GT game must make us aware of climate change and also driving safely.

  • Thread starter yogaflame
The Earth has been cooling down the last 3 years.
Its a nonending cycle gets hot gets cold some times it gets really hot some times iceages so...BLA
As for the hybrids like the prius,O that will be fun to listen to the wind hit the windsheild.
Because I already said I read your post ;)

Because if Toyota is setting the standard by being that good ol' coorporation it always is, they won't be shifted on themeslves making a profit buy wasting resources. And if it is always the most popular, then they won't change anything and it will always ship thousands of cars around the globe to get made cheaply. That was a poor evasion of quite an obvious fact. It seems like your really digging in your heels to at least see from another view.

It doesn't stop Toyota from making 1000 tonnes of it every year though, does it? Again, another poor rebuttal.

None of this makes sense.

See how annoying it is? Please don't criticise my debating skills, its rather annoying, is more detrimental to your image than mine, and I'll just do it back to you because quite honestly, I'm quite tired and not really in the mood to rise above it. Stay on topic.

I wasn't criticizing your "debating skills". I was pointing out that what you said doesn't apply to what I'm all. Come back with something that makes sense.
I just want to be able to flog a Tesla Roadster around the Nürburgring only to have it die about a lap or so in... just like real life.

At least it will obviate B-spec pit stop refueling... unless they make you wait 4 hours to recharge at a wall outlet.
I think driving a Tesla would be quite cool, I know at the LAN's we enjoy the Eco Challenges we sometimes do. GT gives a decent representation of "green" cars. I think a tutorial on driving techniques would be cool, as many racers need to know how to drive defensively and aggressively.

You won't see any Eco tutorials, or MPG challenges, etc. It already does promote wearing of seat belts and driving safely.

If you want more than that from a computer game, then go elsewhere, because GT won't go to that level. There just isn't the demand for it.
That you don't learn facts based on the merit of supplied information, but rather on how entertaining you find as a read.

If that's not childish and ignorant...I don't know what is.

Call it self-preservation. When you get something as basic as you did wrong, then there isn't much point going any further is there?
That is the sole reason why if hasn't taken off. Once someone works out how to porperly store it and make it more efficient, aswell as work out the infrastructure, its made and the world will be saved.

How does it all use electricity?

Hydrogen is abundant in the environment, but it is generally bonded to something else, i.e with oxygen to make water etc.

In order to produce enough hydrogen you would have to split it from something like water, and this process uses a lot of, yes you guessed it, electricity.

In many ways hydrogen in this context is not that far removed from the concept of a battery, but instead of generating electricity to store in a battery you generate electricity to store the energy in the form of hydrogen. The beauty of this system is that you can then make that hydrogen readily available, with quick tank refills and no recharge time restrictions.

It all however uses a lot of energy, with the actual production of the hydrogen using the most.

The fundamental problem of how you generate the initial energy still remains, it is no doubt a lot greener than using petrol but it is also far from perfect
This thread seems ridiculous.
Why don't you just say, "I'm a tree huger and I want electric cars in GT5."
You know the reason we have videogames like this is because one day professional motorsport will be gone. It's not the 20th century anymore and stuff is changing. Why would you make a videogame reflect the real world phenomenon of alternative energies? It's sad to say but motorsport and sports car enthusiasm is going to be harder to enjoy in the next 50 years. This is video game entertainment. It's suppose to be an escape, to ignore the real world for a few minutes (hours for some). I play Gran Turismo 1 all the time to bring me back to that nostalgic 1990s feeling we don't have anymore. But since all cars are going hybrid and manual gearboxes are appearing less and less, why is it necessary for games like GT to replicate the current automotive trend? The 21st century? Yeuch...

And if it's hard for you to not drive in real life as though you are playing a video game, perhaps you shouldn't be driving at all. This goes back to that video-game-affects-real-world-behaviour.
Why do people like to attack people who show concern for the environment? It's not that bad of an idea, but it won't really be integrated that well into the game. Unless PD somehow manages to model carbon emissions of each car, and then the emissions with aftermarket parts.

And to 3Axis:

It's necessary because GT is one of those games that revealed other types of vehicles to a large audience. The Prius never got noticed by me until GT4.
I'm not saying I'm not concerned; I don't think games like GT should reflect the current trends. If that were the case, you would not find a single car on the game other than hybrids and electrics. I have no problem with that in reality. I accept that the 20th century is gone.

