwards and he's a nice guy and a fellow Yorkshireman which is always good. Congratulations on a great job Alex and looking forward to seeing you and the rest at Silverstone. 👍

After the presentations and photoshoots were over we left the circuit as the sun was setting and went back to the hotel to have a drink so that I could collect myself before the drive home. Lucas turned up to wait for his taxi to the airport and we had a chat for a good half hour in the lobby. He's a really great guy and offered a lot of excellent advice.

All in all I had a great day and still can't believe what's going to happen next. I'll post more about the next stage whenever I can and will add more photos too once I've sorted them all out.

Thanks again to everyone, especially Maz, Dan, Sam, Ian, Kezia, Chris, Steve, Phil and our roving reporter Jack. I wouldn't have done it without your support, encouragement and clean driving. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:



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As for the races, I was definitely visited by lady luck in the first round which allowed me to continue and grow in confidence as the event went on.

The first race around Indy will be the one I remember best out of any, even the final, because it was a great head to head with Maz and an absolutely key moment in the day for me. I still feel Maz deserved the six points more than I did coming from where he did on the grid. If the decision had gone the other way Maz could easily have gone on to win and I only hope I would have shown half the sportsmanship he had. Thanks mate.

I hope that isn't the lasting feeling for you John, because it isn't for me. What will endure for me is the sweet taste of a perfect race, we put on a great show and it was so nice to drive that car at Indy with a mate. I am really proud of that race, as should you be. A little thing like those points should not be allowed to devalue your victory and triumph in any way. Your own modesty is exceptional and I appreciate your comments, and Mark's and Ian's, but Wednesday was Prudent's day and long shall it be remembered as such :D

I want to add the video here at some point if I can but the file is really big and my internet connection is slow.

This I cannot wait to see, I'm genuinely excited :gtpflag:

:lol: Brilliant, brings back memories of my own lap and just hows you how little of the actual feeling an on-board camera conveys!

After the presentations and photoshoots were over we left the circuit as the sun was setting and went back to the hotel to have a drink so that I could collect myself before the drive home. Lucas turned up to wait for his taxi to the airport and we had a chat for a good half hour in the lobby. He's a really great guy and offered a lot of excellent advice.

That's fantastic John, he is such a nice guy and totally without ego. very much like you mate, hmmmmm.....: ;) 👍

Thanks again to everyone, especially Maz, Dan, Sam, Ian, Kezia, Chris, Steve, Phil and our roving reporter Jack. I wouldn't have done it without your support, encouragement and clean driving. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:


We were all dead pleased for you mate, just check out Davissi's video to see how genuinely thrilled for you Phil and I were.

You better wear that PB cap at Silverstone :lol:

All the best
Great post John... and CONGRATULATIONS once again :cheers:

Better start your fitness regime for Silverstone now as I think those of us that got a ride in the GT4 car got a pretty good idea of how physically demanding it is to drive... particulalrly on the neck muscles!

We'll all be cheering you on 👍👍
Well done to everybody who took part. I was there as one of the media guests, so it was interesting to see it from a spectator's point of view. Was very impressed with the standard of the driving and the positive attitudes from everybody involved, and I'm sure the two winners will be able to translate their skills into real ability at Silverstone. I doubt that your passenger laps put you off...!

In terms of GT5, I was speaking to David Wilson, Head of Communications for Sony Computer Entertainment, and he told me that officially there is no specific release date for GT5 outside of 'this year'. Apparently Sony Japan were a little premature to announce December '09 or March '10 for the Japanese release.

Well done again

Fantastic write ups lads. Reading through this thread makes me feel all exited again about the event. I wish the Dutch finals would have been anything like this. As you can see from my posted video it wasnt.

It was my first time at an event like this and I did really enjoy the Dutch event, but when I see the UK one ... ya know.

Congratulations Prudentbear!
Cheers to every other person I know that competed.
Great videos and write up's guys, looks like an awesome experience, well done to everyone that took part and particularly to PrudentBear, hope you go all the way mate.

