GT Academy UK National Finals

  • Thread starter Jack
Was an amazing experience which i will never forget, was knocked out in the first round:
Race 1-I messed up badly and was fourth.
Race 2-Started in fourth and had to win to progress, had a very good start and was into first going into the first corner at high speed ring, was leading for around 1 1/2 laps then banksy passed me, i was around 0.5 off thoughout until mid last lap, i knew i had to get infront or second was as good as last, pushed to hard and ended up hiting the wall finishing fourth again when i was comfortable second. Was diasoppionted of course but was very pleased with the clean racing from every single driver-no problems atall in either race.

To be honest at times i thought it was almost like a lottery with five people fighting for the same piece of the track at times. On the whole i think the best two qualified, Prudent and Ingram were amazingly consistant and i think that final race showed some balls, Davissi had a bad start but showed amazing pace coming back on the final lap but it was two little to late.

I have to be honest i wasnt the best driver but im pleased with my efforts, i probably have the least experience out of anyone and was the youngest.

Was great meeting everyone including Tony Jardine and i hope theres another GT Academy!
Congratulations PrudentBear, a great win in what must have been the toughest of the National Finals. Wish you the best to Silverstone. Well done! ๐Ÿ‘

And to all finalists, I hope you all had a great time and a day to remember! :)

All others will excuse me for having a special word for my good friend Synwraith. Maz, I know how seriously you face these challenges but I also know how graceful you are both in victory and defeat. You, my friend, are a UKtop20 driver and that is more than most gtpers can claim. Well done and I just hope next time we meet (it'll happen very soon as you know) you have time to tell me all and everything else important :D about what must have been an amazing day! ๐Ÿ‘
Thanks for uploading some great pictures Chris ๐Ÿ‘
It looks like you all had a great time :) It's good to be able
to put some faces to the names we know--like Jack, Phil, Steve,
Davissi, Ingram, etc.

Congratulations to John (PrudentBear) on the overall win,
and commiserations to my friends Maz, Dan and Chris.
But as Mario said aptly, this was probably the toughest
competition in the entire GT Academy finals, and you all
should be proud of being a part of it, and carrying the :gtpflag:
banner :cheers:
Congratulation to PrudentBear for winning the UK Finals!๐Ÿ‘ And also Congratulation to the other eighteen that didn't make the top two spots!! Just making the top twenty in your country is great accomplishment, maybe you will get another shot next year!!

PS. Great pictures and write up Stotty!!๐Ÿ‘
WOW, I don't know where to start! What an amazing 2 days. :D

Firstly I want to thank Sony, Nissan, RJN, Jardine for putting on such a great venue @ Brands Hatch. It was really cool to meet so many GTP mates. Jack, Chris, Maz, Phil, Steve, John, Ian. ๐Ÿ‘

Race 1, (Indy) I started 2nd messed up badly on lap 2, far too much speed into turn 1, had a picnic on the grass, cost me 30 secs. Finished 5th. :dopey:

Race 2, (HSR) Started 5th, Passed 2 cars into Turn 1, ended up 1st in that one. :)

Race 3, (Daytona Rd) Hmmmm, not happy about that one, but finished 3rd.:ouch:

Race 4, (Fuji) Had a good race here, cant remember much about the early laps, but I had 1.9 sec (I think) :dopey: on lap 3 and just brought it home. :)

Race 5, Started 4th, made a mess of lap 1. :ouch: Was 41.9xx off P1 on lap 1, but managed to pull 10 secs back in lap 2. But it was too late by then...

But I am not disappointed! It was a MEGA day, I really really enjoyed it, and the ring looks and feels GREAT! Roll on 2011. :sly: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Massive congrats to John (prudent) and Ingram! :cheers:

PS! Look forward to Maz's essay! ;)

PPS, Quality post Chris, and some great pics.. ๐Ÿ‘

Also massive thanks to Charlotte and Rebbeca. :cheers:
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Sounds like this was a spectacular event, congrats to everyone! The pictures are awesome and thanks for all the info people ๐Ÿ‘ .
wrong... EDSKILL made the best lap but i bet there're some guys down the table that made more laps than him (to do a slower time).. ;) so that means.. if you practice more you'll have more chances to be consistent... the more laps you do the better you'll be.. you'll never be worse by practicing.. :P
How grown up - the old "wrong" post, like you know everything there is to know about everything... So you are betting now are you? That would imply you are making an assumption, meaning you don't have the facts to hand, and you dare to say I'm wrong? See, for me, the facts speak for themselves - EDSKILL made the fastest lap in the UK (for which he gets my utmost respect), but he did not win the National Finals. Whether or not he made more or less practice laps than the others is irrelevant, because he did not have the consistency on the day to pull out those kinds of laps under pressure in race conditions.