It's necessary because GT is one of those games that revealed other types of vehicles to a large audience. The Prius never got noticed by me until GT4.

Well, my impression was that the proposition was to turn GT into a sort of an awareness-programme--but that was an initial reaction.
As far as the driving safety thing--It's hard to fuse that with the current GT philosophy, which is mostly motorsport, I suppose.

And I humbly believe there is enough media effort to bring attention to the alternative-fuel concept.
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^I think the current trend is underwhelming, but from Kaz's viewpoint, it's probably gonna be implemented since he wants this game to be an encyclopedia of sorts.
I suppose. I mean—I understand what Yogaflame says—but in a franchise like GT it's hard to fit that in. He mentions a driver safety course placed in-game.
First off—safety standards vary by country. I understand there is common sense—but that's what licensed drivers are supposed to have.
Second—there is an enormous difference between watching the illusion of being in a motorcar on your screen and actually behind a wheel of a car. In real life things are much more unpredictable than you might think.

As for more "next gen" cars—I guess that's a matter of perspective. I encountered GT the first time in the 1990s—like most of us. So I will admit I have bias because that's house I first encountered the franchise—and that's probably what GT is for most of us. As for environmental responsibility and safe driving goes in a videogame I'm a bit set against it. It would be fine to showcase it like SBK said, but not to change the philosophy of GT as we know it. Besides I really can't have anything against the concepts appearance when at the same time I am complacent with NASCAR's inclusion—which I'm not a fan of. But yeah, I suppose it's fine that we see all corners of automotive trends—just don't take away my R33 and NSX Type R. :P
As far as real-life environmental responsibility goes I can only say: Will someone please do something about the goddamn Hummers?
Why do people like to attack people who show concern for the environment?

Because all those "green" activities are many times proved as less green and less practical than they should be. Many of "green" products are in fact worse than standard product not only in practicality, but particularly in being "green". Not mentioning that operating existing car is far more clean way than producing a new car. Green is just political direction now, theme which can many mouths scream about and propagate themselves. People with real intelect could easilly see this.
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That is the sole reason why if hasn't taken off. Once someone works out how to porperly store it and make it more efficient, aswell as work out the infrastructure, its made and the world will be saved.

How does it all use electricity?

As Jonstone points out... you have to use something to crack hydrogen. The easiest way to do this is with electricity, but unless you're using solar energy or wind power, there really isn't any completely green way to do this.

And even by using "green" electricity, you're still wasting a lot of energy to electrolyze water to extract hydrogen... energy that you could instead store directly and use to motivate a vehicle.

Hydrogen ICE is one of the least practical alternatives to petroleum-fueled cars. Many major manufacturers are now downplaying the hydrogen angle and hyping up the electric... billions have been sunk into hydrogen research... and we're still no closer to a hydrogen economy than we were twenty years ago.

Hydrogen fusion? Don't even get me started... we're so far from operational that most of us will probably be dead before we see the first commercial fusion reactor.

Electric... well... we're plodding along. Electric has now finally become cost-effective for high-end and high-priced automobiles... but is still being held up by problems with battery technology... problems that we always seem ten years away from solving.


As for focusing on the "green" issue in GT... go tell the media. Maybe they should remind people how many trees get clear-cut so they can enjoy organically grown soy products... how much coal gets mined so they can broadcast network news... or let's find out how many millions of dollars worth of unrecoverable resources are spent on every film blockbuster... :lol:
If this game has tesla roadster and they want to make it real, it has to overheat after half a lap(problem has been in all track tests i know for this car)

And there is no more environmentally better way to drive a V12 supercar than in video game.
^I think the current trend is underwhelming, but from Kaz's viewpoint, it's probably gonna be implemented since he wants this game to be an encyclopedia of sorts.

To be an ultimate simulation , GT needs to make all sides happy. Hardcore petrol head, tech savy, and environmental concern gamers. And to include proper racing and driving technique modes and stages. We all ask for damages, skid marks, smokes, porsche, etc. But having green cars and next gen cars is very important.

