So a car can hit the pole? Not really. Not standing where a car will end up if it all goes wrong is a better idea.
This. I don't think GT3 cars should be banned from racing on the Nordschleife, although I can agree GT cars are getting a bit too fast.
This accident was a freak accident, as most serious crashes are. Sometimes the freakyness works for the bad (as it happened) sometimes it works for the good. Sorry but I have to smile to avoid a jaw drop in disbelief when I read, about Alan McNish's accident posted above, what can only be inferred as that it isn't relevant to compare (or consider a ban of LMP1s at La Sarthe) because the car stayed inside the track boundaries.
Indeed the car didn't roll over to the other side of the "track boundaries", but that was only the case by a freakish miracle. And also, it was again a freak thing that we didn't have several people killed right there and then, even with the car staying "inside the track boundaries".
From every crash and the way it unfolds the powers that be must always take lessons, and from these lessons keep on with what has been done in the last 100 years ... keep on improving safety.
But cars driven to the limit will always crash, and crashes will always be dangerous. Even if only 1 crash in 1000 causes someone to get hurt, or killed, we must still study it and find what/why/how did that particular crash have such a consequence, and what could, faced with the exact same set of circumstances and crash event, have avoided the injuries or fatalities.
And in this case the answer is so obvious one really must be blind to miss it. It's not that the car is too fast, it's not that it can get unbalanced over a hump ... it's not that it CAN CRASH (because all cars can, that's motor racing) or that SOMETHING CAN GO WRONG (because that's always a possibility in a track where several cars fight for position at speed and while being driven to the limit of their grip and braking ability, among other aspects taken to their limit).
It is simply that the spectators can be seated in the place where a car that crashes might end up ... crashing!
To end ... the picture below depicts a miracle (the car didn't touch one single of these and no one got hurt, while ALL could have been killed there and then). What's the lesson here? Ban rallying? Ban Clios because they're too fast and/or unstable at speed? Ban special stages?
I think the answer here is as obvious as with Jann's accident, where no miracle happened. With one big plus for the NS. Being a closed track you can easily set whgere the spectators can seat to watch the race. Something less obviously easy in rallying.