Quite how you can come out and say that my observation is "wrong" is beyond me. What I stated was completely true - you can practice all you like to get to the top spot in a time trial, but that does not necessarily mean you will be fastest in a race. Not necessarily...two words that make all the difference.
You can practice as much as you like, you won't get any pressure in practice, nor will you be racing the guys you would've done in the national finals.

Well done to John and Ingram, well done to all the others too, you all had fun (and fair racing), that's what matters the most.
The 'Ring looked absolutely awesome... don't listen to the 'cardboard cutout trees' crowd - the graphics of GT5 look AMAZING... the detail, the lighting, the colours... all beautiful:D

You have made my entire week! ๐Ÿ‘

Good to hear you peeps had a good time too. Congrats to the winners, I am greener than green with envy but trying to remain civil about it :ill:
Wow, what an incredible 24 hours that was!!

Here's my account of the event, or War and Peace as Chris would call it :lol:

Tuesday afternoon/evening

I arrived at the Thistle Hotel next to Brands Hatch racing circuit at about 4.30pm. Dan (GTP_Hyperspeed) and his partner Sam, Phil (GTP_DukeOfPendle) and Steve (GTP_Sigma) were already there. Steve, like any good student, had checked straight into his room and gone for a nap!

We checked in with Rebecca and Charlotte from Jardine International who took details from our passports and driving licences, then checked into our rooms where we found the programme for the race events, GT Academy cap, Tshirt and name tag. It appeared that the UK final was going to have a uniform format of Tuned Car, no ASM, no TC, no driving line, Pro Physics and....S2 tyres! First 2 races would be at Indy and High Speed Ring.

After all that was sorted we started to hang out in the hotel lobby, get some drinks in and commence festivities. Chris (GTP_Stotty), John (GTP_PrudentBear) + partner Claire and Ian (GTP_rpm) and partner Kezia arrived next and joined in the fun. Alex Procter (GTP_Pundershaw) also came over and introduced himself as well, and it's great to see these guys are just as cool and friendly in person as they are online, even moreso. It was funny how a couple of people had come over and said "You must be Maz?" :lol:

Glen Gibson, one of the main organisers, also came around and introduced himself. I think the Jardine team were very pleased to see a lot of the guys knew each other and were very much part of the socialising.

We were later taken to the Racing Bar, where we were surrounded by British racing history and memorabilia, as well as a couple of display racing bikes that made Phil a little moist :D The bar was free, the food was free, the banter and laughs were free-flowing. A fantastic evening in the company of friends, like-minded people and welcoming hosts. Glen Gibson and his team made a presentation on racing etiquette and the spirit of GT Academy, including congratulating all the finalists for their efforts. Massive credit to legendary F1 journalist Tony Jardine and his team for actively seeking out this forum and its members (are you reading this Charlotte?? :D), taking note of proceedings and feedback from the other National Finals and using it to inform their own proceedings and events. We had concerns we wanted to raise initially, but the organisers covered everything in their presentation. ๐Ÿ‘

At some point in the evening, Lucas Ordonez popped into the Racing Bar, at which point I cheered out and clapped, joined by a few fellow competitors! He laughed, waved and promptly escaped as his appearance was supposed to be a secret :lol: The guy's a legend and an inspiration ๐Ÿ‘

Wednesday Morning/Afternoon

After getting nowhere neeeear enough sleep, we all assembled in the hotel lobby after breakfast to make our way to the race circuit around 8.45am.