Anyway PD plans to include old cars in the future, maybe they plan a GT mode where you can see cars from history from past to future. Or maybe compete with each other. Just imagine Bugatti Veryon versus Ford T model hehe! That should be interesting. Or next gen sports cars using non fossil fuel versus gas guzzlers to finally decide who is the best hehe!
Just imagine Bugatti Veryon versus Ford T model

Bugatti Veryon versus Ford T model

If you have to imagine how this would go down, you're dumber than I thought.

GT doesn't NEED to appeal to hippies or ignorant people.

It is a GAME and a Simulator.

NOT a message from Al Gore.

Fact is...they have no need to include more enviro cars, especially if they don't actually add something to the game.

The Prius and Tesla and the KERS equipped cars are new. They bring something to GT. A new experience, a new challenge.

Having boring rubbish econo cars that DON'T off an appealing drive, but are in just because some greenie wants them is, is fail.
First i must make it clear that anyone campaigning for something they believe in have my support. Its often a uphill struggle, and they deserve credit for what they do.

Yet, i cant help but question the push to expect GT5, a game, to be responsible for driving safely and its virtual effect on the enviroment.

As for driving safely, thats the responsibility of the educators and enforces. Despite the fact that GT is all track based, people still brand it as a bad influence. How anyone can claim GT is bad in comparison to movies like Death Race, Fast & Furious and Gone in 60 seconds is beyond me. Nevermind the likes of GTA which couldnt really be anymore of a bad influence if it tried.
Bad drivers, are bad drivers, the only things games will do is increase their hand eye co-ordination.
In a society in which kids are allowed to cut up people with chainsaws in Gears of War and beat up prostitutes in GTA, yet to see a nipple before 9 p.m. is a huge no-no, GT seems very very tame, almost squeaky clean.

Climate change, the biggest hypocritical politic correctness currently on the planet. This influences a certain amount in the motoring world, and therefore should be incorporated a little. Seeing electric cars, hybrids and so on in the game is enough. Any more is not a true reflection on real life.
I personally would like to point out that games like GT actually reduce the number of people out there racing actual cars. If car racing games didnt exist, i am sure a lot more people would be trying real racing and this in turn would be significantly worse for enviroment.

Safety campaigners, go after the worst offenders, GTA is your number one target, then maybe go after EA's need for speed, then Burnout paradise. GT is too clean to go after.

Climate change activists, go after the American gas guzzlers directly, get them to buy more economical cars. Its the people who pick the product that make it successful, if they picked smaller more economic cars more often, the manufacturers would build cleaner more economical cars. Fighting with GT to push climate change is a waste of your resources, nevermind the electric your wasteing with your computer, youir target audience is definately not the same as the audience who follow GT5's progress everyday.
If you have to imagine how this would go down, you're dumber than I thought.

GT doesn't NEED to appeal to hippies or ignorant people.

It is a GAME and a Simulator.

NOT a message from Al Gore.

Fact is...they have no need to include more enviro cars, especially if they don't actually add something to the game.

The Prius and Tesla and the KERS equipped cars are new. They bring something to GT. A new experience, a new challenge.

Having boring rubbish econo cars that DON'T off an appealing drive, but are in just because some greenie wants them is, is fail.

Depends how much of a head start is given.

A certain mission in GT4 about an SLR and a Gullwing spring to mind.
Depends how much of a head start is given.

A certain mission in GT4 about an SLR and a Gullwing spring to mind.

You know what - I'd've loved to see the opposite of that race too...

I.e. you're driving the gullwing - and the AI has the SLR... and you have the headstart!!

You know what - I'd've loved to see the opposite of that race too...

I.e. you're driving the gullwing - and the AI has the SLR... and you have the headstart!!


Hmm yeah, but I just don't think the AI would be up to it, because you could throw blocking moves all over the shop.

Plus this kind of mission is bound to have some sort of rubber banding going on.

Plus I hate those dreams you have when your running away from a big monster and EVERY time you don't run fast enough - its like law or something. This just seems to close to that :lol: :D.

But good idea though, would be good, but it'd need to be implemented well.
I will respond to the original post only because most of the back and forth drifted off topic a bit and I want to directly address the aspects of the game itself.

