Okay no cares while your house in under 20 feet of water. Come on this game can be a medium to encourage to support cars that use alternative and clean source of energy by including them more
No, nobody will care when YOUR house is 20 feet under (water, dirt, I'm not partial), preferably with you in it.
Tell you what, why don't we make a wager on your house.
If it's underwater while it's still YOUR house (as in, belongs to you, you pay tax on it, you're responsible for it, etc), we rename GTPlanet to yogaflame.
You have to write in your will, however, that if it's NOT underwater when it STOPS being YOUR house, it gets donated to Bugatti's lead engine developer.
Take this for example Shelby Supercars will reach an extraordinary 208mph. This car, which is due to go on sale before the end of the year, will sprint to 60mph in just 2.5 seconds. And it looks great.
Considered as the most powerfull and fastest electric car, According to Shelby, the powertrain developed for the Ultimate Aero EV uses a lithium ion battery pack, which can be fully charged from a 110 volt AC outlet in 10 minutes. This powertrain can be scaled from 200 up to 500 horsepower, with a special, dual-motor configuration that could produce 1,200 horsepower.
This is what i want too see more on GT, next gen cars that uses alternative source of energy and environmental safe and without using petroleum or gas but still performs very well and fast. This type cars should be shown more on GT, or people will be more aware about them and to support this type of cars to make this cars cheaper. GT is a powerfull tool to advertise next gen cars and safety.
You can still enjoy the speed and power from cars that does not use fossil fuel, just from this example from shelby. And i think there are more sports cars using alternative source of energy. Since Gt5 is for next year i hope to see more of them and also some tracks or modes about driving techniques and safety.
My point is ther should be more next gen cars that use alternative source of energy, clean and efficient since this is next gen already and oil is almost dried out and polluitng our environment and also since this is a simulation there should be modes or features that shows proper driving techniques and even racing techniques. Make it more educational that is what a Simulation is all about.
More room for fish but no more room for people

Anyway next gen cars should be the focus of GT since thats the trend right now. research for the best cars that does not need fossil fuel anymore adn more safe, faster and more economical. And to stop this selfish oil company cartels and arabs who is playing us throughout the century and getting rich from over price oil and polluting the environment.
And this next gen cars are cooler like that Shelby that I shown earlier.
Shelby Ultimate Aero EV uses a lithium ion battery pack, which can be fully charged from a 110 volt AC outlet in 10 minutes. This powertrain can be scaled from 200 up to 500 horsepower, with a special, dual-motor configuration that could produce 1,200 horsepower.
There is not enough bull**** in the world to adequately describe those few posts.
The Shelby will NOT do what they've claimed. My complimentary Red Bull****-o-meter is reading >9000 (so I crushed it, obviously).
Honestly, your argument is based on PR for a car that doesn't exist.
This thread has to be a joke right? Come on climate change? Safe racing ? I prefer my gaming experience to give me what I cant do in real life,such as driving a gas hogging fire belching V12 at 200mph in an unsafe manner.
Games do often act as a 'release' rather than the amplifier for things as the media (and yogafail) will have you believe. Winding down from a long day with some GT or TF2 or HL2 is a great way to relieve one's mind, and contrary to belief, so far I've had no urges to drive a Nissan Skyline dangerously fast through Tokyo. Nor do I have any desire to backstab fat people and dress up as others.
Admittedly, smacking people in the face with a crobar and throwing heavy things around with ease IS appealing to me.
As for safety, I doubt many here have realised it, but those slaloms and brake tests with and without electronic aids...are some of the things you do in a defensive driving course.
Beyond that, it's all abstract. Improving reaction times, and gaining an understanding (no matter how basic) of what's going on and how to get out of it, are, surprisingly, GOOD THINGS.