^^ Yep, it is good, and yes I am impressed with your progress, but in all due respect and honesty, it is not in pair with Bram (IMO), even though I won’t admire if you win these round
I am really impressed with your quick progress and the fact that you are using Gimp (never used but I heard it is a bit more difficult to attain great results). 👍
Some major flaws I find in your shot is the fact that the cars don’t seem to bend too well with the overall shot, they look like they are floating and the amount of blur is a little to much for the shot in question.
One plus I like in your shot are the white reflections. I never manage to pull one of those, and every time I see one of those I say: “Sweet”;👍
The cleaning in the car is good (Gimp) but there are some places where it seems a little smudged, one thing to work on in you next entries.
One thing that I praise is the overall feeling of the shot. There is something funny in your shot that scares the hell out of me, I don’t know if it is because of that tone of red + the green + the blue + the the end of the road and the fact that the road looks so long and it never ends - “what’s in the end of the road? The unknown”; but is is pretty scary.
Please, don’t see this has a harsh comment, I always found helpful (for me, at least) that people critique my shots, because that is the only way I manage to get better at this, and I think it may be helpful for newer members to receive a thoughtful critique (don’t forget, I am also a new member, compared to some). 👍
In a side note I think Swiss has a very sweet shot, and it is not receiving the praise he deserves. And that shot, yes, I say, it is in par with Bram’s shot (but still I say, Brams shot FTW!!!)