Phil (GTP_DukeOfPendle) + Dan (GTP_DanHyperKermitSpeed)

Ian (GTP_rpm) + Kezia

Claire + John (GTP_PrudentBear) + Jack (GTP_JackStanley)

Steve (GTP_Sigma) + Chris (GTP_Stotty)

At this point, Jack had also joined us with i-Phone ready to twitter proceedings direct to GTP. This is officially the earliest JackSlackerStanley has ever been awake. He arrived really early in the morning in his 106 Turbo VTR Studentwagon.

David (davissi) + Alex (GTP_Pundershaw)

We made our way to the track, with Chris doing his only GT practice in the last month in his Porsche on the access roads between the hotel and Brands Hatch circuit!

Once inside the Finals enclosure in the media centre, there were presentations from Tony Jardine and co, and finally the first group of racers were asked to step up to the pods (see Chris's pod and room pics).

Group 1 Race 1 - Immediately it became clear that the S2 tyres were not in evidence, and it was indeed R1s. Good news! The head steward Tim Bevin made it clear that races probably wouldn't be restarted because the races would be clean and fair. Every pod had a keen steward, taking down laptimes and watching closely. Greg (GMDLondon) had a dodgy accelerator pedal on his DFGT which the team replaced. Yes there were some technical difficulties and some delays but these were sorted perfectly, everyone was patient and we got underway.

EDDSKILL, Dan, GMDLONDON, Ian and Chris were in the first race and it was clear these guys had it really tough. A number of guys outbraked themselves into turn 1 after getting monster drafts. Slipstream most definitely ON. We had the benefit of seeing all this and being more careful for the second race. Congratulations to Edward for a beautifully driven race, and comiserations to Dan, Ian and Chris who had a harder time.

Group 2 race 1. This was my first race and I was very keen to try out the DFGT pedal resistance on my practice lap as I had heard bad things. To be fair it really wasn't so bad and we all adapted, most of us being regular G25 users anyway. I started in 4th place based on my TT seeding. Off the start I made 2 places into turn 1 and all of a sudden was running 2nd behind John (PrudentBear)!! There were a few cases where I applied too much brake and missed a shift due to the new equipment but I got the hang of it like everyone else. I don't know what happened behind me but Steve, Banksy05 and Markyboy92 were nowhere in my rear view, so it was me against John. First lap he started to get away but at the end of lap 2 I had started catching him. I had his slip at the end of lap 2 and passed him on the outside before turn 1, made turn 1 perfectly and got great drive out of 2, leading to a very satisfying turn 4. I was really loving it, the wheel felt nice, the car felt awesome and it was clicking more and more each lap. After getting ahead of John I pulled away a little and had a really nice third sector and turn 11 where I saw John had a bit of a wobble. There was a gap, "yes!!" I thought. But, he had my draft and despite my high line out of turn 12 he was right on me coming up to the finish line. I kept my line, didn't block and was crossing the line 1st.......or was it? On my screen it flashed up as 2nd in the results, but the top left corner of the screen said Position 1/5. Did I win? Did John win? Our finishing times were exactly the same. xxx.021, a proper dead heat! My steward said it was a dead heat and we both received 6 points, great result!!

From the front: John (GTP_PrudentBear), me, Steve (GTP_Sigma)

John was interviewed as race winner but he came and dragged me in front of the camera as well saying "You won too, you should be there". Awesome bloke, our John, absolutely diamond geezer. By the time we got back to the pods, I could see the results on the screens and I only had 3 points! I went to my steward and asked what happened, she said "they checked and you finished 2nd" :( I think it's a case like in prologue where if 2 drivers have the exact same finishing time, on one screen it says first, on the others' screen it says 2nd. I was really gutted, John and I had had a wonderful clean, hard and thrilling race and bless him he felt really bad for "robbing me". So PrudentBear beat Synwraith by 0.000s. I had a big task in the next race.