I hope GT game will make us aware of climate change and also driving safe. I agree with having more electric cars and I hope there are biogas, hydrogen cars in the future in GT and also some message for all gamers to support environmentaly friendly cars.
See, the inclusion of the cars is fine. They exist in real life, they should exist in the game (encyclopedia of cars). I have no problems with a GT version of ALMS' Green Car Challenge. I think it would be a blast to race the Audi TDI models, Peugeot's HDI models, a few of the hybrid prototypes, and Acura's ethanol models against each other. Possibly even replicate the Jetta TDI Cup Race (average 25mpg or more). Anyone who doesn't think this can be fun needs to go look at my Petit LeMans thread. The only issue I see is how to replicate the reliability of the various technologies. When I have seen hybrid vs diesel the hybrids seemed to get an advantage on pit stops, but their low reliability in endurance racing prevented a podium finish. And for the Green Car Challenge, biofuels seem to win a lot.

Now, here is the question; how do you replicate a Green Car Challenge? Do you have a separate set of races just for that (likely best) or do you give a prize bonus in every race for having the lowest fuel consumption? It is obvious that as this stuff becomes important in real life car manufacturing and racing it will appear in GT. My brother and I already did it with GT4 on our own. He owns a Prius, so we bought a similar model and had at it. One test we did was to have me swap out the transmission and see if I can do better. I was obviously much faster, but I had horrible fuel consumption.

But when it is in the game it has to be properly implemented. The Prius special version was fun for advertising and all, but when you put a Jetta TDI against a Prius and the Jetta is rightly getting better mileage and performance we shouldn't hear complaints from the alternative energy fans. Similarly, proper fuel consumption and tank sizes needs to be replicated. What does alternative energy cars add when every car needs to pit for fuel after 10ish laps (just throwing numbers out here, not trying t be accurate). Along those lines, the recharge rates of each car needs to be accurate too, or show a pit animation of a battery switch. Either way it should take longer than a traditional pit stop.

But where you are drifting off is with this statement:
also some message for all gamers to support environmentaly friendly cars
No. Plain and simple, no. This is Yamauchi and PD, not Kojima and Konami. A message like that in Gran Turismo would be completely out of place. If in the detail information for the cars you want to mention the goals of said car companies that is fine, but some kind of message coming from the game? No. The only way I can see that not standing out is if the balance is faked to make alternative energy cars look better. And that would ruin the game. There is no similar form of message coming from GT anywhere in the series. It has been about the cars, not what the cars say or promote.

And I understand the other arguments that Kazunori Yamauchi is including alternative fuel cars because he has looked at them and has an interest, but he said the same thing about NASCAR. This rationale means we should also have a message for all gamers to support NASCAR. Again, no.

And also endorsing proper driving techniques and safety. Seeing some safety tips or message or a track course on how to drive safely. Or safe racing maneuvers should be given as tip and training mode. GT or any games are great mediums to spread ideas to everyone and to influence a lot of people. I hope GT will be like that
What part of this is not covered in the license tests. Those teach proper driving techniques, which also translate to safe techniques. Are you talking about making us parallel park, do a turnabout, following speed limits, using turn signals (where is the control button for that?), merging in traffic, etc. That sound like a better idea for a stand alone thing developed for driving schools or sold as an add on DLC for parents that want to use it. However, there are so many things in real life that can't be replicated in a game like this. How do you replicate looking over your shoulder without moving your hands at the same time? How do you replicate checking mirrors? There are so many minor safety things that you should do in a car that games aren't designed, or able, to teach.

It is a noble idea, but it would be out of place in a racing game to teach anything not related to racing, and all the racing stuff is fairly well covered in the license tests. Add on that it would take a full scale, wrap around motion simulator with eye tracking to properly do everything, and it might even just be cheaper to pay for a driving lesson.

And I somehow made it through all that without mentioning Al Gore.
Man made global warming is a fraud. Don't come with that filthy propaganda in this forum! :grumpy: Seriously, why do you hippies have to spam every forum about this ****?
We should all stop playing videogames in general.

The PS3/HDTV/Home Router/Online Servers/DFP/Living Room Lights/Air Conditioner all consume alot of energy which usually come from evil carbon emitting power plants. Let's stop wasting energy and and register to race our automibiles on the nearest track while wearing seatbelts of course...

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