Black95Z28Have you tried to race with the Elan yet? It handles like ****! I thought it would be easiest since its so light. I was WAY off. lol
October 2005RSCosworthDamn this seems like a nice game. The demo itself is already brilliant, this is a must buy!
When is this coming out?
For all that I know, you can't. Only the Elan, Jag and corvette are available in the demo.SlicksOne question though. How do you get the Corvette Coupe to drive?
Gil AbobeleiraThen I found out in Racecimcentral forums that, even in Pro-Simulation mode (or whatever the name is), there's still aids (oh well). Edited the .PLR do get rid of the aids, and it started to behave more naturally for me.
A pity the track is hideous and that it just askes for corner-cutting (some tire walls at the apexes at at the kerbs to prevent it like in real racing would be welcome in the final release).
That's hard. It is obvious that your computer isn't fast enough. I'm currently using a 64 bit 3.5 processor. Gigabyte motherbord with SLI!!! A nVidia 6600GT and still it is not good enough to try GTR or GTL demo to the fullest. I can't avoid lag as well. So I think, upgrading your computer won't make much of a difference. It is a wast of money (I think). You better try to save money and buy a whole new PC.zoxxyYou guys are sooo lucky, I can't even avoid lag when having the graphics on the absolutely lowest set.
Can someone help with what hardware to purchase or just some graphics card setting?
Specs are following:
CPU: P4 1.7Ghz
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce 4 MX 420 👎
And that's about all I know from the top of my head... Help would be INCREDIBLY appreciated!
BlackZ28Anyone have a car list of any kind?
kikieI'm definitely not going to buy GTL.