Group 2 race 2: Having just watched the carnage of group 1 at High Speed Ring, this was going to be really tough. John started on pole and me second...we got completely swamped and by the end of the lap I was 4th and John 5th :lol: There was a lot going on in front of us and we all kept it really clean and respectful, apparently I had the lead at some point but I don't remember! By the time Markyboy and Steve had spun out in front of us, "The parting of the waves" as John called it, 1st place was gone. I had a really close fight with John for 2nd place, he was alongside me into the tunnel and got ahead into the last corner of HSR, I thought "Be patient, be patient, slip past at the line" but I never managed it, finishing mere fractions behind John. Result: 1. Banksy05 2. PrudentBear 3. Synwraith. And that was my day over as our final table was PrudentBear 9 points, Banksy05 6 points, Synwraith 4 points. Damn. Crap. Rats. :lol:

But I have to say, the racing in our group was STELLAR. Totally clean, respectful, intense and wonderful to be a part of. I will treasure that race at Indy forever, and I can't wait to see Claire's video of it. I can't help but feel High Speed Ring was an unfortunate choice of track for this event, but we all had to deal with it, and Banksy and John did, congratulations guys :cheers:

Before the second round (Semifinals) the 8 guys who went through had their passenger laps with Lucas Ordonez and Alex Buncombe around the Brands Hatch Indy Circuit. The rest of us got our chance later, and this experience alone was worth the one and a half months I spent on the time trial. Alex took me around in the Nissan 370Z Max cup car, 1 out lap and 2 flying laps, one of the most thrilling experiences of my life.

(the Max cup car, one step up from stock road car, H-pattern shifter and in car stereo!)

(Dan getting ready for his ride in the GT4 cup car)

My brain was screaming "Brake! Brake! Brake!"...what did Alex do? Shift up! Paddock Hill bend felt like a roller coaster drop, and the brakes into Druids nearly sent me through the windscreen :lol: Druids should be one of those boring 2nd gear hairpins on GT, in real life the G-force was intense and the screeching tyres sounded JUST as they do in GT ๐Ÿ‘ I just can't put the rest into words, it was pure insanity and felt SO right, these guys have the best occupation in the world. I was loving it and Alex was saying "It's got no grip! too much traction control *grmbl*" :lol: The absolute ferocity and violence of the initial brake application and turn-in is simply breathtaking, the fact that they do this for hours on end just proves how different real race car driving is. I do remember shouting "This is not a game!!" at some point :D

Anyway, round 2 was where the real racing happened. The first race was John, Dan, EDDSKILL and Banksy at Daytona Road. Dan and EDDSKILL had a coming together in the first corner and Dan was playing catch up the whole race. And catch up he did. He caught and passed Banksy, then closed on EDDSKILL but didnt manage to catch enough to get past. John drove an ice cool perfect race up front. Dan was a little miffed and had to be encouraged to..uh...chill :D The crew rallied around, words of encouragement were spoken, backs were slapped, people were called "toilets" and it was time for race 2 at Fuji.

Dan starting last, John starting first. In my opinion this was THE performance of the day. From last place, Dan sliced his way to 1st place and simply obliterated the opposition. A true Fuji maestro at work, under the MOST intense pressure, he nailed every single apex with us all cheering him on and hanging on every corner exit...last lap, last corner, Dan pulled off the most perfect entry/exit I have seen at Fuji's last bend and won comfortably. John came second having driven another super smart and fast race. But Dan was utterly heroic in this race, against the odds he took it by the horns and owned it. The cheers at the end from Jack, myself, Phil, Sam, Chris and Steve could be heard through his headphones I'm sure :)

John and Dan were through to the final, truly doing GTP and the UK proud.

In the other semifinal, GTP_Ingram (Alex Ingram) was simply masterful. He hunted Davissi down at Daytona Road and used the slipstream to win right at the end. At Fuji he just vanished into the sunset while the others fought it out tooth and nail. Davissi and Alexpez1977 were tied but Davissi went through on faster laps.

Here we are then, the UK final of GT Academy 2010, 2 laps of the Nurburgring Nordschleife, no practice laps. Pole was John (fastest lap at Fuji), second Alex Ingram, 3rd Davissi and 4th Dan. Dan was unlucky to start last because he was usually out front at Fuji and had no slipstream benefit to augment his laptimes. This was the second outstanding performance of the day. John, GTP_PrudentBear, drove a blinder. Off the line he was gone, smooth, perfect, no drama, no scary moments, just clinical precision and ice cold determination. A champion's performance and worthy of the title with these 2 laps alone. He clearly eased off on the last lap but I'm certain he had it under control. And that was John all day today, totally under control. 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 1st. I guess it's no coincidence his ID is "Prudent Bear" as he drove sensibly, intelligently, coupled with fiersome strength in his pace.