I was just wondering, I noticed there doesn't seem to be any pictures or videos of anyone using the interior view, was it available to use or is just that all of you prefer the front bumper view?
You could use whatever view you liked... I think I saw one person using interior view, but bumper cam was used by everyone else.
The first race around Indy will be the one I remember best out of any, even the final, because it was a great head to head with Maz. Here's the video...


Thank you John, that's made my day 👍 :cheers:


All the best
LOL I just missed this thread completely. I was only checking the Venues and discussion thread. I guess I have a lot of reading to do :D

Oh and ofcourse Congratulations to PrudentBear and Ingram
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Phew! What a couple of days. :D I've been dying to reply to this thread for a while, but havent had the chance yet, thanks to an epic drive back to Edinburgh, telephone interviews, and a 6pm to 6am shift at work last night...

Anyhoo, I have obviously been reading this thread with great interest, and I can completely concur with everyone else that just attending the event at Brands was incredible, and a fantastic reward for the huge effort that the twenty finalists put in to earn their place.

At this point I would like to congratulate John (prudentbear) on the win, it was thouroughly deserved 👍 Well done to Dan for reaching the final, your speed was scary, frankly, I'm quite relieved I didn't get into a straight fight with you at any point! And also a special mention should go to David (Davissi), who I raced against in every round, and made me work rather hard for my second place in the final! Oh, and Maz, rpm and indeed anyone else for the very nice things you've said about me in this thread so far 👍:)

I'd like to share my take on events with you all, so here goes :)

Race One, group three - Indy.
I was looking forward to Indy, as I was confident about being able to set a few consistent laps, and I just wanted to break myself in gently to the competition. All was going very well, I was third, with the two ahead clearly in my sights heading into the final lap. Then at turn 5, a corner which should be taken flat no problem, the back end stepped out without warning, and my over-correction resulted in me firing off into the gravel. I finished fourth and annoyed, knowing that I had to win the next race to get through.

Race Two, group three - HSR.
With Maz's in depth circuit guide clear in my mind (it went something like "left, left, right, left, right, left") I decided that all I could do is go for it. I knew that there was a good chance, as I had seen the first two races here won by guys starting right at the back. It was a very close race, I remember being fourth by the end of lap two, and on the start finish straight the three infront were pretty much side-by-side infront of me. A gap appeared between them, which I managed to fit through with my slipstream. David managed to overtake me somewhere, then on the exit of the left-hander entering the tunnel he got a huuuuge tank-slapper (well held, by the way!) allowing me to slip through. Onto the start finish straight, he pulled out of my slipstream, I squeezed him to the side as he was pulling past me, and I held on for the win. By 0.005 seconds.... I was through, if only just.

Semi final 2, race 1 - Daytona Road

The race I was most proud of. I followed Davissi away from the line, with a very clear gameplan in mind. Such long, fast sections allow for alot of sliptreaming, so I knew that I just had to be in touch on the final lap. I had a rehearsal for the overtake at the end of lap two, when despite a poor exit from the bus stop compared to David, I had still drafted my way onto the back of his car by the finish line. Then I followed him around the final lap, backing out of the throttle on the straights to stay behind, and picked my moment heading to the finish line, so that he would have no chance of getting back ahead of me.

Semi final 2, race 2 - Fuji.
Starting from pole, I was very defensive into turn one, which happened to bunch everyone else up behind me. I then pushed as hard as I could for most of the first lap, by which point I was three seconds clear, and then it was a case of driving carefully to the finish, ending the race about seven or eight seconds ahead.

Final - Nurburgring
I was quite excited by the prospect of no practice here, but it was seemingly John who benefited from this the most, as starting from pole, he was able to just drive clear from me with ease in the early stages. Despite Tony Jardine's comments that we would not hear him, WE COULD HEAR EVERY WORD!! This made me smile when he mentioned that I was piling the pressure onto John, at which point a split time popped up on my screen telling me I'd dropped back by a further second... Through the second part of the first lap, I started to close in on John again, and by Dottinger-Hohe, I was agonisingly close to his slipstream. This lead me to making a stupid error, driving waaay too fast into the final corners, and having a big crash as a result, costing me about seven seconds. This allowed David to get very close, and at this point he was on a mission, so fast, and piling the pressure onto me (the pressure wasn't eased by the fact that I could hear Jardine say several times, "David can smell blood now"..) I knew that I couldn't let him near to my slipstream at the straight, so I was pushing as hard as I could. Luckily for me, I totally nailed the section from Eschbach to Dottinger, closing about four seconds on John in the process, and giving me just enough of a gap to maintain second. Phew!

