GT Planet WRC League

  • Thread starter Pfei
Boy am I glad to get Scandia done, I think I'll pull a Walter Rohrl in the future and leave certain rallies (Scandia) I dislike out. :lol:
I wish I'd had @the13PeSK's ghost to race against on that stage, it would've been a blast. I'd like to pretend I had a chance as with a cleaner run I might have been in contention but as it stands, it wasn't even close as I just couldn't avoid driving offroad on some of those steep turns.

I also wish we could embed Racenet comparison vids straight into these posts.

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On first impressions I wouldn't say I dislike Scandia per se, it's certainly a rollercoaster... that said I performed diabolically, something like 3 punctures and at least one instance where I sailed straight off the road heading for a crack in the lake (cue 30 second penalty).

Maybe that's karma for me abandoning Citroen and giving a different car a go. 😅
I wish I'd had @the13PeSK's ghost to race against on that stage, it would've been a blast. I'd like to pretend I had a chance as with a cleaner run I might have been in contention but as it stands, it wasn't even close as I just couldn't avoid driving offroad on some of those steep turns.

I also wish we could embed Racenet comparison vids straight into these posts.

View attachment 1315134

It’s just fascinating to see how small (or big) mistakes, missed apexes, etc. influence time differences during the stage! It’s a very close battle indeed (not even being aware that it was actually happening :lol:).
At 2x speed it looks like a scene from the upcoming Lancia 037 movie (with me in the BMW). By far my biggest mistake must have been running the car stock and not bothering to adjust the brake bias. But maybe I ought to start doing recces again. I was stuffed full of leftover Christmas lunch and feeling well lazy. :lol:
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At least I'm not last which is something. Turns out I still have a bit to learn if I'm going to get anywhere near the top. I need to cut down on the mistakes more than anything, because I just throw away time otherwise. I don't think I lack the ability as a rally driver, but it's hard to know how much to push sometimes.
I have just finished the rally scandia. I just tried to drive more carefully and avoid big mistakes that cost big time losses. Currently i am on 8th position after the 5th stage so i am more than happy with it. I am still new to rally but still enjoy it a lot. :)
Well, that was one difficult and nerve-racking rally. I tried to take it easy and avoid big mistakes. On stage 4 I took it a little too easy and spun twice, but luckily escaped without any major damage. After the second spin I started pushing a little bit in an effort to stay more focused, and that seemed to work, I had more confidence and speed for the rest of the stage.




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whoops... didn't realise we had a specific thread for today's rally...
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I'm obviously not getting the hang of the power stage scoring or something since as near as I can tell I haven't placed lower than sixteenth yet I'm ranked twenty-fourth overall. Perhaps I missed a rally somewhere.
I'm obviously not getting the hang of the power stage scoring or something since as near as I can tell I haven't placed lower than sixteenth yet I'm ranked twenty-fourth overall. Perhaps I missed a rally somewhere.
I think it is roughly based on where other people finish as well, there have been some people who have only participated a few times but finished higher than you. The points system agreed upon when Pfei ran the polls was the WRC system of top 10 scoring and top 5 in the power stage for the bonus points.

We will be able to vote on the points system again for S2.
I had a go with my initial Builder car (mid-engine layout) for the Estonia round, as the one time I test-drove it at NZ it seemed rather fun. It was anything but fun here! :scared:

Stage 1: Completely missed the braking point/turn off the short tarmac section and ended up ploughing into some spectators that probably shouldn't have been stood in the firing line. 30s slap on the wrist.

Stage 2: Oversteer getting a bit out of hand, ended up with at least one full pirouette and managed to get stuck on one of those corner stones for good measure. Another couple penalties..

After a couple tweaks it got a bit more manageable, that said I never really felt entirely comfortable; not confident when braking, twitchy on corner entry, running out of grip too soon at high speed.

I didn't even have the pleasure of dragging it to the finish, the Indomitable Bale placed after the 5 left+jump bringing it to a halt. What's worse in a way is that same exact Bale caused another DNF on my end when I was doing my Official Classic club run... 🤕

I'll put together a front-engine variant for the last round, hopefully no high-speed collisions to be had in Finla- ah. :nervous:
I was actually glad to ram head on into a road sign pole as it meant I lost the annoying bonnet which'd been flapping up into the windscreen and obliterating my FOV for the last stage and a half.