Dan was trying very hard to get past Davissi into 3rd but both went off and Dan had a few spins leaving him a long way behind. His second lap of the ring was unbelievable. Kerbs, slides, risks, flight...and 10 seconds sliced off the leader. The commentator even said "He was flying!". A really valiant fightback.

Alex Ingram was supremely impressive, clearly happy at the 'Ring and despite a couple of wide moments, superfast and took a LOT out of John on the last lap. The real surprise of the day, Alex is completely worth his place at the finals, a true star. Well done mate :cheers:

Davissi raced really well all day, I had him pegged as a time trialler only but his racecraft and car control were incredible. Some of the slides he saved were out of this world. Must have been the gloves :D

All of the finalists fully deserved their place in the final, a real showcase of just how much outstanding talent we have in the UK when it comes to Gran Turismo. I am truly proud to have competed on the same track in the same competition as you guys, and I can be pleased with my own performances relative to the eventual champion.

John Moorby, you sir are a deserving champion. Not one mistake or moment all day, precision and smoothness personified. A pleasure to watch and an even greater pleasure to race against. I will be supporting you all the way to Silverstone and beyond :bowdown:

And props for getting up on stage with Tony Jardine to receive your trophy and conduct an interview still in your socks! :lol:

I have to mention Dan again though, what fighting spirit and skill under pressure. Absolute lion's performance mate, inspirational :bowdown:

I want to close this out by saying a HUGE thank you to the organisers Nissan, RJN Motorsports, Playstation and especially the Jardine International staff. Charlotte Parham and Rebecca Smith were not only absolutely gorgeous with a fantastic attitude towards the competitors and the contest as a whole, but they were superbly organised, friendly, helpful and worked tirelessly to make this one of the most memorable experiences we've all had. I know you guys will read the forum here and every word of praise you and Glen and Tony receive will have been fully deserved.

I don't think anybody can walk away from the UK National Finals with a complaint, it was magnificent.

Thank you :cheers:


All the best
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Well that was fun !
Huge thankyou to the organisers I thought they were great, to virtually take over Brands Hatch and give us the go in the GT4 car with Alex and Lucas I think made us all feel very respected.
I had a great run in the events everything went perfect, I didn't perform very well at Fuji that's all, its a good track for me but just that one race that I was below par, perhaps I was too relaxed at that point. I still managed to make it through on laptime having tied with my own fellow Newport competitor Alex Porezinski who was as cool as a cucumber throughout the day.
At the Nordschliefe in the final I managed to somehow slip back from 1st and 2nd getting up to speed, no mistakes just let them go quite abit at the beginning but my second lap worked out really well pushing like crazy and everyone urgin me on as I caught Alex (Ingram) but I couldn't get in the draft. Alex totally out drafted me by taking 2 wins off me earlier in the event using my slipstream so I can't fault his patience at all.

I feel quite happy with the result even though its not a Silverstone place purely because I didn't let myself down at all and felt very at home and comfortable with the organisers and equipment and therefore drove at my normal pace...and picked up a trophy !

It was very cool that so many of the top 20 (and their friends) were such nice people and especially Tuesday night what cant I say ? Oldbeanee and John his bro (Mr__Arrogance) stayed up until 2.30am with us drinking and singing around the Piano LOL getting way too drunk with their Dad whilst he kindly donated to us his secret Beer stash ! What a star !!
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How grown up - the old "wrong" post, like you know everything there is to know about everything... So you are betting now are you? That would imply you are making an assumption, meaning you don't have the facts to hand, and you dare to say I'm wrong? See, for me, the facts speak for themselves - EDSKILL made the fastest lap in the UK (for which he gets my utmost respect), but he did not win the National Finals. Whether or not he made more or less practice laps than the others is irrelevant, because he did not have the consistency on the day to pull out those kinds of laps under pressure in race conditions.