It was an absolutely amazing day, and there were many other highlights aside from the competition; chatting with the RJN mechanics the night before was really interesting; and myself and Guy, my flatmate, happened to be joined at breakfast by Lucas and Alex. They were both thouroughly decent blokes, and it was amusing seeing Lucas' surprise at having to pay £4.50 for a litre of bottled water... And then there was the ride around Brands :D I made sure I got a lift from Alex, because at the time he was driving the slick-shod 350, and it was just incredible.

All in all, a fantastic time, and I want to thank all of the competitors, the organizers, Sony, Nissan, and anyone else I may have forgotten for putting up such a great event. :cheers:
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Welcome back Alex, and well done mate 👍👍

By the way... I'd like to call the GTP race admins attention to your sig... DIV2 FFS... I demand you are immediately promoted to DIV 1!
Race Two, group three - HSR.
With Maz's in depth circuit guide clear in my mind (it went something like "left, left, right, left, right, left") I decided that all I could do is go for it.

:lol: I had forgotten who I'd said that to! See? worked a charm!

Welcome back Alex, and well done mate 👍👍

By the way... I'd like to call the GTP race admins attention to your sig... DIV2 FFS... I demand you are immediately promoted to DIV 1!

100% 👍 GTP_Ingram for Div 1 Gold!

All the best
Well done Alex, especially with the extra hindrance of a bunch of media types jumping on your bandwagon and asking stupid questions just when you didn't need it... Go Team Alex!

Dean (AKA purple beard)
What an epic thread - filled with love. A BIG congrats to John but also my hat of to the rest of the crew making GB GT final such a nice event as you all describe. And to John - Good luck with the next step - I hope you make it all the way to the real thing.

One more thing: Maz mate - How you managed to handle what happened in your race with John - well its just impressing.

March aka Jon
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Hey, stop already gloating about how good the UK finals were!:sly:

Just kidding, It's great that you all had such a good time and hopefully it will serve as an example for future organisations 👍
Congratulations to everyone, great hearing people's reports of the day!

Semi final 2, race 1 - Daytona Road

The race I was most proud of. I followed Davissi away from the line, with a very clear gameplan in mind. Such long, fast sections allow for alot of sliptreaming, so I knew that I just had to be in touch on the final lap. I had a rehearsal for the overtake at the end of lap two, when despite a poor exit from the bus stop compared to David, I had still drafted my way onto the back of his car by the finish line. Then I followed him around the final lap, backing out of the throttle on the straights to stay behind, and picked my moment heading to the finish line, so that he would have no chance of getting back ahead of me.

I've lost count of how many times you've done similar to me when playing on GT2, GT3 etc...
I'm actually hanging on to the harnesses because there's zero leg room for a 6'4" lanky sod like myself... therefore legs akimbo and no where to wedge my hands/arms to stop them flying around.... plus my helmet was banging against the roll cage... gripping the harnesses like that keeps you firmly in place under the cornering and braking loads :D

Although half way round the 1st lap I also did my straps up to the point where I was struggling to breath.

And although the facial expression makes me look like an even bigger tool than normal, I'm actually saying (shouting) 'Oh, so much grip' to Lucas as we drop down from the apex of Paddock Hill... it was nice :D
Nice post Ingram and PrudentBear, well done again guys. Dead happy for you both!

For me, now the event has passed I feel a weight is off my shoulders. However, I'm not going to be able to go back to Prologue...Perhaps we need a couple of new topics?

1) What to do after GT5 Demo ends, for the unsuccessful.

2) Silverstone Final thread :D

I can't wait, now that I know the two Brits going and have raced some of the others, it's going to be very exciting!
Hey guys

Looks like Sabine Schmitz will be a judge at sliverstone

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