Unfortunately it also killed my exhaust and gearbox, catastrophically decreaasing my maximum speed and acceleration, but at least I could see where I was going. Rally, eh?
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didn't even have the pleasure of dragging it to the finish, the Indomitable Bale placed after the 5 left+jump bringing it to a halt. What's worse in a way is that same exact Bale caused another DNF on my end when I was doing my Official Classic club run... 🤕
I crashed out at the same place I think (on stage 5 though)
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Hi, I’ve just joined gt planet as a member.I wanted to join the club but I have a few doubts about how it works.Depending on the answer I could join or not.

1.If the rallies are set weekly can I run all the stages on the weekend?

2.If choose a car do I need to stick to that car all the season?

3.How are you managing recce runa and practice before a stage?

4.Is tuning allowed?(I suck at tuning but in case
Hi, I’ve just joined gt planet as a member.I wanted to join the club but I have a few doubts about how it works.Depending on the answer I could join or not.

1.If the rallies are set weekly can I run all the stages on the weekend?

2.If choose a car do I need to stick to that car all the season?

3.How are you managing recce runa and practice before a stage?

4.Is tuning allowed?(I suck at tuning but in case
1: Yes, you can. For this "season" it doesn't take too long to complete, something around 30mins for a total time each event.

2: You don't have to; there's more serious/RP championships where its strongly recommended to stick with one car (e.g. the '95 WRC championship we currently have running here as well) but this league was intended to be more casual.

3: If you mean warm ups via time trials e.t.c. before entering, again that's down to personal preference.

4: Yes (I'm not that great at it either, adjusting final gear ratio and brake bias is pretty much all I can manage 😅)
Hi, I’ve just joined gt planet as a member.I wanted to join the club but I have a few doubts about how it works.Depending on the answer I could join or not.

1.If the rallies are set weekly can I run all the stages on the weekend?

2.If choose a car do I need to stick to that car all the season?

3.How are you managing recce runa and practice before a stage?

4.Is tuning allowed?(I suck at tuning but in case
Everything @Dreadmed just said above. The car thing is encouraged to stick with a single car as I’ve tried to incorporate a constructors championship, whether I stick with that next season I don’t know, but it’s quite nice to see a constructors fight as well.
1: Yes, you can. For this "season" it doesn't take too long to complete, something around 30mins for a total time each event.

2: You don't have to; there's more serious/RP championships where its strongly recommended to stick with one car (e.g. the '95 WRC championship we currently have running here as well) but this league was intended to be more casual.

3: If you mean warm ups via time trials e.t.c. before entering, again that's down to personal preference.

4: Yes (I'm not that great at it either, adjusting final gear ratio and brake bias is pretty much all I can manage 😅)
Thank you very much
Everything @Dreadmed just said above. The car thing is encouraged to stick with a single car as I’ve tried to incorporate a constructors championship, whether I stick with that next season I don’t know, but it’s quite nice to see a constructors fight as well.
I’ve just send you fr on racenet.You will see me get smaller on the rear view mirrors next season
I forgot all about the CER round! Oh well. I will try and complete Estonia but the 1995 championship is taking most of my time and focus when I'm doing clubs at the moment.
This must have probably been my worst rally ever in any rally game!

It all started from SS1 - I missed a square right after the asphalt section, quickly turned around to clip a tree a few meters later. This resulted in not even a puncture, but I lost the whole right rear tire and 1/4 of my car :ouch:
Another penalty was gained during the service area as the car needed to be fixed. During the next two stages, I realized that my springs and rebound settings were unsuitable for high-speed jumps, which resulted in fighting with the car on every landing to get it back straight and keep it on the road.
My last hope to gain at least a point in this rally was the power stage, where a few mistakes were made too.

I am currently in last place, and I don’t reckon anything will change when other folks complete all stages. I am 3 minutes and 8 seconds behind the first place :lol:
Enjoyably uneventful run for me except for the most stupid reset and 5sec penalty I've ever seen on SS4.

I still have 1 wheel on the road and I was a good 5-6 meters away from trees and spectators???

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