Quite how you can come out and say that my observation is "wrong" is beyond me. What I stated was completely true - you can practice all you like to get to the top spot in a time trial, but that does not necessarily mean you will be fastest in a race. Not necessarily...two words that make all the difference.

take it easy pal.. ok, sorry for the dry word..... your'e not 100% wrong.. but you're not 100% right either.. sounds better!? ;)

in fact we have facts :D 1st guys in TT's are more likely to pass to the next stage: AUS->DHolland; ES->GTro_rootbe; NL->SolarSystem; FR->Ti-tech; DE->Zocker(3rd)... another fact is... for example: EDDSKILL only ran the TT about 3 weeks to the end date.. and i saw others running it from the beginning... that explains why practice is good :) but of course in the finals that pressure counts and racing skills too ๐Ÿ‘

glad to hear that everything went well guys... couldnt expect any better, such quality drivers.. :)

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War and Peace

Epic recount of the days events Maz ๐Ÿ‘

And thanks for remembering all the names (though even I couldn't forget the wonderful Charlotte and Rebecca!).

Can't wait until we all get to meet up again :cheers:
This sounds like a great day where a good organisation finally took place (its the UK national final, so it figures;))!

Great posts by Stotty and Maz (one of the biggest posts i ever saw:))! Thanks for the update guys:tup:!

Congratulations to everyone who participated and had a blast:D!

Special congrats to the finalists and PrudentB for the win:cheers:!

PS: The main thing is to have fun Dave! Glad for you:cheers:!
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Good to hear everyone had a good time with fair racing. Congrats to everyone for getting there and to the 2 who go through. Good luck for the next bit chaps.

Seems like more or less everyone is home already. Pundershaw still has 2 hours to go on the train....
Well... Home after a 6am start to get to Brands Hatch due to me having to be somewhere else on the Tuesday! I arrived still half asleep to be found by Maz and Dan with MASSIVE smiles on their faces (a little like this :dopey: :D ), Chris warming up the love of his life, Steve just out of bed, Phil lost in the boot of his Honda and John looking nervous! Quick drive through the curcuit and into the Paddock / Pits where the competition is being held.

From watching everything happening in the day, I must congratulate the whole team who have put this together. With the incidents that have taken place in the other Academys, the UK Finals ran super smooth with only one minor bump at the start. Big ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ :cheers: to the team!!

Drives of the day.... Hmmmmm :boggled: There were some crazy moments in all of the races. For example turn 1 at High Speed Ring. At the start of groups 1's first lap in turn 1, they were 4 wide trying to go round the bank :lol: For those who have played GT5:P you will all know how crazy and tight it can get with 2 or 3... but 4 cars pushing hard all trying to make it out into 1st was mental, brillient to watch ๐Ÿ‘

Dan's Fuji drive is a stand out moment for me aswell. From just being punted in the previous race, Dan had his angry face on. He needed the win to progress to the final and thats what he did. From the start he battled his way through the pack and pulled enough of a lead to hold off John. Outstanding drive under a massive amount of pressure ๐Ÿ‘

But for me, the drive of the day was John's final win. From starting 1st at the Nurburgring, with no practice laps, setting the pace and commanding the race, it was brillient. He pulled out a 12 second lead on lap 1 and it looked like he had it in the bag... that was until he backed off a little. The gap started to pull it way down to 9 seconds... 7 seconds... 6 seconds... then finally 3 seconds where it stayed until the final straight and over the line at just 2. To hold your nerve and stay calm when you can see the gap closing is fantastic. I'm sure anyone else would of bottled it and ended up facing the wrong way :lol: Cracking drive and a very deserving champion ๐Ÿ‘

I tried to get a look at the GT screens and the system they were using for the Academy. Unfortunately it couldn't have been more hidden away. Tucked behind the rigs with the TV screen facing away from view. They were hiding something and were not letting anyone see what was on that screen...


Nice shot of Lucas and Alex fighting on the ring. Was great to watched, both really good GT players and both loving the game :cheers:


As for the ring... Anybody who says the ring looks rubbish, it's "flat trees" make the game look awful, I think need a slap ;) The lighting, the detail, the depth... it's almost perfect!!! This picture shows the background and how far they have gone with detail. With that much mapped of the GT track, I'm sure it will be in the full game.

Anyway, great meeting everyone and a massive congrats to the 2 winners ๐Ÿ‘ Thanks alot Maz for the guest spot and here is to GT5 :cheers:
Wow ,great write up Mazmate/Jack/Stotty/etc etc...

Now this must be the best organised Acadamy ever!!

Thats it...i am moving to England so i can enter next years event!!!:dopey: :) :sly:...

Also nice to see some pics of people so now i know what they look like ,instead of writing to a username all the

Again congrats to everyone and especially to the winner John.

Its soooo good to read that you all had a great day and enjoyed every single bit of it,and had a good time with eachother aswell...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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Great write ups Maz and Jack. Sounds like an awesome day and you all did amazingly well. Can't wait to see some footage.
Some video of the GT4 350Z warming up in the pits just before Dan got his flying laps with Alex...

Trust me, it looked even better in real time and on the full HD screens.
Trust me, it looked even better in real time and on the full HD screens.


...and what is recurring theme I am seeing, of some sort of ludicrous stereotyping of students, regarding abnormal sleeping patterns? :irked:๐Ÿ‘

It was a really great day, a quick thanks to the Jardin team, and of course fellow racers, particularly the GTP guys who are a great bunch to meet in person. I will Probably write a short essay up on my take of events tomorrow; expect it to be student sized and of course, a few days late.

Just got back from Brands after a nightmare roadworks fest up he M6.

As I've got work tomorrow and I'm absolutely cream crackered this post will have to be brief but I promise to post more tomorrow evening when I will hopefully have my head sorted out.

I'm up to date on this thread as I had Claire reading out the posts all the way home! Thanks for all your kind words. I want to say thanks to many people which I will do in full tomorrow but I really have to go to bed.

As a teaser I have some great stuff to add to the already epic reviews of the day but I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little bit longer. As GT fans you will no doubt be up to the task. ;)
I'm speechless... :drool:

Congrats to PrudentBear and Ingram for taking the two top spots :cheers: Good luck at Silverstone! ๐Ÿ‘
Guys, all of you have done GTP proud. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

Some of you may recall me saying backchannel that I was relying on the British sense of fair play to raise the bar to help make the UK National Finals something to remember with pride, but do you know what, I don't think it was just down to that. I of course should've included the GT community sense of fair play that we see on this and other GT forums every day. ๐Ÿ‘

Being part of the GTP Race Administrative Team, I am aware of just how much work goes into upholding fair play within the racing community and there had been times in the past when I personally wondered if it was all worth the effort. Well, after reading all the positive comments here I can now honestly say that it was. Thank you guys. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

I'm also very pleased to read about how well organised the event was, it appears that Sony & Jardine International really did their homework and got a fully deserved 1st for all their effort. Well done and congrats to them. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

You are all winners in my book, so be proud of yourselves. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
The first competition that I, a guy who couldn't compete in the GT Academy, am jealous of not being a part of. :cheers:

Be proud guys, because of you all there might be another GT Academy next year(that I can compete in :)). ๐Ÿ‘

ps- Well said, Maz!
Well - great posts by everyone who attended the UK final, especially Chris and our resident spammer Maz. ๐Ÿ‘

Nothing to add to the already comprehensive information posted, except to echo the following sentiments:

Great to meet up with all my buddies again, and also to make some new ones. :)

Congratz to everyone who made the trip to Brands - that already made you all winners.

Admiration for the four guys who made the final - there had to be epic performances from all four to reach that stage.

John - a thoroughly derserved win. Cool as a cucumber all day, blistering consistent pace. I didn't see you make a single error.

Alex - Fought like a tiger. Great speed and skill.

David - Definately not just a TT specialist. Great racecraft. Watching the way you were catching and correcting slides had my jaw dropping.

Dan - On another day it could have been you at the top of the podium, because the talent is there. After having your coat on, ready to leave, and being bullied into staying by your so-called mates - your comeback drive at Fuji was the drive of the day for me.

Superb event, great organisation, great driving. I consider myself priviledged to have witnessed it all.
